Karma Ratio whore
+178|6864|-removed you know why- mod
please excuse my crappy english, i try my best.

When u got a bad mood, especially Hate and Breed, and this shit is eating you alive...

What do you do to bring u down back to basics?

I try to go out and meet new faces or good known old ones... music

p.s. Im not an emo Kid, i think im an average 27year old, today my GF cheated one me with a guy i know for about 15 years

(and i feel like rippin their fucking heads of and play football with em)
Positive Karma Here!
Wow thats rough....I usually try to get lost in thought, read a book, or play some BF2.

Thats a tought one to get over bro....time is the best healer.
Teh forum ghey!
+172|6954|Wigan. Manchester. England.
Do exactly what you said. But i'd shit down there necks first.

Cheaters wind me up like a fucking clock.
+1,452|6712|The Gem Saloon
well if im really pissed i go and work out until im at that point where im just about to vomit.
if im kinda pissed of i go to the shooting range....which might be a good idea for yourself. imagine their faces on paper and its anger management 101.
whatever you do dont go back to her, and drop the dickhead friend that nailed her.
they are obviously not worth it, so dont give either of them the time of day.
oh ya.......GO GET SOME ASS.....that will help immensly.
sorry to hear about that shit though man....
Qualified Expert
+62|6783|Melbourne - Home of Football
Let the ripping begin, the sooner you let the anger out, and work through it, maybe by annihilating a punching bag or shooting range target, the sooner you'll be on the road to recovery. Don't let the anger seep down inside you and eat you alive like acid, that's how people go postal.
+116|6942|Cherry Pie
Don't get mad at him man.  Honestly its your ex's fault.  Your friend is a dude when it comes down to it.  And guys are usually not very objective when it comes to sexual stuff.  Get her out of your life because its obvious that she was a bad person.  AND tell your friend your not mad at him and thank him for helping you realize what a bitch she was.  Unless he wants to date her, then just tell him to fuck off and pay you and money he owes you.   

Give it time man, you will feel better someday soon.  Just realize that this is happening for a reason and you are being prepared for something greater in life.  Don't let some stupid chick who has no morals affect you.  Talk to your friend and tell the bitch to fuck off.

Good luck man and hang in there,

Ouch... thats tough.  Beat the shit out of him if you can.  That should make you feel better for at least a couple of hours.
2tuff: time is the best healer.

nicely said
Karma Ratio whore
+178|6864|-removed you know why- mod

hey guys thanks u so much. Theres a speach in Germany.. translated it is: "when ur struggling it always seems that you are the only one"

Thanks for your input guys, the first time i smiled today!!

karma massakre for all of u
Play BF2 I/O with a shotgun.  You will be surprised how much tension you relieve blowing away baddies with the shotgun.
+116|6942|Cherry Pie
May I suggest dating asian girls from now on..?  They are pretty damn awesome.
Karma Ratio whore
+178|6864|-removed you know why- mod
asian Girls?

i am 203cm tall and do martial arts.. i dont want to destroy her during Sex

thanks nooooooooooo*g*
+116|6942|Cherry Pie

Flonster wrote:

asian Girls?

i am 203cm tall and do martial arts.. i dont want to destroy her during Sex

thanks nooooooooooo*g*
Haha, dude, just try it!  Destroy away!  They like that.
Karma Ratio whore
+178|6864|-removed you know why- mod
Harrrrrrr *g*
+12|6788|Luton, England
3 years ago i found out that my fiance was fucking 1 of my best mates, we`d been together 7 1/2 years, so i know what it`s like. We split up and now i`ve got a new girl and a 16 month old son. She`s still with the prick she was having the affair with but he`s always cheating on her and she fucking deserves it. All i can say is time does help, and finding someone new.
this is the best we can do?
I suggest go hit on her mom or sister if she has one
Years ago I bought a heavy bag for the garage. Great stress reliever and exercise. Find em for good price on Ebay. Got mine for 30 bucks of there.
+5,233|6847|Global Command

Flonster wrote:

please excuse my crappy english, i try my best.

When u got a bad mood, especially Hate and Breed, and this shit is eating you alive...

What do you do to bring u down back to basics?

I try to go out and meet new faces or good known old ones... music

p.s. Im not an emo Kid, i think im an average 27year old, today my GF cheated one me with a guy i know for about 15 years

(and i feel like rippin their fucking heads of and play football with em)
When I was young and miserable, I took up rock climbing. It was the best thing I could have done. I quickly forgot my woman troubles, got ripped and cut, increased my confidence and had fantastic travels.
Also, if you are really depressed and thinking about death, nothing will snap you out of that like looking death in the eye, as you do when climbing.
I'm afraid time is all that will heal the pain there mate. You won't be able to shake her out of your head for a long time. Get busy doing something else. Take up a martial art or something to soak up the aggression. It might not feel like it now but believe me - a point in time will come in the future where she will mean little or nothing to you just like before you guys ever met.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-12-08 08:16:11)

+3|7092|New York City

Mr.Pieeater wrote:

May I suggest dating asian girls from now on..?  They are pretty damn awesome.
What the fuck does dating asian girls have anything to do with this?  Asian girls are just like any other girls, they might cheat on you too.  Especially if you're some BF2 playing nerd who listens to other losers like Mr.Pieeater.

