The Sheriff wrote:
No. U bring it on Noosha, my awsm armour just arrived. … awsm-2.png
Thank you Comrade Jensen. I will send commie cookies your way.Lieutenant_Jensen wrote:
The Faeroe Islands are under the kingdom of Soviet Denmark.PBAsydney wrote:
You can take Finland and Sweden, but the Faeroe Islands are MINE, I will get those pesky bastards.Lieutenant_Jensen wrote:
My dear Comrade.
Let Soviet Denmark and Soviet Norway work together to make the rest of Scandinavia, including Finland and Faeroe Islands, Soviet!
But, as an exeption, I will let you have them Comrade.
*gets up to goto restroom*
Fellow SOVIETS! We are issuing a call to arms to defend all that is SHARED in this world!
Join here, and Stop the CAPITALIST PIGS dead in their tracks!
Join here, and Stop the CAPITALIST PIGS dead in their tracks!
Don't be fooled FREEDOM LOVING PEOPLE OF THE WORLD, General cowami here seeks to OPPRESS you and your family. Do not be fooled by his silly red hat! Enlist here, and join in the fight to save Freedom, Liberty, and your nice cars in the Free World
And Remember,
And Remember,
Last edited by Major.League.Infidel (2008-01-28 20:24:14)
This glorius Soviet Republik demands the oppresive and atavistic lifestyle of the capitalist dogs needs to be eradicated to make more room for glorious mother Russia and all Soviet's of A republics.
I concur!JET_G raidensen wrote:
This glorius Soviet Republik demands the oppresive and atavistic lifestyle of the capitalist dogs needs to be eradicated to make more room for glorious mother Russia and all Soviet's of A republics.
Also; These hideous capitalist lies are completely based on capitalist values and lies. It is not better to be dead than red, in fact us glorious "Reds" took a cencus to determine whether it was better to be "dead" than "Red". When threatened with becoming "dead" or staying "Red" 100% of Soviet man's asked concured it was indeed better to be "Red" than "dead".
Our heroic victory over this shocking capitilast propaganda will be broadcast over the Nationalist Heroical Hour radio show.
Our heroic victory over this shocking capitilast propaganda will be broadcast over the Nationalist Heroical Hour radio show.
Join the capitalist side now, or face the consequences.
See? Not even Hulk Hogan can destroy the flag of the GREAT SOVIET US&A.SEREMAKER wrote: … ies3dh.gif
no uJenspm wrote:
Meh, Capitalism > Comunism.
Question is, will you get away with that my comrade
as long as there´s free russian teens, IM ALL GAME !!!
[19:51] cowami: bennet supports soviet US&A
[19:51] Surgeons: lulz
[19:51] cowami: i'm not so sure about it now
[19:51] Surgeons: lulz
[19:51] cowami: i'm not so sure about it now