
Do you think saying Merry Christmas is offensive?

Merry Christmas is not offensive94%94% - 204
Merry Christmas is offensive5%5% - 11
Total: 215

I seriously think there should be sarcasm detector on these forums... Some people never get it.

And on topic:
No, it's not offensive in any way, if you think it is you should consider getting serious help... It's 2 damn words nothing more.

Archer wrote:

omg u fockin idiots dont u get it 'merrychristmas' is offtensive n sht wtf wtf omg omg cuz im a diff. religion LOL omg y not seyy 'happychanukah' or 'happykwanzaa' omg w8 that wuld be offensive 2 condisering other peopel opinion!!! LOL!!!! this sht is u no like offentsive n sht cuz omg 'merrychristmas' wtf u fuck dont u care about my god!?!?!? dont u?!!?!??! DONT U!!?!?1!?!?!?
WTF, are there any english subtitles for this rant.

Christmas rules and a merry christmas from me and mine  to all at bf2s.
I think this sensitivity to Christmas is bullshit. It's a well accepted national holiday and no one is pressing "REPENT! IT'S CHRIST'S BIRTHDAY" on anyone else.
+18|6680|Uppland, Sweden
Its not offensive in any way, if one feels offended by it, he/she should get a life, or take his/hers.
The only religious about christmast nowadays, is the old paper angels some people hang in their christmas tree.

I'm laughing at the people who took Archer seriously.

I think your sarcasm meters are all broken. It's still Christmas here, maybe I can order replacements for you.

Edit: I think the supah references kind of gave it away.

Last edited by k30dxedle (2006-12-25 06:54:07)

How can anybody be offended by Merry Christmas? It is just some poor fool trying to gain a few bucks. I dont really follow a religion so i could just make one up and say that it offends me just so i could get some extra cash.

Im so sick of this political correctness bullSh*t.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6624|SE London

I'd be more offended by someone saying happy holidays to me than Merry Christmas. I get pissed off by people saying happy Christmas - or xmas (where the fuck did xmas come from anyway?) or seasons greetings. They all need a slap. You have to be merry for Christmas, not just happy.

It's not about religion anyway, so it can't be politically incorrect. It's all about culture.
less busy
+586|6878|Kubra, Damn it!

Bertster7 wrote:

I'd be more offended by someone saying happy holidays to me than Merry Christmas. I get pissed off by people saying happy Christmas - or xmas (where the fuck did xmas come from anyway?) or seasons greetings. They all need a slap. You have to be merry for Christmas, not just happy.

It's not about religion anyway, so it can't be politically incorrect. It's all about culture.
I think that's the same type of thinking that's making this a big issue. What's offensive about Happy Christmas or Happy Holidays (if you were being sarcastic, please disregard)? Aside from a few wackos, the people most upset over Merry Christmas are the ones trying to generate hype over it. Props to whoever said that first in this thread cuz it's true. Most non-Christians are reasonable enough to understand that you're just being nice by saying Merry Christmas and don't care. Happy Holidays is just them trying to be polite and it's a whole lot easier than saying "Excuse me, which religious/cultural holiday might you be celebrating this December? Oh really? Well Happy ________ and Happy New Year, my friend".

On the other side, try to imagine everyone you see for a month wishing you Happy Kwanzaa without bothering to see if you celebrate it or not. Most of these loud-mouthed X-tians crying about Merry Christmas would be marching on Congress to end freedom of religion. NB., I realize that 99% of Christians are fine, but it's always that belligerent 1% of any group that causes all the trouble.
Most conclusive poll result ever. QED
Why walk when you can dance?
Just enjoy the holidays my friends....lucky bastards that got them!
I´m working 75 hours in 7 days this week...and yes...even new-years eve and christmasday...good pay though (some days around 85-90 dollars an hour),i find christmas capitalistic. =P
+105|6675|Lexington, KY

Bertster7 wrote:

I'd be more offended by someone saying happy holidays to me than Merry Christmas. I get pissed off by people saying happy Christmas - or xmas (where the fuck did xmas come from anyway?) or seasons greetings. They all need a slap. You have to be merry for Christmas, not just happy.

It's not about religion anyway, so it can't be politically incorrect. It's all about culture.
So you are like this guy?

http://www.sermonspice.com/videos/3859/ … inebacker/

I personally do not think it is offensive.  I would not be upset if someone told me Happy Hanukkah, Ramadan, or Kwanzaa.  I would probally say Happy what ever back to them.
O Canada
+1,596|6448|North Carolina

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

My hypothesis is that the chest-beaters loudly and sanctimoniously saying "DAMN POLITICAL CORRECTNESS I CAN SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS IF I DAMN WELL WANT!" outnumbers the people who would actually complain about Merry Christmas greetings 1000 to 1.

