i hate you all
Reviving people = boring
Killing people = fun

Points mean nothing to me, i`ve finished rounds with -50 because teamkilling the bitch who teamkilled me once is fun.

In bf2 that is, 2142 is for suckers...
BF2s US Server Admin, IRC>Forums
+157|6789|The Mind Of A Cereal Killer
Where are all the medic whores?

I think everyone is in trying to get the sniper cloak unlock....
Anouk, Slayers little bitch

EntertaineR_06 wrote:

Why are all your topic titles a question?
because it is a forum and most people ask questions or wondering about something.

It depends on which server I play. On Berlin I am a medicwhore. On Gibraltar i am a sniperwhore, on suez I am engiwhore and sometimes I play support. Support is the easiest way to get kills with your lmg and ammo is needed every second. I saw indeed that medics don't act as medics anymore but like selfish targets. So more points for me:p
+106|6531|UMass Amherst
If I counted the number of times I had a medic nearby and the fucktard didn't revive me, I think the number of PREVENTABLE deaths is about half of my death total.  Seriously, the average player in BF2142 is a complete idiot...when I see teammates down, I don't revive them for the points, I revive them so I can rush a flag in full force and push the enemy back to their last spawn points.  That's worth a hell of a lot more, just by doing a simple revive.  And yet no one wants to do it anymore, or stick in a squad, or follow orders...everyone's a vigilante who thinks they can take on the entire team, just like they used to in BF2.  Get real: teamwork means everything now, and reviving goes a long way to further proving that.
Medics Are Gay
BF2s US Server Admin
+76|6768|inside the recesses of your...

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

BF2's Karkand is the place of Medic Whores. outside that, they are practically non-existent.
If I anticipate ANY ground pounding, I'm medic, baby.  IO: Definitely going medic all the way.  But I, too, feel a little lonely being the only guy to revive my entire freaking squad....
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Really support now gives more points than medic.
I usually try to play Assault, unless I'm driving armor, and I'm always reviving.  I sometimes get revived quickly, sometimes I sit there and there are five medics within 10m.  The thing that I find most frustrating, though, is that all the support whores around who don't drop ammo boxes whilst I'm AR-rocketing and Bauer sniping every living thing within 100m.  I've adopted a new strategy towards them, though:  I ask for ammo 3 times, and jump around right in their face so they can't miss me, and give them time to drop a box in case they can't because they dropped one not too long ago...  If it doesn't materialize within about 30 seconds, I just knife 'em in the back and press a key I have bound to say "Give me a goddamned ammo box you n00b", then I revive 'em a few seconds later.  So, they always punish me.  Big whoop.

I have to say, though, that it's an awesome thing to play in a squad that really works as a team, and uses voip.  It's incredible fun, and it's easy to mow the opposing team down.  I have all of the assault trees unlocked, except the guns.  I like both unlock guns, under different circumstances, and how I feel like playing, so I just keep them as field unlocks so I can concentrate on player abilities and the engineer tree.  I'm really starting to like the Bauer-H, though... I feel like I do get more kills when I use it and play a little more aggressively.  I wish it behaved exactly like the G3 in BF2, cause G3=pwnzor.
+7|6865|MoVal, Southern California

Magius5.0 wrote:

If I counted the number of times I had a medic nearby and the fucktard didn't revive me, I think the number of PREVENTABLE deaths is about half of my death total.  Seriously, the average player in BF2142 is a complete idiot...when I see teammates down, I don't revive them for the points, I revive them so I can rush a flag in full force and push the enemy back to their last spawn points.  That's worth a hell of a lot more, just by doing a simple revive.  And yet no one wants to do it anymore, or stick in a squad, or follow orders...everyone's a vigilante who thinks they can take on the entire team, just like they used to in BF2.  Get real: teamwork means everything now, and reviving goes a long way to further proving that.

I don't revive for the points either, i revive so i can get more teammates to help me out, especially near a control point.
48 player titan server while attacking/defending titan as medic = mmmm points.
Dex Luther

Bell wrote:

They all evolved into support whores.


If you had the choice between unlimited ammo, unlimited nades, and the ability to deploy a neat little gun that kills loads of people all on it's own or the ability to revive people, which would be your pick?

