bad touch

trig you motherfucker
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6953|Marathon, Florida Keys
TriggerHappy998>    well that was fucking stupid of me
    <stryyker>    bwtf
    <[ST6]SewerMaster>    i never thought i'd be glad to see trig
    <AlphaDrake>    lol
    <stryyker>    why is your info... of me?
    <patton>    am i in trouble
    <stryyker>    are you GAY?
    <patton>    yes
    <DaReJa|Virus>    Trigger, I Beg, Kick Alpha.
    <stryyker>    stfu
    <stryyker>    @ trigger
    <AlphaDrake>    lol
    <TriggerHappy998>    I hit the power button on my PC while trying to open trhe cd rom
    <stryyker>    do you love me?
    <AlphaDrake>    LOL
    <patton>    LOL OWNED
She looked 18 to me officer

That was worth 30 mins!

Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6681|Long Island, New York
[23:22] <Poseidon> I want a joystick.
[23:22] * Poseidon is po'
[23:23] <tthf> look in between your legs, joystick right there
[23:23] <Archerlulz> but you cant press it
[23:23] <Archerlulz> the most you can do is mingle with it
+13|6605|København, Danmark
Has anyone found yet?
A lot of good quotes on there too, although many are copies from
I like pie
+29|6621|San Diego, CA
<scirDSL> I hated going to weddings. All the grandmas would poke me saying "You're next". They stopped that when I started doing it to them at funerals.

<frank> can you help me install GTA3?
<knightmare> first, shut down all programs you aren't using
frank has quit IRC. (Quit)
<knightmare> ...

<Raven> I tried setting my hotmail password to penis.
<Raven> It said my password wasn't long enough.

<DaZE> at my school.. the cop from DARE passed around 3 joints to show everyone... and he said "if i dont get all three of these back this schools getting locked down and everyones getting searched till i find it.." and like 30 minutes later when everyone got to see 'em and they got passed back the cop had 4

<Fashykekes> Capitalization is the difference between "I had to help my uncle Jack off a horse.." and "I had to help my uncle jack off a horse.."


Last edited by GhostStalker0 (2006-08-22 22:16:28)

+127|6802|WPB, FL. USA
God, these quotes makes us look like mere amateurs - some good shit man.

I particularly liked this one quote that is an answer to all our issues today;

"The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?" 

+40|6800|Land of the Very Cold
Adding a few more quotes

Miraculous> does anyone know anything about routers?
Rukus+> the most important advice i can give you
Rukus+> do NOT rip it out of the wall when drunk and say you have defeated the matrix


<+kritical> christin: you need to learn how to figure out stuff yourself..
<+Christin1> how do i do that


<Ich> I have passed the transitional stage of internet geekhood
<Ich> I was cashiering at work today, and was punching in the code for plums, which is 4040.
<Ich> and the 0 key doesn't work this well, so I punched it in wrong.
<Ich> and the machine flashed up "Item Not Found: 404"
<Ich> and I actually laughed out loud
I like pie
+29|6621|San Diego, CA
<JonTG> Man, my penis is so big if I laid it out on a keyboard it'd go all the way from A to Z
<JonTG> wait, shit
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6828|United States of America
God, this is awful funny.

<NHBoy> I broke my G-string while fingering a minor
<rycool> ...
<NHBoy> I was trying to play Knocking on Heaven's Door.
<NHBoy> Oh well, time to buy new strings.
I gotta try and get on these.

wats IRC mean by the way?
+40|6800|Land of the Very Cold

Ryker wrote:

I gotta try and get on these.

