
AAFCptKabbom wrote:

"Girlfriends and BF2"

No such thing - game over - end of story - in your dreamz - THREAD CLOSE !!!!       
Says the 3 star gen..
+2,382|6831|The North, beyond the wall.

Entertayner wrote:

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

"Girlfriends and BF2"

No such thing - game over - end of story - in your dreamz - THREAD CLOSE !!!!       
Says the 3 star gen..
Lololololololololololololololololoollololollololololiololololooololshahahaahahahahaw wooooooooooooo

Say wat!?
My past girlfriends didnt notice i even played games... I only played when i was with them so...

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Get her to play hello kitty island adventure.
wtf, dont say that. Butters plays that and see what he has become.
Goodbye :)
+399|6633|Somewhere else

Zimmer wrote:

Rooster, maybe you shouldn't play BF2 SO much.
I mean, she does have a point. I couldn't play BF2 for 1221 hours on one account ( do you have more? ). I think I see where she is coming from. If you just played it from time to time to have fun maybe she would understand a bit more.
I don't think I have ever played a game for more than 450 hours.
I do see her point too. Don't get me wrong. But she just sees me gaming in general alot.  Everytime she wants me to do something, I say yes.  just like today, I went to a baptism, in a church, and I cant STAND organized religeon.  I felt Like I was being fake for just going in there.

The point is, is I do things she wants me to do, even though she knows I hate doing them.  So Im just saying, "hey, im doing things for you, give something i like, a try".

We werent even fighting just talking about it and I gave her a little shit.  It  is about  me saying I was willing to do things she wants, and I too enjoy doing them, not all of them, like church, but some I do enjoy.  Basically it comes down to respect. I respect what she wants to do, So she should respect things I liek to do.

It wasn't a fight even, just a healthy debate and conversation to affirm certain aspects of things and I began to wonder if anyone has gotten in these waters, and if anyone has gotten thier girlfriend to game a little, hence this thread.

Hurricane wrote:

For me it's a waste of time now, cause I find it so damn BORING. 1,000 hours of the same game starts to take a toll on you.

It'd be real epic if I had a PS2, two GH controllers, and all the guitar hero games... but I don't have the cash for that.
Yeah 1,000 kinda takes away the flavor.  But honestly,  jumping into a round of BF2 just comes to mind, and I do it. So its still fun for me. Thats the key.  If its still fun, fun is fun.
+220|6863|Oklahoma City

RoosterCantrell wrote:

So, anyway, Who here has a girlfriend/Wife/whatever that they game with?
I had so many guy friends who were so whipped by their girlfriends that they were not "allowed" to do things they enjoyed. I vowed to not ever get into a relationship like that. I think God provided me the perfect girlfriend (who is now my wife... We will have been together 10 years next month).

She doesn't care for 1st person shooters, but plays almost any other games with me. Computer games she likes to play the most include MMORPGs (We have played EQ, WoW, etc together), RPGs (Neverwinter Nights, Final Fantasy, etc), Some RTS (Civ 4, C&C3), and then there are console games... She plays about every single Xbox 360 game that I do, with the only exception so far of First Person Shooters and Fight Night.

She also reads comic books, and watches sci-fi stuff...

She is also into sports.

And she is a super hot, busty, blond.

So the moral of this story is to decide what you want and don't settle for less.

Unless I got the only one, and then it just sucks to be you.
I wish I could find a girl who likes games. Most of the ones I have gone out with would rather go to the mall and get me to buy them stuff Or make out EWWW LOLz!


Last edited by GR34 (2007-08-05 12:54:42)


Video games are a huge waste of time.
Say wat!?

usmarine2005 wrote:

Video games are a huge waste of time.
Most things are a waste of time, if ive got time to waste computer games give me a good cost/entertainment value.

Vilham wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Video games are a huge waste of time.
Most things are a waste of time, if ive got time to waste computer games give me a good cost/entertainment value.
So how was my statement incorrect?

usmarine2005 wrote:

Vilham wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Video games are a huge waste of time.
Most things are a waste of time, if ive got time to waste computer games give me a good cost/entertainment value.
So how was my statement incorrect?
No it doesn't, it is correct.

