+5,233|6803|Global Command
To participate in this thread people should go to ghetto persons introduction thread
  (  )and make yourself known. People asking questions should post the interviewees introduction along with their questions and answers. If you'd like to have your name on the list either pm me or make it known.

These folks are open to being interviewed; D&ST regulars, or people who plan to be.  Signers ups;

BF2S Forums

Commie Killer

So, if you want to interview somebody; pick from the list above then:
1) go to the introduction thread and quote their info; ( or not, I guess )

Wait for his reply, via pm and compile it into a " interview "
to be posted here.
Lets keep the spam near zero, shall we?

Perhaps some long standing grudges can be settled here, see Bubbalos interview below to see the potential.
DST regulars not signed up obviously are cowards with secrets to hide. Whatsa matter? Afraid somebody might call you to task?
This could be considered single combat if it's done right, or just a chance to get to know somebody.

Thanks to McMinty for the sticky and to our Lord Chuy for restarting it for me.

Last edited by ATG (2007-03-05 06:02:17)

+5,233|6803|Global Command
First up, our beloved Usmarine2007;

usmarine2007 wrote:

Age: 30

From: Born in Cleveland, Ohio. 

Reside: Columbus, Ohio

Profession: Airline Management

Education: BS Aviation Management.  Numerous FAA licenses.

Languages: English

Instruments: I don't play shit.

Interests: Football, airplanes, beer, military style video games

Political Leanings: I just hate liberals.

Religion: None

Music: Rock

Video: As long as it is close to real life.  (no sci-fi)

Hero: Marines

Books: "Because they hate"
1)  Do you really think the United States stance in the middle east would be different if Al Gore had been president during 9-11?
2)  Do you believe the President is largely responsible for American war policy, or is it the Joint Chiefs?
3)  Given that George Bush is exactly the reverse of a fiscal conservative, wouldn't it be possible that Hillary Clinton would be a rabid war hawk once in office?
4)  Do you think the insurgency in Iraq would still be going if the U.S. media and people like Ted Kennedy weren't constantly saying how deceitful and immoral it is?
5)  What country will see the mushroom cloud first, and why?

usmarine2007 wrote:

1) Yes.  We would have launched a few cruise missles.

2) I believe the President is just like the president of a company....... just signs the paper on a lot of stuff
    because he has to trust people who work for him. 

3) More cruise missles.

4) Iraqis want us to help them... "My friends and I who are the old women of the neighborhood went to the     soldiers and welcomed them and prayed that God would help them to defeat the terrorists," said Um Sabah of the Mashtaal area in eastern Baghdad. "Although, the presence of army and vehicles is not very comfortable, we welcome it because it is for the sake of Iraq."

  So yes, I believe insurgents feed on the shit Ted and others say.  They have said so in videos and speeches.

5) Pakistan.  India will nuke them eventually.
So thats the format
pm them your questions
post their intro,
post your questions
post their answers
interview somebody.

Bubbalo, I want to interview you.

Last edited by ATG (2007-02-14 19:07:58)

+5,233|6803|Global Command

Commie Killer wrote:

Name: Marc
    Age: 15
    Location: Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States of America
    Occupation: I currently work at a food store where I stack shelves 4 days a week. During the summer I cut lawns, got about 15 customers so between that and hanging with friends I only sleep about 5 hours per night during the summer.
    Hobbies: Paintball, Mountain Biking, Politics, Fucking, things of that nature.
    Political Party: I lean much farther right then left though there are some things I agree with strongly on both sides of the fence.
    Languages: English, rather good at German, can say understand about 500 words combined in French and Spanish.
1) What would you do if you had A) a loaded gun and B) a letter informing you that you had been drafted?
2) Do you believe you will believe as you do now, when you are 30?
3) Do you believe  American politics and its aggressive stance will lead to the end of the world?
4) Is your primary source of news and information?
5) Do you see any risk to your psyche in pre-marital sex, explain.
Commie replies;

Commie Killer wrote:

1. A. I would probably go to a gun range and fire it tommorrow(considering it is 12:37 here). Then I would hide it    somewhere safe were no one can get to it or find it though I will have the ability to get it within a few minutes.
    B. If I wasnt already in the military I would do what I am told within that letter.
2. No one can predict the future but..... I may not be in the same political party(considering their ideas change almost constantly) but I would guess I will have the same beliefs.
3. No.
4. I go here to talk about politicics and information though I get my news and info from anywhere I can, and I always try to get it from sources that will have a different take on it(E.G. MSNBC and FOX).
5. There is the possibility that I will regret it later in life when I get married or something else bad happens, though right now I am content with the girl I have and have had for the past 1 year and 4 months(though we had a rough patch for about a month) and I can see myself marrying her. Getting a little off topic I guess sorry.
Follow up question;
How the hell can you be off topic answering a question I asked? Nevermind.

