That's how I roll, BITCH!

I think I have already rated urs, I like the idea lol (8-8.5)/10
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
lol what are you, 12?
9/10 for crash bandicoot
+194|6420|West NY
superior mind- where is the pistol...and how come everyone is talking about things that aren't in the sigs???

edit: but the hell nah thing gives it +5 so on base i'd say the t-rex fits good in but the background has a bit too much negative space..maybe more destruction like cars flying through the air..and of course make it a bit wider..otherwise 8/10

Last edited by Noobpatty (2007-02-01 17:22:39)

a gaurdian of life
+112|6525|behind my rifle
no sig, but for superior mind, love it, so random 10/10
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

11sog_raider wrote:

no sig, but for superior mind, love it, so random 10/10
thanks, u get a 10/10 too because I love the yo mofos from Kashyyyk. (I hope you get the wookiee joke.)

Noobpatty wrote:

superior mind- where is the pistol...and how come everyone is talking about things that aren't in the sigs???

edit: but the hell nah thing gives it +5 so on base i'd say the t-rex fits good in but the background has a bit too much negative space..maybe more destruction like cars flying through the air..and of course make it a bit wider..otherwise 8/10
I guess you don't really get the sigs humor.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2007-02-01 19:06:47)

Find your center.

I think I have to admit I have a disease, its called statourswhorus. This thread is making it worse! I feel I should come up with a new sig because the Shotgun Sig isn't gettin anything above a 8/10...I have a knack for mediocrity I guess...Well here is a new one!

Edit: Supermind u got rated, but I'll give ya a 7/10.


Last edited by Im_Dooomed (2007-02-01 19:15:14)

Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
a gaurdian of life
+112|6525|behind my rifle
lol ill give ouy a 10/10 because i lughed when i saw it
+581|6455|New York
clean and different 9/10.
Remember Me As A Time Of Day
That's how I roll, BITCH!

heggs wrote:

clean and different 9/10.
grrrrr. Average 5/10!
There is.
+1,380|6757|Devon, England
Crash doesn't blend in so well... Maybe a pixel stretch background set on blend mode "Colour" and a bit of render blurring would fix it.

Oh yeh, my Karter owns yours:


Find your center.

I like the red one, 10/10 Super Mario Enemy with a go kart? New Game? Anyway its cool. I just made this one
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
Claymore magnet
why are they all black? lol, 4/10
BF2sEU old school admin - I don't care who you are


well 4/10 for the joke
total: 0.5/10 (just a text block)
That's how I roll, BITCH!

Mike<Eagle23> wrote:


well 4/10 for the joke
total: 0.5/10 (just a text block)
Average 6/10!
Boat sig is not there anymore
Ooooooo purdy colours......
Got loooollllll ?
+853|6705|Montreal, Qc, Canada
you have a rly simple sig... but its not bad i give a 6/10

Last edited by Andoura (2007-02-03 20:33:56)

+374|6433|Columbus, Ohio

Andoura wrote:

you have a rly simple sig... but its not bad i give a 6/10
Fine pieces of ass.  9/10
We shall beat to quarters!

Good quote, just wish it would happen.


That cacti, is it from FF7?
~ Do you not know that in the service … one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?
+617|6472|NSW, Australia

at r3v4n, no just no

but for realses 6/7
We shall beat to quarters!

<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:

at r3v4n, no just no

but for realses 6/7
Can some one with actual ability rate my sig.

Gen is messed up in the head.
~ Do you not know that in the service … one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?
There is.
+1,380|6757|Devon, England
R3v4n, It's well made. The text ruins it big time though...


And inmine it's a Cactuar, who is in almost every Final Fantasy game.
We shall beat to quarters!

Yea i knew it looked familiar.  Reminds me of the time spent in the desert area...
~ Do you not know that in the service … one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?
Stormin' through the party

R3v4n wrote:

Yea i knew it looked familiar.  Reminds me of the time spent in the desert area...


P.S. (For the Rater of my sig)  I know it's stretched and terrible...just go with it.
Would look better if it was smaller so it wouldn't look so pixelated and maybe use same font for the "your life" text

Only 5,1/10 this time

Last edited by tupla_s (2007-02-04 13:55:15)

BF2s Nublet
+71|6505|somewhere other then here
i give tuplas 10/10 something different

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