Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6752|132 and Bush

sergeriver wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Read again, it says WE.  SHAME ON US ALL.
I've called someone a name?.. You know ur really fucking my topic up.

Kmarion wrote:

I almost feel as if we are descendants of criminals... that would suck.
There is a huge difference between calling someone PERSONALLY a mother fucker/asshole and simply sparring with someone after a comment. This is DAST you know.
If you can't keep a level head this forum is not for you
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

I almost feel as if we are descendants of criminals... that would suck.
No, no, thats AUSTRALIA, ......AUSTRALIA.  We are in AMERICA. 

I know, I sometimes get it confused too.
Cowboy from Hell

Kmarion wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

I've called someone a name?.. You know ur really fucking my topic up.

Kmarion wrote:

I almost feel as if we are descendants of criminals... that would suck.
There is a huge difference between calling someone PERSONALLY a mother fucker/asshole and simply sparring with someone after a comment. This is DAST you know.
If you can't keep a level head this forum is not for you
Well, I prefer being called an asshole, than having my country insulted like you did with the Australians.  But I bet you can keep a level head, can't you dude?
Just let it go dude.  I'm sure Argentina will go on just fine after being called a shithole by a random online personality.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6752|132 and Bush

sergeriver wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

There is a huge difference between calling someone PERSONALLY a mother fucker/asshole and simply sparring with someone after a comment. This is DAST you know.
If you can't keep a level head this forum is not for you
Well, I prefer being called an asshole, than having my country insulted like you did with the Australians.  But I bet you can keep a level head, can't you dude?
I'd say better than most. If I took every insult to America personally here I would have swallowed a bullet by now.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Cowboy from Hell

Kmarion wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

There is a huge difference between calling someone PERSONALLY a mother fucker/asshole and simply sparring with someone after a comment. This is DAST you know.

Well, I prefer being called an asshole, than having my country insulted like you did with the Australians.  But I bet you can keep a level head, can't you dude?
I'd say better than most. If I took every insult to America personally here I would have swallowed a bullet by now.
I've been called a lot of things here and I don't cry about it.  And since you are a mod you can search and I dare you to find one post where I insulted America.  Just one post buddy.
Goodbye :)
+399|6631|Somewhere else

Kmarion, is your neigborhood "bad" or something?



You know, I think blaming an influence isn't productive.  As much as I'd agree that music culture, violent games or movies are definitely not promoting alternative solutions to problems, they certainly aren't the "cause."  I'd call them more of an "instructional" device.

Parenting is where I lay 85% of the blame.  If parents are calling their kids f#*$-ups and retards, and smack them around or are too sarcastic with them and ignore them...then yes, the GTA:San Fernando/SAWIII/Marilyn Manson will be my new god..they will respect me more than my parents..they will instruct me in the ways of life more than my stupid parents. 

I was in the grocery store the other day with my kids and walking an aisle looking at fish...I saw some skater looking burn out dad walking his cart with his 2 sons...average looking, somewhat obese, nappy red head kids with low self esteem expressions get the following comment from their pa, "..STFU or I'll hit you with it when we get home're really fucking pissing me off..."   Other than hoping my kids didn't hear that assclown, I was sooooo close to saying something...but what?  Other than create a spectacle and get arrested or get my ass kicked in front of my kids...regardless what I would have said, the prick would have still gone home and returned to his asshole ways...while his kids suffer, hate, never  feel loved, etc....and be perfect potential for when it gets really bad and they have to react.
Fucking exaclty.  My divorced mom always been a dangerous alcoholic, took me to "The Running Man" when I was 3 years old, I watched movies like Terminator, Predator, The Rambos, shit like that.  Played Doom, Wolfenstien 3-D, and listening to Nine Inch Nails, Ministry, and Marilyn Manson, and grew up around guns.

My Dad, who I lived with was a competant father who raised me on right and wrong, and made damn well sure I knew, when I fucked up.  maybe wasn't into my life when I grew up, but taught me how to behave. I turned out pretty damn good.

I agree too, that video games, violent music, and bloody movies don't help.  They don't help AN ALREADY DISTURBED CHILD.  I never had a sudden blood lust when someone handed me a loaded pistol (AT A fucking shooting range, ok?)

