All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

lowing wrote:

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

Great post as usual Cam. The problem of course is, some people will never admit that anyone might have a legitimate grudge against the US or that the US has ever in any way dealt badly with anyone during the course of its global chess game against the USSR. They murdered and tortured and destabilized governments because they were evil through and through; we murdered and tortured and destabilized governments for the greater good and freedom! And your post has made it to two pages with only two "Hurrrr, yer terrist buddies would cut yer head off" nonsensical responses from the shallow end of the gene pool, bravo.
I have no problem with ANYONE having a grudge against the US. My question is, why blow up your own people, especially women and children over it??
Cannonfodder11b has explained it.  They will be martyers so fuck it they blow everyone up.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Rated EC-10

m3thod wrote:

Cannonfodder11b has explained it.  They will be martyers so fuck it they blow everyone up.
Or they see their victims as collaborators, excuse it as being for "the greater good" or whatever they have to tell themselves to justify it in their own minds.
177th Field Artillery
+39|7014|In your head
I got it pretty good but......wise man once say: "NUKE THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST UNTIL IT IS NOTHING BUT GLASS!!!" Just kidding but sometimes it doesn't sound too bad an idea.
Dropped on request

CameronPoe wrote:

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

- Neo-Conservatives: I largely blame YOU for the surge in terrorism on this planet.  Pull your heads out of your fucking arses.
I largely blame terrorists for terrorism but then again I'm not dumb.

It's like blaming McDonalds for making you fat. Nobody forces you to eat there. Nobody forces you to kill innocent people.
You're not making any kind of discernible point. Your analogy is poor. Please explain. Have you read the OP in its entirety? It's a statement of how terrorism could be better handled and how less Americans would be dying if policy was different. It's a statement of how US foreign policy has been creating terrorists since 9/11.

Interesting Editorial:

If you don't want to see it it's your own fault.

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

Great post as usual Cam. The problem of course is, some people will never admit that anyone might have a legitimate grudge against the US or that the US has ever in any way dealt badly with anyone during the course of its global chess game against the USSR. They murdered and tortured and destabilized governments because they were evil through and through; we murdered and tortured and destabilized governments for the greater good and freedom! And your post has made it to two pages with only two "Hurrrr, yer terrist buddies would cut yer head off" nonsensical responses from the shallow end of the gene pool, bravo.
Again, someone doesn't go along with a leftist 100% and his intelligence is attacked.

Who's side are you on?  Did you want the Soviets to win?  Communism is evil and I'm glad the US won.  I'm sorry that my government (in the long run) wasn't 100% perfectly ethical & correct in their choices (in your judgement) made regarding the "global chess game"-so Skippy, next time why don't you pull that crystal ball you keep in your ass out and share your omnipotence with the rest of us.

Too bad for Cam and you the "hurr...  ...cut yer head"  is a legit, unarguable, response.  As condescendingly, arrogant and asinine as HOS's posts are, I respect his opinion and Cam's too.  However, do you think that Cam could live in the middle east professing to all as he does here in this forum that religion is bullshit -and survive?  Why don't you try going to Syria and burn their Flag in the street.  Think you'd survive?  How tolerant are the governments and people you aim to protect?

I'll address Cams insanely erroneous post in another response.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Rated EC-10

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Again, someone doesn't go along with a leftist 100% and his intelligence is attacked.

Who's side are you on?  Did you want the Soviets to win?
Actually, back when they were still in the game, I was absolutely where you are now. Reagan was my hero, Oliver North as well. Thankfully I have the benefit of hindsight to remind me what a fucking idiot I was. 

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Communism is evil and I'm glad the US won.
Communism is neither evil nor good, it's an economic system, requiring human beings to fuck it up and make it evil. You know, kinda like how guns are neither evil nor good but require humans to put them to an evil purpose.

DBBrinson1 wrote:

I'm sorry that my government (in the long run) wasn't 100% perfectly ethical & correct in their choices (in your judgement) made regarding the "global chess game"-so Skippy, next time why don't you pull that crystal ball you keep in your ass out and share your omnipotence with the rest of us.
Yes, my judgement tells me that training foreign soldiers in torture techniques and then sending them home so they can purge their respective countries of the eeeevil commies was a bad fucking idea. Arming fundamentalist nutjobs in the Middle East was a bad fucking idea. Destabilizing other governments and installing despots because they wouldn't get with the US government's program was a bad fucking idea. Supporting every third-world fuckwad tyrant and turning a blind eye as they murder thousands of supposed communists was a bad idea. You talk like I'm splitting ethical hairs here. Like this is no more serious than jaywalking. Our government, in its desire to be the top dog, has exported torment and murder for longer than either of us has been alive, behaving in the exact same fashion as its opponent and with the same lame justifications for it. And now we're supposed to pretend that all of what's happening now just occurred in a vacuum. Oh the poor, innocent United States, what never harmed a soul and was always the very spirit of charity and kindness. Bullshit. Our government dropped into the gutter to fight the Cold War and it hasn't climbed out since, but it still pretends to be the knight in shining armor and not just a cutthroat thug.