Last edited by ATG (2007-02-14 21:55:29)

Commie Killer
Too much detail maybe?^^
Deeznuts is up.

deeznutz1245 wrote:

Why not.

Name is Eric, friends call me deez.
28 years old and happily married to Victoria with a 5 month old son named Aaron.
I live in East Windsor, Connecticut
I am an Asset Protection Executive, its a fancy way of saying I to internal audits and save companies money.
I love music: I play guitar and saxophone, a little percussion.
I drive a Trailblazer (refused to go mini van- no fuckin way)
My hobby is music and my boat. I love to fish and hunt and I am very much into lifting weights.
Sports teams- Yankees and the Patriots
Very proud Marine Corps Veteran
I have a BS in Criminal Justice and thats it.
I like to travel but thatwas in my single days, been to 27 different countries.
I suck at video games but I am good at guitar so I am happy with my finger skills, and so is my wife.
I used to go to parties only to take craps in the top part of the toilet, its called an "upper decker".
1. Ever consider joining the military again?
2. What is your opinion on the accusation that Iran is suppling weapons to the Insurgents in Iraq.?
3. Just like ATG asked me do you think your general political views will be the same in 30 years?
4. What is your stance on religion?
5. What do you think should be done with Iraq?

deeznutz1245 wrote:

1) I would do it in a heart beat if it were not for my wife and child. She waited patiently and faithfully for me through my endeavor in the Marine Corps and allowed me to fulfill my dreams, so as far as I am concerned I owe her my life.

2) I do not have enough evidence to base a respectable opinion which would allow me to take a side. The news wether it be conservative or liberal is biased, in my opinion so my facts have been been filtered. I dont want to leave a fence riding answer on a well thought question so if you value my suspicion, I would say Iran is aiding Iraqi insurgents.

3) I doubt it. People change, nations change with them. If you told a 28 year old man in 1950, that kids with guns and internet fraud would affect him, he would look at you funny. So I am a conservative in the sense that I would like to preserve my liberties that are God given as well as social. I dont like big governments telling me how to spend my money, or better yet how they can spend it for me. Good question.

4) I am a baptised Catholic. I beleive in evolution though. I beleive religion is nothing more than primative peoples looking at supreme forces as a scapegoat for things they can not explain that got carried into modern times. Religion has been the source of more death than anyother man made ideology and it has been exploited for the business that it truly is. On the other hand, the idea of living in peace and harmony is a good model, I just dont think you should have to pay membership to a club to practice it.

5) If it were up to me we would have never infiltrated Iraq as an occupying force. I beleive that we would have been better off hunting down terrorists with special forces and infantry socom Marine Battalions. Now that we have committed to that nation, I beleive we should finish the job at any cost. We are Americans, we understand what it is like to be in turmoil and we need to aid Iraq in becoming a peacfull, prosporous nation once again.

Good questions, thank you for asking me.

Last edited by Commie Killer (2007-02-16 21:32:20)

Cowboy from Hell

ATG wrote:

Okay, against my better judgement;

My name is Alex. At least that's my chosen name. Albert is on the birth certificate. I'm originally from Salt Lake City, and I'm 38, having spent the last 27 years in Southern California.

I've been a musician most of my life, and got into rock climbing pretty hard core for a twelve year period. Now I am a dad and business guy.
I like to read, and look for cool rocks in the desert. Take my bike up into old mining areas and investigate.

Oh yeah; I like to type.
1-What was your opinion on President Bush before the War in Iraq and which one is now?
2-Who do you think will be the next President of the US?  Why do you think this person qualifies for the job?
3-How would you fix the illegal immigrants issue?
4-What will happen with Iraq in the next years?
5-Which things make you proud and what else do you expect to achieve in your life?

ATG wrote:

1_ I thought he was another silver spoon baby being given the highest office, or a chance at it, because of his name. Now, I'm pretty sure he is actively trying to harm our nation by not enforcing border policy. I just don't know why.
2_Hillary Clinton. I don't think she is really unqualified, she is just really undesirable.
3_ One thing I would do is threaten military annexation of Mexico if they did not immediately cease encouraging their people to illegally attempt to enter the United States. I would have our border policy be as harsh as Mexicos.
4_ Iraq will splinter into three areas and continue to be a proxy battle ground for the various surrounding countries. Millions may die in the civil war that is now just heating up. The borders of Iraq and the other counties right around her may need to be redrawn.
5_I'm proud of my kids and for being married. For surviving a pretty horrible childhood, for educating myself.
I still honestly think I have a pretty good shot at becoming a rock star ( crosses fingers ).

Kmarion wrote:

I enjoy long walks on the beach...
Folks round here call me Kerry, but you can call me Kerry.

