Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6596|The Land of Scott Walker
Gimme a break.  Oh well, what did I really expect from Hollywood who has the biggest vehicles, the biggest houses, the biggest boats, and the biggest planes.  They couldn't possibly be contributing to global warming now could they?   So they nominate some stooge for a crappy movie about global warming so they can convince themselves that they've actually helped in some way.  Pffff.  Get a life Hollywood.
conservative hatemonger

I have to admit i was disappointed though, i was expecting a speach about his plans to run for president in 08 to be honest, but ah well, i'll just have to express disapointment at him winning an award for his piece of crap movie.  And his speach...  i heard it and i thought "cheesy" immediately

Right, and it is all about the sun heating up a litlle, right...
conservative hatemonger
yep.  The sun's solar output has increased recently, along with the natually varying climate of the earth.  It has long been known that the earth was quite a bit hotter than it is right now a couple hundred million years ago
The Lizzard
And it's also known that the temperature a couple hundred million years ago was part of a natural trend, which we aren't in due to human interference.
conservative hatemonger
how do you know that it is due to human interference?  What if the temperature is just on the rise again like it is naturally?

I could assume that the walnut trees in my backyard made an abnormal amount of walnuts this year because i watered them a lot last year.  But i could also assume that the tree just happened to make an abnormally large (obscenely large is the term i would prefer) amount of walnuts because it is on a part of its cycle that repeats every few years and this year was its peak (as it had a huge number of walnuts the year we moved here as well, but not as many in between)

get my point?

Last edited by Blehm98 (2007-02-25 21:46:22)


Blehm98 wrote:

yep.  The sun's solar output has increased recently, along with the natually varying climate of the earth.  It has long been known that the earth was quite a bit hotter than it is right now a couple hundred million years ago
isn't the sun supposed to eat Earth in like 5 billion years anyway?

Bubbalo wrote:

And it's also known that the temperature a couple hundred million years ago was part of a natural trend, which we aren't in due to human interference.
That's like saying a tree fell over 200 million years ago and one is right now. Only difference is it actually fell over 200 million years ago instead of the chances that humans cut it down now. Just because it happened before doesn't mean its the same cause.

Some of it is natural, some of it isn't. We did put a hole in the ozone layer, I haven't seen anyone deny that yet.

you guys fail at sarcasm
The Lizzard

Blehm98 wrote:

how do you know that it is due to human interference?  What if the temperature is just on the rise again like it is naturally?
Because that falls into a cycle which our current rise doesn't fit.

That and the fact that they know the effect of air pollutants on temperature.
Busy doing highfalutin adminy stuff ...
+1,335|6800|Washington DC

Stingray24 wrote:

So they nominate some stooge for a crappy movie about global warming so they can convince themselves that they've actually helped in some way.  Pffff.  Get a life Hollywood.
Al's documentary was OK ... I wouldn't call it crappy.

However, I would agree that both this documentary and the award are "feel good" gestures.  If Al Gore really wanted to address global warming - and bring the other side to the table - he shouldn't have included some polarizing and unnecessary political commentary in the movie.

As it is, it is just a "feel good" gesture.
I turned on the TV to see what was on, and right when I turned to Channel 7, I heard, "And the Oscar goes to... " and then saw Al Gore and the director walk up. Then I turned the TV off.

I dunno, I really don't think he should've gotten an Oscar for that.
conservative hatemonger

Bubbalo wrote:

Blehm98 wrote:

how do you know that it is due to human interference?  What if the temperature is just on the rise again like it is naturally?
Because that falls into a cycle which our current rise doesn't fit.

That and the fact that they know the effect of air pollutants on temperature.
Which is where the increased solar output fits in. 

And just so everyone knows, i do believe that pollutants can have an effect on the atmosphere, and that we should do our best to steer away from using pollutants, but i also believe that their effect as it is is not very great.  Also, at the moment global warming is not used in America to save the world, its use a political tool to try and get people to like/dislike someone.  I really doubt Al gore cares much about global warming, but people will believe he does through what he does
The Lizzard
Quick, somebody call the UN and tell them that they should throw out the climate change report written by some of the world's best scientists, because Blehm says we're all okay.  I believe there's a cash prize for you somewhere?
Cheeseburger Logicist

Blehm98 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Blehm98 wrote:

how do you know that it is due to human interference?  What if the temperature is just on the rise again like it is naturally?
Because that falls into a cycle which our current rise doesn't fit.

That and the fact that they know the effect of air pollutants on temperature.
Which is where the increased solar output fits in. 

And just so everyone knows, i do believe that pollutants can have an effect on the atmosphere, and that we should do our best to steer away from using pollutants, but i also believe that their effect as it is is not very great.  Also, at the moment global warming is not used in America to save the world, its use a political tool to try and get people to like/dislike someone.  I really doubt Al gore cares much about global warming, but people will believe he does through what he does
It's a good thing you have all your scientific knowledge to counter the overwhelming opinion amongst scientists that global warming is manmade. What would the consensus of the most educated and intelligent people on the planet matter at all?