EDIT:  But overall, I'd say the problem is is parental negligence and our school system and society catering to stupidity and children who don't care to learn.

2nd EDIT: It probably doesnt help also when teachers cater more to the rich kids or kids of influential parents, or the Athletes and Jocks.  So when the "privileged kids" do something like pick on the "loser" kids, they don't get into trouble and the "losers" get ignored.  Not all teachers are like this, but there are some.  Perfect example of all three is my high school and probably the schools where the shootings occured. 

But, once again, the parents, IMO, is where we should look first.

Last edited by RoosterCantrell (2007-12-17 17:41:58)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6752|132 and Bush

RoosterCantrell wrote:

Kmarion, is your neigborhood "bad" or something?
ummm.. In fact the first words out of my mouth were, "Are you F$#in kidding me?"

sergeriver wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Well, I prefer being called an asshole, than having my country insulted like you did with the Australians.  But I bet you can keep a level head, can't you dude?
I'd say better than most. If I took every insult to America personally here I would have swallowed a bullet by now.
I've been called a lot of things here and I don't cry about it.  And since you are a mod you can search and I dare you to find one post where I insulted America.  Just one post buddy.
I didn't say you have...I'm just saying that personally I care more about what people say about me. It doesn't mean I'm not proud of my country, but if you are going to be defending the honor of an entire nation you need to have a tough skin.

In fact I have nothing but props for the Aussies . Most of the regulars here know that.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
prince of insufficient light

Masterstyle wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

I am starting to blame video games or music.  We never did this as kids, and we had much easier access to guns.  I don't want to use that as an excuse, but I have no other answer.

And Serge.  Shut yur trap.
I don't think it's the music, I think it's the society and the parents that allow kids to play/listen to crap with no moral enforcement.
Not only that but the bad conditions that they might live under. I usually see people who live in government funded housing(projects) who get by on welfare or selling drugs dying because of gun violence, or any type of violence for that matter. You most likely wouldnt see people in a stable financial position doing this. I think its a socioeconomic problem, that shows itself through that attitude and gangsta culture which you see in rap music for example.
I think people in socioeconomic despair is one thing, a shooting between kids in a relatively (or maybe really, haven't looked at the area) affluent neighborhood is a completely different animal. Maybe the social contributions came from rougher places, but that doesn't mean kids in other areas should be looking to these areas for role models. Kids shouldn't be sheltered, but they should have some sense beaten into them by their parents.

sergeriver wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Do you really think it matters?  There are so many legal guns, that you can bet there are a lot of illegal too.
Your solution would be?
To amend the 2nd Amendment maybe?
Could you possibly get any broader?
Cowboy from Hell

Kmarion wrote:

RoosterCantrell wrote:

Kmarion, is your neigborhood "bad" or something?
ummm.. In fact the first words out of my mouth were, "Are you F$#in kidding me?"

sergeriver wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

I'd say better than most. If I took every insult to America personally here I would have swallowed a bullet by now.
I've been called a lot of things here and I don't cry about it.  And since you are a mod you can search and I dare you to find one post where I insulted America.  Just one post buddy.
I didn't say you have... I'm just saying that personally I care more about what people say about me. It doesn't mean I'm not proud of my country, but if you are going to be defending the honor of an entire nation you need to have a tough skin.
No man, the thing is someone called my country a third world shithole, so I must address that.  And I don't think the Aussies liked your comment very much.  Why don't we focus on the topic and forget the insults?  I apologize for being a bitch.  Seacrest out.
It is not just the music that is to blame.  It is America's entire pop-culture.  Many rappers and celebrities glorify criminal style and behaivior, and it's rubbing off on the kids.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6752|132 and Bush

sergeriver wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

RoosterCantrell wrote:

Kmarion, is your neigborhood "bad" or something?
ummm.. In fact the first words out of my mouth were, "Are you F$#in kidding me?"

sergeriver wrote:

