Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6486|The Land of Scott Walker
I admit it . . . I really stink at knifing and getting to 50 is taking forever.  I lose almost every time in a toe to toe against an enemy with a knife.  Why, I don't know and I keep getting knifed by standing enemies more than two arms length away or some guy swinging at my feet . . . lame.  Any specific advice besides the usual "be quicker" will be rewarded with karma.  Thanks in advance to all you deadly soldiers who wield the knife.
got any popo lolo intersting?

Also shoot the knifers in the head and go behind enemy lines and knife some snipers

Last edited by DeathUnlimited (2007-03-04 12:04:36)

main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
Defeating your warriors.
+116|6450|Espoo, Finland
Use IT-33.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6486|The Land of Scott Walker

DeathUnlimited wrote:

Also shoot the knifers them in the head and go behind enemy lines and knife some snipers
I want knife kills.  Shooting them is easy.  Not sure what the link was for, it had no hits.

Last edited by Stingray24 (2007-03-04 11:48:48)

+1,352|6534|N. Ireland
Don't knife if they have a gun out.
If you think you will lose, pull out your gun and shoot them.
See a guy prone? Perfect knife target whatever weapon he has.
Defend / Attack Titan from rear = tons of knife kills.
got any popo lolo intersting?

Now the link gives some hits. It is for you to find answers from other knifing topics.

Some tips (from a Brig. Gen. with ~950 tags an the Gold Collectors badge) here:

The most important rule: Shoot other knifers, don't knife fight if you don't want to lose your dogtags.

1. Try to get behind the main enemy line and then knife them in the back.
2. Knife snipers, they are easy.
3. Knife ppl that are capping flags and lying there prone.
4. Knife idlers in enemy bases.
5. In titan mode knife people that are capping silos. That is very easy 'cause the usually lie in a corner with no escape + you get a silo defend point.
6. On your own titan hide with the camo in an edge in the upper deck. When you see enemies drop into the entering hole, go behind them an ninja 'em

Also generally always when you approach an enemy from the back, choose knife instead of you primary weapon

If nothing works go on a K/P server, I cannot recommend 'cause I haven't ever been on one.

I got my Gold Collectors badge (17 knife kills IAR) without padding.

Hopefully that helps

[edit]Also I forgot to mention about the buildings that have corridors round them in Belgrade and Fall Of Berlin. In them you can often find unaware people. I got my badge in the central one of FoB[/edit]

Last edited by DeathUnlimited (2007-03-05 08:20:03)

main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
Wait for a round when the enemy is heavily attacking your titan, pod onto the deck, run like mad and knife them in the back while they sit outside corridors that are being nade spammed. If the enemy thins out then hide on the  back deck and wait for them to pod in and charge them while they are disoriented from the pod drop. You can also wait inside the hanger bay and hide behind a crate where you can see the enemy pass on their way to a control panel, just chase them down from behind.  If they see you first just charge them, half the time they freak out and can't counter as long as you stay close to them.

... and don't land on enemy transports that are on your deck, you want a steady stream of enemies to stab, destroying their spawn may help your team, but it will discourage the enemy from attacking.

Got my gold collectors badge in ten minutes that way.

Also, try not to miss on the first stab, especially on a prone guy, I can't believe how many times someone sneaks up on me and misses that first shot, as soon as I hear that knife sound I get up and blast them.

Last edited by Green (2007-03-04 13:32:49)


Sneak up on people and anticipate they are going (i.e. squad becon, or repeated pattern).  There is no magic skill for being the highlander in the midst of a gun fight.

Last edited by jsnipy (2007-03-04 13:26:44)

Seriously listen to DeathUnlimited's post. I've had the game for about 4 months and I've got almost 300 knife kills and they're all from the same situations he listed.

In my experience there are certain places on specific maps where its easy to get knife kills on camping snipers. I was able to get my silver knife badge by sneaking up on a assload of snipers camping the top base on Cerbere Landing. Also Fall of Berlin is decent when it comes to unaware snipers.

I don't recommend knife only servers because in my experience there is always some wanker who sits in that server daily and he's going to kill you and every shitty knifer on your team. Don't bother.

Now in my opinion the knife is so goddamn unreliable in this game its retarded. EA had to have made it hit or miss to add some sort of retarded challenge to getting peoples tags. Ugh. What's the deal when you knife someone perfectly and it just makes that stupid noise like they're wearing chain-mail. Give me a break.

I can't even count how many times I have found a sniper and snuck up behind them and attempted to knife them only to have them hear my friggin' knife swinging and missing. Usually they pop up instantly and I am forced to just shoot them.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6486|The Land of Scott Walker
Thanks for the assist everyone.  I only go after people who have their back turned.  Otherwise, it gets ugly. 

I'm annoyed with the knife, I don't know the secret and apparently others have as far as the timing of when to swing and what area to aim at.  As nogodsnomasters said, I have it lined up perfected on someone who is prone and totally oblivious and I stab and it misses.  Then I have to scramble to pull out my primary or my pistol and pop em.

