The US spys and meddles just as much as China, if not more.

I did say I WAS FUKIN JOKIN, at the end my post. Learn to laugh. and trust me, i would not like a nuke to go off anywhere. Just because iam anti-bush, anti-arrogant american , does not mean i hate America. How can anyone hate America, they gave the world Simpsons FFS.Capt. Foley wrote:
Yea you kinda do deserve it. I swear to god Osama treats America and its citizens better then you. You make me sick, I don't like the Chinese much and have a distrust for there country but that doesn't mean I enjoy thoughts of nukes going off in Beijing like you enjoy thoughts of nukes going off in Washington and New York.mafia996630 wrote:
SO many personal attacks, . O well,i deserve it, after what i done to your mum, lets just say "extremely large asshole" would be a under statement.Capt. Foley wrote:
This topic went from good to up mafias extremely large asshole.
awwwww, did i hurt your feelings somehow?Rosse_modest wrote:
Only the lowest of lifeforms would attack his enemies' mothers and sisters.mafia996630 wrote:
SO many personal attacks, . O well,i deserve it, after what i done to your mum, lets just say "extremely large asshole" would be a under statement.Capt. Foley wrote:
This topic went from good to up mafias extremely large asshole.
Last edited by mafia996630 (2006-09-27 15:59:38)
Ok, now mabey I havent said this before but dont you think it might be a bad thing if a country puts hardly any value on human life AND then they think the world owes them everything and wants it, NOW.haffeysucks wrote:
How can you say that Capt. Foley? Bubbalo is right. "Zhong Wen", the Chinese name for China, literally means "Middle Kingdom".Bubbalo wrote:
Well it is kind of their nameCapt. Foley wrote:
They just call themself the Middle Kingdom to much.
j5f5ff wrote:
Imagine that! Another country doesn't like us spying on them. How dare they...
Thats probably the stupidest saying I have ever heard. Welcome to the world to who ever said that.mafia996630 wrote:
awwwww, did i hurt your feelings somehow?Rosse_modest wrote:
Only the lowest of lifeforms would attack his enemies' mothers and sisters.mafia996630 wrote:
SO many personal attacks, . O well,i deserve it, after what i done to your mum, lets just say "extremely large asshole" would be a under statement.
ps, try to remember this is the internet and
"sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."
You never heard that before?Capt. Foley wrote:
Thats probably the stupidest saying I have ever heard. Welcome to the world to who ever said that.mafia996630 wrote:
awwwww, did i hurt your feelings somehow?Rosse_modest wrote:
Only the lowest of lifeforms would attack his enemies' mothers and sisters.
ps, try to remember this is the internet and
"sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."
Last edited by Superior Mind (2006-09-27 16:34:27)
Ive seen and heard it many times and I think the person who said it was high or something. Makes no sense realy in the world.mafia996630 wrote:
You never heard that before?Capt. Foley wrote:
Thats probably the stupidest saying I have ever heard. Welcome to the world to who ever said that.mafia996630 wrote:
awwwww, did i hurt your feelings somehow?
ps, try to remember this is the internet and
"sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." … k+my+bones
maybe we should welcome you..
Last edited by {TL}SHARPSHOOTER (2006-09-27 16:37:19)
Its actually true. It is physically possible that sticks or stones may break ones bones. However, words alone may never cause direct physical harm to one's person.Capt. Foley wrote:
Ive seen and heard it many times and I think the person who said it was high or something. Makes no sense realy in the world.mafia996630 wrote:
You never heard that before?Capt. Foley wrote:
Thats probably the stupidest saying I have ever heard. Welcome to the world to who ever said that. … k+my+bones
maybe we should welcome you..
My bad. And jonsimon is right.Capt. Foley wrote:
Ive seen and heard it many times and I think the person who said it was high or something. Makes no sense realy in the world.mafia996630 wrote:
You never heard that before?Capt. Foley wrote:
Thats probably the stupidest saying I have ever heard. Welcome to the world to who ever said that. … k+my+bones
maybe we should welcome you..
Words can destroy psychologically. Psychological harm can be far more devastating than any physical pain. And words can manipulate people leading them to their own demise or at least severe physical harm. Words are just as powerful (maybe even more) than physical weapons.jonsimon wrote:
Its actually true. It is physically possible that sticks or stones may break ones bones. However, words alone may never cause direct physical harm to one's person.Capt. Foley wrote:
Ive seen and heard it many times and I think the person who said it was high or something. Makes no sense realy in the world.mafia996630 wrote:
You never heard that before? … k+my+bones
maybe we should welcome you..
Come on...what the hell is made in China and actually works????Hellogoodsir wrote:
They have already slapped a high powered laser on their shitty Type 99 tanks to blind enemy tank/helicopter/low flying jet optics. They call it the "Laser Dazler" system. China seems to be good with this laser stuff, and they don't spend nearly as much as we do on R and D for their military.
You arrogant, ignorant little child. FFS do you think paying people off that went through a genocide makes up for it?!?! And just because it was 150 years ago it should be forgotten about?! You're lost mate, totally lost. And the Chinese make you sick? So, that would justify wiping them off the face of the earth by your standards.Capt. Foley wrote:
Well considering that was about 150 years ago and we have gave them MASSIVE and are still giving them stuff for it(more then anyone deserves) I dont think you can say shit. Have the also been known that they are supposed to be the rulers of the world? They act like the Nazis and the Japaneze did durning WWII. They are the one and only "supperior race" and that is exactly what they think of themselfs. Have you ever been there? I have for 35 days and I can testify that the amount of racism I have witnessed is amazing. Its practicly like how the South was in the 60's, Im amazed they dont have "Chinese Only" water fountains and stuff. The place makes me sick, I do not want to ever go back there.TheFlipTop wrote:
What you mean like America did to the Indians? hmmmm. And yes they are and have been known as the middle kingdom.Capt. Foley wrote:
So because thats there name(which Im not even sure your right about) does that mean they have the right do kill off whole populations so they have room to expand?
My computer works. Perfectly I might add.Superslim wrote:
Come on...what the hell is made in China and actually works????Hellogoodsir wrote:
They have already slapped a high powered laser on their shitty Type 99 tanks to blind enemy tank/helicopter/low flying jet optics. They call it the "Laser Dazler" system. China seems to be good with this laser stuff, and they don't spend nearly as much as we do on R and D for their military.
Last edited by Fancy_Pollux (2006-09-27 17:43:10)
"Tis better to be silent and thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt"Capt. Foley wrote:
Of course words can cause no physical harm. BUT if you are a pussy and dont stand up for yourself then that statement is true, though if you stand up for yourself technicaly words can break your bones . Anyways I hold people a lot higher that stand up for themself and get there ass kicked then people who just back away.
Well never thought of that one. Although defeating the U.S. militarily right now might be possible, if not extremely fucking hard. Were getting sore asses in Iraq, were stretched thin, and Chinas copying our advanced tech (those silly Chinese always copying stuff)Fancy_Pollux wrote:
I highly doubt China is preparing to attack the United States. We are at the point where defeating the United States militarily is impossible. Either the attacker gets destroyed, or everyone does. For those of who are like "take that!" or "the U.S. finally got what it deserved for spying", consider that those spy satellites, no matter what country you live in, could save your life one day. If the U.S. is ever brought to its knees militarily, everyone would be killed by the ensuing nuclear fallout. So, no matter how much you may hate or dislike the U.S., realize that it is in your best interest that the U.S. survives.