A lot of good points posted earlier one thing that has not been clarified by the original poster is the conditions of euthinasia, as pointed out it should be due to medical/health reasons not just my life sucks, so talking from a medical point of view my opinion is
as long as the patient is/can be classed "of sound mind"
the difficulty with euthanasia is when it is the other half or family member that wishes for the act to take place, due to their loved ones condition that they can't say it for themselves.
Big long debate about this with many morale issuse but I still stand by my first statement - as long as the patient is/can be classed "of sound mind"
Doctors have taken an oath to preserve life, but if your patient is passed medical assistance to recover and is going to spend the rest of their life in pain and unable to do the most simple of tasks would you not rather end their life IF THEY ASKED YOU TO rather than leave them to suffer.
Look at the cost of keeping a person alive (I know a life can't have a value on it, but these days it does)
that doctor could be treating other patients ones that are going to recover and have a productive life.
Not to mention the emotional cost on family members.
my thoughts no right or wrong answer available
Last edited by Jinto-sk (2006-12-01 09:58:31)