
BTEC > GCSE, agree?

I concur!17%17% - 14
No, faggot27%27% - 22
wats a BTEC8%8% - 7
wats a GCSE0%0% - 0
wats a GCSE/BTEC?35%35% - 28
wats a poll?10%10% - 8
Total: 79
Pheasant Plucker
+440|7003|West Yorkshire, U.K

presidentsheep wrote:

most unis will take A levels over BTECs, they show a greater academic ability and u definitely have more of a chance getting a good job with a degree than a BTEC

i'll admit BTECs are better than GCSEs, but GCSEs open up more academically and in turn this gets u a better job/life
I have to agree with this guy, BTEC's are not as challenging and dont look as good as A' levels
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6808|Gogledd Cymru

presidentsheep wrote:

SamTheMan:D wrote:

presidentsheep wrote:

lol, good luck trying 2 get a decent job with just BTECs
seriously if u were an employer and 2 ppl came 2 u. 1 with decent GCSEs in various subjects and the other had a BTEC... who would you choose??
BTEC cause its equivilant to A levels

A levels > GCSEs
most unis will take A levels over BTECs, they show a greater academic ability and u definitely have more of a chance getting a good job with a degree than a BTEC

i'll admit BTECs are better than GCSEs, but GCSEs open up more academically and in turn this gets u a better job
The people doing BTEC courses don't want to fucking go to Uni, a BTEC is a vocational course, incase you don't know what that means it is a specialised course for one specific trade, e.g. hairdressing, plumbing, bricklaying, electrician, joinery.

As it stands, you will get just as good jobs, if not better than most people with degrees get with a BTEC, as no one wants to do these trades anymore, there is an absolute killing to be made in plumbing/central heating. Why not take some time to research what you are talking about instead of wasting my time I could spend playing with Noosha.
+2,382|6997|The North, beyond the wall.

presidentsheep wrote:

lol, good luck trying 2 get a decent job with just BTECs
seriously if u were an employer and 2 ppl came 2 u. 1 with decent GCSEs in various subjects and the other had a BTEC... who would you choose??
I'd interview them both and choose accordingly. Or give them a trial period, I don't believe in "qualifications".
GCSE's are worth shit, I'm speaking from experience.
I know fucking karate
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6808|Gogledd Cymru

Kurazoo wrote:

presidentsheep wrote:

most unis will take A levels over BTECs, they show a greater academic ability and u definitely have more of a chance getting a good job with a degree than a BTEC

i'll admit BTECs are better than GCSEs, but GCSEs open up more academically and in turn this gets u a better job/life
I have to agree with this guy, BTEC's are not as challenging and dont look as good as A' levels
Have you taken a BTEC course? I'm sure you have taken GCSE's and as you will know, they are insanely easy. A BTEC takes 3/4 years, full time, on one course, and yet you say a GCSE is more challenging, I'm laughing at you, well done.

Last edited by The Sheriff (2008-01-11 15:34:04)

Pheasant Plucker
+440|7003|West Yorkshire, U.K

The Sheriff wrote:

Kurazoo wrote:

presidentsheep wrote:

most unis will take A levels over BTECs, they show a greater academic ability and u definitely have more of a chance getting a good job with a degree than a BTEC

i'll admit BTECs are better than GCSEs, but GCSEs open up more academically and in turn this gets u a better job/life
I have to agree with this guy, BTEC's are not as challenging and dont look as good as A' levels
Have you taken a BTEC course? I'm sure you have taken GCSE's and as you will know, they are insanely easy. A BTEC takes 3/4 years, full time, on one course, and yet you say a GCSE is more challenging, I'm laughing at you, well done.
Oh dear Sheriif, I am currently doing a BTEC course and i have done GCSES, I was comparing ALEVELS to BTECS not GCSES to BTECS you idiot, read what I put again but slower
Super Awesome Member
Depends what you want to do.
BTEC is good if you want a BTEC

GCSEs are good if you want a job.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6808|Gogledd Cymru

Peter wrote:

Depends what you want to do.
BTEC is good if you want a BTEC

GCSEs are good if you want a job.
Jobwise, GCSE's are only good for McDonalds.
+2,382|6997|The North, beyond the wall.

