1. Explain who the Rockerellers Carnages or Duponts enslaved, these were all tycoons that came to power in the 1880's and 90's. THey had no slaves, they built their empires doing business, sometimes ruthless busliness, just like Gates. Your family, nor any other family was ever slaves to them. They owe you DICK.Marinejuana wrote:
what did bill gates steal? who did he enslave? make ur point if u want, but it sounds like an irrelevant question. bottom line, u think that history is a legitimate rationale for claiming ownership of assets for the rich and powerful but you do not extend this right to claim ownership to other people like the descendants of slaves. its a double standard, you still fail to explain why you feel its acceptable.lowing wrote:
The inheritants of "old money" owe no one anything. 200 years from now are you going to apply YOUR logic that Bill Gates' family "OWES" society for what he has built?okay so lets pose a scenario, black guy jacks slave owner's son for a lifetime worth of wages. now the black guy is rich. now do you stand by your statement that "no one that has money owes an explanation and an apology for having it to ANYONE?" notice how you arent actually making rational points that can be applied to other scenarios? your arguments arent really going any further than being blatant identifications of your personal opinions and biases about people you dont know a thing about. i suggest you learn a little bit about the way the global economy functions before you spout on and on about how everything magically comes down to reaping what you sow. this isnt remotely true. its about as crazy as claiming the earth is the center of the universe, or better yet, that YOU are the center of the universe.lowing wrote:
Sorry, the excuses are long dead, and no one that has money owes an explaination and an apology for having it to ANYONE. You were not a slave, you are JUST as free as any other person born in this country, if you choose to exercise your freedom by bitching, whinning and complaining instead of getting proactive in YOUR OWN FUCKING LIFE, then tough shitokay thats just some sloppy racism.lowing wrote:
stay the course and show "whitey" you mean business by wearing your fucking clothes 10 sizes too big and looking like a complete dipshit. You will continue to be left behind and continue to wonder why.im an average citizen such as yourself. it would be in your best interests to protect the middle and working class, rather than the elite which offers you nothing and will tax you your entire life far beyond anything devised for a welfare program in history. just accept it and move on. quit bitching about people that already have it bad enough.lowing wrote:
By the way, I am an average middle class citizen as well, I am not rich and I do not think the rich owe me a damn thing. How bout you?
No slavery mentioned from what I read.
2...Yes, I stand by my statement. Honestly. I am not owed a god damned thing for shit that happened 200 years ago and has no bearing on my choices today.
3...Why is it racism, I never mentioned a race......What race do YOU assume I am speaking of and why??
4...The rich offer you NOTHING??!!.........I do not know about you, but personally it is the rich business owners that I have always asked for a job, and been employed by. I have never asked a poor person for one. How, bout you??
Last edited by lowing (2008-01-09 17:34:02)