I'm 31, I live in Tampa, Fl. I am the father of a beautiful little girl. I worked for "Brown" for a very long time, however I have since moved into Commercial Real Estate. (Brown screwed my back up and I am having surgery March 6th ) My Dad was in the Navy (retired Master Chief) while growing up which means I bounced around a bit. I was born in Florida. I played soccer nearly all my life and also played over sea's for a bit (Europe/South America). After my last ACL tear I haven't played much. I game online most every night. I guess thats where I have placed my competitiveness since the injury. I have started and ran 3 successful clans in the last 6 years which are still operational today. I have chosen to stay with the smaller group currently (Order of Elite). They are just laid back older/mature guys who know having fun is what gaming should be about. Our competitive team is still going as well. When I am not working, playing, or here I read. I don't watch much TV. Just some sports and the news. The only entertainment shows I watch is 24, The Daily Show, and the Colbert report (Consistently). The books I am reading now are "Your Best life now" and am also re-reading "Never quit the fight". Uh, you can find a couple pictures if you click on the website link here under my name.. Myspace is the only personal site I'm giving out here .

Edit:King_County_Downyif you played BHD you may know tfs-, I started them a few years ago.

Edit:Edit: Amateur Astronomer (Noobie)
1. How much a part of your identity is your nationality and at what level, if any, does identifying yourself with your country, as opposed to respecting your own individuality, become unhealthy?
2. Do you think that the financial benefits for the few of ultra-capitalism, as practiced by the US, outweigh the social benefits for the many of the welfare states of Europe and elsewhere?
3. How do you feel about the 'you're either with us or against us' mentality prevalent today? Healthy & necessary or cynical & divisive?
4. Do you believe in tighter regulation of mass media aimed at curbing propaganda-style 'news'?
5. Do you believe the so-called 'war on terror' is being fought effectively - are Americans & Europeans safe from 'terror'?

Kmarion wrote:

1. I identify myself with my nationality moderately. I am proud of many of the things my country has achieved. I think this is fine so long as national pride does not contribute to blind patriotism. You must identify yourself with the bad as well as the good. Above all we should all remember that people are more important than places.

2. No society in recent history has operated at the level of human efficiency attained by the US today. No other society remotely comes close to the amount of opportunities offered to it's citizens and immigrants. Capitalistic Americans are aware of the risk and accept them over mediocracy. Capitalist want a shot at the title whereas the welfare states want security at all cost. This is why the United States has the absolute most amount of immigrants. People want a chance for more opportunity.

3. I believe it leaves very little room for any action other than militarily. I think the statement made by the President was made to play directly on the American peoples emotions after one of the most tragic event ever to face us. I think the single minded mentality has served to further separate us from the tremendous amount of support Americans were receiving from the entire world after the attacks of 9/11. The United States needs a diplomatic revolution and this President is incapable of doing it. He has squandered credibility and has put an entire nation on the defensive when discussing politics. It only takes one act of hypocrisy to diminish 100 acts of kindness. I just hope that this one man and his administration does not continue to lead to the stereotyping of over 300 million people. This is not coming from a liberal/dem, but rather an American citizen who would like to see his country continue to prosper.

4. In a free market where people have options to select their news media coverage I do not believe in regulations. I give credit to the ultimate capability for a person to be able to discern the difference in propaganda and genuine information. I think most of us can do this without government interference. I have faith in the strong minded. Government controlled media leads to late night cool aide parties, and that is propaganda to the extreme.

5. Americans and Europeans are far safer from terror than we are led to believe. Statically you are more likely to drown in the bathtub than die in a terror attack. I think in some aspects the idea of preventing terrorism is succeeding. There is no doubt the funds and networks have been disrupted. Of course these are short term gains that are non permanent. To effectively stop the "idea" of terrorism you must  look at what causes it. Terrorism will breed in despair and hopelessness. A person who does not have much to live for is more likely to board a bus strapped with explosives. A more effective way in my opinion would be to give possible terrorist a chance to be successful. I know to some this may sound "weak". But when someone has a chance to become something greater the misinterpretations of a radical cleric will not sound so appealing. We must support the moderates in the Muslim religion, they are our greatest ally. Unfortunately now the majority of our efforts seemed to be allocated to surges and blame.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-02-16 01:00:28)

Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
Bubbalo's Interview:

deeznutz1245 wrote:
1) Do you think to many fiscal resources are spent on nations space programs?

Hm.......toughie.  Yes and no.  Compared to most space-faring nations public services and international aid budgets, yes.  Compared to their overall budgets, no.  That is:  It should be beefed up, but only after other sections are.

deeznutz1245 wrote:
2) Do you think the United States and Australia have a good trade program, not enough or to much?

I find it hard to figure out what the "right" amount of trade is.  The US and Australia don't really have any reason to desperately want to trade, so I'd be happy to trade less with them provided the trade went instead to neighbours who we should want to trade with.  Further, given that the US takes a stance that hurts our economy on many issues (subsidising wheat exports, agreeing to FTA on condition it does include such articles as beef, one of our biggest exports), I think we should be trading with the US less.

deeznutz1245 wrote:
3) If you made the rules, how would you effectively handle political corruption? To much carpet sweeping   these days, how would you clean it up?

