Alright, now that you're done reading the inflammatory thread title:
An attempt to bully an airport into complying with a deco-request by means of legal action turns around and smacks the Jewish community in the face (whether or not they had any part in it). What do you think about lawsuits over holiday issues? Discuss.
(Edit: Though related, I don't mean for this thread to develop into another "War on Christmas" discussion. For that, see the link preceding this sentence.)
An attempt to bully an airport into complying with a deco-request by means of legal action turns around and smacks the Jewish community in the face (whether or not they had any part in it). What do you think about lawsuits over holiday issues? Discuss.
(Edit: Though related, I don't mean for this thread to develop into another "War on Christmas" discussion. For that, see the link preceding this sentence.)
[Edit: Discussion point underlined.]
Excerpts from the Seattle Times:
As odd as it might seem, Sea-Tac Airport officials were hoping to avoid controversy when they had maintenance crews working Friday's graveyard shift dismantle nine holiday trees festooned with red ribbons and bows.
Port of Seattle staff felt adding the menorah would have required adding symbols for other religions and cultures in the Northwest, said Terri-Ann Betancourt, the airport's spokeswoman. The holidays are the busiest season at the airport, she said, and staff didn't have time to play cultural anthropologists.
Elazar Bogomilsky, the rabbi who last month asked that a menorah be displayed, said he was "appalled" by the Port's reaction to what he believed to be a simple request. There are public menorah lightings at the White House and cities across the Northwest, he said. Next week, Gov. Christine Gregoire will help light a menorah under the Capitol Dome in Olympia.
With Hanukkah set to begin this coming Friday at sundown, the issue came to a head late last week. Grad [Bogomilsky's lawyer] threatened to file a federal civil-rights lawsuit and set a deadline of Friday for the Port to make a decision. That left insufficient time to consider the issue, Watson said.
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-12-11 19:21:54)