I've been called a lot of things here and I don't cry about it.  And since you are a mod you can search and I dare you to find one post where I insulted America.  Just one post buddy.
I didn't say you have... I'm just saying that personally I care more about what people say about me. It doesn't mean I'm not proud of my country, but if you are going to be defending the honor of an entire nation you need to have a tough skin.
No man, the thing is someone called my country a third world shithole, so I must address that.  And I don't think the Aussies liked your comment very much.  Why don't we focus on the topic and forget the insults?  I apologize for being a bitch.  Seacrest out.
Calling someones country a shit hole and stating a historical fact are different. I give up man, your not getting it.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

I'm betting they did not have the right to bear arms (legally)... just a guess.
Do you really think it matters?  There are so many legal guns, that you can bet there are a lot of illegal too.
How many illegal guns and pocket rebellions do you suppose there would be if legal ones were abolished?
At least as many as there are now.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6752|132 and Bush

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

I think people in socioeconomic despair is one thing, a shooting between kids in a relatively (or maybe really, haven't looked at the area) affluent neighborhood is a completely different animal. Maybe the social contributions came from rougher places, but that doesn't mean kids in other areas should be looking to these areas for role models. Kids shouldn't be sheltered, but they should have some sense beaten into them by their parents.
In my area the homes range from $200k-500k+. We have Mom's going for late night walks with their kids every night. It's just weird.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+129|6868|Austin, TX/San Antonio, TX

Cougar wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

I almost feel as if we are descendants of criminals... that would suck.
No, no, thats AUSTRALIA, ......AUSTRALIA.  We are in AMERICA. 

I know, I sometimes get it confused too.
Well Georgia was a prison colony so he's not completely wrong, just mostly.
Little BaBy JESUS
cmon u cant deny the fact that america has a massive number of shooting compared to other developed countries... i mean is it possible ur lax gun laws have something to do with it??
any deranged kid in the USA can get his hands on a gun..

using Australia as an example (yer were all convicts blah blah) u just dont see a 16 yr old in the city getting his hands on a gun.
and u know wat... we have tighter gun laws... and we have ALOT less gun related deaths.

(in fact really the only gun related deaths in australia are accidents and the new wave of depressed farmers commiting suicide)
+129|6648|Adelaide, Aussieland

please dont bring logical arguments into these forums, it makes people mad
I'll take two
+132|6937|Perth, Western Australia
"And then people say 'oh my god this is really bad, how could this happen?'... Well you've got a lot of guns lying around, and they do have a limited range of household applications..." - Dylan Moran

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

cmon u cant deny the fact that america has a massive number of shooting compared to other developed countries... i mean is it possible ur lax gun laws have something to do with it??
any deranged kid in the USA can get his hands on a gun..

using Australia as an example (yer were all convicts blah blah) u just dont see a 16 yr old in the city getting his hands on a gun.
and u know wat... we have tighter gun laws... and we have ALOT less gun related deaths.

(in fact really the only gun related deaths in australia are accidents and the new wave of depressed farmers commiting suicide)
Prepare to be told that the answer is that EVERYONE should be carrying guns. EVERYONE.
Germans did 911
+427|6833|Disaster Free Zone

Kmarion wrote:

Calling someones country a shit hole and stating a historical fact are different. I give up man, your not getting it.
Yeah, well maybe you should learn your facts then...
But isn't it good to know that a whole country "descended from criminals" is still better then America....

deeznutz1245 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Right to Bear Arms.
Oh shut up. Just shut your f' ing liberal trap. I am willing to bet anything that it was some punks who 1) arent even legal to buy a firearm 2) it was an illegal handgun just like you could purchase illegally like any country that bans firearms and 3)responsible gun owners don't have faggy pussy little shootouts with kids.

We have the right to bear arms so we can protect ourselves from foreigners like you. Go find one of Cameron Poe's post so that you can repost the same thing with a different title. At least he thinks.
This is the reason you can buy illegal guns so easily.

