
Which ammo system do you like best?

BF2 Type71%71% - 69
Other type28%28% - 27
Total: 96
Dun wori, it's K.
+76|6564|California, US
Wassup guys
Which ammo system do you like best?
In BF2/BF2142 when you reload you dispose of any left over ammo in your clip.
In some other games, you have a backup ammo count so when you reload the ammo you didn't use is put on your backup.
So which do you prefer?
I like the Bf2 system. most noob friendly. That said, if there was a really nice game that had a Bf2 style in all but ammo packing, I wouldn't be too mean to it.
prince of insufficient light
BF2 system

Putting 18 bullets in your old mag is just WAY too far from realism to me, and it means making decisions based on whether you think you can get another kill or two out of your current clip and not waste as much ammo, compared to just whether you have time to reload.
doc. josh
I chose other type i like keeping the spare ammo 4 l8er thats cool but id also like different ammo types like steel cored bullets and FMJ and maby a hollow point or JHP that be sweet and all shot guns have slug and buck shot and Nade launchers have flare, smoke and HE!
Say wat!?

doc. josh wrote:

I chose other type i like keeping the spare ammo 4 l8er thats cool but id also like different ammo types like steel cored bullets and FMJ and maby a hollow point or JHP that be sweet and all shot guns have slug and buck shot and Nade launchers have flare, smoke and HE!
And thats why fallout kicks the ass
bf2, most realistic
Real Хорошо
+826|6661|Adelaide, South Australia

Top-Up type. I'm a reload whore.
Lost Hope
+20|6469|Brussels, Belgium

r00ts wrote:

bf2, most realistic

Vilham wrote:

doc. josh wrote:

I chose other type i like keeping the spare ammo 4 l8er thats cool but id also like different ammo types like steel cored bullets and FMJ and maby a hollow point or JHP that be sweet and all shot guns have slug and buck shot and Nade launchers have flare, smoke and HE!
And thats why fallout kicks the ass
Yay! Speaking of which, I'm installing Fallout: Tactics now. Not that Fallout-y, but still.

As for topic, how about that system in Red Orchestra? If you reload with a not-empty clip in your gun, you put it aside for later (if there is a later). So when you reload, a nigh-random mag from your purse is put into your rifle, along with the ambiguous words "New magazine is heavy".
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6587|The Land of Scott Walker
Voted BF2.  But I like the Red Orchestra idea where you can grab the partially emptied mag later instead of losing those rounds completely.
Evil Overlord
I like the infinite type = support
Ready for combat
+211|6737|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA
Firearms mod for HL way, it doesnt dispose of the mag but you can combine the magazines to even them out, plu you can reload to add that one extra bullet.
+2,382|6820|The North, beyond the wall.
Wait wait.

So if i fire once, then reload. I'll have wasted 29 bullets if i had an Ak?
Commie Killer

Janysc wrote:

As for topic, how about that system in Red Orchestra? If you reload with a not-empty clip in your gun, you put it aside for later (if there is a later). So when you reload, a nigh-random mag from your purse is put into your rifle, along with the ambiguous words "New magazine is heavy".
Thats the best, and actually, I think that you should be able to reload the mags if you get spare time, like sit down somewhere in the game, and take the bullets out of one and put them in the other to equal a full mag. Take some time but would be rather interesting.
Ready for combat
+211|6737|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA

jord wrote:

Wait wait.

So if i fire once, then reload. I'll have wasted 29 bullets if i had an Ak?
no, the 29 round mag will stay and you can combine it with another magazine.
Wiki Contributor

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

BF2 system

Putting 18 bullets in your old mag is just WAY too far from realism to me, and it means making decisions based on whether you think you can get another kill or two out of your current clip and not waste as much ammo, compared to just whether you have time to reload.
+194|6496|West NY
America's army- when you reload you have 31 bullets and don't have to pull the bolt (already round in chamber) so you don't lose any ammunition plus in bf2 if you did reload with a chambered gun, you would lose a shell, yet it's not animated: also in AA, you go back to your other magazines once your out of full ones
What kinda guy are you are?

r00ts wrote:

bf2, most realistic
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6827|United States of America
I like the "Other" system better that was in BHD. However, SOCOM had a good system of switching clips instead so you do not lose ammo until you fire every single shot in a given clip.
+194|6496|West NY
America's army is the most realistic...are you kidding? In bf2 wtf happens to the mags? you just throw them on the ground? Plus you don't have to pull the bolt w/ a round chambered...even though in bf2 you do, there's still no round coming out of it
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6817|Canberra, AUS
BF2 - means you actually have to THINK about ammo conservation, you can't just shoot-kill-reload.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

The_Mac wrote:

I like the Bf2 system. most noob friendly. That said, if there was a really nice game that had a Bf2 style in all but ammo packing, I wouldn't be too mean to it.
BF2 system is not the most noob-friendly, as you run out of ammo quicker than the type of reloading system where no bullet is wasted.
french canadians suck

Spark wrote:

BF2 - means you actually have to THINK about ammo conservation, you can't just shoot-kill-reload.
True, in other games I reload after every kill, and I get killed very often because of that.
Ice Lolly Maniac
i love the gears of war reloading becuase to have to time it but the battlefield 2 one is soo unrealistic, the real army wouldnt do that, ammo cost money, and alot of money they wouldnt just throw it away
o wut?

Sniper-UK-Ghost wrote:

i love the gears of war reloading becuase to have to time it but the battlefield 2 one is soo unrealistic, the real army wouldnt do that, ammo cost money, and alot of money they wouldnt just throw it away
but if you had 10 shots in your mag and there are 30 people coming at you, what would you do? The army wants people to live rather than not buy new ammo.

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