i know i do, not always but quite often.... some people are dumbasses
i know i do, not always but quite often.... some people are dumbasses
Yes. Yes I do.
support that don't supply ammo are assholes. he got what was coming to him.
Remember Me As A Time Of Day
LMAO Such assholes ... Never shot them before though =P
I ask the Commander for a supply drop usually ... Ignored every single time.
No wonder we end up losing every time that happens
EDIT: I never do that lmao, forgot about the question.
Recon FTW!!
I ask the Commander for a supply drop usually ... Ignored every single time.
No wonder we end up losing every time that happens
EDIT: I never do that lmao, forgot about the question.
Recon FTW!!
Last edited by kptk92 (2006-12-07 08:16:31)
LOL, I may shoot below the knee once or twice. I don't think I've actually killed any though. Still, damn funny.
ooooo that shit pisses me off so badly. yeah i do it whenever they sit like that and don't give ammo but if they're running somewhere i'll let them go
If someone yells for a supply and I'm anywhere near I'll try to get supplies to them before I get my ass shot off. If I'm camped on the titan I automatically drop an ammo hub as a matter of habit (there's always someone willing to spam grenades all day ).
I haven't shot anyone for doing it but I have been standing in the Core Room with 3 meds nearby (according to spin map), not in the Core room but still close, they are busy defending consoles that have already been destroyed (hence the core is exposed!) I've asked for medical attentional and nothing, Dumbasses.
I've also been standing next to a medic screaming at him to just drop a med pack but no, he had other plans, maybe he saw a butterfly or something?
I've also been standing next to a medic screaming at him to just drop a med pack but no, he had other plans, maybe he saw a butterfly or something?
so thats why you tk'd me the other night, sorry

well when im yellin at you over ts for a medpack you better listen!! HAHA j/kMarlboroman82 wrote:
so thats why you tk'd me the other night, sorry
nice flying the gunship a few nights ago though....except for the fuckin emp AA shit
yea stryyker hit us from half way across the map with that thing, haxorstraz_mataz wrote:
well when im yellin at you over ts for a medpack you better listen!! HAHA j/kMarlboroman82 wrote:
so thats why you tk'd me the other night, sorry
nice flying the gunship a few nights ago though....except for the fuckin emp AA shit

lol i dont TK for ammo but considering that most guys play support i try to kill one of them and take this pack... lol on titan attacking i usually do it all the time when i run out of RDX...
I go and stand in front of em when they're shooting and spam it then go round their house and poke them and then run back to my house and hope they have and if not i go to their house and assassinate them.
I do it with Assult people not giving me a medi pack.
Oh and if they don't revive me when I die and just walk past me, they get TK'd for that too.
Oh and if they don't revive me when I die and just walk past me, they get TK'd for that too.
Huh? You actually try asking?
In all serious-ness, unless there someone i know/in my squad which i can actively ask over VoIP then i tk them straight away pick there kit up drop an ammo box and say thanks....
In all serious-ness, unless there someone i know/in my squad which i can actively ask over VoIP then i tk them straight away pick there kit up drop an ammo box and say thanks....
lol, like it there where you say "Nice, Thanks" after TK him..
I do. I do it to people that I am following or a commander, if they dont heed my calls I TK for thier supplies.
Normally i kill him, revive him and re-kill him!
just to be sure he understand that it's not an accident!
just to be sure he understand that it's not an accident!
A man after my own heart.jugobeer wrote:
Normally i kill him, revive him and re-kill him!
just to be sure he understand that it's not an accident!
yes fucking stupid fuckers
I had a few guys kept complaining that they weren't getting "their" Supply box... >.>
I told them you're not helping our team in Titan Mode just sitting there camping a flag.
They complained some more saying that I sucked and what not. They wanted a box so damn bad and didn't even bother spawning as supply...
So after the constant whining I gave them a supply box. I dropped one right next to an enemy silo that they were just camping at from a few meters on a sky scraper. I said "If you want supplies get of your ass and go get it."
I told them you're not helping our team in Titan Mode just sitting there camping a flag.
They complained some more saying that I sucked and what not. They wanted a box so damn bad and didn't even bother spawning as supply...
So after the constant whining I gave them a supply box. I dropped one right next to an enemy silo that they were just camping at from a few meters on a sky scraper. I said "If you want supplies get of your ass and go get it."
I shoot for effect to get their attention. When I play support though, I drop boxes as often as I hear it and then some. You should see the gratitude I receive when I do. Its like I gave them hope again that their is still teamwork.
I've TK'ed maybe once to get supplies, when I was attempting to blow the Titan core and I had no RDX left and I asked four or five TIMES. Are the majority of players fucking deaf or what?! When I'm screaming for medic hubs or supplies it doesn't mean 'oh I got a scrape, top off my health.' Typically it means 'I've been in the trenches and taking grenades and nearly been ripped in half, unlike you! Gimmie that god damn insta-fix-me-up or I will TK you on sight you ignorant fucktard!' Seriously, when I hear people scream for any kind of supplies, I will rush to them if I'm close enough and do my job, and yet a good portion of people do NOT practice this and return the favor.
/end rant
/end rant
I think it's because they say "Requesting supplies", some people don't look at the minimap and think you want a supply drop. They should have just made it say "Requesting ammo" because that seems to be more efficient.
What I hate is when I drop a med box, go 10 meters and a guy comes up to me and asks for medic. Ofcourse often you you have to wait a while before you can drop anothr one, and he keeps spamming NEED MEDIC NEED MEDIC. So I start typing that I cant and that theres a med box few meters away, but I get TKed before I can type it out. That sucks...