prince of insufficient light
After finally flying the helos in 2142, I must cordally invite EA to jump in a septic tank, and join all the other "Dragoons" or whatever the hell they're called. All of them handle like a large flying noob piece of poo, not wanting to do anything that might make them crash. I find myself trying to talk to it, trying to coax a little dive out of it, maybe a littl evasive maneuver.

Me - C'mon baby, couldn't you roll just a little?

POS - [whine]No, I might crash. boo hoo [/whine]

Me - Well could you at least get a little closer to the ground when I cut your throttle?

POS - [whine]Why would you want to go down, closer to the ground? Let's go up instead whenever you press down, that way we can't crash![/whine]

Please, this thing refuses to turn, and goes in to some sort of "hover mode" when you throttle down, and only goes down when you don't touch anything. I'd rather fly the Z-8 with a club on than these things.

And the guns, about the noobest thing you can get. the chain gun is worse than the havoc as far as balance, and all you have to do is point to make the missles work. Point.

Please EA, don't make a game catering to the whiners who buy the game cause it looks cool, play it for two hours, get killed a few times, come to the forums to bitch about it and then never play the game again, in the processes not making it fit for real gamers to wipe their ass with. I may play 2142, but I sure won't be flying it.
bad touch

Im gearing up for a monthlong chopper whoring session
prince of insufficient light

stryyker wrote:

Im gearing up for a monthlong chopper whoring session
In BF2 or 2142?
+9|6611|B.C CANADA
i bought it and played it it is not what i though it was going to be like, i think that BF2 and SF is kick ass to 2142 but we will have to see what the other maps are like  but i like SF way better
bad touch

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

stryyker wrote:

Im gearing up for a monthlong chopper whoring session
In BF2 or 2142?
I love [fiSh]

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

And the guns, about the noobest thing you can get. the chain gun is worse than the havoc as far as balance, and all you have to do is point to make the missles work. Point.
Those auto-aiming missiles that immediately lock are the most newbiest thing they made in the game together with thousand other points. 2142 won't be a competition/clan friendly game if it stays how it is right now. On the other side, it won't be a EA/DICE friendly game because of the few sales it gets.

Well done in owning yourself!

Last edited by fierce (2006-10-06 16:24:09)

Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Just give it some practice and you'll be fine.
+86|6574|Edmonton Alberta
bf2+constant noob whining= Noobfield2142
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6630|Your attic
There not all that bad, I've spent most of my time on the demo learning how to fly them and yes they suck the proverbial left testicle, but they aren't as bad as everyone is making out.

First the missiles only do the auto lock on thing against other air vehicles and also only when you are going forward (IE full throttle), when you go into hover they become un-guided against everything. In "dogfights" if I dare to use the word if your right behind your enemy you probobly won't hit them, thanks to the missles not actually locking on, you have to move to the side of them to hit them properly. Only thing that really annoys me is that a full salvo of missles will not take down a walker even if they don't put their active defense thing on, unless you happen to land every shot on the legs of a walker, same goes for tanks and APC's, the missles simply do not do enough damage and unless your run at the back of a tank you'll do almost insignificant damage.

Next the handling, while I thought, "Shit no Dice, what you gone and done" again once you get the hang of it you can fling them around a fair bit, if it locks up on you in a turn just face the ground and keep pulling up, at about 10 degrees to the normal (straight line vertical to the ground) you will almost instantaneously pull up, 9/10 this can help you evade enemy AA fire including the dreaded EMP cannons now and then, also quite useful when your doing a backflip, you can actually gain altitude when you do one. Hovering is easy enough, circle strafing is very easy but not advisable considering the fact that AA is a whole lot better this time around.

Not had any good gunners as of yet, but the TV missles do seem to be near useless, but I'm sure people will get the hang of them eventually, the main cannon however seems to work ok agasint infantry.

In short, they're bad, but not awful. Makes a change from the way in which a chopper in BF2 could destroy the entire opposing team, for a while you won't see them doing well, but give it a few months from release and you might start to see a few decent crews making a bigger impact out there.

All I ever want to do is fly or gun in the choppers. I'm a descent pilot (I actually truely believe I'm the best in the world lol) and a better gunner (I <3 teh TV's). I always seem to get stuck with a shitty pilot or a shitty gunner (that's why my stats are crap) but I'm always down to fly the birds.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
+252|6744|Sextupling in Empire

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Please EA, don't make a game catering to the whiners who buy the game cause it looks cool, play it for two hours, get killed a few times, come to the forums to bitch about it and then never play the game again, in the processes not making it fit for real gamers to wipe their ass with. I may play 2142, but I sure won't be flying it.
1.) Its not BF2, so get over it.

2.) Don't whine, ADAPT(read this constantly on these forums, so it only seems appropriate).

3.) "real gamers"? Just LOL!
I'm good at both But i hate getting in a heli lately cause some n00b jumps in and can't shoot tv for shit. Or they fly, and can't do that either It really spoils the art of good heli piloting and the fkn beautiful  art of surprising some mother-F^$& with an awsome TV shot. It's fkn poetry i tell you pure fkn poetry.......!
prince of insufficient light

Volatile_Squirrel wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Please EA, don't make a game catering to the whiners who buy the game cause it looks cool, play it for two hours, get killed a few times, come to the forums to bitch about it and then never play the game again, in the processes not making it fit for real gamers to wipe their ass with. I may play 2142, but I sure won't be flying it.
1.) Its not BF2, so get over it.

