
Should Northern Ireland be reunited with the Republic of Ireland?

Yes69%69% - 34
No22%22% - 11
It depends (explain)8%8% - 4
Total: 49
No flaming. Explain your point logically. On behalf of buLLet_t00th.

To sum up my viewpoint:




Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-12-13 16:39:11)

Say wat!?
Remake... see my post in the other topic...

Otherwise Yes. We don't particularly need it dragging down UK, and we can also change our name back to Great Britian that would piss off so many ppl, think of all the sign and website changes.

Last edited by Vilham (2006-12-13 08:25:18)

Mr. Boombastic
+178|6590|Stealth City, UK

CameronPoe wrote:

No flaming. Explain your point logically.
Come on.....it was my idea, I need some recognition of my laziness? Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

Where's the option for N. Ireland becoming a seperate state from R. Ireland?

Last edited by buLLet_t00th (2006-12-13 08:28:02)

+22|6860|Dublin, Republic of Ireland

I'm Irish and proud of it...NI is gettin fuck all help from Britains Economy so hand it over to us...the rigthful owners...the Irish people of this Island and lets stop the bloodshed of hundreds of years and have a united Ireland !
Say wat!?

JonnyNuemonic wrote:


I'm Irish and proud of it...NI is gettin fuck all help from Britains Economy so hand it over to us...the rigthful owners...the Irish people of this Island and lets stop the bloodshed of hundreds of years and have a united Ireland !
The UK is spending the most money on NI and taxing them the least, so dont give me that shit. Please read other threads on this topic first.

Your last comment... is that saying blowing people up to make them join RI is just? They shouldn't have been killing people in the first place, its called terrorism.

Thats like me going around and killing people until England is returned to the Saxons.

Last edited by Vilham (2006-12-13 08:33:12)


I voted yes obviously.
The north can't trade with the South of Ireland competitively because of the strong pound. Which make N.I into an economic Island of sorts.
Far better for the border areas. You have a heart attack 2 miles from the Border with the Republic of Ireland in Northern Ireland, you have to travel 40miles to Belfast hospital when one in the Republic is closer. (Although I think this is changing soon)
The stigma of Northern Ireland and the Troubles disappears with the disappearance of Northern Ireland as a country. So some tourists might actually come here.
1million a day is spent in N.I each day by tourists at peek summer times 2months of the year. 30million a day in the Republic rising in summer months.
All Ireland institutions would see the culling of Northern Ireland's ridiculously over prescribed governmental departments and see more of MY taxes going into infrastructure over unneeded man power.

An Identity. I think this is why northern Ireland has the highest rate of suicide in the developed world. People here think the UK doesn't want us (very very true) and the Republic of Ireland doesn't want us either. (Unsure as the Republic of Ireland can't come out and publicly declare its intension to take on the North for fear of upsetting Ian Pailsly) The reason this place is full of so many scum bags is because no one has any national pride. Unification could fix this eventually.
I could honestly go on all night with reasons, but ill stop...........
+22|6860|Dublin, Republic of Ireland

Vilham wrote:

JonnyNuemonic wrote:


I'm Irish and proud of it...NI is gettin fuck all help from Britains Economy so hand it over to us...the rigthful owners...the Irish people of this Island and lets stop the bloodshed of hundreds of years and have a united Ireland !
The UK is spending the most money on NI and taxing them the least, so dont give me that shit. Please read other threads on this topic first.

Your last comment... is that saying blowing people up to make them join RI is just? They shouldn't have been killing people in the first place, its called terrorism.

Thats like me going around and killing people until England is returned to the Saxons.
Yes the UK is spending alot on Ni now..because they did fuck all for them years back and are trying to make up for it now !

And if you read my comment again about stopping the bloodshed did I at any point say blowing people up will force them to join ! No I didnt....

I couldnt give a flying fuck if terrorists figth amoungst themselfs....let them kill each other off for all I care....but stop the bloodshed of innocent civilians !