wats IRC mean by the way?
Internet Relay Chat
I "fix" things
+107|6814|The Netherlands
<DigiGnome> Real life should have a fucking search function, or something.
<DigiGnome> I need my socks.
Deeds, not words.
+311|6749|Greenwood, IN
[05:20] Canadian Friend: I've gone from 260 lbs to like 218 now, on this job, plus walking home after for an hour.
[05:20] Canadian Friend: noticably thinned out
[05:20] Canadian Friend: and starting to develop some respectable pipes
[05:21] Brizzzer: nice
[05:21] Brizzzer: I wish I coudl walk to my work.
[05:22] Canadian Friend: how far?
[05:22] Brizzzer: its 26 miles to my work
[05:22] Canadian Friend: *Thinks*
[05:23] Canadian Friend: had to do some converting
[05:24] Canadian Friend: okay
[05:24] Canadian Friend: that is far
[05:24] Brizzzer: oh sorry
[05:24] Canadian Friend: Mines about a 12.5 mile walk
[05:25] Canadian Friend: Do it in just under an hour.
[05:25] Brizzzer: There is no way you walk 12.5 miles in 1hour
[05:25] Brizzzer: I'm calling you on that.
[05:25] Canadian Friend: unless I'm mistaken
[05:25] Brizzzer: Every heard of a "1min mile' ?
[05:25] Brizzzer: 4 mine
[05:25] Brizzzer: !!!
[05:25] Canadian Friend: huh?
[05:25] Brizzzer: 4 MIN MILE
[05:25] Canadian Friend: what be that?
[05:26] Brizzzer: Its an expresion meaning well 1 = 4 mins.
[05:26] Canadian Friend: at what pace?
[05:26] Brizzzer: 1 mile in 4mins
[05:26] Canadian Friend: what pace of movemen
[05:26] Canadian Friend: movement
[05:26] Brizzzer: Even if you ran a 4 min mile you still would just make it.
[05:26] Canadian Friend: casually walking, speed walking, runing
[05:26] Brizzzer: How far is it in your system?
[05:27] Canadian Friend: I will find out
[05:27] Canadian Friend: I took a guesstamate
[05:27] Canadian Friend: On knowing other distances
[05:27] Brizzzer: ...
[05:27] Canadian Friend:
[05:27] Canadian Friend: The canadian way
[05:27] Brizzzer: HAHAHAHA

I was telling a story in IRC, and it turns out interesting.

IRC wrote:

<PspRpg-7> Here goes:
* Kmal hates commands on IRC and thinks you guys are very (vindictive?)
<tF-Marconius> Oaky like a fine wine?
* maef is bored alreday
<PspRpg-7> It was my first day in PE of the school year.
<Kmal> okay
<maef> already*
* Kmal is too
<SysTray> And you had an erection?
<tF-Marconius> lol
<PspRpg-7> and I don't have any good gym shorts, just dress shorts.
<SysTray> You FIRST erection?
<tF-Marconius> yeah, he had an erection
* Kmal says omg
<PspRpg-7> So, I was stretching.
<SysTray> Erection
<maef> he peed himself
* Kmal calls gay story
<tF-Marconius> inverted erection?
<SysTray> Farted?
<maef> incontinent fucker
<PspRpg-7> and a large hole ripped in the crotch in my shorts.
<PspRpg-7> And didn't know.
<SysTray> Revealing an erection
<Kmal> who didnt?
<PspRpg-7> So I was sitting Geometry.
<Kmal> ur partner?
<PspRpg-7> And I was stretching.
<tF-Marconius> with your erection
<SysTray> Square root of an erection?
<PspRpg-7> And I felt a little *FWIP*
<PspRpg-7> And it was out.
<maef> why do you stretch in geometry?
<SysTray> Out came the erection
<Kmal> no joke
<chuyskywalker> wow
<PspRpg-7> It was SOOOO bad.
<PspRpg-7> No one saw.
<chuyskywalker> way to gay up an already gay story guys
<Kmal> in geometry
<PspRpg-7> I was so happy.
<maef> so is the story
<Kmal> ?
<PspRpg-7> wow
<maef> bad i mean
<maef> not happy
<Kmal> in geometry?
<PspRpg-7> I just read those things you tried to add to my story.
<Kmal> u were stretching?
<tF-Marconius> a calculated erection
<SysTray> Psp loves pulling out his erections in math
<PspRpg-7> And you guys SUCK ANUS
<PspRpg-7> Yeah
<chuyskywalker> lol
<Kmal> in match
<Kmal> rooooooooooofie
<PspRpg-7> All the nerdy bitches love it
<chuyskywalker> i want a voice recording of this chat
<Kmal> i mean rofl
<SysTray> rofl
* Hurricane has quit IRC (Quit: Sweatshops: Another day, another dollar.)
<tF-Marconius> that can be arranged
<Archer> Get milk
<Archer> milk
<Archer> cereall
<Kmal> got?
<Archer> GET
<SysTray> <tF-Marconius> that can be arranged
* chuyskywalker goes down stairs
<PspRpg-7> LOL!
<Kmal> cold creal mascots.......... but old
<tF-Marconius> someone copy and paste this to the IRC thread
<SysTray> I would pay for a copy
"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !
I Like my face though...
+67|6827|Tulln, Austria
What a gay story.

