
sfarrar33 wrote:

erm wtf?
the wonderful thing about an infinite imagination is that it is infinate
there are any number of people out there with original things for futuristic games, but noone every asks them
heres one for starters (not quite original in one respect but i've not seen it in a game)
a vehicle with the ability to go underground, not drill a hole as such but simply phase through things
It could be anything FAV, APC, tank, walker, whatever, you press a button it shimmers and then will phase through anything for a short period of time (but find yourself inside something when the timer runs out and your dead)
for an example, your in your FAV cruising along nicely then you see an enemy walker round a corner looking right at you, hit your boosters quickly, and phase through the nearest building out the otherside and out of harms way (well actually probably theres 2 tanks and an APC waiting on the other side of the building, but thats just sods law :p)
i thought that up in the minute it took me too write this post, it is not hard at all to think up any number of new ideas for games, developers just never ask people for them thats all.
That vehicle would requier so much coding it ain't true Plus there is no telling on how many bugs it can create and how many possible abuses it can cause.

For the moment to be in a building gives you the perfect protection from anything in BF2142.

Also this was ONE idea and that alone wouldn't make the game original as it got most old features already so it would still be like BF2.

To make a game original you need to have NEW THINGS, that games havn't used. The Spore game is pretty original.

The Titan mode was pretty original imo because I havn't seen things like that. The rocket pod is pretty new to as I havn't seen games that have that kind of system when going up in the air.
Infantry Whore
+42|6829|Kingswood Country
Amusing that there are so many protests for new stuff. In just about every review/interview with the publishers, they had commented on trying to fill out a mix of weapons and gear that is just about within sight of development without going to the zomglazors phase.

Otherwise, hopefully you have at least played the game by now to find -

In teamplay terms you have:
Squad points for fighting together at the right location
Field upgrades
Linked HUDs for you squad

In weapon terms:
Shiteloads of unlocks (where to start...)
At least 3-4 on field 'roles' for each class (recon = sniper or stealth or sapper)

New tech:
Active camo (granted, there were invisibility powerups in Unreal, etc)
Spawn beacons
Drop pods
Frickin mechs
Titans (plus the whole extra game mode)

Pulling back on the number of vehicles can only be a good thing. Deal with it - being outside a J10 cockpit for the first time in a year might even improve your overall enjoyment of the game.

Comments on music? ffs - it is a games series. The opening theme notes casting back to 1942 have brought many a nostalgic tear to the eye of gamers assaulting Berlin online in 2002.

Themewise; colours, etc work well - this is about a desolate time where the bulk of the global population has been killed off and we are in the grip of an ice age.

Last edited by Ekfud (2006-12-17 14:08:30)

You laughin' at me, bitch?
+44|6802|Hong Kong
Awww...is the little baby cwying about not being able to fly cheat J-10s anymore?
First man on Mars
+9|6843|England, GBR
The "bleak colours" are to complement the "bleak" future that lies ahead in BF canon from now.

I think it does an ace job. Cold and moody. I like the snow effects we get now.
anyone who calls 2142 bland, or just a mod, obviously has not played the full game

Zefar wrote:

sfarrar33 wrote:

erm wtf?
the wonderful thing about an infinite imagination is that it is infinate
there are any number of people out there with original things for futuristic games, but noone every asks them
heres one for starters (not quite original in one respect but i've not seen it in a game)
a vehicle with the ability to go underground, not drill a hole as such but simply phase through things
It could be anything FAV, APC, tank, walker, whatever, you press a button it shimmers and then will phase through anything for a short period of time (but find yourself inside something when the timer runs out and your dead)
for an example, your in your FAV cruising along nicely then you see an enemy walker round a corner looking right at you, hit your boosters quickly, and phase through the nearest building out the otherside and out of harms way (well actually probably theres 2 tanks and an APC waiting on the other side of the building, but thats just sods law :p)
i thought that up in the minute it took me too write this post, it is not hard at all to think up any number of new ideas for games, developers just never ask people for them thats all.
That vehicle would requier so much coding it ain't true Plus there is no telling on how many bugs it can create and how many possible abuses it can cause.

For the moment to be in a building gives you the perfect protection from anything in BF2142.

Also this was ONE idea and that alone wouldn't make the game original as it got most old features already so it would still be like BF2.

To make a game original you need to have NEW THINGS, that games havn't used. The Spore game is pretty original.

