I know some people have a hard time understanding that the "West" is under attack. [google]http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6331994107023396223&q[/google]
OOoooohhhh!!! I'm scared. Since when was Israel part of the west too? Chechnya: radical islam????? LOLOLOL. What a pack of fucking shit. Seriously - you could make far better points about radical islam than damaging your argument with a shit melodramatic video like this.
Typical tripish propaganda. How many of us have felt ANY IMPACT WHATSOEVER from *ooohhhh scary* 'radical islam'. Scaremongering and bullshit. The soviet union didn't break the west (and they were packed to the gills with nukes) - do you seriously believe people in caves with RPGs can have much impact on thousands of years of our civilisation and traditions??? Please.
The video stinks of Israeli-production too.
PS Good arguments don't require spooky menacing background music!!
Lmao , you guys are so weak. Actually discuss it why don't you? Someone grows some balls and comment on the thousands upon thousands of people shouting death to America!! Or perhaps the children saying they would be wearing the gown of death as the go into Palestine. Never mind I'm sure you didn't make it that far since it is something that challenges your thought process.
BTW Cam watch at least half the video before you comment next time. I know it must have hurt but try.
I think I'm going to start a chain of flagshops in those countries. must be a goldmine with all the burned flags:p. but ontopic, the war on terror has brought in a new group of young terrorists, who indeed can pose a treat to us, however the usa has completely went nuts about terror.
Ok you made your point they are all evil people out to get us....
Whats the solution, mass genocide? Round em up and kill them?
I see scare tactics nothing more.
No sir not my point. Read the first few sentences in the video when it starts.
I see the text,
You are missing my points.
We know the problem. We need solutions. Agian is killing them the only way to deal with them? Will a physical war be effective? I dont know, I really dont think anyone knows. But instead of making a film to scare the masses, people should be giving their resources to help contribute to a fix.
Yeah it's terrible and there are people chanting bomb bomb USA, and there are a lot of people with overzealous opinions, and there is negative propaganda that doesn't tell the true story, and ad infinitum. It goes both ways.
I doubt it would be difficult to find a million examples of Americans expressing the notion that we should "bomb Arabs" or "bomb all the Muslims" or some such nonsense, nor would it be difficult to find video of mayors/congressmen/military generals saying similar things.
The schoolchildren saying "I would like to set Bush on fire and shoot Ariel Shanon with a shotgun"? My kids would be saying the same thing about other countries if they were raining missiles and bombs down on our heads.
What is the point of the video in your mind Kmarion? People should watch the video and then should... what?
Yeah it's terrible and there are people chanting bomb bomb USA, and there are a lot of people with overzealous opinions, and there is negative propaganda that doesn't tell the true story, and ad infinitum. It goes both ways.
I doubt it would be difficult to find a million examples of Americans expressing the notion that we should "bomb Arabs" or "bomb all the Muslims" or some such nonsense, nor would it be difficult to find video of mayors/congressmen/military generals saying similar things.
The schoolchildren saying "I would like to set Bush on fire and shoot Ariel Shanon with a shotgun"? My kids would be saying the same thing about other countries if they were raining missiles and bombs down on our heads.
What is the point of the video in your mind Kmarion? People should watch the video and then should... what?
Yeah, lets make a movie with scary music that shows rednecks drinking beers talking about bombing the 'A-rabs'.
Ok you made your point they are all evil people out to get us....
Whats the solution, mass genocide? Round em up and kill them?
I see scare tactics nothing more.
No sir not my point. Read the first few sentences in the video when it starts.
I see the text,
You are missing my points.
We know the problem. We need solutions. Agian is killing them the only way to deal with them? Will a physical war be effective? I don't know, I really don't think anyone knows. But instead of making a film to scare the masses, people should be giving their resources to help contribute to a fix.
Oh, I agree totally. I see your point but I hope you see my point as well. The first thing you have to do is recognize it though. Sadly, many people do not. Many people in these forums are demonstrating this. They scream propaganda without knowing jack shit out the production of this movie or even the fact it is having a tough time being distributed in the United States.
The_Shipbuilder wrote:
What is the point of the video in your mind Kmarion? People should watch the video and then should... what?
Recognize it. Apparently you do. As hard as it is to believe many Westerners are oblivious to it.
jonsimon wrote:
Yeah, lets make a movie with scary music that shows rednecks drinking beers talking about bombing the 'A-rabs'.
Obviously your intellect is having a tough time overcoming the music and dealing with the content of the movie. Either it did in fact scare you or you are having a tough time with what the movie was showing so you decided to dwell on the background music.
CameronPoe wrote:
OK time to rant. Video was hilarious btw. My retort will appear here in this post shortly.
Can't wait, hopefully it will go beyond the background music. Some of these guys can't seem to stay focused.