Again, difficult.  I suppose the key to effective management of corruption are clear, unambiguous rules, transparency, and a well structured complaints systems.  What do I mean?  The rules can't allow for judgement calls when it goes to court: a smart court won't bite the hand the feeds it.  Parties should be forced to reveal all connections to private institutions: be it monetary donations or other associations.  And I think we all know what I mean by a well structured complaints system.

deeznutz1245 wrote:
4) Pick a side. Israel or Palestine. Why?

Palestine.  Israel was created when Zionists took land by force, which was given to them by people who had not right to give it.  Further, the only reason that they were successful if because Britain allowed so many of them to integrate depite objections by locals.  And what many people seem to forget is that, regardless of whether they are now (and IMHO they are), Zionist military organisations were undeniably terrorists not so long ago.

deeznutz1245 wrote:
5) If given the chance to model your own government, what countries would you model them after? Take bits and peices of your favorite gov structures and combine them.

A combination of Australia and the US for the government itself (US structure with the three branches, Australian voting system), and European inquisitorial system for the courts section.


Last edited by deeznutz1245 (2007-02-16 05:06:25)

Malloy must go
bad touch

I interviewed King_County_Downey

my questions wrote:

1.) Let's say Mel Gibson was right, and Jesus comes back tomorrow. What would you do?
2.) On your 50th birthday, who do you think will hold the power of the world in their hands?
3.) Do you believe that a war against Terrorism can ever be won?
4.) Is masturbation a sin?
5.) Dark or Light
His answers
1) I would try to learn from his ways. He has been known to many as a real "ladies man". Some religions even believe that he had many wives. And that my friends, is a pimp in my book. I would become the First Apostle Pimp of Jesus (F.A.P.O.J for short) I would try to buddy up with him because everyone needs a Buddy Jesus. Basically, we'd roll fat blunts and pimp the ladies. Just like my man Snoop. Fer Shizzle! (I always wanted to say that)

2)I would guess that it will be AlphA Rundji after completing his quest to spread Mancow Cheesetm across the globe.

3)Absolutely. The terrorists only want death so we could help them out with that anytime they want. It will just require the civilized world to man-up up get mid-evil on their ass. Tell them they won "A Free Plasma TV" if they come down to the city center and then POW! Magic carpet ride...

4)Self Masturbation is not a sin. It's only a sin when your girl tries to masterbate you instead of giving you a proper BJ. (Same applies if she asks you to stir her soup instead of ramming your stalagmite in her cave of love)

5) I say Light. Why? Because I really suck at night maps.
+5,233|6803|Global Command
Drum roll........

Bubbalo wrote:

For the record, I won't be reading this thread, and I'm only doing this to get into the interview series.  Why won't I be reading them?  Because I prefer to judge people based on the quality of their writings.......anyways...........

Name: Callum

Location: Melbourne, Victoria

Political stance:  What Americans would probably call far left, but what Australians would probably call moderate left

Interests:  Well I'll have to say philosophy and history, seeing as how I am studying them .  International politics/world affairs as well (again, obviously).  Sci-fi.

Hobbies:  Gaming (well, duh).  As well as PC, tabletop and board.  Volunteering (I figure I do it often enough to call it a hobby).  Uh...........that's about it.

Other:  Don't smoke or drink (not that I have anything against alcohol, I just have yet to find an alcoholic beverage that doesn't taste like shite to me, and don't see the point in drinking just to get drunk).  Heroin addict.
1) Do you really feel America is alone in the use of force? What is the difference between funding terrorist in Lebanon ( like Iran and Syria does ) to cause regime change, and just straight up attacking, like the U.S. has done with Iraq. Isn't the former more moral than the latter? At least we are taking full responsibility for what we have done.
2) Is this type of comment suggesting genuine hatred of and for Americans, or is it merely tongue and cheek commentary designed is raise trouble?
3) Sometime ago, you were banned for a short time for a thread you made that was construed by some in the forum to praise the 9-11 hijackers as freedom fighters and heros to their cause. Do you feel that your thread was misunderstood or did you simply misunderestimate the amount of anger it would provoke.
4) America is widely condemed for its treatment of natives. The aboriginal cultures in Australia also suffered greatly. Why doesn't your nation get as much flak about it?
5) If you were offered a job in Boise Idaho making a good living, would you move to the U.S.?

Bubbalo wrote:

ATG wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

How many other countries run around imposing their views by force?
1) Do you really feel America is alone in the use of force?
Yes and no.  Historically, of course not.  At the moment, yes, or rather, they are the only country (along with allies such as Australia and Britain) whose foreign policy is primarily about enforcing their views.

