Now I’m sure safe to say that at least 99.9% of us have experienced this before. [OR IS DEFNITLEY GOING TO]. So let me give you a low down on what happened last night.
Well our work had there annual Christmas party and at first I was hesitant to go, but my roommate pulled me from my pc and demanded I go with. Well after a whole lot of hissing and puffing he got me to say yes and well I went.
This is the part were it all happened. Allot of booze and a little bit of dancing and Puff!!! The beer goggles appeared. Now I know allot you know what I’m talking about cause these dang things are uncontrollable they take over your mind, body and spirit like some lethal shot of heroin. Anyway, so there this girl who I work with that I would never give the time of day or a second glance at if you know what I mean and there I go, beer goggles and all I approach the unsuspecting prey like a vicious man or should I say women eating lion from the deepest darkest jungle in Africa, with the STUPID! FKN! BEER GOGGLES on RawR!!!!!! I make my move, success! The prey is week and right and ready for the taking. So to make a long story short, I took the prey back to my den had my fill [without protection] Next morning. The FEAR kicks in, the goggles are gone! There is a hideous, beast lying in my bed WTF!!!!! Have I done NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
So what I’m trying to say is I hope and pray that I don’t catch anything from this girl, and that’s the fear that I’m sure allot of us know quite a bit of or has history about
PS Just thought ill share my story with yawl. FKN beer goggles sigh!!!
Well our work had there annual Christmas party and at first I was hesitant to go, but my roommate pulled me from my pc and demanded I go with. Well after a whole lot of hissing and puffing he got me to say yes and well I went.
This is the part were it all happened. Allot of booze and a little bit of dancing and Puff!!! The beer goggles appeared. Now I know allot you know what I’m talking about cause these dang things are uncontrollable they take over your mind, body and spirit like some lethal shot of heroin. Anyway, so there this girl who I work with that I would never give the time of day or a second glance at if you know what I mean and there I go, beer goggles and all I approach the unsuspecting prey like a vicious man or should I say women eating lion from the deepest darkest jungle in Africa, with the STUPID! FKN! BEER GOGGLES on RawR!!!!!! I make my move, success! The prey is week and right and ready for the taking. So to make a long story short, I took the prey back to my den had my fill [without protection] Next morning. The FEAR kicks in, the goggles are gone! There is a hideous, beast lying in my bed WTF!!!!! Have I done NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
So what I’m trying to say is I hope and pray that I don’t catch anything from this girl, and that’s the fear that I’m sure allot of us know quite a bit of or has history about
PS Just thought ill share my story with yawl. FKN beer goggles sigh!!!