I made a HUGE mistake about 5 months ago with an employee. No perverts, not that.

I own a small company. We have a large Dell Financial line of credit. This place looks like the house that Dell built.

Anyway, an employee comes to me about 5 months ago and asks if she can buy a computer on the Dell credit account and make payments frmo her paycheck. I'm reluctant but she's a good kid, married with two kids, and a decent worker so I say yes.

She gets the mammajamma laptop for $2,800.

She tells me last Friday she's leaving the company. Tomorrow is her last day. She has made 10 payments of $75.

All of our employees sign agreements that if they owe money to the company when they leave, their last check will be applied to the balance owed. Well, here's my pickle. She wants to make payments on the laptop after she's gone. I'm not stupid. In 3 months her car will break down or her husband will lose his job or she'll have to go to the dentist for something major and my payments will slow, then stop. I'll be left holding the bag. I'm not doing that in all likelihood.

Her last paycheck is going to be about $800. I'm inclined to either take her last paycheck and set up an autodraft on her checking account for the balance and explain to her that if she misses one payment (the laptop is in the company name until she's paid for it in full) I'll report the thing stolen, or I'm thinking of offering her the $750 back that she has paid, giving her her last paycheck, and just taking the laptop.

My fear is that if I don't give her the payment option, which I'd prefer not to do, she'll leave her last check and the $750 with me, which will total about $1,500, and walk off with my $2,800 laptop, leaving me to eat the $1,300.

If she does that I'll report it stolen too...

This sucks. Anyway, what would y'all do?

Id say: " I technically own the laptop until its paid off. So it stays in the office until its paid off in full. If it leaves the office any time between now and then its technically stolen and will be treated as such"

Don't trust no one. If people can fuck you they will. She will justify it to he self, even if she is a good kid, by thinking "he can afford it, he didn't give me a pay rise in 2 months so I am entitled to it" or something to that effect.
Refuse her request and state that she can either return the laptop or cede her last paycheck and be subjected to a direct debit on her account. If she skips payment, bring her to court. Simple as. You owe this women nothing, she's walking out on you.
The Last Gunslinger
Harsh situation. I'd prob take the laptop off her- as she hasnt paid for it fully (out of her own cash) it would technically still be property of the company. Then (because i'm nice) give her back the $750 she had paid towards it and her last paycheck and that would be the last of it.

That's my suggestion anyway....
Let the rough side drag
Cut the BS mate...repo the doubt, this is the simplest best option imo.  I too own a business, in real-estate and I have learned thru the years, you dont try to tap dance with people unless you know'em really well.
Give the girl her chk an take the lappy, you are well within your legal rights (as I understand it in this state at least) to do so.

Good luck on this hehe

JahManRed wrote:

Don't trust no one. If people can fuck you they will. She will justify it to he self, even if she is a good kid, by thinking "he can afford it, he didn't give me a pay rise in 2 months so I am entitled to it" or something to that effect.
I'm afraid you're absolutely correct on that one.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6987|Cologne, Germany

CameronPoe wrote:

Refuse her request and state that she can either return the laptop or cede her last paycheck and be subjected to a direct debit on her account. If she skips payment, bring her to court. Simple as. You owe this women nothing, she's walking out on you.
seconded. generally, I am kind, and emphatic, and moderate and alll of that shit, but not when it's about business matters. Your reputation / money may be on the line here, so have no mercy.
. . .

Dersmikner wrote:

Anyway, what would y'all do?

Hmm, I'd keep the last check, have already paid off the credit-line...

I'd send her on her way, wish her the best, and that's that, write off the loss, then let my accountant deal with the mickey-mouse (tiny) tax implications.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

You would have to balance the $1300 cost of the unpaid balance vs. court costs or other legal fees for other legal options. My guess is you'll come out on the short end either way. If she doesn't bring the laptop back in, keep her final check and write off the balance, like topal63 said.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6591|The Land of Scott Walker

B.Schuss wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Refuse her request and state that she can either return the laptop or cede her last paycheck and be subjected to a direct debit on her account. If she skips payment, bring her to court. Simple as. You owe this women nothing, she's walking out on you.
seconded. generally, I am kind, and emphatic, and moderate and alll of that shit, but not when it's about business matters. Your reputation / money may be on the line here, so have no mercy.
+226|6889|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
Don't suppose you could give her half her last pay cheque, tell her she was a valued member of staff to keep the laptop and thank her for her work? I presume she made you plenty of money while she was in your employ? have her leave the company thinking what a great boss and stand up guy you are, and you write it off as a tax expense? lesson well learned?

Last edited by IG-Calibre (2008-01-17 13:24:55)


CameronPoe wrote:

Refuse her request and state that she can either return the laptop or cede her last paycheck and be subjected to a direct debit on her account. If she skips payment, bring her to court. Simple as. You owe this women nothing, she's walking out on you.
Holy shit... I agree with Cam.  Meh, it has happened before.  I kinda feel as thought she knew what she was doing.  Dell has a credit line she could have opened with them, made her little payments, leaving you out of the picture entirely.  Which having typed that, I'd speculate that her credit wasn't good enough to afford her the line for a beastly laptop.  If she doesn't have good enough credit with the ones who matter (no offence meant), then what makes you think she's gonna pay you back?  Yea, She took advantage of your generosity.  Go get your computer back.  A change in company policy may not be a bad idea either...
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Did you contract the payments with her? When you're owed money in a business capacity, -always- document it. Always, always, always.
The laptop payments are contracted. to the guy who said "give it to her because she made you a lot of money", no fucking chance of that going down. I've given literally tens of thousands of dollars to employees and it's my one big regret. I've pissed away a fortune on drug treatment programs and apartment deposits and bail money and it has never gotten me jack fucking shit but a writeoff.

