Extra Medium wrote:
unnamednewbie13 wrote:
There's a line between animal rights and respectful hunting that you're fuzzing over in favor of bitching about liberals and animal rights activists like a pussy.
Respectful hunting? So, essentially, I disrespected the animal by murdering it from a car window versus a tree stand? Or, was it it disrespectful for me to not eat it? So it is disrespectful for me to kill an animal that other animals will eat versus me killing an animal that other people will eat? Was it disrespectful for me to kill it in the first place? That would imply that the deer had done something to deserve respect in the first place. What has that deer done for me, anyone else, the environment or .....you, ever, in it's entire life? Nothing. Would it have? No. Has the ecosystem changed as a result of my actions? Yes, there are a large group of various animals that were able to feed themselves due to my actions. If anything, I culled an overpopulated animal and fed a group of evenly or under populated animals.
Argue with that.THAT is why I hate you libtard idiots. Double standards, shitty logic, lack of knowledge. Go watch Bambi again crybaby.
So get mad. I kill them periodically and leave them to rot. I kill coons and leave them to rot every chance I get. I kill coyotes often and strap their dead bodies to telephone poles.
Extra Medium wrote:
I poach a lot. [...] I think I killed a 10 pointer once but there was a SUV coming down the road that I was worried might be a game warden, so I left it and didn't come back.
Also, prepare your anus for the libtard crowd coming in here telling you what an evil, backwater redneck you are for killing bambi.
Don't make me laugh. I don't have to argue with that. The burden of getting yourself out of the pit you dug is yours. I'm pretty sure deeznutz was talking about legitimate hunting and perhaps gov't sponsored cull, not people who leave stomach-turning piles of carcasses and strap dead animals to telephone poles, you sick individual.
"I think I killed a ten pointer! Suck my dick, BF2S." What you want a cookie? Troll.
unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Cull is fucking fine. What isn't is bragging about it like it's the best fucking thing in the world. "Yep! I sure avoided the game warden." Thanks to you guys hikers end up finding hidden piles of carcasses in the woods. Sometimes not far from the road. Great fucking service to public health.
unnamednewbie13 wrote:
But what they are right about is that human hunters' tendency to go after the healthiest, best-looking specimens does not help that species or the environment as a whole.
Extra Medium wrote:
there are a large group of various animals that were able to feed themselves due to my actions. If anything, I culled an overpopulated animal and fed a group of evenly or under populated animals.
You're a real Robin Hood, aren't you. Maybe you can convince Disney to make a cartoon about the misunderstood poacher.