
Should Northern Ireland be reunited with the Republic of Ireland?

Yes69%69% - 34
No22%22% - 11
It depends (explain)8%8% - 4
Total: 49
Same shit, Different Arsehole
i've said it before an i'll say it again !

I think Ireland shoould join the UK, we will be one great Nation made of many! 

Stand together as one...

Long live britania!
Missing, Presumed Dead

JonnyNuemonic wrote:

LostFate wrote:

NL is part of the UK, it will stay part of the UK, you cant do anything about it apart from taking it over with force an well you would'nt last a day so there, not gonna happen! 
Well we could just ask our mate Mr Bush.....he owes us a favour for allowing all those troop transports for Iraq to land in our airports to refuel.....he'd just tell his bitch Mrs Tony Blair to give it back and it'l be all sorted....
Erm, didnt America fund the IRA during their "campaign" against the English?..if anything, you owe him a favour.

I have nothing against the Irish, however, all this shit did start a long time ago. As far as im concerned, being English, let bygones be bygones and let Ireland be united again. It would save a lot of hassle, a lot of hatred and, most importantly, topics like these.
Say wat!?

LostFate wrote:

i've said it before an i'll say it again !

I think Ireland shoould join the UK, we will be one great Nation made of many! 

Stand together as one...

Long live britania!
The Irish don't like the British, and there doesnt seem to be a good reason within most of their life times. Cant they just get on with their lives and stop all this hating towards the UK?

Last edited by Vilham (2006-12-13 09:26:14)

I'm surprised that it took this long - I'm on this forum 7 months now - for threads on Ireland to pop up. I did take extra care to avoid the topic until today I have to say.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-12-13 09:26:02)

+22|6860|Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Thats just it mate during the troulbes there was no such thing as an Irish Englishman...it was either one or the other Irish or English.....and there was no loved lost between the 2

Vilham wrote:

LostFate wrote:

i've said it before an i'll say it again !

I think Ireland shoould join the UK, we will be one great Nation made of many! 

Stand together as one...

Long live britania!
The Irish don't like the British, and there doesnt seem to be a good reason within most of their life times. Cant they just get on with their lives and stop all this hating towards the UK?
WTF are you on about? My Dad's from London for christ sake. This isn't about HATING British people. This is about IRELAND and the direction of OUR country, which we believe to extend across the entire island of Ireland.

You would consider England comprising of all of England even if the Germans had invaded and occupied Cornwall. Same thing applies to the Irish.
Say wat!?
Lol well I have one thing to say...

Romeo and Juliet.
+22|6860|Dublin, Republic of Ireland

Vilham wrote:

Lol well I have one thing to say...

Romeo and Juliet.
Whos what in the were now !!!!!! WTF ??????????????
+127|6706|Dublin, Ireland
I'm irish too! To be honest, I don't know. I don't want to have wars between catholics and protestands or anything like that. I'm not saying i don't think UK should keep it, but i'm not a Nationalist. I think things are fine just the way they are!
Say wat!?

CameronPoe wrote:

Vilham wrote:

LostFate wrote:

i've said it before an i'll say it again !

I think Ireland shoould join the UK, we will be one great Nation made of many! 

Stand together as one...

Long live britania!
The Irish don't like the British, and there doesnt seem to be a good reason within most of their life times. Cant they just get on with their lives and stop all this hating towards the UK?
WTF are you on about? My Dad's from London for christ sake. This isn't about HATING British people. This is about IRELAND and the direction of OUR country, which we believe to extend across the entire island of Ireland.

You would consider England comprising of all of England even if the Germans had invaded and occupied Cornwall. Same thing applies to the Irish.
The difference which you don't seem to be able to get over is that England invaded Ireland nearly 850 years ago. I think its probably time you got over it. If the rest of the world thought like this there would be a hell of a lot more war. For one we would still be at war with France.

We then gave you the vote on independance and some people choose to stay as part of the UK.
Say wat!?

JonnyNuemonic wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Lol well I have one thing to say...

Romeo and Juliet.
Whos what in the were now !!!!!! WTF ??????????????
A pointless conflict where the two sides hate each other for no real valid reason.

Vilham wrote:

The difference which you don't seem to be able to get over is that England invaded Ireland nearly 850 years ago. I think its probably time you got over it. If the rest of the world thought like this there would be a hell of a lot more war. For one we would still be at war with France.

We then gave you the vote on independance and some people choose to stay as part of the UK.
To coin a stirring phrase from your very own Winston Churchill: "We will never surrender."

I wouldn't expect a Brit to surrender easily and for 800 years the Irish have steadfastly refused to surrender and will continue not to surrender until there isn't one Irishman left standing. We won back 26 of our counties - 26 down, 6 to go.

Nobody gave us any referendum asking us if we'd like to sell Northern Ireland down the river by the way. Read up on your history.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-12-13 09:38:34)

Say wat!?

CameronPoe wrote:

Vilham wrote:

The difference which you don't seem to be able to get over is that England invaded Ireland nearly 850 years ago. I think its probably time you got over it. If the rest of the world thought like this there would be a hell of a lot more war. For one we would still be at war with France.

