Connoisseur of Fine Wine

Canadianloser wrote:

Last edited by Fancy_Pollux (2006-12-01 03:14:02)

Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6968|Teesside, UK

perrywilson wrote:

"Black people are more racist than white people, because black people hate niggers too"  Chris Rock

Lol was just about to post this.

Last edited by crimson_grunt (2006-12-01 03:19:37)

+3,135|7051|The Hague, Netherlands

Phantom2828 wrote:

BUT I think he means that a higher percent of black people seem to be dumb ignorant loud mouthed punks.
ok... here's a thought... did you ever saw a white bullying another white guy? is that being racist? someone calling someone chubby or four eyes or skinny or whatever?
the major issue here is the lacking of a proper education not racism... anyone with a brain and some education should be conscious enough to act properly.
most of those black guys who call others "whitey" are just a bunch of guys that act like that because they are together and they want to show their superiority like many other white guys that do the same to white guys... it's not a matter of racism... it's a matter of looking for someone to bully others. they would propably do the same to anyone who disagrees with them anyway...

btw... i quoted you but it's not meant for you it's for everyone.
It doesn't matter what country, skin colour or religion you name, there are racists everywhere.
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6905|Scarborough Yorkshire England
White males the only group that can be picked on and it not be considered racist, sexist etc.
the "Commander"
+102|6836|the Netherlands
i hate humans , some black , some white ... mostly THE FUKKING DUMB ONES
international welder....Douchebag Dude, <3 ur mom
+257|6840|Milkystania, yurop
Its not about black or white anymore....I'm so sick and tired of always hearing about racism bla bla bla WE ARE AL HUMANS NOT WHITE BLACK YELLOW GREEN BLUE, JUST HUMAN BEINGS. the sooner ppl get that in to their thick skulls the better....

Yours sincerely A fellow human
+416|6808|United States

Pizdets_Velikiy wrote:

I walk down the street downtown and I get people trying to sell me drugs. They're black 90% of the time. I continue walking and I see bunches of teenagers fighting on the corners. They're black 95% of the time. I turn the other way and see some punks tagging George Washington's statue--black. I go down into the subway and I see gangs of assclowns with doorags and pants that start at their knees, speaking (more like screaming actually) a revolting dialect of English. I'm sure you can guess what color they are.
350 years of blatant hate towards African Americans (slavery, segregation, hate groups, blatant racism etc.)isnt gonna stop right away. Is only been 40 years since segregation (the last legal pro-racist attack against blacks) was out lawed and, 40 years of clean on a base of 350 years of hate is gonna have negative results. Those "niggers" who do those actions Pizdets_Velikiy wrote about are just blacks who were following a bad example, a bad example that was reacting against that 350 years of hate, try to see that this could of happened to any group, sect or race of people. But you also have "normal" blacks who are the ones who follow the good examples and are trying to grasp the 40 years of clean and set a good example for blacks.

Masterstyle wrote:

Pizdets_Velikiy wrote:

I walk down the street downtown and I get people trying to sell me drugs. They're black 90% of the time. I continue walking and I see bunches of teenagers fighting on the corners. They're black 95% of the time. I turn the other way and see some punks tagging George Washington's statue--black. I go down into the subway and I see gangs of assclowns with doorags and pants that start at their knees, speaking (more like screaming actually) a revolting dialect of English. I'm sure you can guess what color they are.
350 years of blatant hate towards African Americans (slavery, segregation, hate groups, blatant racism etc.)isnt gonna stop right away. Is only been 40 years since segregation (the last legal pro-racist attack against blacks) was out lawed and, 40 years of clean on a base of 350 years of hate is gonna have negative results. Those "niggers" who do those actions Pizdets_Velikiy wrote about are just blacks who were following a bad example, a bad example that was reacting against that 350 years of hate, try to see that this could of happened to any group, sect or race of people. But you also have "normal" blacks who are the ones who follow the good examples and are trying to grasp the 40 years of clean and set a good example for blacks.
Okay, yes, I am not far gone enough to the point of disagreeing with this. The phenomenon is too irrational to not have a reason behind it. But why do you think these people choose to follow a bad example? It does not take an unreasonable amount of effort to pick school over drugs. It does not take a whole lot of effort to lower the volume of your voice by ten or twenty decibels. Hell--it's not just whites these kinds of people disregard or disrespect, it's also their fellow "normal" blacks. From what I've seen, these types do not treat black people who ARE making the effort as equals. Which is just as well, because these people are normal and deserve my respect, while the monkeys don't.

