Don't spam grenades and you won't get TKs.
datz racest i seen itFoodNipple101 wrote:
You know what REALLY grins my gears. YOU AMERICA!!!
The way that Fox and/or the FCC is editing scenes from Family Guy. I hate censorship.
I notice that same shit, and its not even bad stuff too. I guess it's ironic that they did an episode avoiding censorship from the FCC, i guess they got mad

i once got in trouble for making a thread with this same title
/ontopic censorship fails
/ontopic censorship fails
Last edited by ig (2008-03-08 19:35:36)
You know what really grinds my gears nobs who cant search
Last edited by SgtSlauther (2008-03-08 19:35:55)
I guess the FCC got mad.Mutantsteak wrote:
I notice that same shit, and its not even bad stuff too. I guess it's ironic that they did an episode avoiding censorship from the FCC, i guess they got mad
Please direct me to a thread like this. >.>SgtSlauther wrote:
You know what really grinds my gears nobs who cant search
for bf2 lulzd4rkph03n1x wrote:
Grinds my gears topic already made
I think it was created back in the day when the categorizing of posting threads were vague.ig wrote:
for bf2 lulzd4rkph03n1x wrote:
Grinds my gears topic already made
Starting with the volume four DVD, they left everything unedited. There is swearing and everything as God intended it to be.....or whoever you believe in.
hmm, I have encountered that yet? What kind of censorship did they do?
Also for the people telling you to search, the original is in the bf2 discussion section, so this wouldnt really fit. Plus the title is to do with the fact the topic is about family guy
Also for the people telling you to search, the original is in the bf2 discussion section, so this wouldnt really fit. Plus the title is to do with the fact the topic is about family guy
you know what really grinds my gears?
I kid, I kid you know I love you all
I kid, I kid you know I love you all
epic fail censorship is epic.
Working on someones computer, deleting trojan after trojan.. returning it to them clean, and having them complain because you temporarily disabled their screen-saver, the one that was popping up every 15 seconds.
I wasn't creating another topic for this. We need a gear grinding thread.
I wasn't creating another topic for this. We need a gear grinding thread.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
White people.
racialist.13/f/taiwan wrote:
White people.
screw you darkie13/f/taiwan wrote:
White people.

When you think you are going to dedicate an entire day to a single paper and complete it, and you do dedicate the day, but you realize you can't hit the right note and only spin your tires trying to come up with a proper argument and thesis. Damn you Machiavelli. Will I ever truly know if you wanted a pagan republic for the Italy of the early 1500's? Certainly you had intentions of uniting Italy, but did you mean to do so with a principality or a republic? Certainly not publishing the work within your lifetime suggests you had no intention of trying to be a temporal prince yourself- but why do you write the book and make yourself the ideological prince of all those who read and advance your work, even though all of your work suggests a republic is in fact the way to go? If it is only the minds of the people that matter, it must then be that you are in fact ruling a principality of the mind, which lends to a republic in the long run- as all men hold equal values, despite compete with each other for power continually. If all men have the means to understand the plot, each man is equal so long as they understand the work- it is only those men who are struck by the virtue of playing all of the right move at all of the right times who get to rule the republic, much as a President rules a democracy.
Well, in short: Machiavelli and political theory makes me cry, I wasted my day sitting around thinking, and am not sure if I am any closer to a completed paper.
Well, in short: Machiavelli and political theory makes me cry, I wasted my day sitting around thinking, and am not sure if I am any closer to a completed paper.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
When mods bump year old threads.
Last edited by OmniDeath (2009-10-23 19:30:59)
Facebook/myspace/twitter updates. No one cares what you're doing every hour of your life.
Duplicate post do to..OmniDeath wrote:
When mods bump year old threads.
Kmarion wrote:
Necro is when you dig up something and reply with "lol", "omg", or "cool I like this". If you are actually contributing to the topic with content it's ok to post in an older topic (within reason). Better than duplicating at least.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
when you dont push the clutch in
Buying a $7 dog bone and my dog avoids it like the plague.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
when I need to clean my house but don't have any motovation to do so
When I clean my house but end up making a bigger mess.
Xbone Stormsurgezz