Mekstizzle wrote:
We've all seen this shit before we're all aware of it. No shit einstein. For fuck sakes... this is like all the other topics where you guys are continually surprised at topics of how bad Islam is. I mean WE ALREADY KNOW. I know some of you may have short attention spans and that's why your government probably has to daily remind you of how "bad and satanic" that religion is. Fuck sake.
You stupid Git, When you have protesters in Your silly little country, chanting Bomb Bomb The UK, Chanting Death to All non muslims, Maybe the next train bombing will Knock some sense into your Backside.
When will you and your Like minded people wake up, realize that soon it will no longer be Jut islam anymore. They will all turn radical or they will suffer death by the hands of those who are. Until you really sit back, listen and watch the other side of the arguement, you sir wont realize that this is the war to end all wars, and you know what wanker? There useing your own laws and rights to defeat you from the inside out. Understanding and tollerance wont save your ass when something goes down. They dont give a rats ass about you or your compassion.
Think about it, Why do you think you wont see any muslims denounce an attack, Killing, bombing, or anything against ANY other type of muslim? Because if they do, they will be killed, and it doesnt matter what country your in, they wont wait for you to take a vacation to your homeland.
So yah, discount an independant film, discount the other view, Thats exactly what they want, because remember, any non muslim is nothing but cattle to them, thats it, something that if cought alone, you would be sold and treated as an animal. They say that about 15% of muslims are on the radical side, think about it, 15% out of a billion. Pretty impressive numbers for a minority that means no harm.