2.) Don't whine, ADAPT(read this constantly on these forums, so it only seems appropriate).

3.) "real gamers"? Just LOL!
With 45 hours in the year plus BF2 has been out, you apply to those that shouldn't have a say.
Aeon Supreme commander

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Please EA, don't make a game catering to the whiners who buy the game...play it for two hours, get killed a few times, come to the forums to bitch about it and then never play the game again....
Irony? Anyone see the irony of this statement?
Your kidding right?
When you wrap your brain around how they actually work instead of trying to fly them just like a attack helo they are crazy agile.

In beta I lost count of the times I was locked on while strafing a flag, I ducked UNDER tree level, swapped end-for-end 180 and ducked behind a 1 story building to avoid incoming fire.

They are not jets. They are not helicopters.
They are a hybrid of both, and while not as fast as jets they are much better than attack choppers were.

EDIT: some constructive parts.

If you want to drop altitude, drop the nose and hit w to tilt your engines away from vertical.
If you want to gain it, lift the nose and hit w. Hold w and it will transfer to a more jet-like mode after lifting vertically for a few moments.

s is indeed "hover" mode,  but it would be better to call it "strafe" mode. Use it when you want to move sideways or spin really fast.

Be careful, you can get to flying sideways a LOT faster than attack helos could without flying outright sideways. Really easy to slam into something and splatter yourself across the landscape.

If you want to land, you are much better off tapping w to counter your fall just before you hit the ground.
S just tries to neutralize your vertical momentum without countering any lateral momentum. W tries to cancel horizontal component.

Last edited by dracul (2006-10-06 21:02:02)

+519|6661|Gold coast, Aus.

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

Just give it some practice and you'll be fine.
Yea exactly.

At first i thought "zomg this sucks. Inf is horrible i'll jump in this helo. zomg this sucks. Helo is horrible i think i might go cry" Then i played some more (because all my friends wanted to try it still) and so i flew the chopper a bit more....Got used to how it controls.... Now its an owning device
+557|6772|Oslo, Norway
<stupid flames to EA etc.>

Will just have to adapt, I'm looking forward to killing more people in BF2 as all the people with lag due to their PC will still be there as they can not  buy BF2142
prince of insufficient light

vpyroman wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Please EA, don't make a game catering to the whiners who buy the game...play it for two hours, get killed a few times, come to the forums to bitch about it and then never play the game again....
Irony? Anyone see the irony of this statement?
I did not even try to get kills in this floating thing, I was just flying around to get a feel of how the chopper works. This was not asking for a tutorial of how to fly it, I figured it out pretty quickly, I was pretty much telling you it sucks. To get maneuverability a chopper must inherinently at some level be unstable, which this chopper is not at all. In BF2 you can make the choppers, namely the Cobra, Z-10 and Longbow, do anything you want them too. Flip end over end, strafe like none other, turn on a dime, whatever. Strafing faster isn't an asset, i can circle-strafe faster than is useful for my gunner, you have to be able to pull out in any direction in any way, not just duck under trees. What if when you are getting an AA lock, you can't just duck under tree level, but still have to deal with enemy AT rounds? The choppers are insanely easy to fly, and that's the problem. They've been noobified to the poin that anyone can use them, but no one can maximize their potential like you can in BF2.
Hates snipers and says the "F" word a lot
+72|6713|Houston, Texas
I complained to hell and back on the beta forums about the choppers, they sucked then, and er oh wait. they still suck.

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

They've been noobified to the poin that anyone can use them, but no one can maximize their potential like you can in BF2.
And that's a bad thing!? Ah, these forums cracks me up!
prince of insufficient light

Teflonspray wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

They've been noobified to the poin that anyone can use them, but no one can maximize their potential like you can in BF2.
And that's a bad thing!? Ah, these forums cracks me up!
Yes, it is a bad thing when it doesn't take skill to play a game.

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Teflonspray wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

They've been noobified to the poin that anyone can use them, but no one can maximize their potential like you can in BF2.
And that's a bad thing!? Ah, these forums cracks me up!
Yes, it is a bad thing when it doesn't take skill to play a game.
The Battlefield series has never been about "skill," just jump in a tank or plane or battle ship and fight! That's what make these games so special and popular. If you're searching skill to be successful, then a simulator is what you'll want to look for.
+788|6695|Brisbane, Australia

straz_mataz wrote:

bf2+constant noob whining= Noobfield2142
Got Call?

Teflonspray wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Teflonspray wrote:

And that's a bad thing!? Ah, these forums cracks me up!
Yes, it is a bad thing when it doesn't take skill to play a game.
The Battlefield series has never been about "skill," just jump in a tank or plane or battle ship and fight! That's what make these games so special and popular. If you're searching skill to be successful, then a simulator is what you'll want to look for.
Duh, I played the beta. That was enough for me, I ain't even touching the demo. Why?

Because that game takes absolutely zero skill. In BF2 you have a noob tank driver vs. experienced tank driver... Which will win? Noob one? Not a change. But in BF2142 you never know who wins. And the EU tanks suck because they get damaged like hell when you drive straight. Once I was just driving for a silo and boom my tank exploded. Woohoo much fun.

Last edited by NooBesT[FiN] (2006-10-07 14:12:30)

/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿
I actually like the gunships in 2142. The handle fine for me.

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