{M5}Sniper3 wrote:

Well, I haven't been on in a week, mainly because my house was robbed. I sure that no one noticed my disappearance but I feel compelled to tell y'all the story. Last Thursday  I left my house to go to college, I left at 5:10 pm and came back at 8:30 pm. In that time window of only 3 hours and 20 minutes around $15,000 worth of my and my dad's property was stolen. A brief list of the items were a laptop , desktop, a monitor, G15 keyboard (But they left my G5 mouse???), all of my computer games & OSs, a PS 2 and PS 3 & all games, around $500 in booze, 8 handguns and ammo for all (2 .45s, 2 .44s, .380, 3 .22s), and other little things like DVDs.
A responsible gun owner who has their guns stolen, thereby continuing the cycle of illegal gun trade. Remove the guns from 'responsible gun owners', confiscate illegal guns when possible and the source of (most) illegal guns dries up making it exceedingly hard to find guns to buy. If I wanted to get a gun in Australia (illegally) I would not know where to start, sure given enough time I could probably track down some people with them, but do you really think it would be worth the effort just to shoot some random punks I had an argument with? In America you could just randomly pick a house and have like a 30% chance of finding a firearm.

Sure guns are not the only problem, as it takes a fucked up individual who would consider shooting another person, and that more or less comes down to parenting and other life style choices, but why supply these people with an easy source to create devastation when there is no need.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6752|132 and Bush

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

cmon u cant deny the fact that america has a massive number of shooting compared to other developed countries... i mean is it possible ur lax gun laws have something to do with it??
any deranged kid in the USA can get his hands on a gun..

using Australia as an example (yer were all convicts blah blah) u just dont see a 16 yr old in the city getting his hands on a gun.
and u know wat... we have tighter gun laws... and we have ALOT less gun related deaths.

(in fact really the only gun related deaths in australia are accidents and the new wave of depressed farmers commiting suicide)
First of all read all of my post regarding the Australian comment... maybe pay attention to the one that says " I have nothing but props for the Aussies". Secondly of course we have more shootings in terms of absolute numbers. You would have to multiply your population about 14 times to equal the numbers the United states has. The difference in homicide rates per capita isn't enough for me to give up my freedoms.

Murders (per capita) … per-capita
United States:: 0.042802 per 1,000 people
Australia::: 0.0150324 per 1,000 people

DrunkFace wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Calling someones country a shit hole and stating a historical fact are different. I give up man, your not getting it.
Yeah, well maybe you should learn your facts then...
But isn't it good to know that a whole country "descended from criminals" is still better then America....
As a champion of historical research perhaps you might put a little effort into reading this entire thread. Then you might have a chance of understanding the point I was making.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Little BaBy JESUS
^^^^^ agrees... i know ill prob be told that we all need guns cuz its in the mo'fkn consteetution .... screw that... by the u got ur hands on a gun in australia... or britan or basically any european country.. uve forgotten wat u needed it for... gives u time to think about wat ur doing???
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
First off occurances of youth violence have been declining steadily since 1993, the year DOOM was released and Tupac made it big.

Second can there be just ONE DST thead without flaming. I mean Jesus its gotten really bad.
I'll take two
+132|6937|Perth, Western Australia

DrunkFace wrote:

In America you could just randomly pick a house and have like a 30% chance of finding a firearm.
More guns in America than pets!

sergeriver wrote:

Right to Bear Arms.
You realize, the irony of your post...right?
Little BaBy JESUS

Kmarion wrote:

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

cmon u cant deny the fact that america has a massive number of shooting compared to other developed countries... i mean is it possible ur lax gun laws have something to do with it??
any deranged kid in the USA can get his hands on a gun..

using Australia as an example (yer were all convicts blah blah) u just dont see a 16 yr old in the city getting his hands on a gun.
and u know wat... we have tighter gun laws... and we have ALOT less gun related deaths.

(in fact really the only gun related deaths in australia are accidents and the new wave of depressed farmers commiting suicide)
First of all read all of my post regarding the Australian comment... maybe pay attention to the one that says " I have nothing but props for the Aussies". Secondly of course we have more shootings in terms of absolute numbers. You would have to multiply your population about 14 times to equal the numbers the United states has. The difference in homicide rates per capita isn't enough for me to give up my freedoms.

Murders (per capita) … per-capita
United States:: 0.042802 per 1,000 people
Australia::: 0.0150324 per 1,000 people
yes but that is talking about murders isnt it?? not specifically guns... sure we find otherways to kill each other in australia.. but id rather that then every phycotic person having access to a semi auto rifle (or something like that)

and even with ur numbers when were talking about GUN related deaths america takes the cake... all of europe combined does not have as many gun related deaths as america... and me thinks theres more ppl in europe than US of A

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