Please don't label all Christianity with the dogma of the Catholic Church.Psycho wrote:
For this he was tried and convicted of heresy and excommunicated from the church. It wasn't until 1992 that Pope John Paul II formally declared that the church made a mistake - just a mere 300 years.
We all have faith in one form or another. Nothing in this life has been proven completely.sergeriver wrote:
While I respect your beliefs, you can't say the Earth age is just a guess, it's a fact. But for you Jesus being God's son is not a guess, but a fact.Stingray24 wrote:
God sent His Son to tell us about Him, yet we humans still refuse to acknowledge His existence and demand more proof. Fascinating.sergeriver wrote:
The Earth is 4,5 billion years old and we've been here for less than 100k. How do you expect Humans to know everything in 6000 years of science? Anyway, we know enough about science, but we know nothing about God.
EDIT: How do we truly know the earth is 4.5 billion years old, that's simply a guess. Science cannot prove that conclusively.
ye mean she'd bate ye like a redheaded step child..CameronPoe wrote:
No because I have respect for my mother and I mind my language when speaking to her.IG-Calibre wrote:
Would you repeat that infront of your mother big man?CameronPoe wrote:
Yeah spray_and_pray - she wasn't strictly speaking a slut, I think she was just into anal.
QFTBertster7 wrote:
When?stef10 wrote:
Wtf is that bullshit. May I ask. Scientists have already said, that somebody gave a hand to make the evolution begin. It is impossible for it to begin on its own.
There are many theories about how life could have begun. Overall scientific concensus is set against the idea of a creator. I am sure there have been scientists who have made claims like that, but you can't take the opinions of a few isolated nutters over the whole scientific community.
People become Atheists because it is a logical decison. There is no evidence that there is any sort of deity, so why pretend there is?
In the case of Agnostics they believe in the possibilty of there being some sort of 'God', which seems a relatively sensible belief to me. But the idea that a religion, any religion, is actually right, is just ludicrous.
I just believe that being atheistic is self-centered and dedicated to being so.
Juan Oro has had a good attempt. Producing components of DNA from a Hydrogen Cyanide and Ammonia solution.Stingray24 wrote:
Evolution has never been able to answer where the matter that initiated our existence came from. There have been some noble attempts, but they're downright laughable.Psycho wrote:
Really? Care to provide any evidence to back up that statement? I'm not challenging the idea, just the fact that true science does not make that assumption.stef10 wrote:
Scientists have already said, that somebody gave a hand to make the evolution begin. It is impossible for it to begin on its own.
EDIT: missed a spelling error (apparently I haven't evolved far enough to eliminate those errors )
It's not fully explained, but the fact that various components can be formed in this way suggests that it would be perfectly possible for all of them to be formed and combined into some sort of basic RNA/DNA. On the scale we are looking at with such events, if it is possible, it will happen. Experiments have shown that it probably is possible, so it is taken to be the case. In fact life has been created from chemicals in labs by scientists, certain single celled organisms and viruses have been made from chemical compounds - so it is possible and it has been shown that some of the components can be formed through conditions that were quite probable. I'd call that quite compelling evidence, not proof, but a damn sight better than anything religion can produce.
Amino acids and other organic compounds such as adenine being formed under such circumstances are of tremendous significance and whilst not a complete answer, goes a long way to explaining the leap from chemical to biological evolution. Then of course, biological evolution has been conclusively proven to occur.
All of this could fit into a religious model, just not a literal interpretation of most religions. It is unspeakably foolish to have unquestioning faith in a book written, edited and re-edited by people with their own agendas many centuries ago. Unwavering support in science is also slightly foolish, less so because any scientific discoveries will be rooted in some form of observation, scepticism is the best way forward. Look at the discoveries made by science and make up your own mind based on probability. It's all down to a sense of personal logic.
QFTMason4Assassin444 wrote:
MY opinionsergeriver wrote:
Today almost 1,2 billion persons are atheists or agnostics.
Why do you think people stopped believing?
Does science prove everything to such a point that people can't believe in God anymore?
Is Organized Religion making people lose faith in God?
Those who choose to believe, do they actually believe, or do they fear to be alone?
I've been to church twice in my life. In both churches the N word was used during a sermon. Then the Catholic Pedofile Reachout program where we hide pedophiles among different churches in the country to avoid prosecution. THen the church reaping benefits via tax breaks and such, but they want to have an impact on US Policy. THe radicals thinking the bible is meant to be taken word for word. The radicals believing they are better than an aetheist or agnostic person.