ATG wrote:

What is the difference between funding terrorist in Lebanon ( like Iran and Syria does ) to cause regime change, and just straight up attacking, like the U.S. has done with Iraq. Isn't the former more moral than the latter? At least we are taking full responsibility for what we have done.
The first difference is cause:  Iran and Syria are funding allies, who are fighting a war started by someone else, and whose aim isn't to enforce their will or ideology, but rather regain land lost in an earlier war.  That is to say, they are battling over legitimate issues, not "We don't like you so we'll get rid of you".

As to whether the US straight up attacking: each country is playing to it's strengths.  The US has the world's most powerful conventional army.  Iran, on the other hand, can better identify with locals.  So, whilst the answer is yes, at least to a degree, I think that intent also factors in, and the US' intent was to win the best way they could, not to fight fair.  Finally, an immoral war fought by moral means is no better than a moral war fought by immoral means.

ATG wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

But I thought the whole point of having Mexico was so that the stupid Americans could go down there, get into some serious underage drinking, and hopefully die of alcohol poisoning, or get knifed by locals after getting into a fight.
2) Is this type of comment suggesting genuine hatred of and for Americans, or is it merely tongue and cheek commentary designed is raise trouble?
Firstly, I'd like to point out that the comment you used isn't an example of what you mean: I should have emphasised stupid.  That is, I was suggesting it was to cull those Americans who lowered the national IQ.

More broadly, however, my comments are to a degree tongue-in-cheek.  I don't think that Americans, as a whole, are idiots in the sense of being slobbering dolts.  I think that there is a tendency for them to be seen like that, however, due to many Americans knowing little about the outside world, and caring even less.  This isn't necessarily a slight on Americans, it's exactly the same thing that happens to any state which is more powerful than any other, from Rome to Britain or France pre-World Wars.

ATG wrote:

3) Sometime ago, you were banned for a short time for a thread you made that was construed by some in the forum to praise the 9-11 hijackers as freedom fighters and heros to their cause. Do you feel that your thread was misunderstood or did you simply misunderestimate the amount of anger it would provoke.
Both.  To a degree, it was the fact that many people didn't realise I was purposely taking an extreme position to demonstrate the idiocy.  Having said that, I didn't consider how upset those that didn't realise it was supposed to ridiculous would be (and, further, the sensitive nature of the subject might cause people to miss the fact that it might not be serious.  And I was stupid enough not to realise the date..................

Having said that, I've said this before, and most people have already heard it and either believe me or don't........

ATG wrote:

4) America is widely condemed for its treatment of natives. The aboriginal cultures in Australia also suffered greatly. Why doesn't your nation get as much flak about it?
Because nobody cares about Australia, and because it's harder to succintly point out the issues with Australian treatment of Aborigines: the manner in which they was mistreated was broader and less obvious.  This isn't to say we should feel any less guilty, nor that we have done any better at rectification, just that nobody notices us.

ATG wrote:

5) If you were offered a job in Boise Idaho making a good living, would you move to the U.S.?
I'd certainly be willing to give it a go, provided the money were good enough.  But getting me to move permanently overseas (to anywhere) would require a fairly hefty paycheck.  A number of things would factor into the decision: the primary one that I can think of being gun laws/crime rate.  Other than those, I imagine there would be many similarities between Australian and the US.  For one, you guys already know how to speak Australian .
Well done Bubs 8.5/10
Cowboy from Hell

CameronPoe wrote:

Name: Charlie / Cathal pronounced 'Kahal'

Age: 27

From: Co. Donegal, Republic of Ireland / Condae Dhun na nGall, Poblacht na hEireann
Reside: Dublin City / Cathair Bhaile Atha Chliath (10 years & counting)

Profession: Power Systems Engineer (Transmission Networks) with National Grid of Ireland
Qualification: Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (1st Hons), University College Dublin

Languages: English, Gaeilge, Spanish (semi-fluency), French (deteriorating all the time as I focus on Spanish), Japanese (miniscule amount - did a beginners course ages ago at uni)

Interests: Travel, Alcohol, Soccer, Politics, Current Affairs (particularly Israel/Palestine conflict), History, Music, Film, Psychology, Skiing, Cycling

Political Leanings: Proud Irish republican, centre leftist - European version of left btw, not American version (I would vote for Fianna Fail in an Irish general election even though they err on the side of corporate pandering from time to time)

Religion: Atheist

'Heroes': Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, Sigmund Freud, Galileo Galilei, Charles Darwin, Leonardo DaVinci, Padraig Pearse, Big Chief Sitting Bull, Isaac Newton, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Ghandi, Tom Crean, Jock Stein, Jesus of Nazareth, Salvador Dali, Nelson Mandela, Roger Waters, Martin Luther King, Normandy landings participants... (more to follow)

Music: To follow...

Movies: To follow...
1-How do you think Ireland is going to be "One" country?  Do you feel the Irish standard of living would drop?
2-Do you think Russia is going to be a threat for the EU?  If so, explain how.
3-I know this is a topic you don't like at all, but I need to know: How would you solve the conflict between Israel and Palestine?
4-Which are your viewpoints about the US generally speaking and about GWB's policies?
5-Would you be happier if God existed?