Meanwhile, conservative and religious groups are cashing in on the indignation, raking in the dough big time thanks to the so-called War On Christmas.

LA Times wrote:

he American Family Assn., a conservative activist group, has rung up more than $550,000 in sales of buttons and magnets stamped with the slogan "Merry Christmas: It's Worth Saying."

Liberty Counsel, a nonprofit law firm affiliated with the religious right, has taken in more than $300,000 with its Help Save Christmas Action Packs.

Also for sale through conservative websites: Christmas bracelets, tree ornaments and lapel pins intended to send a defiant message to those who would turn December into a multicultural mush of "winter parties," "seasonal sales" and "Happy Holidays" greetings.
Good thread man!
Laughter with an S
+167|6688|Camoran's Paradise
Seeing as how this must pertain to the US, there is one thing the people who are against 'Merry Christmas' need to remember:

Even though America is open to all religions, it is a predominantly Christian country, founded by Christians, and run on Christian principles.
Merry Christmas is about as offensive as Happy Birthday, Happy New Year, Happy 25th Wedding Anniversary or whatever.
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
If it is offensive to someone, then that someone is a dick. It is intended to represent peace and joy, not to be misinterpreted to some offensive, apprehensive religious catalyst. Those 8 people who voted yes can go get bent. It is not meant for everyone to say or enjoy, just those who choose to. I pay for cable every month and I still get the fucking 2 spanish channels that come with it that I dont want. Should I cry and whine that Im being offended becsuse Im forced to pay for stupid ass talk shows and soccer (actually the soccer I dont mind) ?????????? No. I deal with it and move on with my existence and dont inconvenience others with my problems.
Malloy must go
+385|6534|Northern California
EVERYONE has the ability to not take offense, so no, it is not offensive.  As long as people realize they have control over what they decide to take offense at, there should not be any problems.  Further, any legal action taken by "offended" persons should be thrown out and spat upon..for any such thing.

But on a politically correct note....I believe that having religious holidays on our national calendar is unconstitutional.  They're great holidays whose intentions are very good and productive in society, but they are a bit discriminatory -- by ommission.  Maybe some legislation should be done to serve everyone properly.  Perhaps have the people of this country be polled or have them cast votes as to which holidays (religious ones) should be included into the national calendar for observance.  Then, based on popular approval (a percentage perhaps) could be used to pick which ones should be observed.

As for the current line up of holidays observed nationally (ie., easter, christmas), people should not take them as discriminatory observances, they are just what was thought of based on a huge population based system long before political correctnes was around and should be forgiven.

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2006-12-26 14:29:09)

Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
What constitutes an event or person to warrant a national holiday. I am being serious here. Ironchef uses Christmas as an example due to the festivities this time of year, but what about other holidays. Thanksgiving which symbolizes Natives and settlers finding peace through harvest, but in actuallity was declared a day of thanks by the Dutch on their way back from slaughtering almost an entire Pequot tribe. Labor Day, the celebration of work by not working. Presidents day, an excuse to have sales. Martin Luther King day, who was an advocate for peace and equality but then again, many others before and after him sought the same. What is the process and what are the requirements. What holiday do YOU think we should have?
Malloy must go
fuck it
Merry Christmas! Err..Merry Day After Christmas!
Cheeseburger Logicist
I still marvel at the irony that the ones creating the controversy are those so direly opposed to 'Happy Holidays' that they must become incensed. Most who use that alternative term are not in such a mood to offend others, but as those who use 'Merry Christmas', desire a message of peace and understanding. Not everyone celebrates Christmas. Indeed, the use of 'Happy Holidays' is to extend their message to everyone. I believe it is those who are offended by that term are the ones "crying and whining that they are being offended", the exact crime they accuse others of having.

It is quite unbelievable when the majority accuses the minority of persecuting them. "War on Christmas"? How delightfully hilarious, a false term of fear and revulsion. Simply because you celebrate Christmas does not mean everyone else should, including all passerbys, businesses, and public buildings. If you personally celebrate it, and you can put up your tree and whatever you wish in your home, then be content with that. Why spoil the season by becoming increasingly angry at what other people are doing? You are only ruining your own Christmas, and creating a storm out of nothing.

To preemptively answer any questions, I am not offended by the term 'Christmas'. I take it as a responsibility of mine not to take offence to most things. I am rarely bothered, quite calm. If I did become offended, life would become so much less rewarding. I would be offended at every group, including Christians. I do celebrate Christmas, but only as a time of family and gift-giving. I am completely atheist, as are the majority of those I have met in my town. Surprising? Perhaps, but maybe a trend. Most celebrate Christmas as I do. Evidently, relatively few people actually have any connection with Christ.

