+1,230|6886|Alberta, Canada

Well, maybe not war wounds.

What have you done by accident to physically hurt yourself?
What have you done to emotionally embarrass yourself in front of your friends?

Show us your wounds!
(pictures are encouraged, but stories will be fine)

I've done two things:

1. Almost chopped my finger off with a hatchet. Needed 5 stitches.
2. Totally embarrassed myself by tripping on nothing. Got a rock in my knee. Had to drive all the way back to town to get 4 stitches. Whoop-de-doo-da.

Last edited by Ryan (2007-05-06 11:30:58)

+2,382|6721|The North, beyond the wall.
I got hit by a car once.

Don't have any pictures,but I'll tell you the short,lame story,with a lesson in it.

It was a sunny day and i was riding my Bicycle to the park, i stopped at the traffic lights to press the button and wait for my friend the green man to tell me it was safe to cross. I pressed it and it took too long to go on safe so i looked around and rode across the road. Then a car came and hit me, destroying my bike and hurting me(Bike is more important).

Lesson is,always wait for the traffic lights.
Bringer Of Cookies.
fucked my face up

cut all of my lower face and top lip open

i now have a scar above my lip and below

i did it while trials biking

i went to hop up a 5ft wall and it failed misrably.

i have a pic ill edit when i find it.
'Light 'em up!'

Got bit in the back of the leg once by a dog, lucky it let go, turns out it was only playing so it wasn't that deep.

I'm embarrassed about this one cause it sounds pathetic, a few years ago I got hit by a piece of carrot that had just come out of a pan of boiling water and hit me in the eye. Had a red ring around it for some time. But I don't really have any long lasting wounds.

Last edited by M.O.A.B (2007-05-06 11:39:43)

bad touch

I got in a fight with Joshua Tree Granite, and lost.

Goodbye :)
+399|6523|Somewhere else

I got a good one.

Ameloblastoma.  It's a tumor that forms out of left over enamel that never formed into a tooth.   Everyone's adult teeth start out as a paste like material (name?) in the jaw bone.  when a tooth forms, it uses this paste.  some paste is always left over. well, I guess I had too much of this.  It formed into an Ameloblastoma.

So, I had to have my throat slit, and then from that slit, they peeled the lower half my face off my skull, cut most of my jaw off, THEN sliced into my leg, taking a large chunk of my fibula out cutting it into peices and rebuilding my jawbone with it.

Now with my leg bone came alot of muscle tissue veisn and arteries to keep the whole graft alive.  So in my mouth I have this little patch of skin that grows leg hair.

Yes, you heard it here folks I have a patch of skin that grows a couple of hairs, in my mouth. 

Now on my leg I have a foot and a half long scar with this huge peice where a skin graft was placed.  this skin graft healed onto the muscles of my leg, making it look like my muscle is expsed because the graft skin moves with the muscle.

On my face, its slightely lobsided, my smile is fuxxed, and my lower jaw of teeth are all made out of paltinum and steel. I have this massive scar across my neck that looks like I was almost murdered, and I have this scar on my neck for when I was breathing through a trach, which was fun too.

So, about 1,500 stitches, 6 surgeries, one bone graft,  one drug induced coma, a few dozen staples, more narcotics than Kurt Cobain could handle, and pain so purelly intense here I am.   Burn up and wore out from life.
Ima Crunchatize you.
+170|6726|The Lou
Ive been in the ER atleast 6 times, but i was a kid so i dont have any pictures, but heres is my knuckle after getting surgery, i had like a calcium bump or something, i drink too much milk. lol


Last edited by HURLEY (2007-05-06 11:43:43)

A REAL Combat Engineer in the house
+187|6297|UK Bradford W,Yorks. Age 27
Also got 'run-over' by a fooking parked car once......ran into it, i couldnt stop, it was a race and BANG......me on floor all dizzy and shit. Very embarrassing and very very bruised ego.
GunSlinger OIF II
i got dog bited all over my forearms and my knuckles still got a few scars on em from my knucklehead days.  i busted my hand open with a 240b one time when the pintol (spelling?) wasnt secured to the turret mount and flew in the air and landed on my hand shooting blood out everywhere.  also got a lot of brass scars from spent cartridges melting on my skin.  boil and bubble

almost forgot.  i got a nice scar on my head from when i was in highschool and some dipshit TRIED to use a tire iron on me.  well he hit his target but ive been blessed with hard head and high tolerance for pain.

