
Who is the greatest guitarist of all time?

Joe Satriani6%6% - 19
Steve Vai7%7% - 23
Yngvie Malmsteen3%3% - 11
John Petrucci2%2% - 7
Eddie Van Halen5%5% - 17
Alexi Laiho1%1% - 6
Jimi Hendrix32%32% - 99
Jimmy Page6%6% - 21
Kirk Hammett5%5% - 16
Someone Else, Who?27%27% - 85
Total: 304
got any popo lolo intersting?

Vote! If your fav isn't listed, write ↓down there↓ PS. This is my first poll so don't flame me very much if if I did something wrong..

The guitarists I chose are maybe not the best ones and yes I took Hammett too. So what. Just vote for YOUR fav. World is full of guitar gods, some famous, some not. I made this list by my own knowledge and took some names from a few years old top 100 guitarist voting by an american magazine.

THIS LIST IS A COMPROMISE, U can blame me if your fav isn't inluded, cause I wrote Malmsteen wrong, cause I forgot Dimebag (sry..), or if you hate Hammett, but I won't care. Pity.

Last edited by DeathUnlimited (2006-10-01 09:24:47)

main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
+23|6873|Not Scotland Anymore!
Vai ftw!

Dimebag should be there.
got any popo lolo intersting?

lol I ran out of options..
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
+69|6793|Nova Scotia
I voted for Satch.
As a matter of opinion, I would have put Eric Johnson, Eric Clapton , Ottmar Liebert or Mike McCready on the list before Kirk Hammett.

edit - thanks, forgot about SRV (and a lot others, but you know)

Last edited by Rygar (2006-09-29 11:06:47)

+86|6791|East Coast via Los Angeles, CA
SRV hands down...
Aye up duck!
+440|6856|England. Stoke
Jimmy Page end of.
Stevie Ray Vaughn kicks ass also, a close second.

Last edited by coke (2006-09-29 11:07:25)


-botivix- wrote:

Vai ftw!

Dimebag should be there.
Come on... Satriani taught Vai how to play... Satch is a true master...Vai is a wanna be and slightly off kilter... Heard his stuff lately? True wacko out in left field.

Eddie Van Halen FTW!
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
I am a fucking homosexual
+211|6753|Parainen, Finland
Steve Vai, the guy is amazing!!!! The best thing he has ever done was the album Love & Religion, Devin Townsend kicked ass on his side!!!!!

And off course my favorite band COB with Alexi "Wild Child" Laiho!!!
Only Vai matches this guy in solo´s!!! "Every Time I Die"  "Children of Bodom" are proofs for that!!!!!!
1 month and I get to see them!!! YEHAAAAAAA!!!!! (Or YAMAHA as Spelling check says!!!!! )

And lets not forget Yngvie with the excellent album "Rising force"!!!!!

Last edited by Ubersturmbannfuhrer (2006-09-29 11:10:26)

+23|6873|Not Scotland Anymore!

syntaxmax642 wrote:

-botivix- wrote:

Vai ftw!

Dimebag should be there.
Come on... Satriani taught Vai how to play...
You don't say.

But still - Vai ftw.

Last edited by -botivix- (2006-09-29 11:12:35)

Teh Hawtsawce

syntaxmax642 wrote:

-botivix- wrote:

Vai ftw!

Dimebag should be there.
Come on... Satriani taught Vai how to play... Satch is a true master...Vai is a wanna be and slightly off kilter... Heard his stuff lately? True wacko out in left field.
and satriani pretty much ripped VH off, he is the pioneer of that style, not satriani, and VH is much better at it too
Teh Hawtsawce

coke wrote:

Jimmy Page end of.
Stevie Ray Vaughn kicks ass also, a close second.
i agree ;o
got any popo lolo intersting?

Rygar wrote:

I voted for Satch.
As a matter of opinion, I would have put Eric Johnson, Eric Clapton , Ottmar Liebert or Mike McCready on the list before Kirk Hammett.

edit - thanks, forgot about SRV (and a lot others, but you know)
I had to put körk.... metallica is too legend to be ignored and as stated I ran out of options.. sorry.
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
less busy
+586|6982|Kubra, Damn it!

wikipedia wrote:

Satriani also began teaching guitar, with his most notable student, at this time, being fellow Long Island native Steve Vai.
His most notable California students included: Kirk Hammett (Metallica), David Bryson (Counting Crows), Kevin Cadogan (Third Eye Blind), Larry LaLonde (Primus), Alex Skolnick (Testament), Phil Kettner (Laaz Rockit) and Charlie Hunter.
Satch is awesome. I can't believe Hammett was included on this list. Up until the black album, Hetfield played all his solos for him in the studio, he was basically there to show up in concert. Alex Skolnik is waaay underrated too.

However, I voted other for Eric Johnson. Half of being a great guitarist is writing great music, not just ripping as fast as you can. Listen to some Vinnie Vincent if you just want speed and technique.
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6687|The Lost Highway
I chose Hendrix, but where's Robert Johnson? He got his skills by selling his soul for fucks sake.
+302|6883|Salt Lake City

Hmmm, I'm thinking maybe Randy Rhodes.

HM1{N} wrote:

SRV hands down...
no doubt the best!!!!
+226|6890|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
I'd vote Ry Cooder 'cause he beat Steve Vai in Crossroads!!
Alexi Laiho, hands down. Listen to some real music you fools.
Cowboy from Hell
You missed Dimebag Darrell, he is the best.
got any popo lolo intersting?

sergeriver wrote:

You missed Dimebag Darrell, he is the best.
I know but I just had to take 10 out of the hundreds of "worlds best guitarists"...
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
is drunk and crazy

IG-Calibre wrote:

I'd vote Ry Cooder 'cause he beat Steve Vai in Crossroads!!
Ive been playing the final bit for that all day

where is michael angelo batio? nobody can beat the quad guitar.

But I voted for Vai
Moderator Emeritus
+76|6920|London UK

David Gilmore?

Mark Knopfler?
Phorum Phantom
Tony Iommi? He was great, even though he was missing the tips of 2 fingers.

Either way, i have to say Jimmy Page.
slow as you go
+124|6707|Canaduhhh.. West Toast

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