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Too bad for Cam and you the "hurr...  ...cut yer head"  is a legit, unarguable, response.
Nonsense. It's the standard "You're with us or you're with them" crap, cheap scare tactics to try and force us to just go along. The odds of some jihadi cutting my head off are currently along the same lines as the odds of me being hit by a meteorite. What, they're going to swim over here with scimitars clenched in their teeth and invade? Walk along the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean? Red Dawn was just a movie, people.

DBBrinson1 wrote:

As condescendingly, arrogant and asinine as HOS's posts are, I respect his opinion and Cam's too.
Oh now you're just trying to butter me up.

DBBrinson1 wrote:

However, do you think that Cam could live in the middle east professing to all as he does here in this forum that religion is bullshit -and survive?
Possibly not. Which is really immaterial since he doesn't live in the Middle East and probably has no intention to do so.

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Why don't you try going to Syria and burn their Flag in the street.  Think you'd survive?
Ummmmm, because I'm not Syrian and I have a much larger problem with my government than theirs?

DBBrinson1 wrote:

How tolerant are the governments and people you aim to protect?
I could give a rusty shit about their governments. I am mainly interested in my government ceasing the policies that make people want to kill us. I am interested in my government ceasing to give credibility to the words of fundamentalist madmen. I know I've said this before, but the fuckers in our government, making the policy, are not touched by it. We are. They have their Secret Service guards and their body armor and their fortress homes and their armored vehicles. What do we have, besides a big ol' fucking bullseye painted on us? What really boggles my mind is how many people are perfectly okay with the idea of playing redshirt for a government that keeps putting us in harm's way.

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

Actually, back when they were still in the game, I was absolutely where you are now. Reagan was my hero, Oliver North as well. Thankfully I have the benefit of hindsight to remind me what a fucking idiot I was.
Another thread, but what did Reagan do wrong besides defeating the Ruskies?  Also another thread somewhere, but what did North do wrong?

Hunterofdemocracy wrote:

Communism is neither evil nor good, it's an economic system, requiring human beings to fuck it up and make it evil. You know, kinda like how guns are neither evil nor good but require humans to put them to an evil purpose.
I understand all of that, however that is why Communism failed.  It is a economic system rather than a "model".  It is fruitless to believe that a system like communism (which needs to be run in perfect harmony at all time to work) when there are as you write human beings there to fuck it up.  I'll tell you why the arabs hate us.  We have free trade and free choices.  We can buy and do whatever the hell we want. 

HOS wrote:

Yes, my judgement tells me that training foreign soldiers in torture techniques and then sending them home so they can purge their respective countries of the eeeevil commies was a bad fucking idea. Arming fundamentalist nut jobs in the Middle East was a bad fucking idea. Destabilizing other governments and installing despots because they wouldn't get with the US government's program was a bad fucking idea. Supporting every third-world fuckwad tyrant and turning a blind eye as they murder thousands of supposed communists was a bad idea. You talk like I'm splitting ethical hairs here. Like this is no more serious than jaywalking. Our government, in its desire to be the top dog, has exported torment and murder for longer than either of us has been alive, behaving in the exact same fashion as its opponent and with the same lame justifications for it. And now we're supposed to pretend that all of what's happening now just occurred in a vacuum. Oh the poor, innocent United States, what never harmed a soul and was always the very spirit of charity and kindness. Bullshit. Our government dropped into the gutter to fight the Cold War and it hasn't climbed out since, but it still pretends to be the knight in shining armor and not just a cutthroat thug.
Well then by your own logic shouldn't the US be held responsible for its fuck ups and make it right over there?  IE.. We helped saddam get into power.  He was a fucktard. So we should be the ones to remove him?  Shouldn't we be apologizing to the people saying our bad, let us make it right and get these assholes out?  Or do you say we wash our hand of it all and walk away?  Similar to what Clinton did.

HOS wrote:

Nonsense. It's the standard "You're with us or you're with them" crap, cheap scare tactics to try and force us to just go along. The odds of some jihad cutting my head off are currently along the same lines as the odds of me being hit by a meteorite. What, they're going to swim over here with scimitars clenched in their teeth and invade? Walk along the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean? Red Dawn was just a movie, people.
Tell that to Daniel Pearl's family.  I bet he thought that since he was a neutral observer he was safe over there.  Here is the problem with your thinking.  Over here we are tolerant of Muslims.  Over there they are not tolerant of non-Muslims.   Shit, they will even fly to prove it.  I'm disappointed to learn that you are wiling to play the odds game and bet it won't be me or anyone I know killed in a suicide attack.  But believe it -I value any Americans life as much as I value my own. 

