Naughty_Om wrote:
lets let it come out and then see how we like it, personnally i love the idea, it makes it so people cant just hop squads to spawn in strategic locations.
BUT.... thats the entire POINT of changing your squad. It HELPS your team to capture a strategic location. Its all strategy, and changing a game mechanic that was NOT broken after the game has been out for a YEAR severely damages the established gameplay of BF2. This is NOT what needs to happen to BF2, what needs to happen is BUGFIXES that ruin the game. Like I've maintained, I HAVE NOT heard a single complaint about squad hoppers UNTIL this patch note came around. Since then, many people (henceforth called "noobs") have come forth saying its a good change that prevents a "gay tactic". Now, tell me, define a "gay tactic" its the tactic that offends or beats a lesser player (noob). Anyone remember the article about street fighter players having to adapt to using "gay moves" to win tournaments while all the little smurfs got beat and whined about it. The point of a game is to play to WIN, there is no such thing as a "gay" move unless it involves altercating the game files in some manner, in which case that is downright CHEATING. Squad hopping has not been cheating, has never been regarded as cheating. In fact, it has been a game MECHANIC (read: staple of gameplay) for many players (read: not just "pros" but players who like to play with friends). Changing such staples of gameplay is not necessary, nor is it helpful for keeping players (other than the noobs) around playing the game (and/or referring it to friends). It seems to me that DICE/EA wants to kill BF2 to prepare the road for 2142 (which looks like a turd to me, OMGz MECHZ LOLZ!).