I looked back at the laptop order and it was actually $2,386. Here's what I'm giving her tomorrow:


Purchase price:    $2,386
Payments:        $   750
Remaining:        $1,636

Approximate final check:    80 standard hours    $720
                4.5 overtime hours    $  41
                On-call bonus        $  50
                Approx after taxes:    $700

Laptop options:

1.    Keep the laptop, take your last check, give me a check for the $1,636 owed.

2.     Keep the laptop, leave your last check, owe $936 on the laptop, sign a payment
    agreement to auto-debit your checking account for $150 an installment, 6 times.

3.    Keep the laptop, leave your last check, give me a check for the $936 owed.

4.    Leave the laptop, take your last check, take a check for $750 for your payments.


I hope she just sells me back the laptop so I don't have to jack with an ex-employee calling and asking if I can skip the autodebit and all that shit that you know will happen.

By the way, it's costing me $25 a month to set up the "I can draft your checking account" module on my company checking account. Fuckin 'ay.
By the way, thanks for the suggestions.

Tell her to return the laptop and you'll hold her paycheck until she returns it. When (hopefully) she returns the laptop, give her her check along with her $750. If she doesn't return the laptop, report it stolen.

Dersmikner wrote:

The laptop payments are contracted. to the guy who said "give it to her because she made you a lot of money", no fucking chance of that going down. I've given literally tens of thousands of dollars to employees and it's my one big regret. I've pissed away a fortune on drug treatment programs and apartment deposits and bail money and it has never gotten me jack fucking shit but a writeoff.

I looked back at the laptop order and it was actually $2,386. Here's what I'm giving her tomorrow:


Purchase price:    $2,386
Payments:        $   750
Remaining:        $1,636

Approximate final check:    80 standard hours    $720
                4.5 overtime hours    $  41
                On-call bonus        $  50
                Approx after taxes:    $700

Laptop options:

1.    Keep the laptop, leave your last check, give me a check for the $936 owed.


I hope she just sells me back the laptop so I don't have to jack with an ex-employee calling and asking if I can skip the autodebit and all that shit that you know will happen.

By the way, it's costing me $25 a month to set up the "I can draft your checking account" module on my company checking account. Fuckin 'ay.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
The X stands for
+1,813|6252|eXtreme to the maX
- She transfers the hire purchase agreement into her name so the laptop repayments are directly between her and Dell
- You buy out her share of the laptop and you keep it
- She buys out your share of the laptop and she keeps it

Probably she will walk off with it minus her cheque, leaving you out by $1300
Or you will set up a deal she will renege on, as you've already guessed, which amounts to the same thing plus she gets her cheque, leaving you out by $2100

Either way it would be theft and should be reported.

If you can get hold of it lock it away until you have an agreement.
If not don't give her her last cheque.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
who else was dissapointed it wasn't a broom cupboard baby making session guilt fest?
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
The X stands for
+1,813|6252|eXtreme to the maX
Come to think of it can't you plant some dwarf-porn on her laptop, sack her and keep the $750?
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Well, I got the computer back, and gave her the $750 she's paid towards it.

I didn't realize what a mammajamma this thing is. It's a Vostro 1700 with a 17" screen. It also has a dual core MF processor that's as good as my desktop at home (I think 2.8 or something) and it's got 3 gigs of RAM and I didn't even know you could put 3 gigs of RAM into a laptop. That's just stupid. It also has a GEForce 8600 video card, which seems strange because I put one of those in my home computer and it was about half the size of the laptop so I have no idea how that fucker fits in a laptop. Must not have a fan on it.

Well, I'm in the process of having my IT guy transfer everything from my laptop to this one and I'm giving mine (an Inspiron) to the old lady. I'm not sure what the hell I'm gonna need that much laptop for but I guess I could game with it...

Good tips all. Thanks.
Damn thats a nice ass lappy. As for the video card size, laptops have difference sized ones compared to their desktop counterparts, thats why they can fit.

Dersmikner wrote:


Well, I got the computer back, and gave her the $750 she's paid towards it.

I didn't realize what a mammajamma this thing is. It's a Vostro 1700 with a 17" screen. It also has a dual core MF processor that's as good as my desktop at home (I think 2.8 or something) and it's got 3 gigs of RAM and I didn't even know you could put 3 gigs of RAM into a laptop. That's just stupid. It also has a GEForce 8600 video card, which seems strange because I put one of those in my home computer and it was about half the size of the laptop so I have no idea how that fucker fits in a laptop. Must not have a fan on it.

Well, I'm in the process of having my IT guy transfer everything from my laptop to this one and I'm giving mine (an Inspiron) to the old lady. I'm not sure what the hell I'm gonna need that much laptop for but I guess I could game with it...

Good tips all. Thanks.
Either she is a gamer or she was thinking "I'll get the highest spec laptop I can find because I don't intend to pay for it" Either way, good job. Next time someone asks you to do something like that tell them to use a finance company and you will give them a reference.

Employees don't know how much it takes to run a business, stress and lots of hours they don't see, so they tend to complain and think they are entitled to rip you off as they are owed something because you drive a better car or whatever.
Taking the laptop back is your best option. It's a shame circumstances have come to where they have, but that happens. You try to be a good boss to your staff, but there will always be a few who mistake kindness for weakness and try and take advantage of the situation.

As a rule, we don't advance more money than a person has accumulated in holiday pay. So if someone has only $1000 worth of holiday pay owing, that is as high as I let them go. That way if they do leave, I get their payments. It doesn't help you in this situation, but may help you for future decisions.

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