HOS wrote:

Oh now you're just trying to butter me up.
Pass the cole slaw please.

Hunterofthe cranium wrote:

Possibly not. Which is really immaterial since he doesn't live in the Middle East and probably has no intention to do so.
Another problem.  These asshole don't care where you live.  If you don't agree they want you dead.  Remember the danish cartoons?

HOSfire wrote:

Ummmmm, because I'm not Syrian and I have a much larger problem with my government than theirs?
You have a bigger problem with a government trying to help a country gain freedom than one which supports/condones terrorism?

Rustyshitter wrote:

I could give a rusty shit about their governments. I am mainly interested in my government ceasing the policies that make people want to kill us. I am interested in my government ceasing to give credibility to the words of fundamentalist madmen. I know I've said this before, but the fuckers in our government, making the policy, are not touched by it. We are. They have their Secret Service guards and their body armor and their fortress homes and their armored vehicles. What do we have, besides a big ol' fucking bullseye painted on us? What really boggles my mind is how many people are perfectly okay with the idea of playing redshirt for a government that keeps putting us in harm's way.
That would be nice but history has taught us -ahem  me- that Muslim extremists don't give a fuck about our policies.  If they did, they wouldn't have fucked with us at all under Clintons "party time" presidency.  There is no credibility to any mad men's actions -be it those wanting to nuke Israel or those fundamentalists.  What do you suggest we do?  Retreat?  Embolden them?  These guys don't know peace, look in any history book.  They want us dead.  Our government ain't putting us in harms way, it is the fascist asshats that convince young  children to strap bombs to themselves that do.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Rated EC-10

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Another thread, but what did Reagan do wrong besides defeating the Ruskies?  Also another thread somewhere, but what did North do wrong?
Reagan didn't defeat shit. The Soviet Union broke down under the weight of their own ambition. They overextended themselves militarily, got bogged down fighting an insurgency in the Middle East and eventually ground to a halt. Plainly put, they couldn't outspend us and they bankrupted themselves trying. Reagan talked a good game about evil empires and freedom while he was funding the Contras, who were little more than a glorified drug gang. He and North both circumvented the legal system of checks and balances meant to keep one branch of government from becoming more powerful than any other. Both of them shit on their oath regarding the Constitution of the United States and for some reason both of them are regarded as heroes for it.

DBBrinson1 wrote:

I understand all of that, however that is why Communism failed.  It is a economic system rather than a "model".  It is fruitless to believe that a system like communism (which needs to be run in perfect harmony at all time to work) when there are as you write human beings there to fuck it up.
And I suppose capitalism isn't an economic system that can be fucked up by human beings. Communism was doomed to failure once it embraced authoritarianism.

DBBrinson1 wrote:

I'll tell you why the arabs hate us.  We have free trade and free choices.  We can buy and do whatever the hell we want.
"The arabs". Yes because they're all a big Borg-like hive mind with no individuality. Maybe they hate people who make dumbass blanket statements like that. More likely they hate it when "doing whatever the hell we want" involves it being done to them. This "they hate us for our freedoms" crap really doesn't wash. It's simplistic drivel, a nice short answer to a painfully complex problem.

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Well then by your own logic shouldn't the US be held responsible for its fuck ups and make it right over there?  IE.. We helped saddam get into power.  He was a fucktard. So we should be the ones to remove him?  Shouldn't we be apologizing to the people saying our bad, let us make it right and get these assholes out?  Or do you say we wash our hand of it all and walk away?  Similar to what Clinton did.
And you expect them to trust us? "Oh hey sorry about supporting that guy that tortured and killed you folks for almost 20 years, but we'll make it good now, we promise." Yeah, our government has a fantastic track record for fixing shit it's done wrong. You make it sound like the US has even admitted a shred of responsibility for that monster being in power all that time. This has never been about "making things right". No, now Iraqis see Bush and his supposed concern for them, and they wonder where this concern was when Saddam was a friend to the US. They wonder why so many of their friends and family members had to die before the US government decided Saddam was a bad guy. They do not trust the motives of the US government because they have a long history to look back on. A history of rape rooms and torture chambers that didn't matter until their victims were dead, buried and dust. They might as well not have existed before the first Gulf War, because the US government didn't give a damn about them.

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Tell that to Daniel Pearl's family.  I bet he thought that since he was a neutral observer he was safe over there.
Over there. In Iraq. Which is not over here, in the United States.

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Here is the problem with your thinking.  Over here we are tolerant of Muslims.
If by "tolerant" you mean "constantly eyeing with suspicion, occasionally assaulting them and their houses of worship when we're not stupidly confusing Sikhs with Muslims, and swearing bold oaths that if there's one more attack on US soil, it'll be off to the camps with them".