Additionally, you seem to have a grasp on Al Gore's true intentions. He obviously doesn't care about global warming at all, he just seems to care so he can...Well, obviously, I know little of his true intentions compared to you. I can't think of a single reason why he might be doing this, other than he does care about global warming.
conservative hatemonger
i don't even know how to respond to that one lol

someone else say something...
It's a good thing you have all your scientific knowledge to counter the overwhelming opinion amongst scientists that global warming is manmade. What would the consensus of the most educated and intelligent people on the planet matter at all?

Additionally, you seem to have a grasp on Al Gore's true intentions. He obviously doesn't care about global warming at all, he just seems to care so he can...Well, obviously, I know little of his true intentions compared to you. I can't think of a single reason why he might be doing this, other than he does care about global warming.
al gore is a politician, which automatically debunks your second paragraph

again to the first paragraph, i don't have numbers so i won't respond to that one at the risk of making myself look like an idiot.  But there are plenty of scientists who do not believe global warming is really manmade. 

oh yeah, its technically climate change now, because the recent cold weather doesn't go with global warming.  Again, i believe climate change is mostly natural however

you must remember, the climate is incredibly complex, and as it is we can't possibly calculate what even a tiny increase in solar output could do to the climate.  And as to why it doesn't look like it has happened before, we don't have very detailed information about the past, and the information we do have only goes back 600 million years.  We could be at the peak of a very long complex cycle that we don't even know exists. 


Last edited by Blehm98 (2007-02-25 22:07:04)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6752|132 and Bush

The movie was good and informative. I could have did without the "I used to be the next president remarks". That doesn't mean I discount the science, or the over 2,500 scientist from this most recent in depth study. I don't like Al Gore personally but he is a very good speaker.

Xbone Stormsurgezz

Bubbalo wrote:

Quick, somebody call the UN and tell them that they should throw out the climate change report written by some of the world's best scientists, because Blehm says we're all okay.  I believe there's a cash prize for you somewhere?

Stingray24 wrote:

Gimme a break.  Oh well, what did I really expect from Hollywood who has the biggest vehicles, the biggest houses, the biggest boats, and the biggest planes.  They couldn't possibly be contributing to global warming now could they?   So they nominate some stooge for a crappy movie about global warming so they can convince themselves that they've actually helped in some way.  Pffff.  Get a life Hollywood.
Al Gore is a hypocrite with ZERO credibility. 

1.  I could have a garage full of H1's and drive them for a lifetime and it not equal ONE trip made by Gore in his private plane.

2.  Gore must know that his rhetoric is complete bullshit because he refuses to alter his lifestyle (fly commercially)

3. Worse yet there is global warming and this fucktard is contributing to it intentionally.

Why the hell am I going to sit up and take notice of some asshole telling me not to drive my evil gas car as he is "jetting" about the US polluting more than I could ever dream of?

Bottom line is that I ain't buying it, and I'll keep on driving my 10mpg Jeep at full throttle.

Good post Stingray +1
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6752|132 and Bush

So if by "jetting" around the world he convinces millions of people to change their pollution habits it is deemed less efficient because he used a single plane to influence entire nations to change thier co2 standards. C'mon , think bigger than that.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

DBBrinson1 wrote:

1.  I could have a garage full of H1's and drive them for a lifetime and it not equal ONE trip made by Gore in his private plane.
I seriously hope you are joking. SERIOUSLY.
conservative hatemonger
well, if you drive say 40 miles a day in your H1
you'd probably make about as much pollution as his jet in a week or two. 
but there are some seriously advanced diesel engines in the works ATM that will have very few emissions at all, which could possibly make your statement correct
pics or it didn't happen
al gore-lockbox-global warming-johnedwards-monotone /fail
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6752|132 and Bush

CoronadoSEAL wrote:

al gore-lockbox-global warming-johnedwards-monotone /fail
Apparently not,
Al Gore's movie wins an Oscar

Last edited by Kmarion (2007-02-25 22:36:23)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
Cheeseburger Logicist

Blehm98 wrote:

i don't even know how to respond to that one lol

someone else say something...
It's a good thing you have all your scientific knowledge to counter the overwhelming opinion amongst scientists that global warming is manmade. What would the consensus of the most educated and intelligent people on the planet matter at all?

Additionally, you seem to have a grasp on Al Gore's true intentions. He obviously doesn't care about global warming at all, he just seems to care so he can...Well, obviously, I know little of his true intentions compared to you. I can't think of a single reason why he might be doing this, other than he does care about global warming.
al gore is a politician, which automatically debunks your second paragraph

again to the first paragraph, i don't have numbers so i won't respond to that one at the risk of making myself look like an idiot.  But there are plenty of scientists who do not believe global warming is really manmade. 

oh yeah, its technically climate change now, because the recent cold weather doesn't go with global warming.  Again, i believe climate change is mostly natural however

you must remember, the climate is incredibly complex, and as it is we can't possibly calculate what even a tiny increase in solar output could do to the climate.  And as to why it doesn't look like it has happened before, we don't have very detailed information about the past, and the information we do have only goes back 600 million years.  We could be at the peak of a very long complex cycle that we don't even know exists. 

Politician? You know of some secret ambition of his, since he no longer is in politics? I really doubt an attempt by Al Gore to be President again would ever occur.

I'll believe what the majority of the scientists say.

autopilot wrote:

Right, and it is all about the sun heating up a litlle, right...
Mars is warming as

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