
Why did you join the Military?

For Help with Collage3%3% - 2
To Travel7%7% - 5
To Kill things13%13% - 9
To get out of a bad neighborhood1%1% - 1
To serve my country15%15% - 10
Health Care0%0% - 0
I didn't50%50% - 33
Other7%7% - 5
Total: 65
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
I was thinking yesterday why did people join the Military Service, so I thought I'd make a poll on this and find out the number one reason why people joined. If you joined for an other reason please list it, also if you joined because family memebers where in the service please put that into "to serve my country"

I myself have never joined the service mainly because I don't like our country foreign policy. Also I did go down to the recuitment office and was talking to the recuiter about the contract and he told me that once I said I wasn't a U.S. Citizen anymore and I might not get into the job in the service I wantted. So seeing how I'd give up so much and not even get the job I wantted I didn't do it.

Well that's my story and I'm interested in hearing other peoples and if you did join the service, if it was everything you ever wantted...
+374|6528|Columbus, Ohio
I am not going to quote Rambo word for word, but in the military you can play with really cool and expensive toys.  You get experience leading people under very stressful conditions, which is something you will keep for the rest of your life.
+1,452|6555|The Gem Saloon
well i cant join because of my criminal record....well i can join, they just wont let me near a firearm. not really why i would want to join...lol @ america for letting me carry a handgun everywhere i go as a civilian and not in the military. oh well. gotta love the people that go though. i do my best to support them, i hand out my knives like a madman for free when i see them at my shooting range.
Black Panzer Party
+184|6883|Eastern PA
Forgot conscription
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
OH yeah I did forget "cause I have to" my bad
U.S. > Iran
Why did I join?

Well, ever since I was a kid, I played with G.I. Joes and always kinda pictured myself as being in the military in some way or another, I just never expected the Air Force.  When I was in high school, I talked to a recruiter for the Army.  I had tossed around the idea of going to school for auto mechanics, aero mechanics, military, or computer stuff.  At the end of high school, all of my friends left for the military.  One went to the Army, 1 went to the Navy, 2 went to the Air Force, but I stayed home and started going to college.

After 3 years of college, the idea of still wanting to be in the military was still in the back of my mind.  Its something Ive always wanted to do, and honestly, without the encouragement of my girlfriend I may not have done it.  Ive always told myself if I were going to do it, I was going to be single because I dont know how much I would like leaving someone behind.  But I got lucky, I have a girlfriend who understands that this is something I want and because of that, she wants me to do it.

But I guess back to topic, why do I want to do it?  Well, I want to serve my country.  Regardless of what you think if the war in Iraq is protecting your freedoms or not, I want to volunteer to do a job that most people dont want anything to do with and just want to criticize. I want to protect the freedoms of people who want to shit on the military with their obscene and inconsiderate comments. 

I am willing to put my life on the line, so that my girlfriend, my parents, my brother and my friends can sleep in their bed peacefully.
Shiny! Let's be bad guys.
+102|6853|NAS Jacksonville, Florida
I enlisted in the Navy last Thursday as a Corpsman.

I chose to enlist into the military to serve my country, and, my family has a big military background, so that's also an influence on me as well.
+302|6896|Salt Lake City

I didn't join because I didn't have the temperament at that age.  If I had, I would probably still be serving time in a military prison for striking an officer.
Respect! Give it .. Get it!
+55|6809|Land of =KBK=

acEofspadEs6313 wrote:

I enlisted in the Navy last Thursday as a Corpsman.

I chose to enlist into the military to serve my country, and, my family has a big military background, so that's also an influence on me as well.
Best of luck to you.  Stay safe.
You with the face!
I joined for a number of reasons.  I want to serve my country, the Air Force seemed to be the best way to get the job I want (pilot), and I get a great education, too.  I had always been interested in the military, but did not decide to join until most of the way through high school.  Fortunately, I was able to make it into the Academy.
got any popo lolo intersting?

In Finland You don't choose to join the army, every man goes to the army. (or a civil duty if you don't like army thingies) Alternatively you can sit in a jail for those 6-9 months...

Last edited by DeathUnlimited (2006-12-05 14:06:39)

main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
+69|6549|USA, MICHIGAN
I joined way back in 1996, served 8 years in the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, and I'm proud of that fact.  It probably wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done, but it taught me more about life than any college ever could've.  And yes, we play with very expensive toys, and blow shit up.  I was an 0311, for those of you who don't know what that is I was a GRUNT (Infantry).  I've made some of the best friends a person could ever make.  My old unit is gearing to go back to Iraq for a third time in less than three years, I still have many friends in that unit and I pray that nothing happens to them.  SEMPER FI
+102|6862|New York
Did it to serve my country. Had a great job, so that wasnt the reason. I feel it should be every able bodied citizens duty to atleast serve a year(just like school) And be active reserve. Thats man, woman, and i say put the cutoff age at 50. Theres ALOT of guys out there that can still contribute, Myself included, that would love to serve again. Even with my injuries, I could be of use in some way. Id do it in a heartbeat again if i could. even though they treated me like crap with my initial injury.