On the subject of 350 years of hate though--there are groups that have been hated nearly as long or longer. Jews have been hated for centuries, yet you don't see them wantonly destroying public property for no reason. The Irish were hated and just about excluded for the first 50 years after coming to this country, and with the exception of the Irish mob (which had existed beforehand) you really don't see them do any of it either. Japanese Americans were put in INTERNMENT CAMPS, and are now probably more productive members of society than the average white. They also tend to be exceedingly nice people.

What's going on here? Why do you think that a certain element in black society insists on further segregating itself by being a completely obnoxious tribe of apes?
+86|6709|Indianapolis, IN
I have my own prejudice's albeit I don't need to explain them to feel better about my views.
+416|6808|United States

Pizdets_Velikiy wrote:

On the subject of 350 years of hate though--there are groups that have been hated nearly as long or longer. Jews have been hated for centuries, yet you don't see them wantonly destroying public property for no reason. The Irish were hated and just about excluded for the first 50 years after coming to this country, and with the exception of the Irish mob (which had existed beforehand) you really don't see them do any of it either. Japanese Americans were put in INTERNMENT CAMPS, and are now probably more productive members of society than the average white. They also tend to be exceedingly nice people.

What's going on here? Why do you think that a certain element in black society insists on further segregating itself by being a completely obnoxious tribe of apes?
All those other groups you mentioned didnt have a forced tie with the negativity like African Americans did, didnt have to deal with slavery for about 200+ years then segregation another 100+ years all tied in with racism then up to today and had to deal with unequal conditions, why do you always see blacks living in "projects" and "slums" and not whites? Its because of the past segregation and racism that made conditions unfair which in turn created negative behavior like joining gangs because gangs were the only opportuinity blacks saw because of all the money selling drugs and gangbaning were in it, but all the gangs did was promote negative behaviour through selling drugs stealing which you see today they are following a bad example which some blacks are trying to change.

Pizdets_Velikiy wrote:

and are now probably more productive members of society than the average white. They also tend to be exceedingly nice people.
and this phrase is racist in of itself what would constitue an "average white" is an "average white" better than an "average black"? or an "average asian"? what constitutes "average"? my point is you are making generalizations and not looking at the individual.
Whats Racism? is that the thing that white people use against other races cuz their Ego overshadows their self esteem/confidence?

Last edited by p3lvicthrust (2006-12-01 08:33:28)

education pwns racism.


HOLLYWOOD=_=FTW=_= wrote:

I wasnt racist until i went to college. Then when all the black kids came into class 30 minutes late answered their cells in fucking class typing on their instant message cell phones and talking the entire time. Now am I In no way classifying the entire black race as ignorant retarded disrespectable ect ect. I actually had a black friend once Course he was a schitzophrenic guy who stabbed his cousin in the spine becuase the voices told him to. Ya i knwo we were roomates at a psych ward lol but he was a really nice guy smart and respectful. If they dont want to be discriminated against and looked upon as 2nd class citizens then FUCKING ACT RIGHT!!!!
On that note i talked to my uncle about this and I asked him how could i be such a racist when I had a totally differnt view when i was younger. Well he pointed this out we had 1 black guy at our school and that was only for a few months then he got kicked out for fighting granted he was not at fault. So my uncle basically said I wasnt racist because I had never had to be around them. I took this point to heart and now understand why im a racist. Now by no means do i think they should be discriminated against hurt in any way or disrespected. But I will own buisnesses when i grow up this is a fact and I know I will think very long and hard about hireing some african american people. I have  a hard time coming to terms with being somewhat of a racist and am somewhat ashamed but cmon seriously If the black people i come in contact with on a daily basis would act right I dont think i would think this way.  LET THE FLAMING BEGIN!!!!
Wow! You don't think black people should be discriminated against, hurt in any way, or disrespected. BUT! you will think long and hard before hiring a black person. Because of some black people in your class on the phone being disruptive? DAM I know all kinds of people who have done that , WHITES included. Let me tell you something, ALL OF YOU. I grew up in a 99% white town. How do you think I was treated , me having brown skin? 