Mate you aint got a fucking clue what goes on over here....and until you do....well then your gona have to put up with "MY SHIT"


Last edited by JonnyNuemonic (2006-12-13 08:53:17)

Say wat!?
You said "the rigthful owners...the Irish people of this Island and lets stop the bloodshed of hundreds of years".

Now please explain why that should be the only reason the bloodshed should stop. It seems to me you are supporting what the IRA did in the past because it makes it easier to justify a reunification of Ireland.

ofcourse thats in my opinion but thats the vib you are giving out, so you might want to learn to word you statements abit better.

Last edited by Vilham (2006-12-13 08:56:06)

+22|6860|Dublin, Republic of Ireland

Vilham wrote:

You said "the rigthful owners...the Irish people of this Island and lets stop the bloodshed of hundreds of years".

Now please explain why that should be the only reason the bloodshed should stop. It seems to me you are supporting what the IRA did in the past because it makes it easier to justify a reunification of Ireland.

ofcourse thats in my opinion but thats the vib you are giving out, so you might want to learn to word you statements abit better.
The next post was taken from a previous thread that I replied to

"""""The Irish Republican Brotherhood and the Irish Voulenteers they were the real Irish Republican army....not the shithead that go around today calling themselfs the IRA, RIRA, PIRA....the real hero's of Ireland are all long gone they left the day that the Republic of Ireland was born and we got our country back from hundreds of years of forgein oppression.....

Yes the IRA of 10-20 years ago are terrorists, and I would never support anything they did, but so were the UVF, LDF, LDA...etc,etc.....and they were protecting a comunity with was going tit for tat with each other destroying churchs, bars, civilians and anything else that came there way......

It shows the pure ignorance of some people on these forums, that they dont read into some of the facts before they post a reply.......

What about the support the English government gave the loyalist terrorist groups in supplying them with arms and information on locations of people, and they when they commited the act of terror the autorities looked another way....what about the killing of civil rigths portesters by British paratroopers as the marched in a PEACEFUL process ?????? The killing of solicitors who were trying to defend wrongfully imprisoned people ??? The imprisonment of Irish people within England just because they were Irish....then some 10 years later telling them sorry and oh we made a mistake you can go ????? The Dublin bombings were a totally unprovoked attack were bombs were placed around Dublin ????? The list goes on

Yes the IRA have bombed civilian buildings and places but to be honest wouldnt anyone if people were being killed in there comunity day after day ?????

At the end of the day England doesnt want the North and either does the Republic of Ireland.......its a strain
on goverment resources...... in the end I think Ireland will unite ....but thats gona be a long long way away....

For the idiots that say ....... well we won the war you lost ??????  Cop onto yourselfs for fuck sake ????? Nobody won any fuckin war...it was just bloodshed after bloodshed...and both parties are still in goverment....SF and the DUP.....do some research before you talk shit on the forums !

The IRA of today are nothing but criminals and drug pushers...that try and hide behind a name and a legend....they will never be able to because today there nothing but scum !!!

The IRB and the Voulenteers.....fougth a war that won us our independence they are the real heros !"""""""


_lecro_ wrote:

Get rid of the Irish fuckers there the shit on Great Britain's shoe

Vilham wrote:

The UK is spending the most money on NI and taxing them the least, so don't give me that shit. Please read other threads on this topic first.
Not strictly true. Since we have stopped killing each other so much over here the security situation isn't so expensive. And we are being taxed to high heaven over here now. The UK government, not our own, they are too busy squabbling, have brought them in. But we are still costing you money, not as much though.

Vilham wrote:

Thats like me going around and killing people until England is returned to the Saxons.
England was invaded by Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Celts, Romano-Celts, Vikings, The Danes and The Normans, your gene pool is akin to a slopping out bucket at a peep show. We are of purer blood. So we have something to fight for.
That last comment was baiting, couldn't resist.
Zulu son, what!?!
+79|6933|Anaheim, CA

Woot Northern Ireland!  (My name is Justin Antrim)  I wanna see Antrim castle!
Say wat!?