DeathUnlimited wrote:

6. On your own titan hide with the camo in an edge in the upper deck. When you see enemies drop into the entering hole, go behind them an ninja 'em
yay a tip i havn't heard before, i may try this myself +1
does anyone know how if at all you reduce the amount of times you swing the knife and get a hit sound but no tags nor kill (and then get shot 'cos you gave away your position)
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Just be aware, if you see someone who is close and doesn't see you pull your knife and /dogtag. Also no the maps well, find where people like to camp and flank them. Another good ideqa would be to titan defend with the knife, pod onto the back of your own titan and jump into the vents, there is ussually at least one guy camping there, he won't be watching his back so quickly slash him. Also on the titan, go around the back and /dogtag the guys who are at the enterance to a reactor console room, they are ussually preoccupied and so you can take out two or so before they notice and pull out thier guns.
+106|6422|UMass Amherst
Successful knifing involves knowing WHEN to use it, and when to just shoot the bastard with half a clip of the biggest bullets you can find lying around.  Things I do are as follows:

1.  I hear a sniper shot, or some lone infantry picking off people that aren't me, I'll go looking for them--cautiously.  Experience has taught me the good snipers keep their ass covered with APM's, and I do the same at times.  Shank them and then teabag them for their stupidity if they're oblivious to your presence.

2.  Out of ammo in my primary gun, and surrounded by enemies--at that point, I'll just rush the little bastard with the knife, jump around like a rabbit, and pray I can slice his jugular artery open.

3.  Titan camping: yeah, this one says it all.  Camp upper vents and the titan roof, keep an eye for where enemies are originating from.  Most morons will keep podding into the same spot.  Camo is a plus, but not a guarantee if there are a lot of support guys, or very observant players.

4.  Flanking--related to key point #1.  If every enemy is oblivious to you (groups of three or more, like squads), pulling out your gun and shooting up the place will always draw more attention than if you quietly knife them in the back.  Audio cue-wise, no one will be the wiser until they realize the people that are dying around them aren't dying from bullets.  After that, prepare to give them a lead salad.  Camo is a good thing here, and anticipating where enemies will come through.  IDS infantry radar isn't a bad choice, if you really want to do hard core knifing with support class.

5.  Revenge knifing--one of my favorites.  If I know an enemy is camping my corpse, I often revisit that spot, find them and knife them--a good 60 to 70% of the time, they don't expect me to return, or any of my team to find them for that matter.
I find it helps if you dive onto the floor and swipe at their legs. Just make sure the leg is in the middle of the screen - it takes practice, but you'll get better
If you really want to get good, I strongly recommend you create another soldier (so as not to ruin the stats for your regular guy) and practice exclusively on a knife only server.  Going mano a mano with guys who are better than you will get you killed a lot, but you'll eventually get better through attrition.  You'll figure out how to time it, where to aim and develop better control in close up fighting.  In fact, all your skills will improve.  Also, knife only servers are a blast.  After doing this for a week or so, you'll probably own on regular servers.  A technique that I learned early on is to slowly back away as they approach....let them come to you.  And when you think they are close enough, go for the slice.  I think that one of the reasons the aiming seems inconsistent is that it probably depends on your ping too, so different opponents will be slightly different.  Also, you can practice your aim in single-player against bots (the bots will try to knife you too, lol)
+2|6563|Houston, TX
The trick is to not get so close to the enemy when you knife...pretend there is a crosshair accompanying the knife when you equip it.

Jump to the side of the guy shooting you and swipe at him (this takes practice but you'll atleast get one swipe at him and you'll eventually be able to kill them doing it)

if someone is prone, you have to crouch to knife them or go prone yourself...I prefer just crouching as this gives me the ability to keep moving quickly.

You need to give yourself about 2 to 3 feet distance when you knife someone...I think someone said that the distance of the knife is basically a gun shot that only has a range of 1 meter. Consider this when you go after people...

Sometimes the knife just won't want to cooperate...this happens a lot =\ as I have about 450+ unique dogtags I would know the tribulations that come with risking a knife in a gun fight.

Once you get good at it though you'll get careful...cause you might hurt your KDR...

I don't use the IT-33 anymore...unless I'm trying to cross a large open field where a sniper would end me quick...I use it to close to the distance...and once I'm about 30 meters away I disengage and sneak up.

I didn't read all that, but I will state the obvious at least one more time, in short sentences.

1. Use your mini map. For example when you see people in the buildings on Belgrade get behind them and knife away.

2. If someone sees you from long distance, don't run to him with your knife.

3. Prone people are easy targets, go for them.

4. Titan is nice place to knife.

5. If someone is not looking at you, but at fair distance, DON'T USE YOUR CAMOUFLAGE! IT MAKES DAMN LOT OF NOISE AND THEY WILL HEAR YOU!!

6. Knife attack range is 1 meter. Shock paddles have 2 meters. (At least to my knowledge) Still you can knife people who are prone from standing, unlike in BF2.
I suspect something is amiss
Your worst enemy when knifing would be Apms/UAV/Spotting/Squadleaderdrones and support uav,
be cautious when moving around a corner and as noobest said check your minimap it will tell you everything you need to know.

( Learn the maps and you will find yourself at the right side of your opponents more frequently )
POE2 Addict For Life
+21|6625|Vic, Australia
I got a lot of knife kills, compared to every other weapon, and I got most of my kills from either following someone running from the main battle (you would be surprised at how many dont turn around to check their 6) or points 1,2,4,5 of Magius5.0's list.

My bf2142 name is , ABIZE , not Plisken.

Last edited by Plisken (2007-03-05 13:12:43)


Magius5.0 wrote:

5.  Revenge knifing--one of my favorites.  If I know an enemy is camping my corpse, I often revisit that spot, find them and knife them--a good 60 to 70% of the time, they don't expect me to return, or any of my team to find them for that matter.
Win.  My favorite thing about 2142.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"

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