Agnostic I am. And proud. I spend my Sunday morning doing for me. Not for a God. Because I work to hard the other days of the week.
Overall the religious community is a massive gathering of hypocrits who can flick people off in traffic, wish death to thier boss, or have an affair; then go to church Sunday and be forgiven.
You don't need a building of brick or stone to worship what you believe.
If hell is what is waiting for me, I'm lined up and ready.
Being an atheist is being a realist.
You only have to look at the cycle of nature. Why should we be any different. Fertilizer people thats all you are!!!!!
You only have to look at the cycle of nature. Why should we be any different. Fertilizer people thats all you are!!!!!
QFTJahManRed wrote:
Being an atheist is being a realist.
You only have to look at the cycle of nature. Why should we be any different. Fertilizer people thats all you are!!!!!
Strange a Buddhist with a pro IRA sig. Makes me wonder how much of a Buddhist you really are.Snipedya14 wrote:
As Buddha said
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agress with your own reason and your own common sense."
Personally i view religion as something that was massively inflated with time. Think back to your pre-school years, you and your class get in a line and at one end someone says a sentence, it passes from person to person and at the end it is very different from what it started as. Also, because religion was just spread by word for many years people exaggerated and created the big book of fake that we all know today.
Anything in the bible can be explained with science.
Noah? Monsoon and flood.
Jesus on water? In desserts there are Mirages, and they look like water.
Locust? There a freakin bug!! There are billions of em'! Locust swarms are freakin common!
Anything in the bible can be explained with science.
Noah? Monsoon and flood.
Jesus on water? In desserts there are Mirages, and they look like water.
Locust? There a freakin bug!! There are billions of em'! Locust swarms are freakin common!
Last edited by Pernicious544 (2006-12-09 13:12:32)
i'd like to believe that there's something bigger, but the more i think about it, the more i doubt it. there could be some higher being, who knows.
but what i DO know is that religion has been the cause of wars for centuries. having a war over religious beliefs is the most asinine thing that has happened (and is still happening). It causes humans to think irrationally and blindly.
i'll keep my morals, and try to do good for others as i see fit. however, i refuse to be associated with this irrationality, hypocracy, and blindness. not all of the people that are associated with religions are hypocrites, i won't go so far as to say that, but a lot of what i've seen are.
pertaining to science not having all the answers.
our technology limits what can do, and new ideas are being generated constantly that can only be tested so far. even with the limits of science, it explains a whole hell of a lot more than religion does. i'll stick with science, at least it can be proved.
but what i DO know is that religion has been the cause of wars for centuries. having a war over religious beliefs is the most asinine thing that has happened (and is still happening). It causes humans to think irrationally and blindly.
i'll keep my morals, and try to do good for others as i see fit. however, i refuse to be associated with this irrationality, hypocracy, and blindness. not all of the people that are associated with religions are hypocrites, i won't go so far as to say that, but a lot of what i've seen are.
pertaining to science not having all the answers.
our technology limits what can do, and new ideas are being generated constantly that can only be tested so far. even with the limits of science, it explains a whole hell of a lot more than religion does. i'll stick with science, at least it can be proved.
Remember Me As A Time Of Day
I am enjoying this thread - honesty with a low level of flaming. Who knew it was possible?
It's a miracle!Stingray24 wrote:
I am enjoying this thread - honesty with a low level of flaming. Who knew it was possible?
My upbringing was one that had no religious instruction. As a result, I was able to look at the situation logically and decide that religion was one of the most ridiculous farces I have ever heard of. It wasn't because of prodding from elders. I had no direction in my years. Even science played little part in my decision to continue to not believe. I have never lost my "faith", never "became" an atheist as far as converting. Atheism has worked fine with me. I see nothing of my life as a "sin". If my brain is indeed wired to believe in religion, as has been claimed by a theist here, then something is terribly wrong with my brain. I have seen nothing that has equated with a higher belief or even questions of above that could not be answered by science. I do not stand as an unwavering believer in science as it were a religion, but it does provide facts.
These reasons:sergeriver wrote:
Today almost 1,2 billion persons are atheists or agnostics.
Why do you think people stopped believing?
Does science prove everything to such a point that people can't believe in God anymore?
Is Organized Religion making people lose faith in God?
Those who choose to believe, do they actually believe, or do they fear to be alone?
1. Even if your family believes in God and shuns you for not believing it is not condemming you to die in the streets if something bad happens to you because the government will help you out, give you acceptance, and take care of you.
