An African or European swallow?
Rather than more unlock weapons(although I would like to see a new sniper rifle and AT gun) I think that they should add more kit equipment that you can choose from.

A few examples:
Spec Ops. gets 'carbombs' or 'booby traps'. You could place these traps (you would get 3 traps, one per vehicle you are allowed to trap) on vehicles for pretty much the same usage as in BattlefieldVietnam. Basically the trap explodes the vehicle when the driver attempts to drive forward or change the throttle in jets/helicopters. Teammates would of course get a set of skull/crossbones for trapped vehicles. Engineers are able to see/disable traps for repair points. The disadvantage is the limit to vehicles, the advantage is not needing to be in visual range (or even alive) to have the trap detonate.

Sniper gets thermal scopes. Thermal would be activated passively whenever the scope is used and turns your screen grey/black while illuminating players and other heat sources as white/light grey. In SF thermal would be a good alternative to using nightvision, and in BF2 you could use thermal to see and engage targets at longer distances more easily, and would allow the sniper to identify targets through smoke and or small barriers.

Assault gets a shotgun system similar to this one. http://world.guns.ru/shotgun/sh28-e.htm
More suited for the "oh crap I'm out of ammo" situations

Support chooses between a spare barrel and a tripod. The extra barrel can be switched to rather quickly instead of having to wait for your gun to cool down. The extra-barrel configuration will also come with larger capacity ammo boxes so that the player can take fuller advantage of not having to deal with overheating. The use of this extra barrel will work by pressing a key similar to reload, your soldier will slide off the hot barrel and replace it with a cold one very quickly so that you can resume firing.

The tripod allows you to stand up or crouch and mount your LMG on a wall or some sandbags to increase the accuracy of it without having to go prone.

Engineer gets anti-personnel mines. Engineers would get around 3-5 anti personnel mines and could use them in a similar manner to claymores. Hell, how about smart-mines that don't blow up when teammates are in the explosion radius.

Medic: I don't have any ideas for medic yet, if you have any post them and I'll see If I agree with you

Anti-Tank: My original idea for AT was a portable TOW missle system, but it has been pointed out to me that this is incredibly similar to what they already have. Instead I propose that they get shoulder-fired stinger anti-air missles. The missles would only be able to be fired when you recieve a lock tone to prevent their misuse against armored vehicles on land.

Whaddya think?

I like suggestions! Post them and they may get added! Feedback is good too!
If I do decide to change anything I'll change it in this original post to keep the info all organized.

Last edited by Rapturesan (2005-12-08 05:23:09)

'twice cooked beef!'
those are pretty good ideas. elaborate on the interchangable barrels for support more - how exactly would it work?

the lollipops made me smile, but how about some real accessories?

the anti-tank option is too much like what they already have. what i like about the other ideas is the fact that they  aren't simply more guns, but make the existing equipment better. can you think of a way to do that for AT and medic?

i support your ideas on the whole.

Mass Media Casualty

Not bad. I like the Spec Ops idea and the Medic idea. They had "booby traps" on veichles in Vietnam, I never got to use them properly. The Sniper heat-sensitive scope would be good for SF but not normal BF2, as a hot desert battlefield will make it virtually impossible to use.
I think the Medic needs lollipops rather than smily bandages. Most people would walk over their own mother to get a lollipop.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
An African or European swallow?

Krappyappy wrote:

those are pretty good ideas. elaborate on the interchangable barrels for support more - how exactly would it work?

the lollipops made me smile, but how about some real accessories?

the anti-tank option is too much like what they already have. what i like about the other ideas is the fact that they  aren't simply more guns, but make the existing equipment better. can you think of a way to do that for AT and medic?

i support your ideas on the whole.

I'll think a little bit about new stuff for the AT kit, as for medic that section is sort of just a placeholder, I'm still thinking about what to do with that as well

For support the interchangable barrels would just add a new key similar to reload that would switch your barrel to a cold one. The barrel switching would have to happen pretty quickly though to make it a significant advantage over just letting your barrel cool down. Now that I think back on it, it would probably make more sense to add a larger capacity magazine to each of the machine guns to take fuller advantage of the gun not heating up. It doesn't make sense to switch your barrel with 20 rounds left in your box, you might as well just reload and let the current one cool down.
+1|7033|79605, TX
they all sound like good ideas, but the spec ops idea is the best. hopefully some mod teams will pick up on this one and run with it.

it would be cool to have car bombs and shit..but then people are looking at a 50/50 chance of  dying everytime they get into a vehicle. but, could this apply to aircraft and tanks? the problem i could see with the whole car-bomb scenario is that people would then eventually stray away from vehicles for the risk of being killed as soon as they get in.
An African or European swallow?