Mr.Pieeater wrote:

Don't get mad at him man.  Honestly its your ex's fault.  Your friend is a dude when it comes down to it.  And guys are usually not very objective when it comes to sexual stuff.  Get her out of your life because its obvious that she was a bad person.  AND tell your friend your not mad at him and thank him for helping you realize what a bitch she was.  Unless he wants to date her, then just tell him to fuck off and pay you and money he owes you.   

Give it time man, you will feel better someday soon.  Just realize that this is happening for a reason and you are being prepared for something greater in life.  Don't let some stupid chick who has no morals affect you.  Talk to your friend and tell the bitch to fuck off.

Good luck man and hang in there,

If your friend of 15 years puts the moves on your girl, then he's really not a friend.  You've just learned about two people and you can forget about these two and get along with your life.  Cut them off - no phone calls, emails, IMs, anything in person.  That and time will help you heal.

Stick to video games Mr.Pieeater, you give the worst advice.

To Flonster:  I would go out and try new hobbies.  Definitely join a gym and start working out and getting into shape or getting into better shape.  Take a class for fun at a nearby college.  Find some ways to volunteer around your town.  This will help you stay busy and meet new people.

Last edited by bad_mongoloid (2006-12-08 08:16:43)

ATG: Also, if you are really depressed and thinking about death, nothing will snap you out of that like looking death in the eye

omg where do you people get such long thought of lines

maybe I'm just not creative enough

Last edited by zero_x830 (2006-12-08 08:19:33)

+226|7060|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
Been there, got that Tee Shirt - thing is though i'm still good mate's with my friend still nearly 10 years after the event, though I never see the woman now at all, and tbh I couldn't blame him either i'd of probably done it myself truth be told, know what I mean?
had a similar experience a few years ago in a long relationship, personally i would drop both of them (the question is would you do the same to one of your friend) if no then bye and bye.
neither seem worth your time just look at it from the point of view that, at least you didnt spend an more time with her and found out sooner rather than later.

and look forward to the excitement of a new relationship, rather than back on an old broken one. but keep a smile whatever you do and all will be cool eventually
+116|6942|Cherry Pie

bad_mongoloid wrote:

Mr.Pieeater wrote:

May I suggest dating asian girls from now on..?  They are pretty damn awesome.
What the fuck does dating asian girls have anything to do with this?  Asian girls are just like any other girls, they might cheat on you too.  Especially if you're some BF2 playing nerd who listens to other losers like Mr.Pieeater.

Mr.Pieeater wrote:

Don't get mad at him man.  Honestly its your ex's fault.  Your friend is a dude when it comes down to it.  And guys are usually not very objective when it comes to sexual stuff.  Get her out of your life because its obvious that she was a bad person.  AND tell your friend your not mad at him and thank him for helping you realize what a bitch she was.  Unless he wants to date her, then just tell him to fuck off and pay you and money he owes you.   

Give it time man, you will feel better someday soon.  Just realize that this is happening for a reason and you are being prepared for something greater in life.  Don't let some stupid chick who has no morals affect you.  Talk to your friend and tell the bitch to fuck off.

Good luck man and hang in there,

If your friend of 15 years puts the moves on your girl, then he's really not a friend.  You've just learned about two people and you can forget about these two and get along with your life.  Cut them off - no phone calls, emails, IMs, anything in person.  That and time will help you heal.

Stick to video games Mr.Pieeater, you give the worst advice.

To Flonster:  I would go out and try new hobbies.  Definitely join a gym and start working out and getting into shape or getting into better shape.  Take a class for fun at a nearby college.  Find some ways to volunteer around your town.  This will help you stay busy and meet new people.
Whoahohoho there little guy.  Seems someone has something against the Pie and is turning this nice thread into a personal attack. 

First off don't put words in my mouth.   I never said an asian girl wouldn't cheat on him.  I just made a recommendation. 

Second, I'm a BF2 playing nerd and hold my hot asians down just fine.  Its not a matter of what your hobbies are at all.  So don't try to act like I'm a loser for playing the game that you are posting on forums for...  You need a reality check there son.  And how would you even know if The Pie is a loser?  You must be an internet tough-guy, I have heard about you.  Don't be mad at the world, be mad at yourself.

And as far as his friend goes, they have been friends for 15 years.  If he wants to throw away a 15 year relationship with his friend he can do so.  I just suggested trying to repair that.  Its not like it was his wife.  My ex kissed my Best Friend since the 4th grade and I wasn't made at him at all because I knew she was a whore.

I give the worst advice?  So joining a gym and just keeping all the pain bundled up inside is what you would suggest?  Ask any Psychologist if they think that is a good idea and they will say no.  Males usually keep their feelings to themselves, which is not healthy.  He shoud talk to his friend and see what is going on.  You should quit trying to look cool on a forum.

Last edited by Mr.Pieeater (2006-12-08 08:28:41)

Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6763|The Land of Scott Walker
Honestly talking it out with people that understand works best.  Then you can call them names and plot their demise in your head and get your frustration out.  I used to run and the exercise helped and then I'd sit down and play music.  As they say, "Music calms the savage beast." Must work on humans, too.  Repeatedly emptying clips at the firing range works well.  So does the punching bag.
EDIT: I was cheated on about 8 years ago.  Loved the girl, apparently she didn't feel the same.  Don't waste too much time feeling bad.  Move on as soon as you can and enjoy life other ways.  I did exactly that and chose not to date for a year and a half. Then when I was just having fun with life, the woman who is now my wife came along.  You'll find another girl and she'll be better than the one that wasn't faithful to you.

Last edited by Stingray24 (2006-12-08 08:44:28)

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