Dezerteagal5 wrote:
Well i was wondering something, i don't believe in god, but i was wondering if someone who does could explain to me this:
How do religious people explain dinosaurs?
Wernt Adam and Eve like the first living things ever created? If not were they created after the dinosaurs, must have been right cause if the dinos went extict surely humans would? That would mean Dinosaurs disprove even more of the bible right??
Isn't there some conflict there?
EDIT: Yeah doesn't god create all the lambs and cows and giraffs, i dont recall modern day animals being around with dinosaurs, yet noah still arced them all
EDIT2: Christian religion is what im talking about
There are a few explaintions for dinosaurs that Christians take One is that they did not exist, and they are made up. There are only a very few Christians who believe this, mostly very conservative people. The same ones who believe the Bible tell women that they can not wear things like pants, and make-up.
There is the other theory that dinosaurs and people lived together. They take that some of the animals spoken about in the Bible are dinosaurs.
Here is a site that explains that theory. wrote:
Have Dinosaurs Lived in Recent Times?
If the different kinds of dinosaurs survived the Flood, then they must have come off the Ark and lived in the post-Flood world.
In the Bible, in Job 40:15-24, God describes to Job (who lived after the Flood) a great beast with which Job was familiar. This great animal, called ‘behemoth,’ is described as ‘the chief of the ways of God,’ perhaps the biggest land animal God had created. Impressively, he moved his tail like a cedar tree! Although some Bible commentaries say this may have been an elephant or hippopotamus, the description actually fits that of a dinosaur like Brachiosaurus. Elephants and hippos certainly do not have tails like cedar trees!
Actually, very few animals are singled out in the Bible for such a detailed description. Contrary to what many may think, what we know now as dinosaurs get more mention in the Scriptures than most animals! So dinosaurs—all the different kinds—must have lived alongside of people after the Flood.
Another theory is that there were animals on the Earth before the story in Gensis, thus being dinosaurs. This also comes from Gensis, where God tells Adam and Eve to replinish the Earth.
The last theory comes from a very non-conservative stand point, sort of. Most traditional Christians believe that the world was created in 6 days, and God rested on the 7th. Thus, we have 7 days in a week. They believe that this was actual 24 hour periods. Some Christians believe that the measurement of a day could have been a lot longer. This comes from a different passage in the Bible that says a 1000 years is like a day to God. It basically is saying that God is greater the time itself, and exist outside of time. Thus, a day could have been 1000 years, or any given amount of time. With that being explained, this group of people believe that dinosaurs could have lived, and died during the creation story.
There is yet another group of Christians, who believe that dinosaurs existed, but choose not to place them in a timeline. I think that this is what most Christians do.