Aardcore wrote:

#125283 +(8296)- [X]

<Jeedo> hey baby, whats up?
<Indidge> umm....nothing?
<Jeedo> So....want me to like come over today so we can fuck?
<Indidge> Wait....did you want to speak to my daughter?
<Jeedo> Yes  Mrs.Miller.. :-/

like why not do them both, doesn't matter, if mum is old and tired u still get to say i did mum and daughter

Last edited by [R3n]izzy (2006-09-01 20:28:50)

Raving Rabbit
+26|6833|The Hague, Netherlands
WiLdSeXyPrInCeSs> i luv guyz where would they be wifout us gals???
<XeNoX> Still in the Garden Of Eden you gullible bitch.
This one is awsome ^^
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
217453 +(5299)- [X]

<@Chin^> My sister caught me jacking off the other week and calls me a pervert
<@Chin^> just the other day i walked into my room and caught my sister masturbating
<@Chin^> So she calls me a pervert again?!?
<@Chin^> there is no justice in the world...

This one is one of my fav's.. Lost it..
+788|6799|Brisbane, Australia

<Sarrk> Hello my brethern of different race
<Tetrino> argfh! to the arson equipment room!
<Kanil> yay! Arson!
<Jestar12345> hey saark
<Sarrk> Yo
<Jestar12345> playing t3h CSS
<Sarrk> No
<Tetrino> hi ssark
<Sarrk> Playing the Microsoft word
<Sarrk> Hi people who cant read or type my name
<Kanil> We're just blind.
* Tetrino dances around as flames ingulf combustible material around him.
<Sarrk> Yeah, hours of IRC do that to you
<Kanil> Either that or we don't care. People call me "Kamil". It pisses me off. So I sympathize. Somewhat.
<Tetrino> kamil?
<Tetrino> that sounds like a malay name
<Sarrk> I try and spell as best I can
<Tetrino> people just call me tet
<Kanil> Heh...
<Jestar12345> they call me Jestar
<Jestar12345> cause saarks gay
<Tetrino> jester
<Sarrk> They call me Sarrk or Sark or Saark, or Ssark, or sometimes Skart
<Kanil> Skart, eh?
<Sarrk> Ive only seen it once
<Sarrk> And that was on runescape
<Sarrk> Figures
<Tetrino> skart?
<Kanil> Oh, yeah... that makes sense now.
<-- Wheelman56 has quit (Quit: ( :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: ))
<Tetrino> how does that come up on the keyboard?
<Kanil> They lose their K and it slips around.
<Kanil> probably had lube on their fingers while trying to type.
<Jestar12345> anil?
<Jestar12345> eww
<Tetrino> then where does the T come from?
<Kanil> I don't know. But the K slips around.
--> Wheelman56 ([email protected]) has joined #bf2s
<Tetrino> jestar, you need a new jeyboard
<Tetrino> keyboard
<Sarrk> lawl
<Jestar12345> no, this ones a G15
<Jestar12345> it rox
<Sarrk> get a job
<Jestar12345> get a dick
<Sarrk> get a sense of humor
<Kanil> Perhaps they were trying to call him "Skarr" and their slippery fingers slid off the R and onto the T?
<Jestar12345> perhas
<Sarrk> Whatever it is, I dont want to know
<Jestar12345> WTF is with me and spelling tonight!
<Tetrino> get laid
<Kanil> It probably has something to do with lube, though.
<Tetrino> lol
<Sarrk> Indeed
<Jestar12345> i fail at spelling
<Sarrk> Runescape is most orgasmic
<Tetrino> why the fudge would runescape players have lube on their fingers
<Sarrk> Rectal Pentration
<Kanil> ... I don't know. Quiet or you'll ruin my theories.
<Tetrino> wouldnt rectal penetration distract them from runescape?
<Sarrk> Theories of Runescape players evolving into wow pentration?
<Sarrk> WTf
<Tetrino> i'm the theory ruiner!
<Sarrk> I typed pentration instead of players
<Sarrk> lolz
<Tetrino> muhaha
<Kanil> Runespace? Evolution? WoW?
<Tetrino> hahahaha
<Jestar12345> : /
<Sarrk> I am fucking laughing so hard
<Sarrk> lol wow pentration
<Tetrino> no evolution, WoW players are a completely different species
<Sarrk> What did they evolve from?
<Kanil> But they get penetrated.
<Tetrino> from runescape players
<Tetrino> they evolved from D&D nerds
<Sarrk> Ahh
<Sarrk> So where did RS players come from?
<Kanil> Wouldn't that be de-evolved?
<Tetrino> warhammer nerds evolved to dawn of war players
<Tetrino> RS...
<Jestar12345> this is the wackest convo ever
<Tetrino> no idea
<Sarrk> Is there a missing link between CS noobs and RS players?
<Tetrino> i think they evolve from MUD playing nerds
<Kanil> Fuck Darwin man, if that shit was correct we wouldn't have WoW.
<Tetrino> no, CS noobs evolve into BF2 noobs
<Sarrk> Thats a good thing
<Sarrk> Fuck, really
<Sarrk> I am so backwards then
<Sarrk> I evolved from BF2 to CS
<Jestar12345> CS is good
<Kanil> Tetrino's correct. I was a CS noob, and now i'm a BF2 noob.
<Tetrino> you de-evolved!
<Jestar12345> im just so over bf2
<Tetrino> i'm always correct.
<Jestar12345> crashing
<Jestar12345> its just so repetitive
<Sarrk> My evolution is fucked up
<Sarrk> I went - Doom 1 - Doom 2 - Quake 3 - 1942 - RPG Period - BF2 - CS - 2142
<Tetrino> lol
<Kanil> I just got BF2 to work for the first time in 8 months, so I'm quite loving the game. Bwahaha.
<Sarrk> 8 months
<Sarrk> thats bullshit
<Jestar12345> lol
<Tetrino> sarrk, you are a freak of evolutionary nature
<Sarrk> K.
I reject your reality, and substitute my own!
+56|6821|Umm... Home?
<Mohjo> your puny sacks cannot hold me
<Mohjo> ... that made me sound like an overly large testicle

