I think I have to agree and disagree. The G36E is good from long- to mid-range fighting, with mid-range being the optimum. The only reason an M16 would win at close range is if it was fully auto. Come to think of it, I don't remember... haha. If its not, then its just you that can kill some noob. I hate the L85S1 (or whatever its called) that gun is so damn unaccurate...metal1215 wrote:
ok the G36E improves your stats, but it doesnt improve your skill, i always use the m16 and i rarely get beaten by a G36E. (in a fair fight )
Honestly its mostly the player, not the gun.
AN ADDITIONAL TIP: If you want to kill a guy more easily shoot for his legs near the ankle. That way when he goes prone you are already on his head. And also, the legs seem to get a guy killed really fast. Could be because of lack or armor. Not sure though...