The Titan mode was pretty original imo because I havn't seen things like that. The rocket pod is pretty new to as I havn't seen games that have that kind of system when going up in the air.
I know it would be a pain in the arse to make, but that is kind of what the guys at EA and DICE are paid for, to make good games that people want to buy, I am a person and I want to buy games that have a little edge and originality to them, if the guys at EA and DICE say they won't do engineer and create things like this because it would be hard to do then they arn't going to get my money.
A game can be original and also be built up from old ideas used in an innovative way, BFV is different to BF2 but the basic idea is the same (capture the flag with guns )

note: man i want spore so so much
Infantry Whore
+42|6829|Kingswood Country

sfarrar33 wrote:

for an example, your in your FAV cruising along nicely then you see an enemy walker round a corner looking right at you, hit your boosters quickly, and phase through the nearest building out the otherside and out of harms way
Pretty sure this 'feature' was available in BF2; typically referred to as 'wall-glitching'.
No you can actually use nitro on your FAV, it gives you a good speed run and walkers have a huge problem hitting you while you drive past them.
First man on Mars
+9|6843|England, GBR
One thing I do think it needs is car drops. Seriously, the amount of times I spawned at main base a cock heads won't give me a few of us a lift and so we end up walking for ages, miss the flag assist points and half of the first wave of kills.
+1,230|6996|Alberta, Canada

I disagree with the supersonic planes. Too much lag, you would need a huge map, and it would be impossible to 1. drop EMP bombs and ANYTHING, and 2. you wouldn't be able to shoot anything down.

Also, Karkand has pretty bland colors you know. It's all orangy brown and yellowish.
+581|6541|New York

Moonraker_x29 wrote:

One thing I do think it needs is car drops. Seriously, the amount of times I spawned at main base a cock heads won't give me a few of us a lift and so we end up walking for ages, miss the flag assist points and half of the first wave of kills.
i have to say i agree with you here. as much as they were abused in bf2, they really did help. i find myself looking for the car drop option in the request screen quite often. but it's not there, and that makes me a sad panda.
Remember Me As A Time Of Day
+51|6878|Twente, The Netherlands

Ayumiz wrote:

So does anyone agree with me?
I agree with you completely, plus there are many other minusses. That's why I still haven't bought and will never buy this fake game.

Dr_3V|L wrote:

Ayumiz wrote:

So does anyone agree with me?
I agree with you completely, plus there are many other minusses. That's why I still haven't bought and will never buy this fake game.
Please name those other minus about the game and fake game? What drugs are you on?

ryan_14 wrote:

I disagree with the supersonic planes. Too much lag, you would need a huge map, and it would be impossible to 1. drop EMP bombs and ANYTHING, and 2. you wouldn't be able to shoot anything down.

Also, Karkand has pretty bland colors you know. It's all orangy brown and yellowish.
An EMP bomb sounds like a pretty good idea actually, wider effect are than an EMP strike but harder to aim
The lag would be a pain that is true
but we do have big maps, take verden and sidi power plant
The biggest problem i think you have with planes is that they just get whored i mean 2 planes on a 64 person server doesn't work and hardly works on a 32 person server.
Not supersonic but maybe a sort of futuristic teleport jump thing that throws you 100m ahead of where you are, and otherwise it works like the jets in bf2
enough with the EMP... the Support class has the nades and the Commander has his EMP trick which, IMO is more useful on soldiers because it confuses the hell out of everyone when they can no longer tell their teams apart.

Jets and Choppers are nothing but problems in BF2, there are design flaws in their implementation. Commaders will hate to see all the flags going when 10 buttwipes are waiting for 1 jet or helo. the strips and landing pads are generally placed away from cappable flags so those guys are useless to a team. no infantry level AA really sucks...

can i count how many rounds i spent on Sharqi with the MEC chopper hovering behind TV Station out of range and racking up 90 KAR?
+244|6842|arica harbour
game sucks balls..

too many bugs, crashes, and there are more noobs than ever.

Ekfud wrote:

sfarrar33 wrote:

for an example, your in your FAV cruising along nicely then you see an enemy walker round a corner looking right at you, hit your boosters quickly, and phase through the nearest building out the otherside and out of harms way
Pretty sure this 'feature' was available in BF2; typically referred to as 'wall-glitching'.
that makes me think, if you can do it easily by accident, why is it so hard to code it to do it on purpose?

specialistx2324 wrote:

game sucks balls..

too many bugs, crashes, and there are more noobs than ever.
Bugs? Tell me about them, Please do.

As for crashes, well BF2 wasn't really the innocent Angel in this area to.

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