The Sheriff wrote:

Peter wrote:

Depends what you want to do.
BTEC is good if you want a BTEC

GCSEs are good if you want a job.
Jobwise, GCSE's are only good for McDonalds.
Not really.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
You lot do realise you're arguing over a qualification which is largely irrelevant on your CV when you apply for your first real job? 

GCSE / BTEC are only really there to filter the dumbasses from those that have demonstrated a potential to become successful. 

A Levels will filter the people who will go to a good university and those that will go to a ex-poly.

Which university you go to, what you got and what you did are the important attributes of your degree.  It's here where someone decides you're good enough to work for Morgan Stanley or you should fuck off to some third rate donkey employer.

Last edited by m3thod (2008-01-11 15:44:08)

Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Un Moderador

Peter wrote:

Depends what you want to do.
BTEC is good if you want a BTEC

GCSEs are good if you want a job.

Really, don't talk crap please. GCSEs are a stepping stone for A levels. GCSEs are academical standards which allow a pupil to get a 60% idea about A levels, not an exam made for getting a job. They are only useful as a tracker for universities to see if your progress has been balanced throughout school.

BTECs were created for kids who aren't going to take the extra leap and reach university. They were created to employ practical skills with young students, not to help their academic abilities for the later years in school.

Both sets of courses are very different in specific areas. Both have their downfalls and both have their practicalities. But if there is something that you are going to be arguing about, it should be which of the higher education courses are the best for jobs, not GCSEs and BTECs.

Like A leves compared to Highers and Advanced Highers and the European/International bachaloriate.

It's a stupid discussion.
+183|6932|Newcastle UK
all i no is im meant 2 get a double distinction which is 240 ucas points, that plus my as business grade is 300 so i have enough add 50 to do the course i wanna do.
You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.
+515|6974|Loughborough Uni / Leeds, UK
Neither one is better than the other...

GCSE is the more academic route whereas a Btech is more practical based.

GCSE's lead on to Alevels and if I'm honest I'm not sure where Btech's lead on to....apprenticeships?

Peter wrote:

Depends what you want to do.
BTEC is good if you want a BTEC

GCSEs are good if you want a job.
Stfu pete

BTECs are more likely to get you a job
btecs r 4 dunb mepeople
Latter Alcoholic

Zimmer wrote:

It's a stupid discussion.
yup, both have different purposes.

/end thread plx
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6808|Gogledd Cymru

liquidat0r wrote:

btecs r 4 dunb mepeople
so are gcse's
Un Moderador

The Sheriff wrote:

liquidat0r wrote:

btecs r 4 dunb mepeople
so are gcse's
No. Wrong. GCSEs have to be taken for further education in School. England expects more than 50% of its kids to go past GCSEs to AS levels. So the whole point of GCSEs is to give the pupils a boost, not to compare to how stupid you are if you pass them or not.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6808|Gogledd Cymru

Zimmer wrote:

The Sheriff wrote:

liquidat0r wrote:

btecs r 4 dunb mepeople
so are gcse's
No. Wrong. GCSEs have to be taken for further education in School. England expects more than 50% of its kids to go past GCSEs to AS levels. So the whole point of GCSEs is to give the pupils a boost, not to compare to how stupid you are if you pass them or not.
You know what i mean.
BTECs are just fail.
My mum is closesly involved with the education system and she said that the government attempt to make them seem much more valuable than they actually are. Employers value gcse qualifications higher than BTEC, and the kids that think this isn't true are jus gettin a duff deal by doin BTECs.
Your not going to get into any good uni/job with BTECs. In fact all the unis I applied to (when it was my time to) didnt even accept BTECs.

I know people that have done BTECs in countryside management instead of A-levels. Just a waste of time.