JonnyNuemonic wrote:

Yes the IRA have bombed civilian buildings and places but to be honest wouldnt anyone if people were being killed in there comunity day after day ?????
Please explain how that makes any sense what so ever. That logic is:

Somone is killing our people.
Lets kill our own people.
Somehow that will stop the someone else killing our people.

As to what the things soldiers did in NI, it is appaling. But how does that excuse anything else done in NI?

_lecro_ wrote:

Yeah and god help you if england ever invaded Ireland I'd be on the front line killing all of you
Generally there isn't any 'front line' in guerrilla warfare chumpy. While you'd be searching for the 'front line' the IRA or some similar organisation would probably be setting explosives on the vehicles/houses of your loved ones back in England. I'm not condoning that but that's the way it would be.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-12-13 09:11:17)

+226|6890|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
Before even getting into the whole issue of a united Ireland, I think we should at least be able to govern ourselves as equals in the state that is "Northern Ireland", as it is only continued intransigence of Loyalists and their Bigoted hatred of Catholics and refusal to accept that the North of Ireland isn't a Protestant state for a Protestant people that is preventing this.  Let us at least have the right to democratic representation, and an accountable assembly where we forge our own destiny together, be it towards a reunified Ireland or as part of UK.  10 years ago nearly, the people spoke, and for 10 years loyalists have shifted the goal posts and done all in their means to stop the democratic process happening for no other reason other than bigotry.
Say wat!?

JahManRed wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Thats like me going around and killing people until England is returned to the Saxons.
England was invaded by Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Celts, Romano-Celts, Vikings, The Danes and The Normans, your gene pool is akin to a slopping out bucket at a peep show. We are of purer blood. So we have something to fight for.
That last comment was baiting, couldn't resist.
Ireland was founded by Vikings.

"This era was interrupted in the 9th century by 200 years of intermittent warfare with waves of Viking raiders who plundered monasteries and towns. Eventually they settled in Ireland and established many towns, including the modern day cities of Dublin, Cork, Limerick and Waterford."

The country was then taken in 1172, only 100 years after England was taken by the Normans, therefore if you have the right to claim your country back from the English I want my country back from the Normans. Infact thats my new moto. Independance to the Saxons!!!!!
+22|6860|Dublin, Republic of Ireland

_lecro_ wrote:

Yeah and god help you if england ever invaded Ireland I'd be on the front line killing all of you
You'd probably end up shooting yourself while cleaning your rifle...dumb fuck...lol

Oh and Vilham  my comment.....

If someone walked into a bar were your family was drinking and shot or blew up everyone in sigth what would you do...if you couldnt go to the police or government ???
Same shit, Different Arsehole
NL is part of the UK, it will stay part of the UK, you cant do anything about it apart from taking it over with force an well you would'nt last a day, we'd crush you so there, not gonna happen! 

Last edited by LostFate (2006-12-13 09:13:30)

Say wat!?

IG-Calibre wrote:

Before even getting into the whole issue of a united Ireland, I think we should at least be able to govern ourselves as equals in the state that is "Northern Ireland", as it is only continued intransigence of Loyalists and their Bigoted hatred of Catholics and refusal to accept that the North of Ireland isn't a Protestant state for a Protestant people that is preventing this.  Let us at least have the right to democratic representation, and an accountable assembly where we forge our own destiny together, be it towards a reunified Ireland or as part of UK.  10 years ago nearly, the people spoke, and for 10 years loyalists have shifted the goal posts and done all in their means to stop the democratic process happening for no other reason other than bigotry.
Exactly, half the problems in Ireland are caused by the two religious factions, quite similar to Iraq realy.
+22|6860|Dublin, Republic of Ireland

LostFate wrote:

NL is part of the UK, it will stay part of the UK, you cant do anything about it apart from taking it over with force an well you would'nt last a day so there, not gonna happen! 
Well we could just ask our mate Mr Bush.....he owes us a favour for allowing all those troop transports for Iraq to land in our airports to refuel.....he'd just tell his bitch Mrs Tony Blair to give it back and it'l be all sorted....