Im not saying be a country that requires you be IN the army of the service for life, But i feel every citizen of this country should want to serve and protect the country they love. Its not blind patriotizm im talking about its more like giving something back to the men, women, and country that has given you all the things that has made this country great. Giving Taxes doesnt count, so dont go there LOL.

To add some variety to my life, while making myself useful. I was disgusted at their health care and sanitary conditions, though. So many people were getting drug off in tears with supposedly "pre-existing" medical conditions during boot, it wasn't even funny. There were plenty of problems ~2000.

I'd join again if I could be sure that some flesh-eating virus wouldn't crawl up my dickhole while taking a crap (and if someone would hang on to my Diablo II accounts ). I freaking volunteered to clean up in the head once, but they only allowed me 15 minutes with the crappiest tools on the planet and a solution that was probably 99.98% water.

So many good people are lost to cruddy administration...

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-12-05 14:41:06)

+231|6534|Kyiv, Ukraine
I did my 8 years voluntarily in the US Army and another year from the back-door draft.  Basically, it was to get myself on my own feet with a real paying job right out of high school.  The recruiters that were kissing my ass over the high test scores did quite a number on my ego until "I just had to sign up".  They really are some of the greatest salesmen in the world...hehe.

I stayed in because with each new contract came a new country to visit and a whole new career field to try out with almost no penalty.  Day to day, the most enjoyable part was never having the same job every day of the week...Monday I was a tech support guy, Tuesday I was a driving instructor for wheeled vehicles, Wednesday I was reviewing tech contracts, Thursday I was at a range teaching machinegun skills...Friday I made my soldiers disappear early so I could actually get some work done at the S-6.  Living in 4 different countries, being deployed to 7 others, and on each coast of the US (and bilking the TDY system for every dime the whole way   You'll find in your civilian job after just how "ate up" the real world actually is...you think while you're in that you've seen some messed up systems, wait till you get out of your pickle suit.

It was a great experience that I don't miss in the least...to all those about to join, watch your asses and have fun, and no, the sheep herder with his flock are NOT enemy combatants, no matter how much your idiot CoC members think they are, so keep your weapon on safe when prudent and you'll be able to sleep soundly for the rest of your life.

Last edited by GorillaTicTacs (2006-12-05 15:43:23)

Conscripted/Drafted in to the Norwegian Army. Service length 1 year.
Duty: Military Police.

I was one of 28% of the male population of my year, that had to go in to the service.
I would stayed longer if i could. But you (with a few exeptions like special forces) can't
join up as a "enlisted man". Even if you want to.

There is a chanse that i'll join the "Home Gard". It's a carbon copy of the army, but comprised by infantry and
light navy assets only. And better motivated officers.
It is I
+146|6544|San Jose CA.
I would have joined, but dam they make you run a lot. No for reals that why, I'm a big guy, and big guys don't like to run.  I'm 6'1" and 260lb. I'm not made to run.
I haven't joined, though its still something in my mind, and I may yet do it even if its only reserves.  As a kid I wanted to be a fighter pilot, but since the RNZAF got rid of its strike wing thats become an impossible, at least in this country.

Were I to join it would be primarily to serve my country, though the healthcare, travel and uni (depending on whether I'd end up doing IT stuff) would be sweeteners...and I've heard grenade training is a whole lot of fun

Were I to join I'd probably choose the army but if I wanted to do something based on the skills I already have, the airforce would win no contest.
+39|6797|OREEGONE, USA

acEofspadEs6313 wrote:

I enlisted in the Navy last Thursday as a Corpsman.

I chose to enlist into the military to serve my country, and, my family has a big military background, so that's also an influence on me as well.
Unless you are a combat corpsman, you'll never gain rank (thus more money).  Its a fact.  On average, it takes an E-3 more than 4 years to make E-4.  Most go through their first enlistment without even coming close to making NCO.  But if its your goal to go in just for travel or college money, then more power to ya and good luck.

I was gonna go in as an AO (Aircraft Ordnanceman) but figured that I could do something a little better and picked AE (Aviation Electrician) instead.  I was just in it for the travel and college money.  Also I had no clue what I was going to do after high school.
Shiny! Let's be bad guys.
+102|6853|NAS Jacksonville, Florida

millhous wrote:

acEofspadEs6313 wrote:

I enlisted in the Navy last Thursday as a Corpsman.

I chose to enlist into the military to serve my country, and, my family has a big military background, so that's also an influence on me as well.
Unless you are a combat corpsman, you'll never gain rank (thus more money).  Its a fact.  On average, it takes an E-3 more than 4 years to make E-4.  Most go through their first enlistment without even coming close to making NCO.  But if its your goal to go in just for travel or college money, then more power to ya and good luck.

I was gonna go in as an AO (Aircraft Ordnanceman) but figured that I could do something a little better and picked AE (Aviation Electrician) instead.  I was just in it for the travel and college money.  Also I had no clue what I was going to do after high school.
I plan on getting to go as a combat corpsman once I'm done with the initial 'A' school for HMs.
GunSlinger OIF II
i was born into the infantry, never wanted anything else.
+374|6528|Columbus, Ohio
Sir to kill sir!
The Lizzard
If anyone selects the first option, they probably need it
I joined the Air Force in 1985 to learn my trade and to serve my country.

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