I can tell you a lot of stories of how I was treated when I was growing up back in the 1980's. I've got jumped by WHITE guys, had 2 car loads of guys come by my house throwing bottles at my house and calling me a nigger and want me to come outside. Now, am I a racist now? Do I hate white people? NO! I don't blame white people for what people did to me when I was growing up? Why should I? Here's what I'm trying to say to you. Your saying that these black people were disruptive in college. Your gonna sit there and tell me white people don't do that kind of stuff? PLEASE!

I have a very good friend who is white, we grew up together and use to hang out all the time. One day he told me his mother, HIS MOTHER, slapped him in the face and spit on him because he was my friend and he wouldn't stop hanging with me. Were we out getting into trouble? No. It was all because I'm black. I asked him why does your mother feel this way? He said she had a bad experience with a black person before . His father felt the same way as his mother did. Today, if his father see me he stops and shakes my hand and ask me how I've been and we talk. Why? Because he now knows that I'm a hard working man and a very nice person.

I could go on for hours but I've said more than enough . You want to be racist , so be it. To you people calling black people DUMB and what not , why don't you go to a black neighborhood and say that? Oh! I didnt think you had the balls to.
You might wanna check the brown stuff comin out of your ears cause your so full of shit its comin out your orafices. Your friends mom didnt spit on her son and slap him thats about the most ignorant thing ive ever heard. If thats the truth than that bitch is a crack whore and she falls under my classification of a nigger. And i wouldnt go into a group of black people in a black neighboorhood and say that becuase THEY PROBABLY HAVE GUNS AND NOTHING TO LIVE FOR LOLOLOLOLOL PWNED
+48|6796|P-way, NJ

p3lvicthrust wrote:

Whats Racism? is that the thing that white people use against other races cuz their Ego overshadows their self esteem/confidence?

ozghost wrote:

HOLLYWOOD=_=FTW=_= wrote:

I wasnt racist until i went to college. Then when all the black kids came into class 30 minutes late answered their cells in fucking class typing on their instant message cell phones and talking the entire time. If they dont want to be discriminated against and looked upon as 2nd class citizens then FUCKING ACT RIGHT!!!!
Umm no, dude ur obviously a redneck deep down from way back.  Ur so fucking ignorant.  What a frikken reason to hate an entire race. 

Your embarressing dude.
And no im not a redneck but by the things ive witnessed have shaped my pre concieved notions about certain races. By no means did i say i hate all black people. and the word nigger by no means describes blacks only.
Lemme give you my definition of nigger. A nigger is somone who has no respect for others themselves or others rights. A nigger (black white asian wel not asians cause they are all nice) will pull up in line for a red light with a dozen people in line all around him bumpin that jungle bunny shit (took that from dave chapelle)
A nigger will bitch whine and complain when he cant get ahead in life then when one of his fellow man gets out of the rat race he calls him an uppity nigger. (Ive seen this happen first hand). WARNING RACIST RANT COMIN UP...... I see white people trying to emulate blacks this is their perogative but why would you want to wear your pants around your ankles showin your ass to everyone. Do you want to look ignorant and un cultured. Oh my bad thats just your style you like to look like ghetto trash. We have white niggers too their called wiggers and they are worse than most of the black niggers cause they KNOW BETTER.
In closing I would like to profess that I dont hate all black people I hate a portion just like i hate a portion of white people even though im white I even hate a portion of the asians there called yakuza. Indians are cool though they drive my cabs and i like them all. Oh one more thing a guy eariler stated about how they were burned alive and kept as slaves? YOU STUPID FUCKING WHINY LITTLE BITCH THAT WAS 200 YEARS AGO GET THE FUCK OVER IT DO YOU SEE ME WHINING ABOUT HOW THE WHITE MAN TOOK MY ANCESTORS LAND NO MY FUCKING RACE GOT OVER IT AND PROSPERED WE DIDNT SIT HERE AND BITCH ABOUT HOW THE GOVT IS ALWAYS AGAINST US.