Off topic: GCSEs were a piece of piss. Also unis look at AS results but mainly predicted grades
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6808|Gogledd Cymru

bennisboy wrote:

BTECs are just fail.
My mum is closesly involved with the education system and she said that the government attempt to make them seem much more valuable than they actually are. Employers value gcse qualifications higher than BTEC, and the kids that think this isn't true are jus gettin a duff deal by doin BTECs.
Your not going to get into any good uni/job with BTECs. In fact all the unis I applied to (when it was my time to) didnt even accept BTECs.

I know people that have done BTECs in countryside management instead of A-levels. Just a waste of time.

Off topic: GCSEs were a piece of piss. Also unis look at AS results but mainly predicted grades
People doing BTEC's dont normally go to uni. They get a job.

The Sheriff wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

BTECs are just fail.
My mum is closesly involved with the education system and she said that the government attempt to make them seem much more valuable than they actually are. Employers value gcse qualifications higher than BTEC, and the kids that think this isn't true are jus gettin a duff deal by doin BTECs.
Your not going to get into any good uni/job with BTECs. In fact all the unis I applied to (when it was my time to) didnt even accept BTECs.

I know people that have done BTECs in countryside management instead of A-levels. Just a waste of time.

Off topic: GCSEs were a piece of piss. Also unis look at AS results but mainly predicted grades
People doing BTEC's dont normally go to uni. They get a job.
And employers dont value BTECs, so they dont get a good one

bennisboy wrote:

BTECs are just fail.
My mum is closesly involved with the education system and she said that the government attempt to make them seem much more valuable than they actually are. Employers value gcse qualifications higher than BTEC, and the kids that think this isn't true are jus gettin a duff deal by doin BTECs.
Your not going to get into any good uni/job with BTECs. In fact all the unis I applied to (when it was my time to) didnt even accept BTECs.

I know people that have done BTECs in countryside management instead of A-levels. Just a waste of time.

Off topic: GCSEs were a piece of piss. Also unis look at AS results but mainly predicted grades
The guy in my class is doing just one year of the BTEC course and has got into 2 Unis, his names Lee.

And BTECs are worth A levels, so by saying GCSEs are higher than BTECs, your saying GCSEs are also higher than A levels.

SamTheMan:D wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

BTECs are just fail.
My mum is closesly involved with the education system and she said that the government attempt to make them seem much more valuable than they actually are. Employers value gcse qualifications higher than BTEC, and the kids that think this isn't true are jus gettin a duff deal by doin BTECs.
Your not going to get into any good uni/job with BTECs. In fact all the unis I applied to (when it was my time to) didnt even accept BTECs.

I know people that have done BTECs in countryside management instead of A-levels. Just a waste of time.

Off topic: GCSEs were a piece of piss. Also unis look at AS results but mainly predicted grades
The guy in my class is doing just one year of the BTEC course and has got into 2 Unis, his names Lee.

And BTECs are worth A levels, so by saying GCSEs are higher than BTECs, your saying GCSEs are also higher than A levels.
BTECs arent worth A-levels, they're worth fuck all

bennisboy wrote:

SamTheMan:D wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

BTECs are just fail.
My mum is closesly involved with the education system and she said that the government attempt to make them seem much more valuable than they actually are. Employers value gcse qualifications higher than BTEC, and the kids that think this isn't true are jus gettin a duff deal by doin BTECs.
Your not going to get into any good uni/job with BTECs. In fact all the unis I applied to (when it was my time to) didnt even accept BTECs.

I know people that have done BTECs in countryside management instead of A-levels. Just a waste of time.

Off topic: GCSEs were a piece of piss. Also unis look at AS results but mainly predicted grades
The guy in my class is doing just one year of the BTEC course and has got into 2 Unis, his names Lee.

And BTECs are worth A levels, so by saying GCSEs are higher than BTECs, your saying GCSEs are also higher than A levels.
BTECs arent worth A-levels, they're worth fuck all
BTECs are worth A-levels and will more than likely get you the job you want.

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