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Over there they are not tolerant of non-Muslims.   Shit, they will even fly to prove it.
I haven't travelled internationally myself, but I understand that it all depends on where you go. And probably how you act. Again, blanket statements.

DBBrinson1 wrote:

I'm disappointed to learn that you are wiling to play the odds game and bet it won't be me or anyone I know killed in a suicide attack.  But believe it -I value any Americans life as much as I value my own.
Allow me to alleviate that disappointment. I never said I was willing to play the odds with anyone but myself.

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Another problem.  These asshole don't care where you live.  If you don't agree they want you dead.  Remember the danish cartoons?
They can want me dead all they like. The chances of it happening are close to nil. These morons have managed to pull off a whopping two operations on US soil, only one of which was any kind of success. They're lagging far behind our domestic terrorist groups, who are currently more than happy to capitalize on the current climate of "if something blows up, it must be A-rabs who done it". And yes I remember the Danish cartoons. Published by a newspaper that once praised Hitler's Reich and rejected similar cartoons about Jesus; creating a furor that lasted a few months at outside with most of the damage done by a few thousand jackasses with too much time on their hands and a perfect excuse to riot and blame someone else. If that's the worst I have to fear from a religious path that contains over one billion adherents, well, I'm not quite ready to soil myself and beg Big Daddy Government to protect me.

DBBrinson1 wrote:

You have a bigger problem with a government trying to help a country gain freedom than one which supports/condones terrorism?
Please. The US government is not being altruistic towards Iraq. If it were inclined to such, it would have done so a long time ago. The US government has also supported, condoned and bankrolled terrorism when terrorism suited its purposes. But the biggest problem I have? It does so and signs my fucking name to it after paying for it with my taxes.

DBBrinson1 wrote:

That would be nice but history has taught us -ahem  me- that Muslim extremists don't give a fuck about our policies.  If they did, they wouldn't have fucked with us at all under Clintons "party time" presidency.  There is no credibility to any mad men's actions -be it those wanting to nuke Israel or those fundamentalists.  What do you suggest we do?  Retreat?  Embolden them?  These guys don't know peace, look in any history book.  They want us dead.  Our government ain't putting us in harms way, it is the fascist asshats that convince young  children to strap bombs to themselves that do.
Clinton? He was a joke. A phony. He talked a lot of shit about being progressive while bending over for just about every conservative policy that came down the pipe. He continued Bush41's policies towards Iraq. He set the groundwork for the Patriot Act. Oh but he did a good job of looking like or allowing himself to be painted as some sort of wild-eyed socialist. What do I suggest we do? Well I suggested not going there in the fucking first place a long damn time ago. That was my solution. It would have involved no American soldiers getting killed or maimed. It wouldn't have turned the whole region into a hotbed for terrorist recruiters. It wouldn't currently be creating more people who can trace the deaths of friends or family back to our doorstep, looking for bloody payback. Now out of curiosity, if retreat emboldens them, why isn't Reagan faulted for retreating from terrorists in Lebanon? Or I am one of the few people who actually cares to remember that 241 American soldiers died in Beirut and Reagan did fuck-all about it? Why does he get a pass?

Look, if you can't realize that our government's policies of supporting freakjobs like Hussein, the Shah of Iran, the Saudi Royals and every other US-interest-friendly murderer in the region isn't exactly making us a lot of friends, then of course you're not going to believe that our government is putting us in harm's way. They'll keep filling your head with more empty jingoisms like "They hate us for our freedoms" while they're grooming the next Hussein, ignoring the brutality of our supposed allies and selling cluster munitions to Israel. That just isn't acceptable for me.

DBBrinson1 wrote:

I'll address Cams insanely erroneous post in another response.
Still waiting....
Lol at your 'government trying to help a country gain freedom' comment. You just don't get it do you? That freedom of which you speak = the freedom to have Moqtada Al Sadr as their leader, the freedom to kill each other because they don't belong to the same religious branch of Islam, the freedom to strengthen ties to Iran and Syria. Your stubborn inability to see the error of your ways is farcical. Most arabs and muslims DON'T LIKE AMERICA. If truly 'free' they would start organising themselves against the US, as evidenced in Iraq!

