I just got banned from a comics forum for stating that Hulk is only a mid-range character in terms of strength.
For god's sake, I can name 21798798421 off my head that will tear Hulk in half:
Galactus - He fucking eats planets, GG
Silver Surfer - He can make stars and destroy them, GG
Shuma Gorath - He can edit matter, GG
Mephisto - God of Hell, GG
Eternity/Death - Um, they control the balance of life and death in the Marvel Universe, GG
The Living Tribunal - He created the damn universe, GG
And Thor/Thanos/Loki/Cytorrak/Odin/The Celestials/Any character outside of Earth.
I also hate it too when people say Apocalypse is the strongest Marvel character, um, if he's so strong, why'd he die from Magneto?
These young people are getting brainwashed into thinking Wolverine, Hulk, Spider-Man are the shit when they can easily get totaled by 136497987695634789906 other characters in the Marvel Universe.
In fact, Hulk probably ranks in the bottom 10% of strongest marvel characters. Even Wolverine killed him before as well as Spider-Man.
Sigh, damn the movie producers for injecting false knowledge into these young minds.
For god's sake, I can name 21798798421 off my head that will tear Hulk in half:
Galactus - He fucking eats planets, GG
Silver Surfer - He can make stars and destroy them, GG
Shuma Gorath - He can edit matter, GG
Mephisto - God of Hell, GG
Eternity/Death - Um, they control the balance of life and death in the Marvel Universe, GG
The Living Tribunal - He created the damn universe, GG
And Thor/Thanos/Loki/Cytorrak/Odin/The Celestials/Any character outside of Earth.
I also hate it too when people say Apocalypse is the strongest Marvel character, um, if he's so strong, why'd he die from Magneto?
These young people are getting brainwashed into thinking Wolverine, Hulk, Spider-Man are the shit when they can easily get totaled by 136497987695634789906 other characters in the Marvel Universe.
In fact, Hulk probably ranks in the bottom 10% of strongest marvel characters. Even Wolverine killed him before as well as Spider-Man.
Sigh, damn the movie producers for injecting false knowledge into these young minds.
Alpha as fuck.