
Should Northern Ireland be reunited with the Republic of Ireland?

Yes69%69% - 34
No22%22% - 11
It depends (explain)8%8% - 4
Total: 49
+226|6896|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
I don't know why yis bother responding to Vilham lads, he's clearly hasn't got a notion about either Irish history or an understanding of the "troubles" in its modern context.  I'm sure he has little to no fucking understanding that the IRA was formed because Catholics were marching for civil rights - The right not to be 2nd class citizens in their own country, while Paisley was marching round Belfast spreading his hatred and bigotry about the Catholic church & calling out names of Catholic Families so they would be burnt out of their homes, as was happening all across the country like it was "Kristallnacht". Or that the British came in and massacred civil rights marchers in Derry, stood with their backs to the Protestants and opened fire on the Catholics (what protection were Catholics given then?). Next Internment was imposed where Catholics were arrested for little more than being Catholics and were beaten and tortured.  So the British State murdered & allowed Loyalists to murder with impunity, and, gave no protection to it's Catholic citizens -  he thinks that it was only about a "United Ireland"

Last edited by IG-Calibre (2006-12-14 06:40:40)


Vilham wrote:

That doesn't mean there arent people in RI who still would like to do it does it.
There are hundreds, maybe thousands of people in England that believe anyone who isn't white should be put on a ship to Africa or worse, so get the fuck off your high horse and look at your own.................

This is obviously a game to you now as your arguments are closer to a school play ground than a discussion forum for adults..I'm glad you find the whole situation funny.........
The English

JahManRed wrote:

Vilham wrote:

That doesn't mean there arent people in RI who still would like to do it does it.
There are hundreds, maybe thousands of people in England that believe anyone who isn't white should be put on a ship to Africa or worse, so get the fuck off your high horse and look at your own.................
I'd say it was in the millions myself. Most of the immigrants here want to go back too, having become disillusioned with the UK, but being illegals they don't have the money.
Same shit, Different Arsehole
CATHOLICS murder protestants because they want northern island back, we send in the British army in to calm things down, the Irish come across to england and kill an murder innocent people.

damn, northern islanders are British an British they will stay you think you can come an force British people to be part of your island? ha, brits arnt that weak! i love all the brits in NI just as much as the brits in england , Scotland an wales! you Irish can beat it

LostFate wrote:

CATHOLICS murder protestants because they want northern island back, we send in the British army in to calm things down, the Irish come across to england and kill an murder innocent people.

damn, northern islanders are British an British they will stay you think you can come an force British people to be part of your island? ha, brits arnt that weak! i love all the brits in NI just as much as the brits in england , Scotland an wales! you Irish can beat it
Nice. You do understand that demographic trends suggest that within a couple of generations the North will democratically vote itself into the Republic thus eternally ending its association with the United Kingdom? Or did you not realise? Have you read the Belfast agreement? Do you know what the word 'demographic' means? Are you oblivious to British human rights violations over the past century in the North? Collusion with Loyalists to assassinate lawyers? Loyalist extra-judicial killings? Two wrongs don't make a right but you need to pull your head out of your ass and learn a bit about Ireland if you care as much as you purport to care about them.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-12-14 09:35:13)

+226|6896|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann

LostFate wrote:

CATHOLICS murder protestants because they want northern island back, we send in the British army in to calm things down, the Irish come across to england and kill an murder innocent people.

damn, northern islanders are British an British they will stay you think you can come an force British people to be part of your island? ha, brits arnt that weak! i love all the brits in NI just as much as the brits in england , Scotland an wales! you Irish can beat it
Aye? even 5 years after the IRA cease fire when Al-queda were flying jets into Skyscrapers, we had Loyalist's terrorising & abusing, throwing stones and blast bombs at little Catholic children on their way to school, those first mornings of September 01 - they must swell your heart with pride mate..

Last edited by IG-Calibre (2006-12-14 09:37:32)

Same shit, Different Arsehole
CameronPoe seriously I'm a normal dude, i don't know or care what half of the stuff you say means an to be honest with the rest of the stuff that comes out of your mouth its more than likely bullshit.

all I"m saying is that i love every brit out there i don't care which part of the uk they come from!

but there British not Irish (British)  northern island is not yours its ours! its British.

LostFate wrote:

CameronPoe seriously I'm a normal dude, i don't know or care what half of the stuff you say means an to be honest with the rest of the stuff that comes out of your mouth its more than likely bullshit.

all I"m saying is that i love every brit out there i don't care which part of the uk they come from!

but there British not Irish (British)  northern island is not yours its ours! its British.
For the next twenty years or so.
it appears all the violence and fighting of a while back didn't solve much since threads like this still exist.
interesting win for anti-violence protestors.