CameronPoe wrote:

DBBrinson1 wrote:

I'll address Cams insanely erroneous post in another response.
Still waiting....
Lol at your 'government trying to help a country gain freedom' comment. You just don't get it do you? That freedom of which you speak = the freedom to have Moqtada Al Sadr as their leader, the freedom to kill each other because they don't belong to the same religious branch of Islam, the freedom to strengthen ties to Iran and Syria. Your stubborn inability to see the error of your ways is farcical. Most arabs and muslims DON'T LIKE AMERICA. If truly 'free' they would start organising themselves against the US, as evidenced in Iraq!
We gave them freedom to kill each other???............But wait, ..........All I have heard is how Islam is such a peaceful tolerant reliegion from YOU. That the problem is only from a small minority group within Islam. So if we are not to consider these groups as significant when discussing radical Islam. Why are you telling us we now need to consider these groups as significant when talking about helping settup a stable peaceful free govt?

feel free to answer this Cam.........................................................or not.

Last edited by lowing (2007-04-15 06:53:11)


lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

DBBrinson1 wrote:

I'll address Cams insanely erroneous post in another response.
Still waiting....
Lol at your 'government trying to help a country gain freedom' comment. You just don't get it do you? That freedom of which you speak = the freedom to have Moqtada Al Sadr as their leader, the freedom to kill each other because they don't belong to the same religious branch of Islam, the freedom to strengthen ties to Iran and Syria. Your stubborn inability to see the error of your ways is farcical. Most arabs and muslims DON'T LIKE AMERICA. If truly 'free' they would start organising themselves against the US, as evidenced in Iraq!
We gave them freedom to kill each other???............But wait, ..........All I have heard is how Islam is such a peaceful tolerant reliegion from YOU. That the problem is only from a small minority group within Islam. So if we are not to consider these groups as significant when discussing radical Islam. Why are you telling us we now need to consider these groups as significant when talking about helping settup a stable peaceful free govt?

feel free to answer this Cam.........................................................or not.
In another post replying to Gunslinger in trying to portray it as a failure, they state, [ Im paraphrasing ]

" they don't know what to do with the freedom they have "

note Past tense.      I will try and find that post and get direct quotes.

Any observation they will make is deliberately Narrow in perspective or otherwise will leave out the plight of almost one half of the population. They must turn a blind eye to have any appearance of credibility at all. It just doesn't float.

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2007-04-15 09:07:00)


Hunter/Jumper wrote:

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Still waiting....
Lol at your 'government trying to help a country gain freedom' comment. You just don't get it do you? That freedom of which you speak = the freedom to have Moqtada Al Sadr as their leader, the freedom to kill each other because they don't belong to the same religious branch of Islam, the freedom to strengthen ties to Iran and Syria. Your stubborn inability to see the error of your ways is farcical. Most arabs and muslims DON'T LIKE AMERICA. If truly 'free' they would start organising themselves against the US, as evidenced in Iraq!
We gave them freedom to kill each other???............But wait, ..........All I have heard is how Islam is such a peaceful tolerant reliegion from YOU. That the problem is only from a small minority group within Islam. So if we are not to consider these groups as significant when discussing radical Islam. Why are you telling us we now need to consider these groups as significant when talking about helping settup a stable peaceful free govt?

feel free to answer this Cam.........................................................or not.
In another post replying to Gunslinger in trying to portray it as a failure, they state, [ Im paraphrasing ]

" they don't know what to do with the freedom they have "

note Past tense.      I will try and find that post and get direct quotes.

Any observation they will make is deliberately Narrow in perspective or otherwise will leave out the plight of almost one half of the population. They must turn a blind eye to have any appearance of credibility at all. It just doesn't float.
There is a civil war in Iraq. That is what you have given them the 'freedom' to have. Now let them have their civil war. This is a political war amongst themselves, they're all muslims: as such the whole 'radical islam' thing is only a secondary issue, it's not a fight about Islam, it's an 'ethnic' fight for territory and control - it's primarily Kurd v Sh'ia v Sunni, with Iranian and Syrian influences thrown in for good measure. The inability of certain forum users to actually grasp what is going on there is mind-boggling. By the US not letting Iraqis exercise their right to determine the path their country should take through warfare or otherwise (the independent US was born out of warfare I might hasten to add) then you aren't exactly giving them freedom. You guys are stuck in a mindwarp whereby you believe 'Iraq' actually means something: it's Kurdistan, Shiastan and Sunnistan I'm afraid.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-04-15 12:46:17)

+5,233|6802|Global Command

CameronPoe wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

lowing wrote:

We gave them freedom to kill each other???............But wait, ..........All I have heard is how Islam is such a peaceful tolerant reliegion from YOU. That the problem is only from a small minority group within Islam. So if we are not to consider these groups as significant when discussing radical Islam. Why are you telling us we now need to consider these groups as significant when talking about helping settup a stable peaceful free govt?

feel free to answer this Cam.........................................................or not.
In another post replying to Gunslinger in trying to portray it as a failure, they state, [ Im paraphrasing ]

" they don't know what to do with the freedom they have "

note Past tense.      I will try and find that post and get direct quotes.

