BN wrote:
Iran says they don't have or want nuclear weapons and nobody believes them
BN wrote:
Israel says they don't have or want nuclear weapons and everybody believes them
Not quite. Israel says they don't have or want nuclear weapons, but can they please buy some nuclear reactors, plutonium, uranium and heavy water and everybody says yes. Then after they make their nuclear weapons the US advise them not to test them and not to tell anyone about them.
I have to say I've found this thread rather a depressing read. So many people seem to think pre-emptive invasion or worse, pre-emptive nuclear strikes against non-nuclear powers (which will luckily never happen, except possibly from Israel, since the US government are at least not as stupid as some of the complete retards who have suggested that course of action), are the way to deal with Iran. Iran has done nothing to suggest that they are making nuclear weapons as opposed to nuclear power facilities and have given the inspectors from the IAEA access to their sites and information on how far along with their research and enrichment programmes they are. They are several years away from even having the capability to make weapons. Ahmadinejad will most likely not be in power by the time they would be able to manufacture weapons anyway. What if a more moderate leader comes to power by that time?
There is no difference between Americans calling for Iran to be nuked and Iran calling for the complete destruction of Israel. Surely at least some of you can see the sheer and unadulterated hypocrisy of such a suggestion. Especially when you consider that Iran poses no threat to the US, only potentially to Israel. Add to that the fact that there is no evidence whatsoever that they are doing anything other than developing nuclear power facilities and they have cooperated with UN inspectors. The only sensible solution is to maintain an IAEA presence in Iran to monitor their nuclear capabilities and report back to the UN.
I have family in Iran and Iranian family living over here in the UK. To all of you that advocate pre-emptive nuclear strikes against Iran I say;
FUCK YOU, you stupid, arrogant, mindless, hate-mongering, paranoid, fuckwits.