Good points but there could be a brother and sister that are great people. They do great things for the community and are just outstanding citizens. The only thing... they are also lovers. They want to get married. They are people too and deserve a fair shake. They pay taxes also.TrollmeaT wrote:
Gays should be able to marry & get the same benefits as everyone else, your sexual preference should not determine whether or not you get to use the system put into place for everyone.
They should absolutely be able to adopt with all the same rules as everyone else, why should a child have to do without when 2 caring & nurturing people are there to raise it , there are allot of orphans.
I don't have much experience with gay males, but my roommates are 2 females partnered together and they are the sweetest, most considerate, wonderful people I know.
Does it hurt us in anyway for them to be married? NO
Does it turn children gay if brought up by gay parents? This is an individual feeling, only they will know & so what if they do?
I was homophobic when I was younger, but with time & experience I learned that they aren't to be feared, I know I'm not gay & thats good enough for me, allot of people are insecure or hateful towards it because they have natural tendencies for it whether they know it or not. It's like the kid hitting the girl he likes in school, destroying the poor girls self-esteem & never winning the girl ,just driving his goal further away.
They are people too & deserve a fair shake like everyone else and should be judged as an individual.
As far as the money they are taking for benefits , they pay taxes as well.
I'm not trying to be a jerk but it seems supporters of gay marriage have an equally weak argument. It is largely based on your feelings. Nothing wrong with that as most debates are argued on feelings and fact.
This is all very interesting though.