lowing wrote:
1. They are pretending that ISLAMIC terroristism is not occuring. WHich it is. THey are trying to "cede" that this form of terrorim has nothing to do with this religion, which it does. SO, there is your "pretending" and your "ceding".
How are they pretending it isn’t happening exactly? The name change has caused enough controversy on this board alone let alone the press headlines, if anything they are publicising the threat even more. If anything I believe our Government overplays the threat in order to excuse cutting civil liberties.
lowing wrote:
2. For the 12th time GB is not appeasing the terrorists, they are appeasing the Muslim community in hopes to create warm fuzzies between them and GB so the moderates find it harder to turn radical. Wich of course, they can and have in the recent past.
“Between them and GB”?????? So Muslims aren’t a part of Great Britain now? The whole point of this is to reduce the “them and us” attitude that you are clearly displaying right now. What is so embarrassing or wrong about that anyway, the thread title implies that GB has had to ignore it’s principles or something. Do you consider the civil rights changes “appeasing” black people?
lowing wrote:
GB is not shying away from the terrorists, they are appeasing the moderates to keep them from potentially finding reasons to join them or sympathize with them. THis has been stated several times.
And this is a bad thing how? You mean we should be encouraging moderates to become radicals, is that what you’re suggesting.
lowing wrote:
They are lying they are trying to make like Islam has nothing to do with Islamic TERRORIST comitting Terrorists acts in the name of ISLAM.
Um no they’re not lying at all. As an atheist I would argue all holy books are as bad as each other but in today’s modern society Islam is practiced by millions of peaceful people with no intention of ever attacking the West. The vast majority of Muslims believe Islam stands for peace and therefore a terrorist killing people is the opposite to what their religion teaches. If anything “anti-Islamic activity” is more accurate.
Lowing a concept you fail to understand is that “Islamic terror” wasn’t invented by Islam but by terrorists who use Islam for their gains. By calling it “Islamic terror” you are allowing the terrorists to hijack the word Islam, otherwise I could go on a killing spree, say I did it for atheists and then demonise every atheist in the world regardless of how anti-violence they are, do you think that is fair.
Lowing you only have a point if Islam explicitly justifies and encourages terrorism which it doesn’t (well no more than the Bible does anyway). I asked earlier but you didn’t reply, just one question I want you to think about.
If the term was currently just ‘terrorist’ and you had to argue for the introduction of Islamic being attached to it, could you?