S4INT05 wrote:

they all sound like good ideas, but the spec ops idea is the best. hopefully some mod teams will pick up on this one and run with it.

it would be cool to have car bombs and shit..but then people are looking at a 50/50 chance of  dying everytime they get into a vehicle. but, could this apply to aircraft and tanks? the problem i could see with the whole car-bomb scenario is that people would then eventually stray away from vehicles for the risk of being killed as soon as they get in.
Yes you could use these traps for helicopters/jets.

My original intention with carbombs was to make Engineer a much more useful kit. As it is now the reason most people play with the engineer kit is to repair tanks/apcs. A lot of the time they are alone in that vehicle, and they don't even get repair points when they hop out and repair their empty vehicle. If there was the added niche of unarming these car/helo/jet bombs I'm sure many more people would play engineer, and you would see many more tank drivers/pilots choosing engineer so that they don't hop into a moving bomb.

I think that if the Spec Ops. kit is limited to a certain ammount of bombs out at once that there wouldn't be too many problems with vehicles scaring people off.

It could also be worked so that only a certain ammount of Spec Ops. players in the servers can be attaching traps as opposed to using C4.

Unrelated to this, I've got some new ideas for anti-tank, check the first post for an edit in a few minutes.
+1|7033|79605, TX
yea...i hardly play engineer simply because the kit sucks and it is pretty hard to gain points as an engineer.
I like the support bipod idea...I posted something like that a bit ago.  I'm a spammer if there ever was one and the simple fact of a crappy support deploy system keeps me from using it much.
+2|7026|Perth, Western Australia

Rapturesan wrote:

Rather than more unlock weapons(although I would like to see a new sniper rifle and AT gun) I think that they should add more kit equipment that you can choose from.
What's wrong with new weapons? Much of what you're proposing could be dealt with with new weapons that have different characteristics to some of those available now. I like new weapons.

Let's look at some of your ideas:

Spec Ops. gets 'carbombs' or 'booby traps'.
That one exists already, it's called a claymore, just place it near the obvious entry point to the vehicle and boom, no more player trying to get in the damn thing and a team mate can drive it away. If vehicles/armour are a problem it's more an issue of map design or player skill than anything else IMO.

What might be a better bit of kit for Spec Ops comes from the game Commandos - that little noise making device. One is issued to each SF player, you place it on the ground, move away, activate it and wait for someone to investigate the noise, then you could knife, C4 or just gun them down. The noise it makes could be something enticing like a call of 'Medic! I need a medic here' or perhaps it could be something like a tank engine idling, making some enemy players back off and others charge in. That would be far more strategic and more interesting than C4 powered claymores that you put in vehicles that you've proposed IMNSHO.

For SF perhaps an IR strobe could come in handy. Either lob it at a target area so your squad or friendly neighbourhood attack chopper knows where to shoot (a la Black Hawk Down) or use it as a distraction device, place it somewhere the enemy will see it and sneak up on 'em when they're wondering what the hell it's doing in the middle of nowhere.

Sniper gets thermal scopes. Thermal would be activated passively whenever the scope is used and turns your screen grey/black while illuminating players and other heat sources as white/light grey. In SF thermal would be a good alternative to using nightvision, and in BF2 you could use thermal to see and engage targets at longer distances more easily, and would allow the sniper to identify targets through smoke and or small barriers.
See, now that's a more interesting new device to add to the game.

Support chooses between a spare barrel and a tripod. The extra barrel can be switched to rather quickly instead of having to wait for your gun to cool down. The extra-barrel configuration will also come with larger capacity ammo boxes so that the player can take fuller advantage of not having to deal with overheating. The use of this extra barrel will work by pressing a key similar to reload, your soldier will slide off the hot barrel and replace it with a cold one very quickly so that you can resume firing.
Why not just offer a weapon as an unlock that has a heavier barrel, 'longer life' barrel? That way it would take longer to overheat and there's no cumbersome switching going on. Trade-offs, if necessary, could be a shorter sprint time (carrying a heavier load) or a longer time to cool off if you overheat it.