Last edited by Dex Luther (2006-11-30 18:15:35)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6824|Canberra, AUS
As I've said before:

The average number of times I say "FFS REVIVE" in a round is about 6.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6594|The Land of Scott Walker
I play assault and usually have my defib equipped.  The one time I didn't, the squad leader was a jerk and came over voip and said, "F--- you.  Get outta my squad if you won't revive me."  Gawd.
Jo Barf Creepy

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

In BF2 there was no shortage of medics whoring points. People actually raced each other and bravely dove into enemy fire to revive someone. Now it seems like the medics don't want points. Whenever I play medic, especially on fall of Berlin, I revive more people than the top player kills. There is no points everywhere. When I die, my corpse is surrounded by medics, but no one seems to have the defibrillator unlocked. Now I've seen how crappy of a shot many of these people have, and reviving someone is worth just as many points as killing someone. Why not get those free points that are right in front of you? I just recently played in a squad with 5 other assault players, but was never revived once during the entire round. So I asked these people "Do you have the defibrillator unlocked?" and one of them replied "No, I get it with a field unlock."

What the fuck...

What is the point of playing a medic whore if you don't actually whore points? I can go several rounds without getting revived once. Do people simply not want points?

Please, bring back the whores. … ark-28.jpg
I'll remind you that the kit's name is Assault...Not medic.
+3|6931|West Va (USA)
Need more Medic! Over.
MAN thats so odd, when the game first came out, the VOSS was teh unlock of choice, everybody ahd it, everybody used it, it was only seconded by the zeller, then cam the Baur, and then people started to get pissed, the rockets out poon anybody in their way, ao more people started unlocking it.  Its annoying how there is a medic prone on me and im like MEDIC!!!!! and they're like "enemy walker" and im like wtf noob, reveive me and they are like, no man i need to knife teh walker.

Bad spelling and grammer rant over.

Jo Barf Creepy wrote:

I'll remind you that the kit's name is Assault...Not medic.
MEDIC this position.
im going up the MEDIC tree.
i need to MEDIC those engineers over there.

Last edited by Doms (2006-12-01 03:55:33)

it's not the medics i'm bothered about i'll just come back in with full life again in 15 seconds. it's those stupid fucking support guys who drive me crazy, they all run around shooting that gun contantly to get better accuracy but when someone needs ammo where are they? even when i'm sniper crouched on top of a building and a support guy crouches next to me, i'll shout for ammo at least 12 times, he'll even look at me thinking what the hell is shouting about but he still won't give me any ammo in the end i just stab the bastards for being so stupid
"Aff, Star Colonel!"

Jo Barf Creepy wrote:

I'll remind you that the kit's name is Assault...Not medic.
Yes, but when you're shot, you don't say "I need an assault here!"

Kanil wrote:

Jo Barf Creepy wrote:

I'll remind you that the kit's name is Assault...Not medic.
Yes, but when you're shot, you don't say "I need an assault here!"
OWNED lol ...
Exploit/Glitch "Tester"
+49|6525|Inside the AR Rockets.
Check out my sig. Made it like.. 3 weeks ago? It sucks. And trust me. They all have the defib, but they're just the standard idiots who's item switch buttons only go up to 4.
Jo Barf Creepy

Kanil wrote:

Jo Barf Creepy wrote:

I'll remind you that the kit's name is Assault...Not medic.
Yes, but when you're shot, you don't say "I need an assault here!"
Actually I do just that. No point in having my revived ass die immediately then have the medic beside me wasted to pieces. I'd rather they ASSAULT first and MEDIC after.

Kanil wrote:

Jo Barf Creepy wrote:

I'll remind you that the kit's name is Assault...Not medic.
Yes, but when you're shot, you don't say "I need an assault here!"
Yes that's true. But this doesn't alter the fact that Assaults are meant to Assault first and be Medic after, I do understand you though when there is a medic next to you and he doesn't revive.

I also read someone asking why people don't unlock the defib. tree or don't equip the defib., remember, the class is Assault, not Medic. When assault I mostly always go with rockets and smoke nades.
[L4WD] thealmightygnome
+3|6629|A Cardboard Box, 29a
I suppose i would be classed an engineer whore (titan guns- repair point, repair point, repair point, well at least its tidy),  used to play medic, and now do it only on camp gibraltar (you are still garanteed a free revive on this). Most the time it is becasue i play titan and as the levels are so big and there are many small servers i hardly ever encounter my team until the titan assault/ defence. I think it is the attitude who wants a defibrilator when you could have a ROCKET LAUNCHER!!! yay five year olds unite! they stopped being the ultimate weapon in games ages ago. However i bet if the smoke grenade was switched with the rocket launcher there would be loads of medic whores.
I can't shoot with the BAUR for s**t so having the rocket attachment is a must.  If I had the smoke unlocked I guess that would make a tough choice for replacing the defib. 

Only having 2 slots is a pain.....   Would be worse though if the Herzog was useful, I want to use it but if you can't headshot with it you are wasting your time as 3 shots in the body usually won't kill someone and they have to be pretty stupid not to notice and give you time for the reload.

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