I played warlord each of the last 2 days as commander. One map I tanked around because there was only a few players in the server, the other I just sat and commanded. Each time I would kill people or repair my equipment and get no points for it. When I was tanking around I had 16 kills and 7 points before I decided to quite commanding. Also capping a flag would yeild no points. The other round I repaired my shit like 8 times and still had a big fat 0 under my team score. This doesnt really seem to make sense to me because when I tanked around karkand while commanding I would get kills + team score + commanded score. Is it a special forces thing or am I the only one this is happening to? It's quite frustrating to have more flag caps then you do total points.
I'm not one who takes command just to get my 2x. I actually command when I'm commander.
I'm not one who takes command just to get my 2x. I actually command when I'm commander.