+240|7003|Austin, TX

Z-trooper wrote:

make it more readable by adding bold and/or colored headlines..

that way people don't have to read it all if its someting specific they are looking for...
Thanks; hope that is more readable now.

imortal wrote:

Many BF2 vets thought that since they rocked at BF2, that they would automatically be the best at BF2142.  When they found this not to be the case, some players may react to their sudden losing streak by cursing the game and going back to BF2, to the game they know and are good at.
I dont know about anyone else, but when i played the 2142 demo after playing BF2 for 1 and a half years, i did just as well, if not better, than i did in 2142.

And then when i played the full game, again, i kicked ass.

Are there really people that do worse in 2142 than 2? I'm suprised.
+240|7003|Austin, TX

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

imortal wrote:

Many BF2 vets thought that since they rocked at BF2, that they would automatically be the best at BF2142.  When they found this not to be the case, some players may react to their sudden losing streak by cursing the game and going back to BF2, to the game they know and are good at.
I dont know about anyone else, but when i played the 2142 demo after playing BF2 for 1 and a half years, i did just as well, if not better, than i did in 2142.

And then when i played the full game, again, i kicked ass.

Are there really people that do worse in 2142 than 2? I'm suprised.
I was a part of a R6 RS clan that splintered a bit over BF2, and completely shattered when 2142 came out.  They were pretty good at BF2, but totally sucked at 2142.

I will not name any names, because I do not want to accuse anyone, but I think SOME of the animosity over 2142 is due to no J-10, and the fact that you cannot generate dozens of kills at a time with the APC or tank.  Oh, and no soloing the chopper.  This does not refer to everyone, by any means.  I try to give people the benifit of a doubt.  But some of the virulent hatred directed at the game has to be because some of their favorite ways of maximizing their own scores no longer exist.

There will be lots of players that do equally well in both games.  I was pretty decent in BF2, and I am pretty decent in 2142.  I do not claim to be the best, or "pwn" of any particular item in the game.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7085|The United Center
I really think this should be stickied.

Nice job, imortal.
+3,936|6838|so randum

ThomasMorgan wrote:

I really think this should be stickied.

Nice job, imortal.
GJ Tmo
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+240|7003|Austin, TX
If there is anything anyone can think of to add to this, just let me know.  Thanks for your opinions so far!
Yeah this guide has been a huge help to me. Just got 2142 this weekend, played the singleplayer for a bit then read this. I'd always heard that 2142 was more like a mod than a new game, lol boy was that wrong. Huge difference. I've only got a day or so online with it now, still trying to get used to the weapons. I'm doing ok with the assualt rifles, the mgs are fun but I can't seem to hit squat with them. guess i need more practice. Sniper is cool, still getting used to the shake but it's not bad. Need to get the zoom unlock though. The Engi kit is wicked. If a walker or tank shows up now i get excited.  It's strange to me to finish a round and see top scores in the 30s. I know you get only 1 point for a kill/revive and such, so it evens out to around 60 bf2 points, but still i am used to seeing peeps with 100+ on bf2. Where as now someone with 20+ kills seems to be doing pretty well. Doubtless i haven't seen some of the better players.  That's not a complaint by the way   It's nice to see balance. 2142 is a great game
Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6494|Vancouver | Canada
Thanks, you made me not want to even try BF2142.
the sniper rifle moves up and down when u r in zoom. its so hard to aim with a sniper rifle compared to aiming in bf2
Voices are calling...
+136|6269|Somewhere out in Space

War_Archer wrote:

the sniper rifle moves up and down when u r in zoom. its so hard to aim with a sniper rifle compared to aiming in bf2

Last edited by N00bkilla55404 (2008-08-26 19:14:47)

Should have ducked
+394|6825|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)

War_Archer wrote:

the sniper rifle moves up and down when u r in zoom. its so hard to aim with a sniper rifle compared to aiming in bf2
Go to your room, no desert for you young man.

Did you realize how old this thread is? And you actually play 2142?
Ty that helped me!
+240|7003|Austin, TX

GateKeeper{NL} wrote:

Ty that helped me!
No problem, glad to have helped.  I figured people had pretty much stopped reading this thing.
your girlfriend a freak like cirque du soleil
+149|6169|u fucking wot m8
You forgot to mention that the APC's in 2142 cannot submerge in water.

And to just verify, The "Shield" on vehicles which equip them, Only defends from incoming projectiles such as tank mortars and small arms fire.
However it does not protect from physical damages, Such as when you drive off a ledge, or somebody decides to drive an FAV into you.

So if your in a Walker, And you see an Air Transport rapidly descending towards you, Either F4 and Pod out, Or bail out and run.
So don't shield against kamikazes

War_Archer wrote:

the sniper rifle moves up and down when u r in zoom. its so hard to aim with a sniper rifle compared to aiming in bf2
On any sniper rifle on 2142 you will find scope sway, However with an unlock for the Recon kit, You can hold shift down while in scoped mode to 'stabilize' your scope for a few seconds. I guess it beats holding your breath lol.

Last edited by Laura (2008-09-16 00:47:21)
I have to agree 100% that the reason most disliked 2142 is because it was so different. I was disliked 2142 because of this and once I got over that fact that is was different I really started to like and did so much more than BF2.

I've played 2142 for over 800 hours now and got all the awards. Going back to BF2 now makes me want to puke everytime I play it. It's a totally different games but all the good changes that were added into 2142 to make it a better overall experience are missing in BF2 and makes the game overly annoying.

BTW, you can solo in the gunship.

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