As for the thread, i think that it is up to the Irish themselves, i think that if you want to be a part of the UK then you have NI and if you don't then you have RoI.

If you live in NI and think they should be rejoined you cannot care about it that much or else you would have moved anyway.

And if you live in RoI and want them to be rejoined then your being an idiot trying to affect the lives of other people who do not want your opinion to affect their lives.

And if you want to move but can't afford to, then your lying or else you wouldn't have the computer on which you read this now, or be able to pay for the elecricity that runs it, plus i seriously doubt you are outside if you do have those things.

sfarrar33 wrote:

it appears all the violence and fighting of a while back didn't solve much since threads like this still exist.
interesting win for anti-violence protestors.

As for the thread, i think that it is up to the Irish themselves, i think that if you want to be a part of the UK then you have NI and if you don't then you have RoI.

If you live in NI and think they should be rejoined you cannot care about it that much or else you would have moved anyway.

And if you live in RoI and want them to be rejoined then your being an idiot trying to affect the lives of other people who do not want your opinion to affect their lives.

And if you want to move but can't afford to, then your lying or else you wouldn't have the computer on which you read this now, or be able to pay for the elecricity that runs it, plus i seriously doubt you are outside if you do have those things.
Why would they move? Why would they sell up their homes and farms and businesses that they have owned and run for generation upon generation? Such a lack of insight and rationality. 'Cannot care about it that much': ten people STARVED themselves to death in the 70s for a united Ireland. Thousands lost their lives. Sheesh. The idiocy.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-12-14 10:26:38)

Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|6893|Comber, Northern Ireland
cant we all just get along?
Same shit, Different Arsehole
ten people STARVED themselves to death in the 70s for a united Ireland

Really? that must have been fun

david363 wrote:

cant we all just get along?
Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|6893|Comber, Northern Ireland
QFE? as for that last post by lostfate, grow the fuck up

david363 wrote:

QFE? as for that last post by lostfate, grow the fuck up
Quoted for emphasis. I'm agreeing.
Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|6893|Comber, Northern Ireland
ah good,
Same shit, Different Arsehole
what?  all I'm saying is that must have been fun for them, good on em i hope they enjoyed themselfs
Say wat!?

JahManRed wrote:

Vilham wrote:

That doesn't mean there arent people in RI who still would like to do it does it.
There are hundreds, maybe thousands of people in England that believe anyone who isn't white should be put on a ship to Africa or worse, so get the fuck off your high horse and look at your own.................

This is obviously a game to you now as your arguments are closer to a school play ground than a discussion forum for adults..I'm glad you find the whole situation funny.........
You douche... that same statement applies to you too. So in future think before you speak. Infact I could say RI is far more a racists country than the UK, you so unculturaly diverse.

Thats just the thing I dont find it funny, I find the fact that in RI and NI its thought to be acceptable to blow civilians up by certain parts of the population. That is what you call fucked up!
Same shit, Different Arsehole

Vilham wrote:

JahManRed wrote:

Vilham wrote:

That doesn't mean there arent people in RI who still would like to do it does it.
There are hundreds, maybe thousands of people in England that believe anyone who isn't white should be put on a ship to Africa or worse, so get the fuck off your high horse and look at your own.................

This is obviously a game to you now as your arguments are closer to a school play ground than a discussion forum for adults..I'm glad you find the whole situation funny.........
You douche... that same statement applies to you too. So in future think before you speak. Infact I could say RI is far more a racists country than the UK, you so unculturaly diverse.

Thats just the thing I dont find it funny, I find the fact that in RI and NI its thought to be acceptable to blow civilians up by certain parts of the population. That is what you call fucked up!
Amen to that dude !

Vilham wrote:

JahManRed wrote:

Vilham wrote:

That doesn't mean there arent people in RI who still would like to do it does it.
There are hundreds, maybe thousands of people in England that believe anyone who isn't white should be put on a ship to Africa or worse, so get the fuck off your high horse and look at your own.................

This is obviously a game to you now as your arguments are closer to a school play ground than a discussion forum for adults..I'm glad you find the whole situation funny.........
You douche... that same statement applies to you too. So in future think before you speak. Infact I could say RI is far more a racists country than the UK, you so unculturaly diverse.

Thats just the thing I dont find it funny, I find the fact that in RI and NI its thought to be acceptable to blow civilians up by certain parts of the population. That is what you call fucked up!
You see that's where you're wrong Vilham: only a tiny minority of people here think it's acceptable to blow civilians up, as evidenced by the 99% vote in favour of the Good Friday Agreement in the RoI. Not culturally diverse? LOL. We have about 300,000 Poles here, another 100,000 from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia and many thousands from all over Europe, not to mention the asylum seekers. If you go into Dublin city centre you'll be lucky to hear an Irish accent.
Say wat!?