Any observation they will make is deliberately Narrow in perspective or otherwise will leave out the plight of almost one half of the population. They must turn a blind eye to have any appearance of credibility at all. It just doesn't float.
There is a civil war in Iraq. That is what you have given them the 'freedom' to have. Now let them have their civil war. This is a political war amongst themselves, they're all muslims: as such the whole 'radical islam' thing is only a secondary issue, it's not a fight about Islam, it's an 'ethnic' fight for territory and control - it's primarily Kurd v Sh'ia v Sunni, with Iranian and Syrian influences thrown in for good measure. The inability of certain forum users to actually grasp what is going on there is mind-boggling. By the US not letting Iraqis exercise their right to determine the path their country should take through warfare or otherwise (the independent US was born out of warfare I might hasten to add) then you aren't exactly giving them freedom. You guys are stuck in a mindwarp whereby you believe 'Iraq' actually means something: it's Kurdistan, Shiastan and Sunnistan I'm afraid.
Okay then let them have their war.

We should stay out of it, with the exception that we kill every non-Iraqi in Iraq.


ATG wrote:

Okay then let them have their war.

We should stay out of it, with the exception that we kill every non-Iraqi in Iraq.

I'll put it like this: ALL non-Iraqis should be removed to let things take their natural course.

CameronPoe wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

lowing wrote:

We gave them freedom to kill each other???............But wait, ..........All I have heard is how Islam is such a peaceful tolerant reliegion from YOU. That the problem is only from a small minority group within Islam. So if we are not to consider these groups as significant when discussing radical Islam. Why are you telling us we now need to consider these groups as significant when talking about helping settup a stable peaceful free govt?

feel free to answer this Cam.........................................................or not.
In another post replying to Gunslinger in trying to portray it as a failure, they state, [ Im paraphrasing ]

" they don't know what to do with the freedom they have "

note Past tense.      I will try and find that post and get direct quotes.

Any observation they will make is deliberately Narrow in perspective or otherwise will leave out the plight of almost one half of the population. They must turn a blind eye to have any appearance of credibility at all. It just doesn't float.
There is a civil war in Iraq. That is what you have given them the 'freedom' to have. Now let them have their civil war. This is a political war amongst themselves, they're all muslims: as such the whole 'radical islam' thing is only a secondary issue, it's not a fight about Islam, it's an 'ethnic' fight for territory and control - it's primarily Kurd v Sh'ia v Sunni, with Iranian and Syrian influences thrown in for good measure. The inability of certain forum users to actually grasp what is going on there is mind-boggling. By the US not letting Iraqis exercise their right to determine the path their country should take through warfare or otherwise (the independent US was born out of warfare I might hasten to add) then you aren't exactly giving them freedom. You guys are stuck in a mindwarp whereby you believe 'Iraq' actually means something: it's Kurdistan, Shiastan and Sunnistan I'm afraid.
Your kinda forgetting the plight of women under Islam. I guess that doesn't concern you, Why? They need basic human rights secured for them if at all possible. Try and put fourth the same level of concern you do for a prisonor of war caputerd fighting out of uniform being forced to wear orange.

    Its not unethical nor is it unwise to back the side which will be friendly, politically reliable and stable.
Further, we choose not to leave the outcome of this important decision to chance over some conflict rooted in the deep hatred of some long past insult real or imagined.
That would be naive and reckless.  Its complex, difficult and daunts lessor people who can wash their hands to the affair secure in the knowledge that the USA will see it through.... again, and this dose not make them morally superior, rather the reverse is true.

it's an 'ethnic' fight
"You said it was political "

For territory and control -- it's primarily Kurd v Sh'ia v Sunni, with Iranian and Syrian influences thrown in for good measure.
Technically this is more of a Blood Feud and outside influnces of Syria and Iran completely invalidate the "Its Their Civil War " Argument

The inability of certain forum users to actually grasp what is going on there is mind-boggling.
Lol  .. check ! luckly your not in that count.

By the US not letting Iraqis exercise their right to determine the path their country should take through warfare or otherwise (the independent US was born out of warfare I might hasten to add) then you aren't exactly giving them freedom. You guys are stuck in a mindwarp whereby you believe 'Iraq' actually means something: it's Kurdistan, Shiastan and Sunnistan I'm afraid.
So you would have preferred to have no one intervene on Irelands behalf ever, just be beaten down by numerically stronger, better equipped and supplied forces. Generations and lives wasted by violence for what reason?, do tell me.

Further.. You are wrong to think you have the one and only absolute lock on the complex situation in the middle east. Its pure arrogance to dismiss other opinions because you have the idle time to type 16 pages of text a day.

