Did you miss the big screenshot I posted?james@alienware wrote:
Go link then, or at least put it on the OP.
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- New BF2 Map Released - (Highway Tampa)
Someones gotta update the wiki ya know.
All heliwhores please unite!
This map needs attack helicopters.
It would be best if they just replace jets with attack helicopters.
This map needs attack helicopters.
It would be best if they just replace jets with attack helicopters.
Last edited by Churrasco (2007-06-05 14:09:28)
It looks like Road Rage with no bombers. I guess it would be nice to have some armour battles without a fucking A10 coming by and taking out half your team.
I wish they put in a Chinese city map though..... so we could have one other then Great wall.
I wish they put in a Chinese city map though..... so we could have one other then Great wall.
I hope the final version has a USMC v. PLA map and comes with a nice, big, Hurricane's 1.5 Patch Wish List patch
Believe me, it isn't.Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:
It looks like Road Rage with no bombers.
Lets be honest here....who will read through 8 pages....to find something like that?
I just want quick info.
I looked at a few but reading "zomfg" "srsly?!!one11!" "ea sux ma ballz" etc. for a few pages doesn't tell me anything.
Thanks for the link.
I just want quick info.
I looked at a few but reading "zomfg" "srsly?!!one11!" "ea sux ma ballz" etc. for a few pages doesn't tell me anything.
Thanks for the link.
cheers!RDMC(2) wrote:
Trial version. Its released so it can be tested and you can give your feedback upon it. EA will take this into consideration then, if they happen to read it and then in the final version they will take out any mistakes/flaws/things people complained off/or wanted instead.dboy wrote:
forgive my noobness, but what does "beta version" actually mean? will it effect bf2 in any way? like i said "forgive my noobness"
i want ea to put chopper in there to take out that damn tanks out
no.there's too many tanks that would just be sitting ducks for heli pilots.Churrasco wrote:
All heliwhores please unite!
This map needs attack helicopters.
It would be best if they just replace jets with attack helicopters.
There is enough protection against them.aj0404 wrote:
no.there's too many tanks that would just be sitting ducks for heli pilots.Churrasco wrote:
All heliwhores please unite!
This map needs attack helicopters.
It would be best if they just replace jets with attack helicopters.
A non-city map without helicopters is meaningless.
Agreed. (Coming from a 200 hour heli whore)aj0404 wrote:
no.there's too many tanks that would just be sitting ducks for heli pilots.Churrasco wrote:
All heliwhores please unite!
This map needs attack helicopters.
It would be best if they just replace jets with attack helicopters.
I'm in for the choppers.Churrasco wrote:
All heliwhores please unite!
This map needs attack helicopters.
It would be best if they just replace jets with attack helicopters.
While your at it EA, please add in 2 more AA units per side as well
@ Churrasco
what protection?it's a friggin empty desert!and there's what,maybe 2 AA per team?most of the time they're dead anyway from all the tanks.
what protection?it's a friggin empty desert!and there's what,maybe 2 AA per team?most of the time they're dead anyway from all the tanks.
Last edited by aj0404 (2007-06-05 14:24:06)
personally i think that hell as long as EA keep producing new maps every once and a while and as long as there free then i don't give a damm who pays for them even if they do put in some advertising, i mean its a new map which is free how can you complain?
Empty desert means no cover against AA for the choppers.aj0404 wrote:
@ Churrasco
what protection?it's a friggin empty desert!and there's what,maybe 2 AA per team?most of the time they're dead anyway from all the tanks.
See Zatar, for example. It can be really a pain in the ass to play that map in a chopper if the right people are in the right vehicles on the other side.
Well, the 260 hour heli whore here thinks it's stupid to not have them.=Karma-Kills= wrote:
Agreed. (Coming from a 200 hour heli whore)aj0404 wrote:
no.there's too many tanks that would just be sitting ducks for heli pilots.Churrasco wrote:
All heliwhores please unite!
This map needs attack helicopters.
It would be best if they just replace jets with attack helicopters.
I agree! They can also put in a coupple extra mobile AA's Unite heliwhores, unite!Churrasco wrote:
All heliwhores please unite!
This map needs attack helicopters.
It would be best if they just replace jets with attack helicopters.
ok heres a question how many flags have pallets of intel processors
not the ones on billboards but boxes stacked 5 high within 15 ft of the flag
not the ones on billboards but boxes stacked 5 high within 15 ft of the flag
I would like the fog lightened up, I nearly crashed into the water because I didn't see it at the last minute and I've got viewing distance at 100%. Still hope they put in a PLA city map.
On that note:M.O.A.B wrote:
I would like the fog lightened up, I nearly crashed into the water because I didn't see it at the last minute and I've got viewing distance at 100%. Still hope they put in a PLA city map.
If they do make this map, I urge EA to put an Easter egg concerning me in there somewhere. What with my geniusness and all.

THIS IS FREAKIN AWESOME...downloading now...
choppers are way better then jets... but then again, I cant hit anything in a jet so whatever...
I hope the final version is released soon..
I've posted up some thoughts on the EA forum, requesting reduction of fog, addition of an attack helo for both side and maybe a scout helo for each side from AF. More DPV's and of course, a PLA vs USMC map, with the likes to rival Karkand in urbaness (<---I claim this word). Several other posters want the Chinese Urban map as well so maybe EA will listen.
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- New BF2 Map Released - (Highway Tampa)