+231|6526|Kyiv, Ukraine
After attempting for long hours to get my ribbon for 55 teamwork points, I have finally done it easily, earning over 70 points for teamwork alone in a single match.  I thought I would share what I learned in this time that is useful for anyone that does general point whoring or also needs their 55 points.  Some sections are a bit short because they either don't serve the purpose of getting fast points, or they are covered better in other guides, but if anyone wants to contribute or give permission to use portions of their guides, I'll add them here.

Most important is that you have a commander that is on the ball, with no commander it makes things much more difficult but not impossible.  If you don't have one, get in position to do #1 or #2, make yourself commander quickly, drop supplies on you and move the titan in the area of a few silos, then resign.  The titan will keep moving (so the turrets can be pounded) and you get your supplies, just remember that as commander you get NO TEAMWORK POINTS for anything you do, but the point limits still count.  Also avoid teamkills, suicides, team vehicle damage, and switching teams as these take away hard-earned teamwork points.

Types of Teamwork Points –

1 – Destroying Strategic Objects
These you get by being recon with RDX and should be second thing you think to do in a match.  2 RDX packs will blow up any asset in a base camp and earns you two points each.  Blow two of the 3.  As a squad leader, you can have your commander call down a crate right on the last one you blew up.  Now let your RDX reload while the crate repairs the enemy object.  Use the RDX again to blow the object and the crate and seek out object #3.  You should be able to rack up 8 points in the first minute or two this game (8 points optimum).

2 – Destroying Titan Guns
Doing this as an engineer is ok, but time consuming, as again you need to have your commander drop a crate next to you and get set up in a good hiding spot.  At least half the titan maps though have an AA gun in the enemy base camp.  After doing the RDX trick above, instead jump in the AA gun and pound the enemy titan guns before it gets too far away.  Easy 8 points right there.  Later in the round, you can do this again as an engineer or recon.  You can get the enemy titan guns to repair themselves by saying in AllChat “Hey, you guys are missing your titan guns, lol I ownzunoobz!”  Stop when you get two pins.  (16 points)

Later, when their shields come down and you still didn’t get your 16 points for this, grab the engineer kit and launch over and take out the AA guns to max your score in this area.

3 – Neutralize/Capture Silo
This should be the first thing you do in the match, run to the titan drop pod and launch to the nearest silo.  Points work like this:  1 point neutralize score (being in the area when the silo is neutralized).  2 points for being the FIRST person in the area the whole time the silo swings to your team’s side.  1 point for being the second person or later on the scene.  You’re trying to max your score, so pod yourself to be the first.  The more of these you nail before the titan shields come down, the better off you’ll be. (Unlimited points)

4 – Titan Gun Repair
This is actually pretty tricky to maximize your score.  You get 2 points every time you bring a gun from RED status to GREEN status, regardless of anyone being in the seat.  The catch is that you can’t get these two points until X seconds have passed, regardless of anything else, so save your tool.  You won’t see a message for these points, so watch the score screen as you repair.  Don’t repair them more than a hair so they can be easily killed again, unless someone is sitting in the seat (see next section).  Pause for a few seconds and let your tool recharge before going to the next gun.  If the next gun turns green and you don’t get 2 points, you either didn’t wait long enough OR you capped out at 16 points total. (16 points)

5 – Repair Bonus
This is the exception to the above rule.  When someone is sitting in a vehicle or titan seat and you repair, you get 1 point for every 100 points you repair.  You will see the message for this, so repair away as long as they are sitting in the seat.  If they change seats or leave the vehicle, stop repairing…you get no credit for this then.  People repairing empty titan guns to full are fools.  Don’t count on this for your points, but if the seat is full then by all means get out your tool and start shooting the guy in the back of the head.  (Unknown cap)

6 – Repair Strategic Object
This is something you do IF your commander assets are destroyed and you have the engineer kit from doing the above.  Pod over to your base and hit the objects with your repair tool.  You get 1 point for bringing the object from dead to alive, NOT to full…maybe this is different in conquest games, but in titan mode you don’t get 2 points for repairing it to full.  (Good for 3 points, maybe)

7 – Silo Defense
Camping a silo to get the defense score is sort of hit and miss.  A better way is as a recon, set up your APM slightly away but FACING the silo.  Most people set up the APM’s facing away, but this kills the guy before he gets in the silo radius and you don’t get the bonus.  This is a reliable 2 points (2 APM’s) that you don’t need to wait around for.  RDX, sentry gun, and mine defense is definitely hit and miss, as most of the time you either kill them before they get in the silo radius or kill them after they neutralize the silo. (Good for a few points in a round).