The tripod allows you to stand up or crouch and mount your LMG on a wall or some sandbags to increase the accuracy of it without having to go prone.
Why would I want to take time to fix my weapon to something and then be stuck there, standing up shooting at enemies and having to take it off the tripod, then pack up the tripod before I could run away? Perhaps a simpler function to add would be the ability to rest the existing bipod on something (wall, sandbag, vehicle bonnet or so on) and have it reduce recoil, which of course, is similar to increased accuracy, although not to the same extent as being prone.

Engineer gets anti-personnel mines. Engineers would get around 3-5 anti personnel mines and could use them in a similar manner to claymores. Hell, how about smart-mines that don't blow up when teammates are in the explosion radius.
Now that sounds like fun. Perhaps he could get 4 and have them replace grenades in his inventory? Though I do like grenades, I really do, so maybe not...

Medics, well they're a little more troublesome. Perhaps they could collect dog-tags from guys they were too late to revive and for every 5 or 10 dog tags they collect your team gets a ticket back and they get a point? That way they still get rewarded for reviving/healing folks, but if they try and fail (as they often do, arriving mere moments after the critical injury time is up) they haven't totally wasted all that effort.

Another idea might be LAWs or similar disposable, one shot AT weapons. They could be open to all classes, they could perhaps be a type of supply drop, so if you get cornered or really need some AT firepower you could ask your commander for a LAW drop. Perhaps once picked up the weapon is armed and must be fired or dropped, you can't switch weapons while carrying it to prevent everyone being mini-AT kits. Hmm, maybe it isn't such a great idea, at least, not as it stands.

Perhaps an alternative would be giving the commander the ability to call for a Tomahawk/Cruise Missile strike rather than an arty strike. It would be far more accurate but would be a single explosion rather than a series like arty, perhaps it could be guided a la the attack chopper TV missile so the CDR can take out targets like tanks or APCs that are moving....

Runway denial devices are another Commander possibility, instead of arty he could deny the enemy their runway/helipad, meaning their choppers and aircraft couldn't rearm/repair for X many minutes...

Last edited by RhadamanthysSCC (2005-12-09 04:20:08)

Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7024|Sydney, Australia
Nice ideas there. I especially like the assault shotgun.

How about having depleated uranium rounds for the sniper rifles. Not only will you kill your target, but everyone around him, and anyone that enters that area for the rest of the game.

Seriously now, how about that cruise missle strike but it is laser guided by spec ops guys. Or having the aircraft bombs laser guided, again but spec ops guys.
Pawtucket Patriot
+0|7054|Cohog, RI
The barrel thing is an awesome idea, i can swap the barrel of my M245 in 4 seconds plus adds a little realizm to the game.  You are required to swap barrels of the 245 every 200 rounds and 249 every 100 rounds.  If you dont they will warp and make your bullets curve down and eventually into the ground as you are shooting.
Replace M203 with a masterkey shotgun.
I would like for you to actually be able to upgrade what you use the most.. For those that spend a lot of time on the ground running.. medics for example you can upgrade your speed, for the support you can upgrade your armor.. Actual upgrades would be sweet rather than just new weapon unlocks..
+2|7026|Perth, Western Australia
Tracer rounds for infantryman would be nice, that way folks could see where/what others were shooting at and direct their fire that way too, of course it would make it easier for the enemy to pinpoint you too. Perhaps tracers could be issued to a new class, Combat Controller/Forward Observer. The class could lase targets for aircraft bombs, heli missiles and commander arty, increasing its efficacy. They could also carry the IR strobes mentioned before and together with tracers they would make an excellent class for spotting valuable enemy targets and eliminating them with the appropriate gear. For example they might be able to spot enemy commander assets and this would allow arty strikes or bombing runs to destroy them more easily...

Last edited by RhadamanthysSCC (2005-12-09 19:16:32)

Get your body beat.
pass this on to EA. all these idea's help things, and yes they do listen.
They already have tracers.

mcminty wrote:

Nice ideas there. I especially like the assault shotgun.

How about having depleated uranium rounds for the sniper rifles. Not only will you kill your target, but everyone around him, and anyone that enters that area for the rest of the game.

