"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !
Divided I played with. Good times on a 24/7 Karkand server. He kept beating me out for gold medals until he became commander. Heh.

Here's a question: What was your best/favorite round while playing with someone from the forums here?
Shoot that guy ->
I played with Ryan_Mercury. He's a pretty good player, sniped me a few times...
j00baroni w/ l33t sauce

Sup ran off in that jeep without me

I'm gonna have to kill you now
+1|6899|Muncie, IN

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

I have yet to play with anyone from the forums yet. Someone needs to come into the GLORY OF WAR server (its awesome).
Actually, I remember seeing you in there before.  I go by STARS ProjectVORTEX.  I'll probably be in later tonight after I finish this coding assignment.
Radioactive Glo
+130|6990|A Small Isle in the Tropics

AmBiTiOnZ23 wrote:

I played with Ryan_Mercury. He's a pretty good player, sniped me a few times...
I played with kontrolkrimson, mort4u and slaythem so far and sniped kontrolcrimson a few times until he came looking for me *shivers*

same server, different team: Miller and Polarbearz

Last edited by mikeshw (2005-12-09 06:59:59)

bad touch

Afrojap was the first person i killed when i got the game.

thanks for letting be snipe you!
<3 <3 <3 systray <3 <3 <3


<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

I have yet to play with anyone from the forums yet. Someone needs to come into the GLORY OF WAR server (its awesome).
Ha, I've played there.  I used to run with the -=[TaH]=- bunch.  I was one of the founding members of that clan but I never really played in it.  I lost intrest and the other guys took it and ran with it.  I was stationed with most of those guys in the military.

Good times over at Glory of War!!
:]-[: El_Shiznit
I played with Slidero not too long ago while I was trying to get my expert knife badge.  He DAO'd me in the face so many times.

And I played with beeng the first game of SF I played on Devil's Perch.
+0|6895|Vienna- Austria
played INervI Raxor.. Levithan SF.. just for short then it was a bit annoing to have 3 US tanks standing in the one and only spawn of MECSF
You guys should come play in US_Hammer Division server.. if yuo like Strike that ia

Usually during the day the competition is very good, especially when we get other clans turning up in big groups good workout
+19|6993|Toronto, Canada
My best round was with a guy who recognized me from here. I forget his name, but he is on my leaderboard on my other computer.

We won 30+ karkand rounds in a ROW (not 16 man, the two larger ones alternating). using some kick ass teamwork and voip.

And that day a certain member from bf2s ended up on my favourite victims list.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6993|Cologne, Germany

I have played with chuy, mikeshw and kilroy0097. And a couple of the german guys, of course.
In Greek mythology, Athena is the goddess of war. In EA mythology, SysTray is the god of war.??????????

If you want to make intelectual comments, you got to have some brains SYSTRAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So i'll give you a short greek-mythology lesson:

Athene isn't the goddes of war, she's the goddes of wisdom!!!!
The god of war is ARES in greek- or MARS in roman mythology!!!!

BTW he wasn't a tank whore, so......................

Last edited by kirehcsif (2005-12-09 03:22:33)

He's not a tank whore, he's an apc whore.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|6934|The Hague, Holland
I've played with Mort4u, MurrayP and RedFierce.
Too bad I cant play with any american BF2S members .
"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !

kirehcsif wrote:

In Greek mythology, Athena is the goddess of war. In EA mythology, SysTray is the god of war.??????????

If you want to make intelectual comments, you got to have some brains SYSTRAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So i'll give you a short greek-mythology lesson:

Athene isn't the goddes of war, she's the goddes of wisdom!!!!
The god of war is ARES in greek- or MARS in roman mythology!!!!

BTW he wasn't a tank whore, so......................
If you wanna try to seem like you have half a brain:

A: Don't post off topic on my topic.
B: Make sure you know that Athena was also the goddess of War, numbnuts.

slidero wrote:

<3 <3 <3 systray <3 <3 <3

Last edited by SysTray (2005-12-09 07:35:49)

'twice cooked beef!'

i was on slidero's server a lot before it went over to SF.

worst is when i managed to get in the gunner's seat of a helo and the pilot decided to boundary-punish me to death to make room for his buddy. when i respawned i got kicked, i guess to make room for someone else.

but i was pretty pissed.
+19|6993|Toronto, Canada

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

I'm on glory of war tonight if anyone's interested.
Good playing with you in the wee hours of the morning today. I hope to catch you online again soon. Do you usually play in glory of war?

PS: I got that damned foot of snow shovelled in record time!
Titanium Shadow
Silent Justice
I played BF:SF with systray. He was in a chopper with beem or somethin like that on the map Purge... THEY KEPT MOWIN ME DOWN but then I switched to anti tank and ran around with one of those rocket launchers and shot them from the sky a few times after.
                                                                    That made my day felt redeemed

Last edited by Titanium Shadow (2005-12-09 09:33:21)

+72|6874|Indianapolis, IN
I play on the US_Hammer Division server quite a bit.  Usually at lan parties when I can play all night long on the same server.
BF2s EU Server Admin
+67|6939|Hanging onto the UAV
I just played against CRIMSON_WOLF on Daqing. I blew his tank up with my tank. Then I found him again and got him in the head with the Jackhammer. 
"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !

Titanium Shadow wrote:

I played BF:SF with systray. He was in a chopper with beem or somethin like that on the map Purge... THEY KEPT MOWIN ME DOWN but then I switched to anti tank and ran around with one of those rocket launchers and shot them from the sky a few times after.
                                                                    That made my day felt redeemed
Ah yes, that was the round I got my crew service ribbon for SF. Beeng's quite the pilot.

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