This is something some of us have been watching develop for years, decades. We have watched helplessly as special intrest groups subverted our goverment and tainted peoples opinions and slanted news in their favor. Even Hollywood was carefull as to who would portray the Smelly unshaven villain, unworthy of mercy and who would allways play the rightous hero forced into a just fight for peacefull existance. We have seen what the different approaches produce time and again. Its tough to watch people discover gravity with any real enthusiasm for their efforts.

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2007-04-15 14:12:01)


CameronPoe wrote:

ATG wrote:

Okay then let them have their war.

We should stay out of it, with the exception that we kill every non-Iraqi in Iraq.

I'll put it like this: ALL non-Iraqis should be removed to let things take their natural course.
Then America would have a good 200,000 extra people to help protect their borders in case anyone decides to have another go at attacking them plus solve the whole Mexican border illegal immigrants thing.

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

There is a civil war in Iraq. That is what you have given them the 'freedom' to have. Now let them have their civil war. This is a political war amongst themselves, they're all muslims: as such the whole 'radical islam' thing is only a secondary issue, it's not a fight about Islam,
Your kinda forgetting the plight of women under Islam. I guess that doesn't concern you, Why? They need basic human rights secured for them if at all possible. Try and put fourth the same level of concern you do for a prisonor of war caputerd out of uniform being forced to wear orange.
    Its not unethical nor is it unwise to back the side which will be friendly, politically reliable and stable.
Further, we choose not to leave the outcome of this important decision to chance over some conflict rooted in the deep hatred of some long past insult real or imagined.
That would be naive and reckless.  Its complex, difficult and daunts lessor people who can wash their hands to the affair secure in the knowledge that the USA will see it through.... again, dose not make them morally superior rather the reverse is true
I stated before - I am an isolationist. It is not the responsibility of anyone in the western world to interfere in the cultural backwardness of other regions of the world. You aren't going to fast forward Islam 500 years to a point where women will be accepted as true equals: do you not understand that the way almost every muslim man and woman is brought up is to believe that men are the leaders/workers and that the woman's role is in the home? What you're talking about is re-writing a religion, changing the psyche of 1 billion people: the US couldn't possibly dream about having the wherewithall to do that, especially given the underlying hatred towards America and the lack of trust in America that exists in the entire Islamic world. I might draw your attention to the fact that in Iran women have the vote, can run for government, can attend university and take up gainful employment on a par with males. Yet of course you will simply overlook this fact and would probably like that regime smashed up into itty-bitty pieces just like the one you had previously supported in Iraq (Iran are no angels obviously I concede).   

I thought America was about 'pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps'? Apparently everyone should be handed everything to them on a plate according to you. Women in the Islamic world should fight for their own emancipation - they have to earn it, to have it handed to them would demean the achievement.

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

it's an 'ethnic' fight
"You said it was political "
An ethnicity based fight over the political future of the region currently known as Iraq. Is that OK?

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

For territory and control -- it's primarily Kurd v Sh'ia v Sunni, with Iranian and Syrian influences thrown in for good measure.
Technically this is more of a Blood Feud and outside influnces of Syria and Iran completely invalidate the "Its Their Civil War " Argument
It's a civil war - you don't think nearby countries get drawn in? I don't like the fact Iran or Syria are getting invovled, much as I dislike the fact the US are interfering.

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

By the US not letting Iraqis exercise their right to determine the path their country should take through warfare or otherwise (the independent US was born out of warfare I might hasten to add) then you aren't exactly giving them freedom. You guys are stuck in a mindwarp whereby you believe 'Iraq' actually means something: it's Kurdistan, Shiastan and Sunnistan I'm afraid.
So you would have preferred to have no one intervene on Irelands behalf ever, just be beaten down by numerically stronger, better equipped and supplied forces. Generations and lives wasted by violence for what reason?, do tell me.
Newsflash: NOBODY intervened on our fucking behalf, thanks very much. We fought and won the freedom, full independence and sovereignty, on our own, for 26 of the 32 counties invaded by England. The last 6 are in the post. It's actually quite a similar tale to that of the US war of independence except we didn't need the help of the French.......

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Further.. You are wrong to think you have the one and only absolute lock on the complex situation in the middle east. Its pure arrogance to dismiss other opinions because you have the idle time to type 16 pages of text a day.
I've actually spent little enough time on this site the last two or three weeks. Maybe I just type faster than you. And NO I don't dismiss the views of others, I take everything on board and concede when I am incorrect, of which there are many instances. You seem a little offended by my forthright post-manner.