Seriously now, how about that cruise missle strike but it is laser guided by spec ops guys. Or having the aircraft bombs laser guided, again but spec ops guys.
i like the laz-guiding system... but the rounds are celled DEPLETED uranium for a reason.... as is no more green glow.......it's just that they are very dense... maybe for use as AP rounds ... but.. the m95 does a good job of that...
Some pretty good ideas, but i think they should get M14/M21 in the game.

Depleted uranium is a lead isotope...
Last of the Uchiha
+4|7015|Hong Kong, China
1) I would like to see the sniper get a laser to "paint" the enemy for the arty, missiles...etc. Since in real life, that's part pf the snipers job.

2) I would like to see a claymore that acts like a C4, push a button AND then it blows up, or a trip wire would be good...

3) Clear up the Chinese side, they don't use no fricking AK's no more... (but that's just my personal wish)

4) Smoke gernades for the GL.

5) Engineers get to "bury their mines".

6) A LAW-drop, mentioned above.

7) Civilian drops, such as trading in your rifle for a double barrel shot gun, or a "something else" gun (can't think of any for the moment...)

8) The abiltiy to "see" your team's mines and traps on the map, so that you don't drive into a mine (which would be pretty dumb since you're supposed to see a little skull anyway)

And I'm out of useless ideas....
I have wanted things like this for quite a while.

Not necessarily new weapons, but as you get more points you can choose to unlock a variety of different weapon modifications.

Some of the ones I was thinking about was extended clips for a lot of the weapons, variable zoom or multi-level zoom scopes for the snipers, and scopes or accessories such as flashlights for all of the weapons with picatinny rails.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7012|Wilmington, DE, US

RhadamanthysSCC wrote:

Tracer rounds for infantryman would be nice, that way folks could see where/what others were shooting at and direct their fire that way too, of course it would make it easier for the enemy to pinpoint you too. Perhaps tracers could be issued to a new class, Combat Controller/Forward Observer. The class could lase targets for aircraft bombs, heli missiles and commander arty, increasing its efficacy. They could also carry the IR strobes mentioned before and together with tracers they would make an excellent class for spotting valuable enemy targets and eliminating them with the appropriate gear. For example they might be able to spot enemy commander assets and this would allow arty strikes or bombing runs to destroy them more easily...
Could give it to sniper since they should be doing things like that.
Your best idea I think would be for the Assault kit, and for the Support kit. I play support quite often, and on Call of Duty, you can mount your gun on a window sill, or a set of sandbag, and it came in pretty handy, I don't see why you can' do that with a support gun on this game.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7016|Purplicious Wisconsin
Enginears repair vehicles there for they don't need claymores, but I think the enginear needs the stinger anti air missle so they have a chance against aircraft

now the anti tank weapon is good enough to shoot down aircraft(atleast for helos), but I think they need to add grenades and anti tank mines for the anti tank class.

Now for the medic class they should add bleeding for bf2 and each class(except medic) gets 3 bandages while medic gets unlimited bandages and also make it where medics can give or bandage a soldier.

Now I agree about the assault class but EA games will have to get rid of the grenade launcher for usmc( chinese and mec instead get unattached shotguns and will have grenade launchers attached).

Now the support class for replace barrels is a good idea but I suggest there should be is a limit of barrels you get if you press the button to exchange the heated  barrel with the cold barrel the heated up barrel will be wasted, the limit of barrels should be 5 so if you run out of barrels you will have to wait till the barrel cools down, I totally agree with the bipod thing they should make it that way, they should also add claymores it would be a good idea to add it, and also make it where support can deploy mgs for other players to use.

Now for the specops, if you want your car to be a suicide bomb put c4 on the car(works better on buggie) and ram into a tank and you just did a kamikazi, booby traps don't need to be added but I think they should make it where c4 will blow up in either 5, 10 seconds, or when you want to do when you press the switch in the remote control(bf2 already has that switch thing). Also I think they should add claymores for spec ops class.The usmc specops should have a grenade launcher if the assault class for usmc will have regular games just to make it fair.

Now for sniper the idea for thermo scope sounds dumb maybe for special  forces it they would be handy but in regular bf2 not a good idea, but I think they should make it where snipers can zoom in twice, also maybe they should add smoke grenades for the sniper.

I think EA should add flares for all classes.

What do you guys think?

Last edited by War Man (2005-12-15 17:10:43)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
this game needs the javelin.  great anti-armor/helicopter/airplane weapon.

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