8 – Titan Attack/Defense
If you have a few points away from 55, go recon (my best killing machine kit) and forget about anything else.  Every kill gets you a teamwork point, so APM whore and destroy consoles or just camp out to get your kills.  15 to 30 kills between attack or defense is relatively easy to get this way. Remember also that if you stick to defense, every 7 kills is worth 20 bonus points from the Titan defense pin. (15 – 30 teamwork score).

9 – Medic Points
Revives and healing points are 1 teamwork score each, but they can be frustratingly slow in coming especially if your team is being careful and not getting killed so often OR the other team is so organized they slaughter your whole group too quickly.  Its good for a few points if you like playing assault, but if you’re teamwork point whoring, I don’t recommend assault kit for that round.

10 – Supply Points
These can be easy or hard depending on your teammates.  Encourage them all to be as trigger happy as possible during titan attack/defense and drop one ammo box in a corridor that is being defended, blow up any others you see, then run to the other corridor.  You can also (but it is glitchy) see who needs ammo all around you and run there with your ammo box, including feeding guys up in the vents from down below you.  I tried this method a lot and it was good for 10 to 15 points easy, sometimes, but if attack/defense of the titan is slow, your time is better spent capturing or defending points below.

11 – Assists (Driver/Gunner)
This is a good trick if you want to make a few free points and need a potty break.  Sit in a titan gun that isn’t pointed at anything good, even if it is destroyed.  Every time a teammate makes a kill with any of the guns, you get “Assist” points that are worth ¼ or ½ a teamwork point.  A few free points for taking a leak never hurt anyone.  Another way to get these is to hover the transport over the enemy titan…everyone that launches from you and hits a certain part of the deck gives you a driver assist point.  There’s a few more ways to get these, but not in enough of a reliable way when you’re trying to make your 55 points.

Sample Order of Business - Easy 55
This is how I did it, your mileage may vary:

Step 1 - Recon kit, pod to nearest silo and cap or help cap (2 points)

Step 2 - Grab a vehicle (jeep/flying transport), high tail it to nearest silo to enemy titan, cap it or die trying, set up APM's away but facing the silo (5 points eventually)  If you die, spawn in your Titan hangar, grab the next transport, and go to step 3.

Step 3 - Get back in your vehicle, high tail it to their base camp.  Blow up 2 assets.  Call down supplies on one and reload your RDX while the asset repairs.  Blow it and the asset up again, then blow up asset #3.  Jump in the AA gun and pound out their titan guns. If they start repairing the guns right away, this is pay dirt...keep on pounding.  (16 from guns, 8 from assets)

Step 4 - Grab a tank or troop transport from their base and go cap the silo again, replace the APMs. (5 more points).  Keep capping silos until you are eventually killed.

Step 5 - Come back to life as an engineer, fly back out to their titan, taunt the enemy team until they repair and blow all 4 (or the same gun over and over) until you get Titan destructor pin #2.  Run and cap a silo again until you die.  Every time you revive, come back in your titan bay and see how the guns look.  If they are turning red, someone is pounding them so repair whore for a while.  If that well runs dry, pod out to your assets to fix them or to a spot near their titan to get your 2 pins if you haven't already.  If nothing is like this, pod out to enemy silos and attempt to cap and lay down mines if you have them ON the silo. (16 to 20 points repairing)

Step 6 - When the titan shields go down (yours or theirs), revive as recon and start whoring with your lambert and APM's.  Alternatively, you can go support and machinegun the bad guys AND be johnny-on-the-spot with the ammo.  Grenade spammers, APM spammers, RDX guys blowing consoles, and other support laying down sentry guns are pay day for ammo points.

Step 7 - If neither side is attacking the enemy titan, keep jumping to silos with your recon, capture, and lay down the APM's until some major attack starts rolling you can support.  If you only need a few points, rambo the enemy titan with RDX and blow it yourself for about 10 points total (consoles and core).  Don't sit still and camp, the clock is ticking.