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

This is something some of us have been watching develop for years, decades. We have watched helplessly as special intrest groups subverted our goverment and tainted peoples opinions and slanted news in their favor. Even Hollywood was carefull as to who would portray the Smelly unshaven villain, unworthy of mercy and who would allways play the rightous hero forced into a just fight for peacefull existance. We have seen what the different approaches produce time and again. Its tough to watch people discover gravity with any real enthusiasm for their efforts.
I've lived long enough, travelled widely enough and read more than enough to give me a good grasp of what's going on thank you very much.
+226|7015|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
we didn't need the help of the French.......
CP 1

HJ 0

Last edited by IG-Calibre (2007-04-15 15:27:18)


CameronPoe wrote:

Newsflash: NOBODY intervened on our fucking behalf, thanks very much. We fought and won the freedom, full independence and sovereignty, on our own, for 26 of the 32 counties invaded by England. The last 6 are in the post. It's actually quite a similar tale to that of the US war of independence except we didn't need the help of the French........
I didn't say anyone did, I said "  you would have preferred to have no one intervene on Irelands behalf ever " as I seriously doubt you were in on the fight given your age, and lets face it, it doesn't have that much in common with our war of independence. I think you flatter yourself a bit to claim it. nice mouth BTW.

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2007-04-15 15:46:10)


Hunter/Jumper wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Newsflash: NOBODY intervened on our fucking behalf, thanks very much. We fought and won the freedom, full independence and sovereignty, on our own, for 26 of the 32 counties invaded by England. The last 6 are in the post. It's actually quite a similar tale to that of the US war of independence except we didn't need the help of the French........
I didn't say anyone did, I said "  you would have preferred to have no one intervene on Irelands behalf ever " as I seriously doubt you were in on the fight given your age, and lets face it, it doesn't have that much in common with our war of independence. I think you flatter yourself a bit to claim it. nice mouth BTW.
You do realise that if I was to have taken part in the war of independence I would probably be about 105, if I took part at the age of 18. I think you need to brush up on your Irish history. I think you're confusing the war in Northern Ireland (1960s - 1990s) with the Irish War of Independence (~1916 - ~1922) of which I speak. I might add that we both beat the same imperialist colonial power so the parallel is quite apt. Apt except the French part.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-04-15 15:55:57)


CameronPoe wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Newsflash: NOBODY intervened on our fucking behalf, thanks very much. We fought and won the freedom, full independence and sovereignty, on our own, for 26 of the 32 counties invaded by England. The last 6 are in the post. It's actually quite a similar tale to that of the US war of independence except we didn't need the help of the French........
I didn't say anyone did, I said "  you would have preferred to have no one intervene on Irelands behalf ever " as I seriously doubt you were in on the fight given your age, and lets face it, it doesn't have that much in common with our war of independence. I think you flatter yourself a bit to claim it. nice mouth BTW.
You do realise that if I was to have taken part in the war of independence I would probably be about 105, if I took part at the age of 18. I think you need to brush up on your Irish history. I think you're confusing the war in Northern Ireland (1960s - 1990s) with the Irish War of Independence (~1916 - ~1922) of which I speak. I might add that we both beat the same imperialist colonial power so the parallel is quite apt. Apt except the French part.
Did not realise, in my neighborhood the the war in Northern Ireland and the Irish War of Independence are the same thing, and they wanted to rename Katonah Ave ( made famous in "Table Money" ) Bobby sands Blvd.
luckily cooler heads prevailed. any reading you could recomend on the conflicts besides "trinity" ?

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2007-04-15 16:13:25)


Hunter/Jumper wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

I didn't say anyone did, I said "  you would have preferred to have no one intervene on Irelands behalf ever " as I seriously doubt you were in on the fight given your age, and lets face it, it doesn't have that much in common with our war of independence. I think you flatter yourself a bit to claim it. nice mouth BTW.
You do realise that if I was to have taken part in the war of independence I would probably be about 105, if I took part at the age of 18. I think you need to brush up on your Irish history. I think you're confusing the war in Northern Ireland (1960s - 1990s) with the Irish War of Independence (~1916 - ~1922) of which I speak. I might add that we both beat the same imperialist colonial power so the parallel is quite apt. Apt except the French part.
Did not realise, in my neighborhood the the war in Northern Ireland and the Irish War of Independence are the same thing, and they wanted to rename Katonah Ave ( made famous in "Table Money" ) Bobby sands Blvd.
luckily cooler heads prevailed. any reading you could recomend on the conflicts besides "trinity"
Well on Northern Ireland a good book I can recommend is the book 'Provos' by Peter Taylor. He's a BBC journalist who writes a remarkably balanced account (he was trusted by both the Loyalist (Brit) and Republican (Irish) paramilitaries). To delve back to the 1916 era there are too many books to choose from - I'd just look up reviews on Amazon.
+226|7015|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
i'm reading "The Shankill Butchers: A Case Study of Mass Murder " by M Dillon at the minute.  sick stuff but very gripping.

http://www.amazon.co.uk/Shankill-Butche … 0099738104

eidt : you should also check out Taylors "Loyalists"

Last edited by IG-Calibre (2007-04-15 16:30:31)

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