Yo,I got this working the first time,great explanations,princess...
I inserted the M82 into my custom karkand map and tweaked your tweak file a bit,I gave the rifle more damage(now it like the M95 and the barrels blow up with the first shot) and inserted a line so that you keep the scopeview if you keep the button pressed(it's somewhere in the M95.tweak).
But I wasn't able to give it another scope,I copied the zoom levels and the zoom from the M95.tweak over to the M82 but it didn't work,it doesn't crash but it hasn't changed either...
I'll think I'll try some other stuff tonight,just step by step modifying Karkand,next thing after new colored water will be the little bird on Karkand...but that'S a lot of spawnpoint editing if I wanna keep the tankspawns...