Last edited by cyborg_ninja-117 (2007-08-05 13:11:05)

+18|6854|Swing and a miss

RoosterCantrell wrote:

My girlfriend thinks gaming is an incredible waste of time.  I tried to explain to her the fun factor of gaming and how its not JUST playing video games, its about doing something that is alot of fun.

I asked her about life in general.  Isn't life about having fun, no matter what it is?  We  got into this debate about doing things that make you happy.  My point was that even though there are more memorable ways to spend spare time, gaming was just one thing ALOT of people do to have fun.  Plus, it doesnt cost money (time wise).

Anyway we were talking about things we both like to do, and I have tried, just for the hell of it, to get her to try BF2.  When I asked her, she had a look on her face like I just asked her to eat my shit.

So, anyway, Who here has a girlfriend/Wife/whatever that they game with?
Sex is more fun then gaming haha

But you can't always get sex so thats why we play games
Un Moderador

usmarine2005 wrote:

Vilham wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Video games are a huge waste of time.
Most things are a waste of time, if ive got time to waste computer games give me a good cost/entertainment value.
So how was my statement incorrect?
Where did he say it was incorrect.

@ CN - Wtf.
The Tom Cruise of BF2 pilots
+102|6926|California, US
my gf likes some games, she likes playing halo and kicks ass at guitar hero.
She doesnt like playing the computer games, but she lets me play and will watch sometimes, she doesnt mind me playing them too much cuz we go and do alot together, just a week ago we did 3 nights in Anahiem went to an Angels baseball game, Disneyland, and Knotts. and tonight going to a motocross races and monster truck thing.
and plus i barely play video games anymore

usmarine2005 wrote:

Video games are a huge waste of time.
so iyo its better to stone at a forum?

Zimmer wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Most things are a waste of time, if ive got time to waste computer games give me a good cost/entertainment value.
So how was my statement incorrect?
Where did he say it was incorrect.

@ CN - Wtf.
Fuck I read it as "So is my statement correct"
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6598|The Land of Scott Walker
My wife will never understand why I enjoy gaming no matter how many different ways I try to explain it to her.  She will probably always see it as dumb and childish.  In much the same way, I can't understand why she enjoys watching those stupid soap operas in the afternoon. 

I've adjusted my gaming time quite a bit in the past 5 years.  I loved BF1942 and played that a LOT and when BF2 was released I was playing almost every night of the week.  Add to that the Need for Speed series that I love and I was gaming quite a bit.  It wasn't really a big deal when it was just myself and my wife in the house.  At that time, there was still enough free time to spend a good amount of time with her before gaming for awhile.  BUT when our first child arrived, the situation changed.  Less free time, more responsibility and another person that I need to devote my time to.  Add a 2nd child into the mix and my gaming time has decreased drastically. 

In summary, gaming is awesome guys, but if you aren't spending time with the people who love you, take a hard look at it.  I didn't wake up to the fact that I was putting gaming before the person I loved most until my marriage almost collapsed . . . not the smartest move on my part and I don't want any of you to repeat that.  Spend time with the people that matter in your life and then game afterward or some variation of that plan.  I've found that when I invest the time I should with my wife, she actually doesn't mind me gaming at all  . . . but she still thinks it's dumb.
Un Moderador

Your comment still makes no sense whatsoever.
+1,411|6895|FUCK UBISOFT

so is my statement correct? no it doesnt.
so does that make my statement incorrect? no it doesnt.
so is my statement correct? Yes it is.
wtf thread?
+1,411|6895|FUCK UBISOFT

Simon wrote:

wtf thread?
it was zimmer...

mods derailing threads...
Hooray Beer!
+94|6723|United States
My previous girlfriend (I always stay single during the summer) didn't really care at all. She knew I only played a few games a day to relieve me of the stress filled day I had at work. She left me alone for an hour then I took a shower, and we made plans for the rest of the evening. The majority of women do see games as a waste of time, and for every intensive purpose, they are, but they can also be tools to aid in stress relief and/or increased happiness. This is of course, as long as they are played in a healthy way (Not sitting there for hours on end). But if your girlfriend is between the ages of 16-21 then don't expect them to understand at all.
I love the junk drawer

stef10 wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Video games are a huge waste of time.
so iyo its better to stone at a forum?

Ryan wrote:

Girls + Games = Bad Mix

There's nothing you can do about it. Unless your name is Kimmy
lol, Ryan

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