We then gave you the vote on independance and some people choose to stay as part of the UK.
To coin a stirring phrase from your very own Winston Churchill: "We will never surrender."

I wouldn't expect a Brit to surrender easily and for 800 years the Irish have steadfastly refused to surrender and will continue not to surrender until there isn't one Irishman left standing. We won back 26 of our counties - 26 down, 6 to go.
So you are supporting bloodshed to force some people that voted to not become part of RI to actually become part of RI?

Vilham wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Vilham wrote:

The difference which you don't seem to be able to get over is that England invaded Ireland nearly 850 years ago. I think its probably time you got over it. If the rest of the world thought like this there would be a hell of a lot more war. For one we would still be at war with France.

We then gave you the vote on independance and some people choose to stay as part of the UK.
To coin a stirring phrase from your very own Winston Churchill: "We will never surrender."

I wouldn't expect a Brit to surrender easily and for 800 years the Irish have steadfastly refused to surrender and will continue not to surrender until there isn't one Irishman left standing. We won back 26 of our counties - 26 down, 6 to go.
So you are supporting bloodshed to force some people that voted to not become part of RI to actually become part of RI?
Take a referedum on the issue allowing all of the people of the island of Ireland to vote. Then get back to me. Democratic my ringpiece. Gerrymandered artificial statelet trapping almost half the population unwillingly within the UK.
+22|6860|Dublin, Republic of Ireland

Vilham wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Vilham wrote:

The Irish don't like the British, and there doesnt seem to be a good reason within most of their life times. Cant they just get on with their lives and stop all this hating towards the UK?
WTF are you on about? My Dad's from London for christ sake. This isn't about HATING British people. This is about IRELAND and the direction of OUR country, which we believe to extend across the entire island of Ireland.

You would consider England comprising of all of England even if the Germans had invaded and occupied Cornwall. Same thing applies to the Irish.
The difference which you don't seem to be able to get over is that England invaded Ireland nearly 850 years ago. I think its probably time you got over it. If the rest of the world thought like this there would be a hell of a lot more war. For one we would still be at war with France.

We then gave you the vote on independance and some people choose to stay as part of the UK.
Yet another person who hasnt done there homework....back when the Irish people caused so much trouble to the English in the south that they decided to give us the south back part of the agreement was to get some type of independece we want to keep the North and in pure desperation we accepted...nobody voted to stay part of the UK we were forced into giving up the north to get some type of independence...and it worked we are now a republic and we want our counties back end of !
Same shit, Different Arsehole
Tuff your not gonna get em! there ours, mohahahaa moaaah, long live england.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6838|Tampa Bay Florida
Hell yes!  Brits should end their occupation ASAP
fuck no. we are doin well enough as it is with out you southern people screwing it up. hell i love down suth but i like NI being part of the UK as it is.
Say wat!?

Spearhead wrote:

Hell yes!  Brits should end their occupation ASAP
Its not an occupation... its part of our country.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6729|SE London

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Bertster7 wrote:

The English shouldn't be in Northern Ireland, but they are. Without a referendum asking them to leave it's going to stay that way. Until then I think it's a good thing that money is being poured into Northern Ireland, maybe to repair at least some of the damage.

I'd rather see a united Ireland, it'd cost tax payers less in the UK too. Nor do I doubt the British government wants to leave. Northern Ireland has been an expensive problem for a long time now, a referendum would give them a perfect excuse to leave and gloss it all over with some PR bullshit.

If you want a united Ireland get out there and vote for it.

Last edited by Bertster7 (2006-12-13 15:03:17)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6729|SE London

Vilham wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

Hell yes!  Brits should end their occupation ASAP
Its not an occupation... its part of our country.
That's what the Israelis say.

*edit* Although when the English invaded Ireland there were no laws in place to say they shouldn't. Everything the Israelis have done has been in direct contravention of more recently made laws.

Last edited by Bertster7 (2006-12-13 15:05:49)

Say wat!?

Bertster7 wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

Hell yes!  Brits should end their occupation ASAP
Its not an occupation... its part of our country.
That's what the Israelis say.
Except we have been there for 850 years... and until people started attacking other people, ie rebels or the IRA there weren't many mentionable problems there.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6729|SE London

Vilham wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Its not an occupation... its part of our country.
That's what the Israelis say.
Except we have been there for 850 years... and until people started attacking other people, ie rebels or the IRA there weren't many mentionable problems there.
That's 'cos we don't treat the Irish as badly as the Israelis treat the Palestinians. Don't get me wrong, the Irish were treated badly, but it's not as bad as in Palestine.

Nor can I imagine Israel offering the Palestinians a referendum on whether they want all their land back.

But, back to the original point, it is an occupation.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6749|132 and Bush

CameronPoe wrote:

No flaming. Explain your point logically. On behalf of buLLet_t00th.

To sum up my viewpoint:

Damn had to wiki it..lol

Xbone Stormsurgezz
+226|6890|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
Safe home

edit: oops I see it gives the translation..

Last edited by IG-Calibre (2006-12-13 15:31:32)

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