Last edited by GorillaTicTacs (2006-12-18 05:45:50)

Random, does this ribbon give you any points towards your career?
Do One Ya Mug !!!
good guide im gonna try them now
+231|6526|Kyiv, Ukraine
Random, does this ribbon give you any points towards your career?
Valorous Unit Service Ribbon
Experience Points Received:  2000

In A Round
55 teamwork points

25h Total time as squad member
50h Total time as squad leader

Meritorious Unit Service Ribbon
Experience Points Received:  500

In A Round
18 Minutes as Squad Member
40 Teamwork Score

20h As Squad Member

Last edited by GorillaTicTacs (2006-12-18 05:07:52)

got any popo lolo intersting?

...7 – Squad Leader Bonus
I couldn’t get this to work very well, as it seemed to be sort of hit and miss.  Basically, sticking right next to your squad leader and making a kill or doing a medic heal/revive gives you a “Squad leader success point”.  In practice, this wasn’t very reliable.  (Good for 3 or 4 points in a round, maybe someone knows how this works better and can add here)....

That's career points
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
+231|6526|Kyiv, Ukraine
Doesn't add to your teamwork total?  I could have sworn it added a point to the second column...I'll take a closer look.

AFAIK "career points" is everything at the end of the round, as anyone BUT commander, you see a breakdown of points in the chart....first is your total, second is teamwork, third column is kills.  Teamwork points + Kill Count = Base Career Points for the round (and for leadearboards), you then get a bonus for awards earned that round added to this for "Career Points Earned" that round.  From what I saw, basically anything you did as a squad leader/member/lone wolf in a round that was NOT a kill counted as a "teamwork point".  Kills counted for a teamwork point AND a kill point in Silo defense, Titan Attack, and Titan defense, and I think squad success.

I'll remove it though for now until I work it out.

Last edited by GorillaTicTacs (2006-12-18 05:42:12)

+3|6720|Czech Republic (Prague)
Great Guide Man! +1
+3|6720|Czech Republic (Prague)
GorillaTicTacs those are really useful tips! Thanks!

I am trying to get this ribbon for a week or more .... The day before yesterday I got 60 team points but I didn't get the ribbon :-(.


Of course, I do meet all Global Requirements. I am really confused! Do you have any explanation for this?!

Last edited by MikesonCZ (2006-12-23 14:09:56)

"Aff, Star Colonel!"
Squad Leader Success Points are career points only.

I'm pretty sure Squad Member points are career points only too...
Mikeson, this happens to the best and the worst of us, don't worry! It'll come eventually, as long as you keep playing dont focus on it, you've got the requirements and you're bound to get it sometime soon. Just relax. And then that sweet 2000 point bonus will appear . Good luck with it!
+3|6720|Czech Republic (Prague)

Kanil wrote:

Squad Leader Success Points are career points only.

I'm pretty sure Squad Member points are career points only too...
You are right. But those points doesn't show on that summary. I got 60 Team Points and didn't get the ribbon . Strange.
+3|6720|Czech Republic (Prague)

Dr_Paulos236 wrote:

Mikeson, this happens to the best and the worst of us, don't worry! It'll come eventually, as long as you keep playing dont focus on it, you've got the requirements and you're bound to get it sometime soon. Just relax. And then that sweet 2000 point bonus will appear . Good luck with it!
Thanks Paul . You are right. I keep focusing on getting this ribbon probably too much . 2 days ago I got 50 Team Points twice and 60 points once (unfortunately I didn't get the ribbon that time). Since then I am not able to catch more then 30 points . I shoot 4 titan guns. But the enemy doesn't repair them so I don't have a chance to get another 4 points. I start to defend titan to get points from resupply my team mates. But none is defending nor attacking and so on. Just not lucky enough .
Exploit/Glitch "Tester"
+49|6528|Inside the AR Rockets.
Listen Mikeson, if you still havent got it. Add me in friends list, I'm a real titan gun/repair engie whore If i play against you I can take out your titans guns and you can take mine out, then repair, then repeat. Thats an easy 32 points already in about 5 minutes. My ingame addy is Paulos235, I look forward to playing with you!

Also HunDaemon, Congratulations on the award!

Merry Christmas all, and a happy new year
Thanks, I wish everyone who is engineer reads that part about repairing titan guns.
+3|6720|Czech Republic (Prague)
Uff, I finally got it !

https://img228.imageshack.us/img228/4197/bf2142pace2006122602045fi3.th.png https://img84.imageshack.us/img84/3986/bf2142pace2006122602050yp0.th.png

As you can see I got over 90 team points. I suggest to go for silos as much as you can. It gives you change to accumulate a lot of points in a quite short period of time. Try to be first at the silo, so you earn 2 points for capture.

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