CameronPoe wrote:

1. Ireland will inevitably become one country again, by 'democratic' means, although it will take a while. The fact of the matter for me though is that Northern Ireland has always been just an illegal, gerrymandered, artificial statelet - created undemocratically without consultation with the people of Ireland at the time it was 'created'. To talk now of bringing about a united Ireland by 'democratic' means is frankly laughable when you take this into account but the reality today is different and that is what we have to deal with. Demographically speaking it is looking good for the Irish - we should have the six counties back within a few generations - 80 years of blood, sweat and tears too late but at least we will be reunited. Reunification will however spark our second civil war - I can't see the unionists/loyalists who for so long espoused 'democracy' laying idle while the green, white and gold flag unfurls across the entire island.
The people of the Republic of Ireland will see a marked drop in living standard upon reunification but that is the price we must pay for abandoning our brethren north of the fictitious 'border' back in the 1920s, leaving them to an existence of oppression and subordination. We owe it to them to take our share of pain. To do otherwise would be un-Irish and frankly disgraceful. Thinking with your pocket generally sickens me anyway.

2. Personally I see Vladimir Putin re-militarising and following the USA in trying to exert its influence internationally, whether that be through diplomacy, trade, force or otherwise. It was quite worrying to see the way in which Russia played hardball with the ex-soviet satellite states with respect to natural resources recently. It won't be long before they will be playing harball with the EU - because Putin is a stong hard man, with visions of a 'Great Mother Russia' for the future. The EU needs to diversify the fuels it uses and the means by which it procures those fuels so that we do not, by default, become completely dependent on Russia - the first step towards the people of Europe eventually, by default, being ruled from Moscow whether we like it or not. Our only weakness with respect to Russia is our dependency on fossil fuels - solve that problem and Russia will not be a threat.

3. The Palestinian government would first need to recognise that Israel exists now and has a right to exist, even if it is unjust (dubious). The Israelis as a goodwill gesture of trust would then have to withdraw completely to the 1948 borders (something Israel won't do) with the Clinton plan for the Temple Mount adopted. Palestine should be granted statehood by the international community, UN peacekeepers installed (something Israel won't allow) and the international community should support the new state economically to help it past what will be a turbulent initial period. Palestine should be allowed a standing regular army, ports, airports, control of their own borders and all the trappings of a regular state. Israel should pay reparations to all of those people they dispossessed since 1948, akin to the reparations Germany has paid holocaust victims. Affluence will breed apathy and hatred for the Israelis will slowly subside. Israel have it all to offer - all the Palestinians can do is agree to recognise them and to maintain a ceasefire. The only country that can influence Israel is USA - so their role will be pivotal. Clinton came sooo close to closing the deal - maybe another democrat can make it happen this time around.

4. The USA has many pros and cons. There are aspects of the country I like and aspects I dislike. I like the freedom of speech and movement and the endlessness of the country. I love the contributions the country makes to science and technology and the progressiveness of the country in general. I love the diveristy of people there and the fact they all came together to build cities like Chicago and New York up from nothing.
I don't like the political system - it is a system ripe for corrupting. Too much power is concentrated in the hands of so few and the media is used for propaganda purposes worse than in any nation I have ever visited bar Cuba. It is sad that a small proportion of voters in Ohio and Florida statistically speaking are more important than anyone else in the country in terms of getting elected as president - there is something distinctly unsettling about that. I don't like the general ethos in the country - where dollar rules over fellow man. I think it's ruthless, mercenary and distasteful. It is a country where extremes prevail and I prefer the middle way - one should live by the motto 'everything in moderation'. Ultra-capitalism will eventually spell the death knell for the country if allowed to continue indefinitely - the disenfranchised and downtrodden will eventually become so great in number that you will see another social revolution. It is a cycle as old as the hills. As an Irishman, whose country was subjugated for 800 years by an empire builder, I take great issue with the US exerting its influence across the globe as it has done for the past century and a half. I have read a lot about the exploits of the US empire and - whether you believe it or not - it is an empire. I can't wait for the day where we live in a mutli-superpowered world again, where the big guns will restrain each other and moderate each others behaviour. As for George W. Bush - that underhanded bloodthirsty, Israeli-beholden, oligarchical war criminal can rot in hell - he shows scant regard for his own people let alone anyone else.

5. Whether or not God hypothetically 'exists' would have no bearing on me in terms of happiness. I am as content in my atheism as I would be in the knowledge that there is a God.

Last edited by sergeriver (2007-02-16 07:01:29)

Calmer than you are.
I picked Pug due to the name resemblance and the fact that we've managed to debate in a civil way, although as he put it, "we seem to be polar opposites sometimes".