2. Your not burned on a stake as a witch or rejected from town/village for not sharing the same beliefs.
3. People are better educated and Science is better today. ie world not flat, 2 of every animal can't fit in a boat, cavemen and dinosaurs are a big oversite in the bible.
4. People learn history now and know how the Churches/Religions have exploited people and been corrupt or just flat out proven wrong on stances throughout history.
5. Media exposes evil and wrong doing in the name of God or through exploiting God.
6. People are exposed to more "flavors" of God/Religions and start to think, hmmm what a bunch of BS because they all can't be right, but they all could be wrong.
7. People have evolved and are more adapted to the concept of "When I'm dead, I'm dead and that was that". They don't need a greater reason to toil day in and out other than the mighty dollar. They don't need a greater reason to be nice to other people than a shotgun blast to the head.
8. The church used to take care of the poor and be societies safety net. Now if your a single pregnant lesbian mother at 16 the government will give you and your child everything you need while justifying your stupidity and telling you that everyone should respect you for your deversity and label you as an Alternative Family and make kids learn about you in school as being a role model for society. Where as the church would have made you come to Christ and accept the teachings of the bible and not due stupid shit anymore.
There is more, but I hope you get the idea.
Basically, your saying the churchless godless people are all on welfare and being taken care of by the government? ANd the government "for catering to us stupid agnostic aethieists" are responsible for aetheism?Mason4Assassin444 wrote:
Major_Spittle wrote:
These reasons:sergeriver wrote:
Today almost 1,2 billion persons are atheists or agnostics.
Why do you think people stopped believing?
Does science prove everything to such a point that people can't believe in God anymore?
Is Organized Religion making people lose faith in God?
Those who choose to believe, do they actually believe, or do they fear to be alone?
1. Even if your family believes in God and shuns you for not believing it is not condemming you to die in the streets if something bad happens to you because the government will help you out, give you acceptance, and take care of you.
2. Your not burned on a stake as a witch or rejected from town/village for not sharing the same beliefs.
3. People are better educated and Science is better today. ie world not flat, 2 of every animal can't fit in a boat, cavemen and dinosaurs are a big oversite in the bible.
4. People learn history now and know how the Churches/Religions have exploited people and been corrupt or just flat out proven wrong on stances throughout history.
5. Media exposes evil and wrong doing in the name of God or through exploiting God.
6. People are exposed to more "flavors" of God/Religions and start to think, hmmm what a bunch of BS because they all can't be right, but they all could be wrong.
7. People have evolved and are more adapted to the concept of "When I'm dead, I'm dead and that was that". They don't need a greater reason to toil day in and out other than the mighty dollar. They don't need a greater reason to be nice to other people than a shotgun blast to the head.
8. The church used to take care of the poor and be societies safety net. Now if your a single pregnant lesbian mother at 16 the government will give you and your child everything you need while justifying your stupidity and telling you that everyone should respect you for your deversity and label you as an Alternative Family and make kids learn about you in school as being a role model for society. Where as the church would have made you come to Christ and accept the teachings of the bible and not due stupid shit anymore.
There is more, but I hope you get the idea.
Well so much for a thread with no flaming.
Pardon me if I misread.
Sorry.... I couldn't resist...IG-Calibre wrote:
ye mean she'd masturbate ye like a redheaded step child..CameronPoe wrote:
No because I have respect for my mother and I mind my language when speaking to her.IG-Calibre wrote:
Would you repeat that infront of your mother big man?
ok, i have to say it, religion is kind of informatical virus, its just not made for Pc but its made for human brain.
religion infect a human intelect, and make people do a realy stupid thinks like war betwen catholics and protestants and orthodoxs, shiias and sunits, jews extermination,....
the most of wars in the past had religius origin and dispute.
churche use to burn prople who dare to say "earth is not flat" , and in arabian countrys even now if you say something against allah, you have 90% chance to get a bullet in the head.
religius people, telle me what good things religion brings to humanity ? ONLY BULLSHIT !
oh im sorry bullshit can be usefull as fertilizer, .... religion for nothing .... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING !!
there would be no world peace while there is religion !
religion infect a human intelect, and make people do a realy stupid thinks like war betwen catholics and protestants and orthodoxs, shiias and sunits, jews extermination,....
the most of wars in the past had religius origin and dispute.
churche use to burn prople who dare to say "earth is not flat" , and in arabian countrys even now if you say something against allah, you have 90% chance to get a bullet in the head.
religius people, telle me what good things religion brings to humanity ? ONLY BULLSHIT !
oh im sorry bullshit can be usefull as fertilizer, .... religion for nothing .... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING !!
there would be no world peace while there is religion !