Vilham wrote:

Ireland was founded by Vikings.

"This era was interrupted in the 9th century by 200 years of intermittent warfare with waves of Viking raiders who plundered monasteries and towns. Eventually they settled in Ireland and established many towns, including the modern day cities of Dublin, Cork, Limerick and Waterford."

The country was then taken in 1172, only 100 years after England was taken by the Normans, therefore if you have the right to claim your country back from the English I want my country back from the Normans. Infact thats my new moto. Independance to the Saxons!!!!!
The vikings settling in Ireland did not 'found' the nation. All they did was sit in port towns along the coast. Ireland itself was governed by Gaelic chieftains, the throne of the king of Ireland being situated at the Hill of Tara, Co. Meath.

PS The Queen of England is German and her husband is Greek. English is a germanic language and the roots of the English mainly lie in Germany. Why were you guys fighting each other in WWII?
Say wat!?

JonnyNuemonic wrote:

_lecro_ wrote:

Yeah and god help you if england ever invaded Ireland I'd be on the front line killing all of you
You'd probably end up shooting yourself while cleaning your rifle...dumb fuck...lol

Oh and Vilham  my comment.....

If someone walked into a bar were your family was drinking and shot or blew up everyone in sigth what would you do...if you couldnt go to the police or government ???
I wouldn't start killing my fellow country men, seriously how fucked up are your morals if you could even consider that.
Say wat!?

CameronPoe wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Ireland was founded by Vikings.

"This era was interrupted in the 9th century by 200 years of intermittent warfare with waves of Viking raiders who plundered monasteries and towns. Eventually they settled in Ireland and established many towns, including the modern day cities of Dublin, Cork, Limerick and Waterford."

The country was then taken in 1172, only 100 years after England was taken by the Normans, therefore if you have the right to claim your country back from the English I want my country back from the Normans. Infact thats my new moto. Independance to the Saxons!!!!!
The vikings settling in Ireland did not 'found' the nation. All they did was sit in port towns along the coast. Ireland itself was governed by Gaelic chieftains, the throne of the king of Ireland being situated at the Hill of Tara, Co. Meath.

PS The Queen of England is German and her husband is Greek. English is a germanic language and the roots of the English mainly lie in Germany. Why were you guys fighting each other in WWII?
I hope that last comment is a joke. Or is that stateing that mass murdering dictators are ok? Kinda similar to the IRA realy wasnt he.
Same shit, Different Arsehole

Vilham wrote:

JonnyNuemonic wrote:

_lecro_ wrote:

Yeah and god help you if england ever invaded Ireland I'd be on the front line killing all of you
You'd probably end up shooting yourself while cleaning your rifle...dumb fuck...lol

Oh and Vilham  my comment.....

If someone walked into a bar were your family was drinking and shot or blew up everyone in sigth what would you do...if you couldnt go to the police or government ???
I wouldn't start killing my fellow country men, seriously how fucked up are your morals if you could even consider that.
Think he ment the Irish not the English that are in NI
Say wat!?

LostFate wrote:

Vilham wrote:

JonnyNuemonic wrote:

You'd probably end up shooting yourself while cleaning your rifle...dumb fuck...lol

Oh and Vilham  my comment.....

If someone walked into a bar were your family was drinking and shot or blew up everyone in sigth what would you do...if you couldnt go to the police or government ???
I wouldn't start killing my fellow country men, seriously how fucked up are your morals if you could even consider that.
Think he ment the Irish not the English that are in NI
Sorry but im not a racist, I dont think of African English people or Asian English or anything English any different from a white English people. We are all English.

Blowing up a Irish Englishman is the same as blowing up a Irish Irish man in my opinion. Fucking stupid and just causes more hate and harm than it solves. Thats because it doesnt solve anything other than some petty vengance that some twat has against other people.

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