Pug wrote:

36 yrs old, married two kids (boy 3, girl 2)
Corpus Christi, TX

Job: CPA with local firm (doing well), partner.  Serving small biz, small business consulting, estate planning, family partnerships, corporate structure/strategy (what business model to use).  Past jobs: product manager with manfacturing firm.  Journalist covering city council prior to getting a MBA.

Politics: My family thinks I'm liberal but conservative when compared to here.  Vote my heart - I've voted for the winner every year, with the exception of Kerry.  I'm probably Republican, but I trust the government - you will rarely hear me bash the policies already in place.

Hobbies: Tennis, used to be a scratch golfer before I had kids, fish the coast, trying to surf, the kids keep me pretty busy.  I'm on here a lot because I'm usually working a lot and have two monitors at home and at work.  I used to write - I have three books I'm trying to finish.  I'm also actively involved with a few non-profits around town.

I try to be as positive as possible and give people the benefit of the doubt.  I also only discuss politics here, because my family discusses politics too much.  I also believe that everything doesn't necessarily need a purpose...which is a purpose within itself.
I asked:

1. The USA is at the moment the only superpower in the world. How far would you go in justifying its foreign and domestic policy in order to maintain that position?

2. NEW YORK (Reuters) - "Bank of America Corp. has begun offering
credit cards to customers without Social Security numbers, typically illegal immigrants". What is your opinion on the loose policy regarding immigration from Mexico as opposed to the strict measures of security for people who are legally trying to enter the country?

3. If the Democrats win the upcoming elections, what do you think will change - if anything?

4. If you had to move to another country which one would it be and why.

5. What do you think of the War on Terror: Feasible/ winnable or Orwellian never ending convenient type of warfare?

and he replied

Pug wrote:

1) I have no fear of the US being number 1 or number 10.  It doesn't matter, as long as the quality of life is consistantly improving for the entire world.  A projection of power to other countries is termed as negative, but I see it as positive in the long run.  I'm frustrated with the current situation because our heart is often in the right place, but in execution we stumble.  The China/Russia/India alliance will foster more cooperation instead of perpetuating a cold war era.

2) Bank of America is going to get shafted somewhere...but as far as immigration goes...illegal immigration will never cease until we actually do something about it at the source.  We really need to focus on helping out Mexico's economy to reduce the troubles illegal immigration causes.  It's complicated because it's political suicide to shift focus from a Senator's home district to Mexico...but in the long run it would make the economy better for both countries.  However, globalizing the economy means that you are competiting for customers here, there and anywhere...and its harder to keep up if your focus isn't looking after your own.

3) I usually don't pay attention until the elections are near the goal line.  There's too many issues, too many promises, and not enough clarity.  But if the Dems win we will be taking one step towards nationalized healthcare (which I don't favor), and improving our education system which is needed.  On the other hand for foreign policy, who knows what will happen.

4) I've lived in Canada - great place and it's just like the States.  If I was to leave the States, it would be after I'm done working.  Change it though - if I was working - China/Japan/Russia.  If not - coastal Mexico/Brazil/Spain.

5) The War on Terror is a policing action.  To solve terrorism you have to partner with the people who have some control over the terrorists.  The pressure has to be from the "sponsor" not from the "target" to solve the situation.  However, if the "sponsor" isn't actively preventing the terrorist actions, they should be treated accordingly.  I've been thinking lately that we've done enough to Al Queda.  Its time to settle it and move on.

Last edited by oug (2007-02-16 11:22:50)

UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6816|Texas - Bigger than France
I chose Parker based on his profile.  He seemed like the kind of guy who has that clarifying moment in life that most of us lack.  And he's better because of it.

Parker's Profile wrote:

derek parker.....i enjoy long walks on the beach and masturbating with sandpaper....eeerrrr
lets start over......24, live in st louis with my beautiful wife. moved from san antonio to stl about 7 months ago....son of a single parent, education consits of finishing highschool (almost didnt-i was one of seven white kids in my school) and minimum didnt really get started for me until i was about 20.....before then i kind of figure myself in some sort of immature coma.
in my teenage years i spent a grand total of nine months in prison for posession of narcotics with intent to out and figured i would do it again.....kind of a downward spiral type thing.
then i met my wife, and she broke it down for me. four years later im married and run my own business.......
now my hobbies are reading, video games, firearms and being with my wife among others.
settled down and got away from all of the people i called friends and life is good.
1) How open are you about your past with new people you meet?

it really depends on who i meet. if its someone that i do business with, i dont mention a single thing about it. if it is a personal friend....well it depends again; peoples views change when they find out certain things about you.

