Well when i was playinh dragon valley, this guy was afk and he spawned at the same place time and time again. And i just sniped his brains out:P So is this legal?
hell no, his loss, your gain, good find for you.
That's how my friend finally got his explosive badge. The guy went pretty high with 5 C4s under him.
Yeah, I agree - it's cold, and there's not much satisfaction to be had out of it from a gaming point of view, but I think it's not a game where it's so hard to disconnect, or where it matters much if you do, so if you happen across someone who's AFK, you should take advantage and get your knife badge, then your pistol badge, etc etc...
Here's the real question - if a teammate is AFK and you notice he's just standing there, should you protect him? Or just let him die - bear in mind, each death is one less ticket for the team.
Here's the real question - if a teammate is AFK and you notice he's just standing there, should you protect him? Or just let him die - bear in mind, each death is one less ticket for the team.
Hell I would.
Wait for someone to come up with a knife/pistol and blow their brains out. One free kill for me.
Wait for someone to come up with a knife/pistol and blow their brains out. One free kill for me.
I agree, this isn't an RPG or some such where you can stop for a few minutes while nothing happens and go take a leak or what not. If you gotta be afk you should log out. If he wants to take the chance on staying in-game, he should be prepared to be killed again and again and again
Btw i sniped him dead from a really far distance. Acroos the carrier:P
if you know your going to go afk you got to the spawn select screen and deselect any spans that way if you do get killed you will not respawn. usually when i knowi am going to go afk to take a piss or whatever i wait until i die and then don't select a new spawn as well as wait for the 15 sec to go. (just in case a med revives.) deselct my spawn point that way while i'm gone i enevr respawn and no one can kill me repeatedly.
anyway as said before it's not illegal, but it is a bit cheap.
anyway as said before it's not illegal, but it is a bit cheap.
I think the problem with that option is that if you don't spawn, you're likely to get kicked for being idle. At least, in my experience. At least if you're dying, you're not idle.
Oh Sure, thats how I got my knife badge. Knifed a guy a bunch of times while he spawned AFK. someone capped the flag and I had to earn the rest though.
The idle time is long enough to go to toilet... so is my experience...Flasheart88 wrote:
I think the problem with that option is that if you don't spawn, you're likely to get kicked for being idle. At least, in my experience. At least if you're dying, you're not idle.
Is it possible to deselect spawn point? How? All I can do once I've selected a spawn point is to change it.
some servers have idle time kick turned off.have "played"a full round a few times afk best bet is to find a spot where you cant be artied and where you teammates arent.kubra dam when the top mec base is not a flag go into the building and set claymores.have goten kills afk, lol thats pwned when you are killed by someone walking his dogs