CameronPoe wrote:

sfarrar33 wrote:

it appears all the violence and fighting of a while back didn't solve much since threads like this still exist.
interesting win for anti-violence protestors.

As for the thread, i think that it is up to the Irish themselves, i think that if you want to be a part of the UK then you have NI and if you don't then you have RoI.

If you live in NI and think they should be rejoined you cannot care about it that much or else you would have moved anyway.

And if you live in RoI and want them to be rejoined then your being an idiot trying to affect the lives of other people who do not want your opinion to affect their lives.

And if you want to move but can't afford to, then your lying or else you wouldn't have the computer on which you read this now, or be able to pay for the elecricity that runs it, plus i seriously doubt you are outside if you do have those things.
Why would they move? Why would they sell up their homes and farms and businesses that they have owned and run for generation upon generation? Such a lack of insight and rationality. 'Cannot care about it that much': ten people STARVED themselves to death in the 70s for a united Ireland. Thousands lost their lives. Sheesh. The idiocy.
and yet you expect the UK favouring citizens to move if it gets voted into the RI. That makes you a big fat hipocrit.
Same shit, Different Arsehole

Vilham wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

sfarrar33 wrote:

it appears all the violence and fighting of a while back didn't solve much since threads like this still exist.
interesting win for anti-violence protestors.

As for the thread, i think that it is up to the Irish themselves, i think that if you want to be a part of the UK then you have NI and if you don't then you have RoI.

If you live in NI and think they should be rejoined you cannot care about it that much or else you would have moved anyway.

And if you live in RoI and want them to be rejoined then your being an idiot trying to affect the lives of other people who do not want your opinion to affect their lives.

And if you want to move but can't afford to, then your lying or else you wouldn't have the computer on which you read this now, or be able to pay for the elecricity that runs it, plus i seriously doubt you are outside if you do have those things.
Why would they move? Why would they sell up their homes and farms and businesses that they have owned and run for generation upon generation? Such a lack of insight and rationality. 'Cannot care about it that much': ten people STARVED themselves to death in the 70s for a united Ireland. Thousands lost their lives. Sheesh. The idiocy.
and yet you expect the UK favouring citizens to move if it gets voted into the RI. That makes you a big fat hipocrit.
Amen to that dude !

Vilham wrote:

Thats just the thing I dont find it funny, I find the fact that in RI and NI its thought to be acceptable to blow civilians up by certain parts of the population. That is what you call fucked up!
The title of this thread is "Should Northern Ireland be reunited with the Republic of Ireland?"
Go and open another thread if you want to continuously rant on about people blowing people up. Infact do a search their was one about the IRA not so long ago. That shit is in the past, we are talking about the future here "You douche"
Same shit, Different Arsehole

JahManRed wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Thats just the thing I dont find it funny, I find the fact that in RI and NI its thought to be acceptable to blow civilians up by certain parts of the population. That is what you call fucked up!
The title of this thread is "Should Northern Ireland be reunited with the Republic of Ireland?"
Go and open another thread if you want to continuously rant on about people blowing people up. Infact do a search their was one about the IRA not so long ago. That shit is in the past, we are talking about the future here "You douche"
Are you sure about that?  is it me or does Cameron keep ranting about 850 years ago ?

Vilham wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

sfarrar33 wrote:

it appears all the violence and fighting of a while back didn't solve much since threads like this still exist.
interesting win for anti-violence protestors.

As for the thread, i think that it is up to the Irish themselves, i think that if you want to be a part of the UK then you have NI and if you don't then you have RoI.

If you live in NI and think they should be rejoined you cannot care about it that much or else you would have moved anyway.

And if you live in RoI and want them to be rejoined then your being an idiot trying to affect the lives of other people who do not want your opinion to affect their lives.

And if you want to move but can't afford to, then your lying or else you wouldn't have the computer on which you read this now, or be able to pay for the elecricity that runs it, plus i seriously doubt you are outside if you do have those things.
Why would they move? Why would they sell up their homes and farms and businesses that they have owned and run for generation upon generation? Such a lack of insight and rationality. 'Cannot care about it that much': ten people STARVED themselves to death in the 70s for a united Ireland. Thousands lost their lives. Sheesh. The idiocy.
and yet you expect the UK favouring citizens to move if it gets voted into the RI. That makes you a big fat hipocrit.
They won't have to move anywhere you fucking idiot. They'll be guaranteed complete civil and religious liberties just like everyone else.

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