The reason so many people are Atheist is because they want to live their lives with no moral restrictions... they want to do anything they want any time they want without a religion to put limits on them... they want to escape their conscience..
Ur a moron STFU and stay out of religion debates... the "Da Vinci code" is known as COMPLETE fiction... it presents NO proof because NONE of it is REAL. it was simply a ploy to sell a book and get rich through controversy... the book is not accredited as being true by any honest historian.spray_and_pray wrote:
Because religion sounds like bullshit theres some big man up in the clouds who lets people live there iv they are good and they go under ground if they are bad what kind of bs is that? And a virgin mary bs i bet you she was a slut. If anyone reads the Da Vinci code it gives a lotta reasons why not to beleive.
Sounds like the bible.IsaacLeavitt wrote:
The reason so many people are Atheist is because they want to live their lives with no moral restrictions... they want to do anything they want any time they want without a religion to put limits on them... they want to escape their conscience..
BTWUr a moron STFU and stay out of religion debates... the "Da Vinci code" is known as COMPLETE fiction... it presents NO proof because NONE of it is REAL. it was simply a ploy to sell a book and get rich through controversy... the book is not accredited as being true by any honest historian.spray_and_pray wrote:
Because religion sounds like bullshit theres some big man up in the clouds who lets people live there iv they are good and they go under ground if they are bad what kind of bs is that? And a virgin mary bs i bet you she was a slut. If anyone reads the Da Vinci code it gives a lotta reasons why not to beleive.
One can say the same about the bible.IsaacLeavitt wrote:
the book is not accredited as being true by any honest historian.
Boring as the Bible is, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and whoever else wrote it were still better writers than Dan Brown. Damn I hate Dan Brown.Mason4Assassin444 wrote:
Sounds like the bible.IsaacLeavitt wrote:
The reason so many people are Atheist is because they want to live their lives with no moral restrictions... they want to do anything they want any time they want without a religion to put limits on them... they want to escape their conscience..
BTWUr a moron STFU and stay out of religion debates... the "Da Vinci code" is known as COMPLETE fiction... it presents NO proof because NONE of it is REAL. it was simply a ploy to sell a book and get rich through controversy... the book is not accredited as being true by any honest historian.spray_and_pray wrote:
Because religion sounds like bullshit theres some big man up in the clouds who lets people live there iv they are good and they go under ground if they are bad what kind of bs is that? And a virgin mary bs i bet you she was a slut. If anyone reads the Da Vinci code it gives a lotta reasons why not to beleive.
I am Athesist.Mason4Assassin444 wrote:
Basically, your saying the churchless godless people are all on welfare and being taken care of by the government? ANd the government "for catering to us stupid agnostic aethieists" are responsible for aetheism?Mason4Assassin444 wrote:
Major_Spittle wrote:
These reasons:
1. Even if your family believes in God and shuns you for not believing it is not condemming you to die in the streets if something bad happens to you because the government will help you out, give you acceptance, and take care of you.
2. Your not burned on a stake as a witch or rejected from town/village for not sharing the same beliefs.
3. People are better educated and Science is better today. ie world not flat, 2 of every animal can't fit in a boat, cavemen and dinosaurs are a big oversite in the bible.
4. People learn history now and know how the Churches/Religions have exploited people and been corrupt or just flat out proven wrong on stances throughout history.
5. Media exposes evil and wrong doing in the name of God or through exploiting God.
6. People are exposed to more "flavors" of God/Religions and start to think, hmmm what a bunch of BS because they all can't be right, but they all could be wrong.
7. People have evolved and are more adapted to the concept of "When I'm dead, I'm dead and that was that". They don't need a greater reason to toil day in and out other than the mighty dollar. They don't need a greater reason to be nice to other people than a shotgun blast to the head.
8. The church used to take care of the poor and be societies safety net. Now if your a single pregnant lesbian mother at 16 the government will give you and your child everything you need while justifying your stupidity and telling you that everyone should respect you for your deversity and label you as an Alternative Family and make kids learn about you in school as being a role model for society. Where as the church would have made you come to Christ and accept the teachings of the bible and not due stupid shit anymore.
There is more, but I hope you get the idea.
Well so much for a thread with no flaming.
Pardon me if I misread.
And yes that is what I mean is that the government is to a great part responsible for the death of religion and societal decay.
Yes the government caters to stupid people. Did I Flame on you because you are part of the Stupid category.