<Diplomatic> Christina -> We wanna see your bewbies
<Christina> bewbies?  What are you? 3?

n e r d b 5: what in the hell
n e r d b 5: im not a registered staples user
n e r d b 5: what do i do?
e l i t e  m r p: register
Moderator Emeritus
+76|6916|London UK

02(+NSkeepitG) I tried to make your mum in notepad, but windows had to open wordpad as the file was too large

<NSkeepitG> tbh, if I dont wake up with a hangover tommorow I want my money back

-20:32:28- (+Sgt) ah
-20:33:52- (@NSkeepitG) now im listening to david Gilmore - On an Island
-20:34:22- (@NSkeepitG) its like Pink Floyd
-20:34:49- (TOmekki-) im listening to <insert band> its like pink floyd
-20:34:56- (@NSkeepitG) well
-20:35:00- (@NSkeepitG) TOmekki-
-20:35:06- (TOmekki-) dont hurt me
-20:35:15- (@NSkeepitG) Considering Dave Gilmore was in Pink Floyd
-20:35:18- (TOmekki-)
-20:35:20- (@NSkeepitG) I think youve just been owned
-20:35:22- (@NSkeepitG)

<NSkeepitG> ok go for it
<CupOfSquirrels> A guy is at a disabled swimming league
<CupOfSquirrels> He sees a bookie and decides to place a bet
<CupOfSquirrels> The first match is a normal guy verses someone without any arms
<CupOfSquirrels> So he places a bet on the undisabled swimmer
<CupOfSquirrels> The race starts and the man without any arms speeds aheads and wins
<CupOfSquirrels> The second race is another normal guy and a man without any legs
<CupOfSquirrels> So again, thinking his luck would change, places the bet on the undisabled guy again
<CupOfSquirrels> The man without any legs wins by miles
<CupOfSquirrels> The next swim was a normal bloke and a man without arms or legs
<CupOfSquirrels> So the guy is thinking, if the disabled swimmers are doing so well, I better place a bet on the disabled man, so he does
<CupOfSquirrels> The race starts and the man without arms or legs races into the lead. About half way through, he suddenly stops. He is taken out, and he loses. The man asks "What happened? You were doing so well!". The man without arms or legs replies "Sorry mate, I got ear cramp half way through"
<CupOfSquirrels> ._.
<CoolCookieCooks> uh
<NSkeepitG> hahahaha
* dG` watches tumbleweed
<dG`> D:
<NSkeepitG> not too bad
<CoolCookieCooks> how can a guy without arms or legs physically swim faster than a normal guy?
<CoolCookieCooks> actually
<CoolCookieCooks> how can he even swim
<dG`> goddam CoolCookieCooks
<CoolCookieCooks> oh
<CupOfSquirrels> :
We shall beat to quarters!

ANy one had the Exit trick tried on them:

*Noobie Joins #SCGI
<Admin> "there were two people Named /Exit & /Quit if /Exit jumped off a bridge who was left?
*Noobie Left #SCGI

Somthing along those lines...

Last edited by R3v4n (2006-09-24 23:19:57)

~ Do you not know that in the service … one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?
Ye Ol'e Pirate Pub<3
+5|6574|#bf2s (Just next to maef)
Alot of funny quotes on bash

Some is even from Bf2s IRC server

haha ^^

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