Masterstyle wrote:

All those other groups you mentioned didnt have a forced tie with the negativity like African Americans did, didnt have to deal with slavery for about 200+ years then segregation another 100+ years all tied in with racism then up to today and had to deal with unequal conditions, why do you always see blacks living in "projects" and "slums" and not whites? Its because of the past segregation and racism that made conditions unfair which in turn created negative behavior like joining gangs because gangs were the only opportuinity blacks saw because of all the money selling drugs and gangbaning were in it, but all the gangs did was promote negative behaviour through selling drugs stealing which you see today they are following a bad example which some blacks are trying to change.
I don't have a lot of knowledge on the Irish, so I'm inclined to agree with you when it comes to that. However, are you saying that Jews and Asians were (or are) not discriminated against or marginalized? Are we on the same planet?

The "projects" and "slums" you refer to, when you get to the bottom of it, are simply parts of a city (usually) that are inhabited almost entirely by blacks. They did NOT start out as slums. They did not start out as areas that being in is dangerous to your health. What they are is neighborhoods that are exclusively inhabited by blacks, period. My point here is this: I have lived in a neighborhood that has an overwhelmingly Jewish population, and I spent a summer in Torrance, CA, (which is known as Little Tokyo in those parts) living just about entirely surrounded by Japanese Americans. These are also areas that have very large and nearly eclusive concentrations of a homogenous ethnic/racial group that HAS been wronged in the past, still is to some extent, and would continue to be if it were to some people.

Each of these places was a cultured, thriving city where it was a pleasure to live. Where it was safe to walk the street. Why haven't these places turned into slums or projects?

Pizdets_Velikiy wrote:

and are now probably more productive members of society than the average white. They also tend to be exceedingly nice people.

Masterstyle wrote:

and this phrase is racist in of itself what would constitue an "average white" is an "average white" better than an "average black"? or an "average asian"? what constitutes "average"? my point is you are making generalizations and not looking at the individual.
Yes, I make generalizations, but my generalizations are based on observations of many individuals. An average white is better than an average black if this average white is not destroying his environment, not disrespecting other people around him and is determined to make something of himself. An average ANYONE is better than an average member of whatever other race, if these conditions apply.

Sgt.Kyle wrote:

p3lvicthrust wrote:

Whats Racism? is that the thing that white people use against other races cuz their Ego overshadows their self esteem/confidence?

Last edited by p3lvicthrust (2006-12-01 14:05:02)

Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker

Me thinks you have a problem with their actions, not their skin.  I don't think you're racist if you meant what you said, that they should not be discriminated against, hurt, or disrespected.  Imo, I don't like anyone who is always late, disturbing class, and disrepecting the professor by constantly talking.  Race has nothing to do with it.  Same with hiring practices.  No matter what race, if they're lazy and won't do what I tell them because they think by taking orders from me they're being "disrespected", they get canned.  I'm the boss, now sit down. 

That's the problem with too many people from my generation and younger.  They're too damned cocky.  They don't know crap, but they act like the smartest person in the room!  Well, guess what, if they think their parents were tough, wait until their boss reems em a new one for a being a cocky little shit and they have no more paycheck!
I feel better.  Carry on.