As for the term 'Xmas', it is hardly blasphemous (Although I do enjoy using it with ignorant Christians). The 'X' stands for the Greek word Chi, and has been used in the past as a way of expressing 'Christ', possibly by the cross-like symbol of 'X'.

Soon "Merry Christmas" will be rephrased in the U.S. to "Happy Freedom Day" or similar.

Doesn't have that same ring to it, now does it..
I need around tree fiddy.
+721|6624|the dank(super) side of Oregon
of all the shit in this world that is truely offensive, "Merry Christmas" doesn't really rate on any of my lists.  If someone says merry christmas to me, whatever, if someone says happy Hanukkah, whatever, they're aren't telling me to go fuck myself, so it's better than nothing.
Frosties > Cornflakes

Someone said happy december to me and I felt like punching him.  I say Merry christmas and if you find it offensive then I would bet your gonna be MUCH more upset if I call your mother a whore or say I mounted your sister eeeeeh?  Politically correct fuckers

Served and Out
+642|6604|Southampton, UK

lolz 177 - 8
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6624|SE London

Bell wrote:

Someone said happy december to me and I felt like punching him.  I say Merry christmas and if you find it offensive then I would bet your gonna be MUCH more upset if I call your mother a whore or say I mounted your sister eeeeeh?  Politically correct fuckers

Happy December!?!?!, I would've punched him (how big was he?).
POE2 Addict For Life
+21|6627|Vic, Australia
I have been studying this primitive language for a while and will try to translate it for the rest of you.

Archer wrote:

omg u fockin idiots dont u get it 'merrychristmas' is offtensive n sht wtf wtf omg omg cuz im a diff. religion LOL omg y not seyy 'happychanukah' or 'happykwanzaa' omg w8 that wuld be offensive 2 condisering other peopel opinion!!! LOL!!!! this sht is u no like offentsive n sht cuz omg 'merrychristmas' wtf u fuck dont u care about my god!?!?!? dont u?!!?!??! DONT U!!?!?1!?!?!?
[Translation]OMG, You fucking idiots, don't you get it?? "Merry Christmas" is offensive and shit. WTF WTF OMG OMG because I'm a diff(erent) religion LOL OMG, Why not say "Happy Hanukah" or "Happy Kwanzaa". OMG wait, that wold be offensive too, considering other people's opinions!!! LOL!!! This shit is, you know, like offensive and shit, because OMG "Merry Christmas" WTF you fuck don't care about my god!?!?!? Don't you?!!?!??! DON'T YOU?!?!?! [/translation]

Archer wrote:

duh i am cuz u no dis is 2 offtensive n sht man dis is da gayy bomb liek wtf ppl dont kare abt other ppls religions wtf yo dey be fuckrz fuckrz i tell u!!!!!!!!!!!
[Translation]Duh, I am because  you know this is too offensive and shit man. This is the gay bomb. Like WTF people, don't care about other people's religions. WTF do they be fuckers, fuckers I tell you!!!!!!! [/translation]

Archer wrote:

omg u chill man wtf u hypoocrite u think u r so kool wit "prize allah" n sht c dis is wat im talkin abt ppl dnt care abt pplz viewz told u told u so omg omg wtf wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EdiTLOL!!!! : k i did think it over i do respeckt muslims n stuff buh i still think dis hole sht abt tking ur religion n stuff ovr odther pplz is g@y omg haha g@y LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
[Translation]OMG, You chill man. WTF you hypocrite, you think you are so cool with "Praize Allah" and shit. See this is what I'm talking about, people don't care about people's views. Told you, Told you. So OMG OMG WTF WTF

Edit: O.k I did think it over. I do respect Muslisms and stuff, but I still think this whole shit about tkilling your religion and stuff over other people's, is gay OMG haha gay LOL !!!!!!!!! [/translation]

Archer wrote:

yo u so mean u dnt kare abt other pplz religions thats a load of MALAKARKIRAKAI yea thats right a*shat u think u can just do that sht n stuff but no u cant ever herd of internetROE?????????well u goin down man ur internet crime dayz r over i still rmembr the day dad showed me the internet 

back in '91 he was microsoft employee wit reeaal internet

love u dad respeck

[translation]Hey. Your so mean you don't care about other people's religions, that's a load of MALAKARKIRAKAI. Yeah thats right asshat, you think you can just do that shit and stuff, but no you can't, ever heard of internet R.O.E ???? Well your going down man, your internet crime days are over. I'm still remember the day (my) dad showed me the internet.
Back in 1991, he was a Microsoft employee with the real internet.
Love you dad, Respect.
Always. [/translation]

-Translated as close to original text as possible.

ON-TOPIC: I personally don't see anything wrong with saying  Merry Christmas to anyone, I hate political correctness . . .

Last edited by Plisken (2006-12-27 15:44:16)

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