2) When someone stops smoking, the need a solid reason to stop.  What was your life changing event that set you on a different path?

i was riding in my car one day with four of my friends smokin a joint, and i looked around at all of us and had sort of an epiphany.......five people ages 18-19 and every single one of us had done time for felonies. i started to distance myself...i stayed in my house most of the time and read books and played video games. i would still get the calls about the house parties and the raves and all the money we could make and blah blah just didnt seem like a priority anymore. about four months later i met my wife, and that sealed the deal. she made me take my hobby of making knives and turn it into a business.....i still talk to some of my old friends, almost as a reminder of what things could have been. in fact, yesterday i heard from an old friend who is currently serving fifteen years.....someone that i grew up with, built snowmen with. we started smoking weed together, and where i was ok with smoking weed and eating acid every now and then, he was an extremist who wound up shooting heroin. one of the reasons he is locked up is after hurricane katrina he stole an american red cross sign from a fast food restraunt and stood on the corner in downtown st louis and collected $4000 for his heroin addiction.
shoulda, coulda, woulda doesnt mean a fuckin thing.

3) List three things you want to do before you die, and what steps you have taken recently to get there.

1.become a certified Mastersmith-always working to make my knives better. in maui-my wife and i started a money market account about 4 months ago specifically for that reason.
3.have children-financially we are not prepared so of course we are just saving our money.

4) You were in a reverse-racism scenario in high school.  What is you level of respect for the "majority" within that school in terms of being true to the programs/politics/agendas of that majority?  Do you feel that they were acting to bridge the gap or widen it?

ah, highschool.......honestly i felt like i was targeted because of my skin color. it felt like they though it was their chance to get back at white people. at this point in my life i had been expelled from my normal school district and that is why i went to that school. so my thinking when i walked into my first day of my freshman year was that i was a victim. lol, it sounds stupid, but i was a little first i tried to make friends, and realized very quickly that there were only three other people that were going to be my friends.
for awhile i was very laidback and had no interaction with anyone....i would say after getting my ass beat for the fourth time is when i started to mouth off and really get into it. the N word was very common in my vocabulary, and as a result fought even more. by the end of it we all realized that we hated each other, and we could beat each other till we all died, but it wouldnt change anything. as far as respect goes...only a few in that school deserved it....i dont think i was one that did. there were some really nice people, that no matter how i acted would pick my ass up and carry me to the nurse, or defend me when i deserved. i learned racism there, and have only recently let go of that bullshit. my niece was adopted last year, and she is 16 months old now. she is black, came from a very bad situation.....she doesnt even know it, but shes the one that has changed my views.

5) What is the most important issue worldwide?  How directly does it impact your daily life?

wahabist islam........after the attacks my views i have to think of things like what if they attack here with this kind of weapon...what will my wife and i do? impacts almost every aspect of my life.

Pug wrote:

Now that's the kind of crap I admire.

Last edited by Pug (2007-02-16 19:32:13)


usmarine2007 wrote:

Name: Tyler

Age: 30

From: Born in Cleveland, Ohio.

Reside: Columbus, Ohio

Profession: Airline Management

Education: BS Aviation Management.  Numerous FAA licenses.

Languages: English

Instruments: I don't play shit.

Interests: Football, airplanes, beer, military style video games

Political Leanings: I just hate liberals.

Religion: None

Music: Rock

Video: As long as it is close to real life.  (no sci-fi)

Hero: Marines

Books: "Because they hate"
Q) Would you feel aggrieved, resentful or annoyed if a foreign, and culturally very different, power hypothetically overpowered the government and army of your country, entered your country and began a process of regime change which they claim they are doing in your best interests (i.e., for the good of your people and in the interests of world peace)?

A) Depends what my government was doing to us.  If people got thrown in jail for writing blogs, mass killings, being kept in poverty no matter how hard you try, etc.   I would like someone to change it for sure.  I would try and make my country better, not just sit back and watch.

Q) Do you believe that demanding regime change in one country while supporting a cruel dictatorship in another affects the trust that the outside world has in the government of a country?

A) Yes.  For example, Saudi ties should be cut now.

Q) Do you believe the world would be a better or worse place if it was a multi-polar world featuring several competing superpowers as opposed to one? Explain why?

A) No.  This is how World Wars start IMO.

Q) How do you believe the situation in Iraq can, if possible, be resolved and in whose interests should the US be acting, those of the west or those of the Iraqis?

A) Sad thing is, it will fall apart when we leave, no matter when it is.  So, should we leave now and spare our troops?  Maybe.  I am not privy to all the info the decision makers are, but I believe it will be a mess whenever it is.  Iraq has proved there is one way to control the country, and that is an by evil dictatorship.  Hard for one to imagine that is only way to control people, but hind sight is always 20/20.

Q) If you were exiled to another country of your choice, which would it be and why?

A) New Zealand.  I like the people and I think it is a very pretty place.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-02-27 11:13:24)

Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
Wow, some of these interviews I expected the answers, but other people have shocked me. Who surprised you the most, and who did you see as predictable?
Malloy must go
+5,233|6803|Global Command
I dunno, I'd just like to say well done and thanks everybody.
soup fly mod

unstickied for now.
+5,233|6803|Global Command

superfly_cox wrote:

unstickied for now.
Thanks for undeleting it supercox.

C'mon people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together try to love one another right now.

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