Last edited by Stingray24 (2006-12-01 14:22:36)


HOLLYWOOD=_=FTW=_= wrote:


HOLLYWOOD=_=FTW=_= wrote:

I wasnt racist until i went to college. Then when all the black kids came into class 30 minutes late answered their cells in fucking class typing on their instant message cell phones and talking the entire time. Now am I In no way classifying the entire black race as ignorant retarded disrespectable ect ect. I actually had a black friend once Course he was a schitzophrenic guy who stabbed his cousin in the spine becuase the voices told him to. Ya i knwo we were roomates at a psych ward lol but he was a really nice guy smart and respectful. If they dont want to be discriminated against and looked upon as 2nd class citizens then FUCKING ACT RIGHT!!!!
On that note i talked to my uncle about this and I asked him how could i be such a racist when I had a totally differnt view when i was younger. Well he pointed this out we had 1 black guy at our school and that was only for a few months then he got kicked out for fighting granted he was not at fault. So my uncle basically said I wasnt racist because I had never had to be around them. I took this point to heart and now understand why im a racist. Now by no means do i think they should be discriminated against hurt in any way or disrespected. But I will own buisnesses when i grow up this is a fact and I know I will think very long and hard about hireing some african american people. I have  a hard time coming to terms with being somewhat of a racist and am somewhat ashamed but cmon seriously If the black people i come in contact with on a daily basis would act right I dont think i would think this way.  LET THE FLAMING BEGIN!!!!
Wow! You don't think black people should be discriminated against, hurt in any way, or disrespected. BUT! you will think long and hard before hiring a black person. Because of some black people in your class on the phone being disruptive? DAM I know all kinds of people who have done that , WHITES included. Let me tell you something, ALL OF YOU. I grew up in a 99% white town. How do you think I was treated , me having brown skin? 

I can tell you a lot of stories of how I was treated when I was growing up back in the 1980's. I've got jumped by WHITE guys, had 2 car loads of guys come by my house throwing bottles at my house and calling me a nigger and want me to come outside. Now, am I a racist now? Do I hate white people? NO! I don't blame white people for what people did to me when I was growing up? Why should I? Here's what I'm trying to say to you. Your saying that these black people were disruptive in college. Your gonna sit there and tell me white people don't do that kind of stuff? PLEASE!

I have a very good friend who is white, we grew up together and use to hang out all the time. One day he told me his mother, HIS MOTHER, slapped him in the face and spit on him because he was my friend and he wouldn't stop hanging with me. Were we out getting into trouble? No. It was all because I'm black. I asked him why does your mother feel this way? He said she had a bad experience with a black person before . His father felt the same way as his mother did. Today, if his father see me he stops and shakes my hand and ask me how I've been and we talk. Why? Because he now knows that I'm a hard working man and a very nice person.

I could go on for hours but I've said more than enough . You want to be racist , so be it. To you people calling black people DUMB and what not , why don't you go to a black neighborhood and say that? Oh! I didnt think you had the balls to.
You might wanna check the brown stuff comin out of your ears cause your so full of shit its comin out your orafices. Your friends mom didnt spit on her son and slap him thats about the most ignorant thing ive ever heard. If thats the truth than that bitch is a crack whore and she falls under my classification of a nigger. And i wouldnt go into a group of black people in a black neighboorhood and say that becuase THEY PROBABLY HAVE GUNS AND NOTHING TO LIVE FOR LOLOLOLOLOL PWNED
Well, thats the truth, I dont have to lie about the experiences that I have had in life . And futhermore , you are the same as she is or was, why? Because of the experiences you have had with black people so you think all of us are the same. My ears are fine thank you , I think you are the one who needs to check your ears , because you dont even hear what you are saying. If thats the first time you've heard a story like that then I suggest you do some research. PWNED? Hahahaaa you PWNED nothing.

HOLLYWOOD=_=FTW=_= wrote:


lol had no clue there were so many black people on bf2s lol i didnt know black people knew how to use computers LOL JK

Last edited by HOLLYWOOD=_=FTW=_= (2006-12-01 15:29:14)

education > racism
AKA: badhq
+937|6945|Derby, England

Education Thread Closed

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