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2007-05-06 11:44:31)

iz me!

I got a golf ball smack in the eye.

Displaced Iris
Clouded Cornea
Bruising Behind the Eye
5 Stitches
2 sets of eye drops, 3 times a day for 2 weeks

Not very nice.

Also sprained both wrist, dislocated and broken the same finger, split my head open 5 times, had 6 black eyes.

(not all at the same time )
'Light 'em up!'

I think its pintle, also that sounds extremely painfull.
bad touch

Kidney stones probably hurt more than childbirth.
+1,106|6333|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Well, I was throwing a Frisbee around with some friends after school on Wednesday. We were waiting for a couple of hours, when the college fair would begin. Wednesday had already been a bad enough day: I'd bombed a math test, realized we were all going to fail the AP Spanish Language test, and nearly run over a girl while trying to catch a Frisbee.

So now the fun part begins. Frisbee goes to my left, I go left. Frisbee goes low, I lower my torso and arm toward the ground. My friend, with a good half a foot and about 50 pounds on me, realizes that if he isn't going to get the Frisbee, I wasn't gonna get it.

(cue faceplant)

Actually, that's putting it mildly. He pushed me, I lost my balance, fell, and slid about 3 feet on my left knee. And elbow. And shoulder. And face. Turns out, I had essentially removed a chunk of skin from my knee (which may still be in my jeans). Also, I scraped my shoulder (ripping up my undershirt in the process) and scraped the top part of my left cheek and the left forehead above the eyebrow. Lucky for me, I didn't need stitches.

Afterwards, I cleaned up with some water (until the faculty at school kicked us out while they cleaned the building), told my parents to bring Band-Aids, and received quite a bit of sympathy.

And I still was able to go to the college fair. Beat that for enduring pain, bitches.
Lol, I just sliced my ear shaving about 30 minutes ago n its still bleeding. oh and here's when I got attacked by a dick with a tennis racquet


should have got stitches, but I wanted to go to a party bout an hour after it happened, so I persuaded my parents to let me go n said I'd get stitches if it was still bleeding the next morning. lol

RoosterCantrell wrote:

I got a good one.

Ameloblastoma.  It's a tumor that forms out of left over enamel that never formed into a tooth.   Everyone's adult teeth start out as a paste like material (name?) in the jaw bone.  when a tooth forms, it uses this paste.  some paste is always left over. well, I guess I had too much of this.  It formed into an Ameloblastoma.

So, I had to have my throat slit, and then from that slit, they peeled the lower half my face off my skull, cut most of my jaw off, THEN sliced into my leg, taking a large chunk of my fibula out cutting it into peices and rebuilding my jawbone with it.

Now with my leg bone came alot of muscle tissue veisn and arteries to keep the whole graft alive.  So in my mouth I have this little patch of skin that grows leg hair.

Yes, you heard it here folks I have a patch of skin that grows a couple of hairs, in my mouth. 

Now on my leg I have a foot and a half long scar with this huge peice where a skin graft was placed.  this skin graft healed onto the muscles of my leg, making it look like my muscle is expsed because the graft skin moves with the muscle.

On my face, its slightely lobsided, my smile is fuxxed, and my lower jaw of teeth are all made out of paltinum and steel. I have this massive scar across my neck that looks like I was almost murdered, and I have this scar on my neck for when I was breathing through a trach, which was fun too.

So, about 1,500 stitches, 6 surgeries, one bone graft,  one drug induced coma, a few dozen staples, more narcotics than Kurt Cobain could handle, and pain so purelly intense here I am.   Burn up and wore out from life.
you really want to hear all of them? some highlights:

1) fell over onto ghrass and injured the sift bit juts below yuo knee, nearly to the bone. healed over in a couple moths, must have fallen onto a rock or pebble of some sort.

2) was riding my bike, no helmet, off-road, was juts going over a slightly rough part of concrete, and my bike fell. ruined a good pair of trousers, but was otherwise unhurt ( other than a cut hand). guess that's karma for not wearing my helmet

3) another bike one. was doing an 180 degree turn, no helmet ( again. I don't seem to learn, do I?), and the bike didn't stop turning sideways. smashed into the ground, then the bike went over me. ruined pair of trousers #5. ( as in, a total of 5 pairs of trousers ruined by bike accidents)

4) various impacts with a hatchet on my leg, none of them even breaking the skin. ( I wasn't aiming at my leg,  before anyone asks. missed hits on a tree, mainly.

5) various falls down stairs, one me having been pushed down concrete stairs.

6) only permenant damage- fell off of a horse. wrecked my eyesight. no other damage, though my back keeps hurting at odd moments.no, i never did resume lessons.
Mr. Boombastic
+178|6486|Stealth City, UK

samfink wrote:

1) fell over onto ghrass and injured the sift bit juts below yuo knee,
Thats the funniest thing I've read all day!

+1 to you.

The best injury I had was a torn achilles playing football. You couldn't really see anything but I swear to you now......I heard it snap!

2 1/2 months later and I could run. Gotta love the NHS.

Last edited by buLLet_t00th (2007-05-06 14:17:50)

That guy
About a week ago, my friend clubbed me on the head w/ a maglite and I got 8 stitches in my forehead. Needless to say, I'm going to have a rather large scar.
Pheasant Plucker
+440|6728|West Yorkshire, U.K
Aspiring Objectivist
I broke my collar bone snowboarding. I wish it was off of a sick jump or through the trees or something but no, some wanker was on my jump so I slowed down too about 2 mph & hit a chunk of ice & flipped, when I got up I felt a burning down my chest. I boarded down to avoid the embarrassment of being taken down on he gurney of shame.
I thought I had the xrays still but I cant seem to locate them to post. I crushed it in 4 places but It healed nicely, only a little divot to remind me of it & soreness when a storm is coming in.
Wiki Contributor

Pictures! Bring Out The Pictures!
Mr. Boombastic
+178|6486|Stealth City, UK
'Have you ever nearly died' and 'Show us your war wounds' are a bit different mate.

buLLet_t00th wrote:

samfink wrote:

1) fell over onto ghrass and injured the sift bit juts below yuo knee,
Thats the funniest thing I've read all day!

+1 to you.

The best injury I had was a torn achilles playing football. You couldn't really see anything but I swear to you now......I heard it snap!
thanks, oh and by the way- you said in your Karma that you bet it hurt- not until i saw the injury.

as for your injury, OUCH. that MUST have hurt.

EDIT-forgot the mots funny one. the time my chair owned me. I was reading a different forum I sued to read, when my chair dumped me on the floor. the hydraulic piston had shot through the bottom of the chair, shooting it up, it tilted backwards, then went crashing, taking me with it. no damage. except the chair was totalled. I'm still suing a temporary chair while i convince my parents to get me a new chair.

Last edited by samfink (2007-05-06 14:20:26)

Pheasant Plucker
+440|6728|West Yorkshire, U.K

buLLet_t00th wrote:

'Have you ever nearly died' and 'Show us your war wounds' are a bit different mate.
Same thing, few people survive war wounds
+7|6608|Austin, TX
-Staples in my skull from a falling 4x4 post.
-Stitches in my head from running into the corner of a wall.
-Stitches in my hand from a nickel sized patch of skin torn off by the sight of a bb gun being pulled from my hands.
-Scarred up both legs, a foot, and an elbow from crashing a moped and my leg being trapped underneath it while it skidded on the asphalt. Stupidly, I was wearing flip flops.
-Various burns and cuts

Last edited by wantacookie (2007-05-06 14:22:40)

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